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Dehiscence (botany)

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Splitting of a mature plant structure along built-in line of weakness to release contents
For other uses, seeDehiscence.
Dehiscence of thefollicular fruit of milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) revealing seeds within

Dehiscence is the splitting of a mature plant structure along a built-in line of weakness to release its contents. This is common amongfruits,anthers andsporangia. Sometimes this involves the complete detachment of a part. Structures that open in this way are said to bedehiscent. Structures that do not open in this way are calledindehiscent, and rely on other mechanisms such as decay, digestion by herbivores, or predation to release the contents.

A similar process to dehiscence occurs in some flower buds (e.g.,Platycodon,Fuchsia), but this is rarely referred to as dehiscence unlesscircumscissile dehiscence is involved;anthesis is the usual term for the opening of flowers. Dehiscence may or may not involve the loss of a structure through the process ofabscission. The lost structures are said to becaducous.

Association with crop breeding


Manipulation of dehiscence can improve crop yield since atrait that causes seed dispersal is a disadvantage for farmers, whose goal is to collect the seed. Many agronomically important plants have been bred for reducedshattering.



Explosive dehiscence


Explosive dehiscence is aballistic form ofdispersal that flings seeds or spores far from the parent plant. Thisrapid plant movement can achieve limited dispersal without the assistance of animals. A notable example is the sandbox tree (Hura crepitans), which can fling seeds 100 meters (300 ft) and has been called the "boomer plant" due to the loud sound it generates. Another example isImpatiens, whose explosive dehiscence is triggered by being touched, leading it to be called the "touch-me-not".Ecballium elaterium, the "squirting cucumber", uses explosive dehiscence to disperse its seeds, ejecting them from matured fruit in a stream of mucilaginous liquid. Explosive dehiscence of sporangia is a characteristic ofSphagnum.[1]

Septicidal and loculicidal dehiscence


In loculicidal dehiscence, the locule wall splits between the septa, leaving the latter intact, while in septicidal dehiscence the split is at the septum that separates the loculi. Septicidal and loculicidal dehiscence may not be completely distinct; in some cases both the septa and the walls of the locules split.

  • Septicidal dehiscence. The septa between the locules of Ledum palustre capsules split as the fruit opens, and the seeds are released.
    Septicidal dehiscence. The septa between the locules ofLedum palustre capsules split as the fruit opens, and the seeds are released.
  • Loculicidal dehiscence. The locules of Lagerstroemia capsules split as the fruit opens, and the septa remain intact.
    Loculicidal dehiscence. The locules ofLagerstroemia capsules split as the fruit opens, and the septa remain intact.
  • Loculicidal dehiscence in Peganum harmala
    Loculicidal dehiscence inPeganum harmala
  • A complex form of dehiscence. The calyx of Hibiscus trionum has opened apically to reveal the capsule (ovary) inside. The capsule has split vertically in the centre, as well as through the locule walls.
    A complex form of dehiscence. The calyx ofHibiscus trionum has opened apically to reveal the capsule (ovary) inside. The capsule has split vertically in the centre, as well as through the locule walls.



Dehiscence occurs through breakage of various parts of the enclosing structure; the mechanisms can be classified in various ways, but intermediate forms also occur.

  • Transverse dehiscence of a pair of anthers
    Transverse dehiscence of a pair of anthers
  • Longitudinal dehiscence of a pair of anthers
    Longitudinal dehiscence of a pair of anthers
  • Valvular dehiscence of a pair of anthers
    Valvular dehiscence of a pair of anthers
  • Poricidal dehiscence of a pair of anthers
    Poricidal dehiscence of a pair of anthers

Poricidal dehiscence


Dehiscence through a small hole (pore) is referred to as poricidal dehiscence. The pore may have a cover (operculate poricidal dehiscence oroperculate dehiscence) that is referred to as anoperculum or it may not (inoperculate poricidal dehiscence orinoperculate dehiscence).

Poricidal dehiscence occurs in many unrelated organisms, in fruit, causing the release of seeds, and also in thesporangia of many organisms (flowering plants, ferns, fungi,slime molds). Poricidalanthers of various flowers are associated withbuzz pollination by insects.

Circumscissile dehiscence


Circumscissile dehiscence involves a horizontal opening that causes a lid to separate completely. This type of dehiscence occurs in some fruit and anthers[2] and also in some flower buds.

Anther dehiscence

Main article:Stamen

Anther dehiscence is the final function of the anther that causes the release of pollen grains. This process is coordinated precisely with pollen differentiation, floral development, and flower opening.

The anther wall breaks at a specific site. Usually this site is observed as an indentation between thelocules of eachtheca and runs the length of the anther, but in species withporicidal anther dehiscence it is instead a small pore. If the pollen is released from the anther through a split on the outer side (relative to the center of the flower), this isextrorse dehiscence, and if the pollen is released from the inner side, this isintrorse dehiscence. If the pollen is released through a split that is positioned to the side, towards other anthers, rather than towards the inside or outside of the flower, this islatrorse dehiscence.

Thestomium is the region of the anther where dehiscence occurs. The degeneration of the stomium andseptum cells is part of a developmentally timed cell-death program. Expansion of the endothecial layer and subsequent drying are also required for dehiscence. The endothecium tissue is responsible for thetensions that lead to splitting of the anther. This tissue is usually one to several layers thick, with cells walls of uneven thickness due to unevenlignification. The cells lose water, and the uneven thickness causes the thinner walls of the cells to stretch to a greater extent. This creates a tension that eventually leads to the anther being split along its line of weakness and releasing pollen grains to the atmosphere.

  • Before/During images of anther dehiscence in the common Milk Pea
    Before/During images of anther dehiscence in the common Milk Pea
  • Poricidal anther dehiscence
    Poricidal anther dehiscence
  • Longitudinal latrorse anther dehiscence
    Longitudinal latrorse anther dehiscence

Flower buds


Flower buds ofEucalyptus and related genera open with circumscissile dehiscence. A small cap separates from the remainder of the bud along a circular horizontal zone.

Fruit dehiscence


There are many different types of fruit dehiscence involving different types of structures. Some fruits are indehiscent, and do not open to disperse the seeds.Xerochasy is dehiscence that occurs upon drying, andhygrochasy is dehiscence that occurs upon wetting, the fruit beinghygroscopic. Dehiscent fruits that are derived from onecarpel arefollicles orlegumes, and those derived from multiple carpels arecapsules orsiliques.[3]

One example of a dehiscent fruit is thesilique. This fruit develops from agynoecium composed of two fusedcarpels,[3] which, upon fertilization, grow to become a silique that contains the developingseeds. After seed maturation, dehiscence takes place, and valves detach from the centralseptum, thus freeing the seeds. This is also known asshattering and can be important as aseed dispersal mechanism. This process is similar to anther dehiscence and the region that breaks (dehiscence zone) runs the entire length of the fruit between thevalves (the outer walls of the ovary) and thereplum (the persisting septa of the ovary). At maturity, the dehiscence zone is effectively a non-lignified layer between two regions of lignified cells in the valve and the replum. Shattering occurs due to the combination of cell wall loosening in the dehiscence zone and the tensions established by the differential hygro-responsive properties of the drying cells.[4]

  • Poppy fruit showing poricidal dehiscence; the seeds exit through pores beneath the "crown"
    Poppy fruit showing poricidal dehiscence; the seeds exit through pores beneath the "crown"
  • Peanuts: an indehiscent subterranean legume fruit
    Peanuts: an indehiscent subterraneanlegume fruit
  • Thlaspi arvense, with fruit that are dehiscent siliques
    Thlaspi arvense, with fruit that are dehiscent siliques
  • Rhododendron capsules have septicidal dehiscence; the fruit splits through the septa between the carpels
    Rhododendron capsules have septicidal dehiscence; the fruit splits through the septa between the carpels
  • Iridaceae capsules have loculicidal dehiscence; the fruit splits through the ovary wall of each carpel, allowing the seeds to exit directly from the locule
    Iridaceae capsules have loculicidal dehiscence; the fruit splits through the ovary wall of each carpel, allowing the seeds to exit directly from thelocule
  • Anagallis fruits open with circumscissile dehiscence. A small cap separates from the remainder of the fruit along a circular horizontal zone.
    Anagallis fruits open with circumscissile dehiscence. A small cap separates from the remainder of the fruit along a circular horizontal zone.
  • Anagallis fruit, circumscissile dehiscence
    Anagallis fruit, circumscissile dehiscence
  • Spathoglottis plicata capsules, like in most orchids, split longitudinally along three to six slits while remaining closed at both ends
    Spathoglottis plicata capsules, like in mostorchids, split longitudinally along three to six slits while remaining closed at both ends

Sporangium dehiscence in bryophytes

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Endothecium tissue found inmoss capsules functions in a similar way in dehiscence to the endothecium in the walls of anthers (see above).

Sporangium dehiscence in ferns

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Manyleptosporangiate ferns have anannulus around the sporangium, which ejects the spores.Eusporangiate ferns do not generally have specialized dehiscence mechanisms.

  • Sporangium dehiscence through a horizontal slit in Botrychium, a eusporangiate fern.
    Sporangium dehiscence through a horizontal slit inBotrychium, a eusporangiate fern.

Sporangium dehiscence in fungi and myxomycetes

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  • Various sporangia of myxomycetes that dehisce in varied ways
    Various sporangia of myxomycetes that dehisce in varied ways

See also

  • Abscission—separation of structures that leads to their loss
  • Anthesis—the opening of flowers
  • Elaters—structures that form inside a sporangium and aid in spore dispersal of horsetails, liverworts, and hornworts
  • Loment—a type of fruit that breaks apart but is not dehiscent
  • Schizocarp—a type of fruit that breaks apart and may or may not be dehiscent.


  1. ^"Image Gallery - page 2"
  2. ^Hickey, M.; King, C. (2001).The Cambridge Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terms. Cambridge University Press.
  3. ^abEsau, K. 1977.Anatomy of seed plants. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  4. ^Huss, Jessica C.; Gierlinger, Notburga (June 2021)."Functional packaging of seeds".New Phytologist: International Journal of Plant Science.230 (6):2154–2163.doi:10.1111/nph.17299.PMC 8252473.PMID 33629369.



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