Often the worddoctrine specifically suggests a body ofreligious principles aspromulgated by a church.Doctrine may also refer to a principle of law, in thecommon-law traditions, established through a history of past decisions.
According to sociologistMervin Verbit, doctrine may be understood as one of the key components ofreligiosity. He divides doctrine into four categories: content, frequency (degree to which it may occupy the person's mind), intensity and centrality. Each of these may vary from one religion to the next, within that religious tradition.[8][9][10]
In this sense, doctrine is similar toCharles Glock's "belief" dimension of religiosity.[11][12]
The term also applies to the concept of an established procedure to execute an operation inwarfare. The typical example istactical doctrine in which a standard set of maneuvers, kinds of troops and weapons are employed as a default approach to a kind of attack.
TheCold War saw the enunciation of several strategic doctrines designed to contain Soviet expansion.
Carter Doctrine was announced in 1980 by American PresidentJimmy Carter after the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. It declared that any Soviet aggression towards the Persian Gulf would be considered a danger to the essential interests of the United States. This led to the creation of significant American military installations in the area and the formation of theRapid Deployment Force. The proclamation reinforced the previousTruman Doctrine andEisenhower Doctrine and to some extent it rejected theNixon Doctrine. See alsoReagan Doctrine.[13]
In modernpeacekeeping operations, which involve both civilian and military operations, more comprehensive (not just military) doctrines are now emerging such as the 2008United Nations peacekeeping operations' "Capstone Doctrine"[14] which speaks to integrated civilian and military operations.
By definition, political doctrine is "[a] policy, position or principle advocated, taught or put into effect concerning the acquisition and exercise of the power to govern or administrate in society."[15] The term political doctrine is sometimes wrongly identified with political ideology. However, doctrine lacksthe actional aspect of ideology. It is mainly a theoretical discourse, which "refers to a coherent sum of assertions regarding what a particular topic should be" (Bernard Crick). Political doctrine is based on a rationally elaborated set of values, which may precede the formation of a political identityper se. It is concerned with philosophical orientations on ameta-theoretical level.[16]
Alegal doctrine is a body of interrelated rules (usually ofcommon law and built over a long period of time) associated with a legal concept or principle. For example, the doctrine offrustration of purpose now has many tests and rules applicable with regards to each other and can be contained within a "bubble" offrustration. In a court session a defendant may refer to the doctrine of justification.[citation needed]
It can be seen that a branch of law contains various doctrines, which in turn contain variousrules ortests. The test ofnon-occurrence of crucial event is part of the doctrine offrustration which is part ofcontract law. Doctrines can grow into a branch oflaw;restitution is now considered a branch oflaw separate tocontract andtort.[citation needed]
The title of Doctor in fact means "one with the authority to establish doctrine in his or her respective field of study"; adoctorate is a terminal academic degree that legally confers said authority within its respective field. For more information, seeDoctor (title).
^Verbit, M. F. (1970). The components and dimensions of religious behavior: Toward a reconceptualization of religiosity. American mosaic, 24, 39.
^Küçükcan, T. (2010). Multidimensional Approach to Religion: a way of looking at religious phenomena. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 4(10), 60–70.
^Glock, Charles Y. (1972-06-01). "On the Study of Religious Commitment". In Faulkner, Joseph E. (ed.).Religion's Influence in Contemporary Society: Readings in the Sociology of Religion. Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. p. 39 (of 38–56).ISBN978-0675091053.