Degano is anEastern Alpine surname ofGermanic-Friulian origin.
Its place of maximum frequency is theprovince of Udine, in the Alpine region ofFriuli.
It is a derivate of the evolution of the classicOld High German word "degan".
The first documented use of "degano" as a substantive is observed in the epic poem "Hildebrandslied" oflangobardic origin, written inOld High German withOld Saxon elements and dates back to 800 AD.
It could also derive from a dialectal use of the latin title "decanus", or indicating the leader of a type ofSwiss-Alpine territorial division "degagna".
Degano (Dean inFriulian) is also a river having its source at 1039m a.s.l in theCarnic Alps in the comune ofForni Avoltri.
Degano can also refer toVal Degano, one of the 7 valleys of the Alpine historical-geographic region ofCarnia (Cjargne inFriulian).
Notable people with the surname include:
Paolo Diacono, Historia Langobardorum, FV, II, 4, 6, 7.
Toponomastica: denominazioni ufficiali in lingua friulanaArchived on 27 september 2013 in Internet Archive.