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Derived stem

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Morphological feature of verbs in Semitic languages

Derived stems (also calledD stems) are amorphological feature ofverbs common to theSemitic languages. These derived verb stems are sometimes calledaugmentations orforms of the verb, or are identified by theirHebrew namebinyan (literally meaning "construction"), and sometimes correspond with additional semantic meaning such as passive or causative action.

Semitic languages make extensive use ofnonconcatenative morphology, and most words share a set of two, three or four consonants[1] which comprise aroot[2] wherein each root may be the basis for a number of conceptually related words. Traditionally, words are thought of as being derived from these root consonants, but a view increasingly held by contemporary linguists sees stem words being the source of derivations rather than consonantal roots.[2] Regardless, each language features a number of set patterns for deriving verb stems from a given root or underived stem. Stems sharing the same root consonants represent separate verbs, albeit often semantically related, and each is the basis for its ownconjugational paradigm. As a result, these derived stems are considered part of the system ofmorphological derivation, and notconjugation orinflection.

Typically, one stem is associated with the ordinary simpleactive verbs while others may be canonically associated with other grammatical functions such as thepassive, thecausative, theintensive, thereflexive, etc., or combinations thereof. These functions should not be taken as universal or absolute, but are better understood as relational, depending on the particular source of the derived stem.[3] These grammatical functions are also not present in all Semitic languages. SomeNeo-Aramaic languages, for example, have only two stems, one for monosyllabic verbs and the other for disyllabic verbs, with hardly any cases of related verbs in each stem.[3][4]

Synchronic examples


For example, inArabic andHebrew, words containing the root √k-t-b have a meaning related towriting (in Hebrew, aphonological process known asbegadkefat, alters the quality of certain consonants when they follow a vowel, sob becomesv andk becomes (avoiceless velar fricative likeGerman Bach); the symbol ː indicates the preceding consonant is doubled orgeminate). Thus:

  • In the basic stem, "he wrote" in Arabic is "kataba", and in Hebrew is "katav".
  • In a causative stem, "he dictated" in Arabic is "ʔaktaba" and in Hebrew is "hiḵtīv".
  • In the passive stem, "it was written" in Arabic is "inkataba" and in Hebrew is "niḵtav".
  • In a reflexive stem, "he corresponded" in Arabic is "kātaba" and in Hebrew is "hitkatːēv".

The following two tables show the full paradigm of templates for the nine most common Arabic stems and the seven most common Hebrew stems, and illustrate some of the different meanings and functions that stems can have.

The first column gives the traditional stem abbreviation used byComparative Semiticists and the second column gives typical stem names used in Arabic and Hebrew grammars; the Arabic system usesRoman numerals, and the Hebrew uses binyanim forms with the root letters √p-ʕ-l (withp sometimes becomingf bybegadkefat). The next columns give the canonical functions of each stem, and their templates (the threeCs stand in for the threeConsonants of the root, andV stands for someVowel). Finally, the meaning and form of the stems with the √k-t-b root is given in the3rd personmasculinesingularperfect, which lacksinflectionalaffixes.[3]

Standard Arabic[3][5]
StemForm[note 1]Grammatical FunctionTemplateMeaning√k-t-b ك-ت-ب
GIbaseCaCVCahe wroteKaTaBa كتب
GtVIIIreflexive of GiCtaCaCahe copiediKtaTaBa => iKtaBa اكتتب => اكتب
DIImultiplicative, transitivizingCaCːaCahe made to writeKaTtaBa كتتب
tDVreflexive of DtaCaCːaCa--
LIIIconative, associativeCāCaCahe correspondedKāTaBa كاتب
tLVIreflexive of LtaCāCaCahe exchanged letterstaKāTaBa تكاتب
C orŠIVcausativeʔaCCaCahe dictatedʔaKTaBa أكتب
ŠtXreflexive of ŠistaCCaCahe asked to writeistaKTaBa استكتب
NVIIpassive, reflexive of GinCaCaCahe subscribedinKaTaBa انكتب
StemBinyanGrammatical FunctionTemplateMeaning√k-t-b כ-ת-ב
Gqal קל or paʕal פעלbaseCaCVChe wroteKaTaV כתב
Dpiʕel פיעלtransitivizing, intensiveCiCːēChe addressed/inscribed[9][10]KiTːēV כיתב
Dupuʕal פועלpassive of DCuCːaChe was addressed/inscribedKuTːaV כותב
tDhitpaʕel התפעלreflexive of DhitCaCːēChe correspondedhitKaTːēV התכתב
C orŠhifʕil הפעילcausativehiCCīChe dictatedhiḴTīV הכתיב
Cu orŠuhufʕal הופעלpassive of ŠhuCCaCit was dictatedhuḴTaV הוכתב
Nnifʕal נפעלpassive/reflexive of GniCCaCit was writtenniḴTaV נכתב

The tD Stem for Arabic is not given for the √k-t-b root because it does not occur, illustrating that not each root has an actual form for each stem; in fact, √k-t-b has a more complete stem paradigm than many other roots.

In each Semitic language, the number of derived stems is different. In Hebrew, both biblical and modern, there areseven common ones,[11] and in Arabic there arenine common forms and at least six rare ones;[12]Akkadian hasthirteen common patterns,Ugaritic hasten,Syriac haseight common ones,Modern Aramaic languages range from two-four,[4][3] and so on.

Comparative morphology


There are different ways of naming stems, most systems classify stems by their morphological patterns but others simply number them. In Arabic, a system using Roman numerals is frequently used, as well as a more traditional system where the forms with the root letters √f-ʕ-l (roughly meaning "to do") are used as names of each stem. Hebrew also uses this latter system, although thecognate root used is √p-ʕ-l (withp sometimes surfacing asf bybegadkefat). In Akkadian, forms with the √p-r-s root "to decide" are most often used. The convention using Latin letter abbreviations (such as G, Dt and Š) is a morphological shorthand used most often bycomparativeSemiticists, and emphasizes the relationships between stems within and between languages.

  • G-Stem is the base stem, from the GermanGrund ("ground")
  • D-Stem typically has aDoubled second root letter
  • L-Stem typicallyLengthens the first vowel
  • N-Stem has a prefix withN
  • C- orŠ-Stem often has aCausative meaning and has a prefix withŠ (ʃ pronounced like Englishsh),S,H, orʔ (theglottal stop).
  • t Stems (such astG,tD, andŠt) have an affix witht.

The following table compares some of the important stems of six different Semitic languages:Akkadian,Biblical Hebrew,Syriac,Standard Arabic,Geʿez, andShehri (aka Jibbali), representing different Semitic subfamilies. By examining these and a few other forms, and using thecomparative method andinternal reconstruction, the Grammatical Function and Template for theProto-Semitic derived stems have beenreconstructed.[7] Theasterisk (*) in the Proto-Semitic Template column indicates that these forms are hypothetical and reconstructed.

Basics of Semitic Verbal Derivation[7]
StemProto-Semitic Function




East SemiticNorthwest SemiticArabicSouth Semitic
AkkadianBibl. HebrewSyriacStd. ArabicGeʿezShehri[13]
tGreflexive/mediopassive of G*tCVCVCaiCtaCːiC-ʔitCCiCiCtaCaCataCaCCaəCteˈCeC
Dmultiplicative/transitivizing of G*CaCːaCauCaCːaCCiCːēCCaCːiCCaCːaCaCaCːaCa-
tDreflexive of D*tCaCːVCauCtaCːaChitCaCːēCʔitCaCːaCtaCaCːaCa--
tLreflexive/mediopassive of L----taCāCaCa--
Štreflexive/mediopassive of Š*štaCCVCauštaCCaC-ʔitːaCCaCistaCCaCaʔastaCCaCaŝəCˈCeC
ŠtGcausative of tG*šatCVCVCauštaCaCːaC----ŝəˈCeCəC
Nreciprocal/passive of G*nCaCVCainCaCːiCniCCaC-inCaCaCa--

Because the L Stem is only attested in the geographically and genetically proximate Arabic andSouth Semitic languages, it is thought to be a later innovation, not present in Proto-Semitic. By contrast, since separate but morphologically similarŠt andŠtG Stems are attested in the relatively distantly related Akkadian and Shehri, these are posited to have been different stems in Proto-Semitic, but to have merged in most later Semitic languages.[7]


  1. ^Karin Ryding describes the Latin numeral numbering system for Arabic stems as "a widespread convention in the United States and Europe".[6]


  1. ^McCarthy, John J. (1981-01-01). "A Prosodic Theory of Nonconcatenative Morphology".Linguistic Inquiry.12 (3):373–418.JSTOR 4178229.
  2. ^abAndrew Kingsbury Simpson (2009)."The Origin and Development of Nonconcatenative Morphology"(PDF). Retrieved2 January 2014.
  3. ^abcdeBat-El, Outi. "Semitic Templates." The Blackwell Companion to Phonology. van Oostendorp, Marc, Colin J. Ewen, Elizabeth Hume and Keren Rice (eds). Blackwell Publishing, 2011. Blackwell Reference Online.
  4. ^abHoberman, Robert D. (1992). "Formal properties of the conjugations in modern Aramaic".Yearbook of Morphology 1991. pp. 49–64.doi:10.1007/978-94-011-2516-1_5.ISBN 978-94-010-5110-1.
  5. ^Wehr, Hans (1979).A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic: (Arab.-Engl.). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag.ISBN 9783447020022.
  6. ^Ryding, Karin C. (2005).A reference grammar of modern standard Arabic. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 435.ISBN 978-0-521-77151-1.
  7. ^abcdR., Bennett, Patrick (1998).Comparative semitic linguistics : a manual. Eisenbrauns.ISBN 978-1575060217.OCLC 787653677.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^Ussishkin, Adam P. (2000).The Emergence of Fixed Prosody(PDF) (Ph.D.). UC Santa Cruz.
  9. ^"המונח במילוני האקדמיה | מונחי האקדמיה" Retrieved2019-09-20.
  10. ^"'כִּתֵּב' on Morfix Dictionary" Retrieved2017-04-13.
  11. ^Rubin, Aaron D. (2008-03-01). "The Paradigm Root in Hebrew".Journal of Semitic Studies.53 (1):29–41.doi:10.1093/jss/fgm043.ISSN 0022-4480.
  12. ^Wright, W. (1896).A grammar of the Arabic language: translated from the German of Caspari, and edited with numerous additions and corrections(PDF). Cambridge.
  13. ^M., Johnstone, Thomas (1991-01-01).Jibbali lexicon. Univ. Press.ISBN 978-0197136027.OCLC 612174986.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

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