For any complex numberτ withIm(τ) > 0, letq =e2πiτ; then the eta function is defined by,
Raising the eta equation to the 24th power and multiplying by(2π)12 gives
whereΔ is themodular discriminant. The presence of24 can be understood by connection with other occurrences, such as in the 24-dimensionalLeech lattice.
The eta function isholomorphic on the upper half-plane but cannot be continued analytically beyond it.
Modulus of Euler phi on the unit disc, colored so that black = 0, red = 4The real part of the modular discriminant as a function ofq.
Because the eta function is easy to compute numerically from eitherpower series, it is often helpful in computation to express other functions in terms of it when possible, and products and quotients of eta functions, called eta quotients, can be used to express a great variety of modular forms.
The picture on this page shows the modulus of the Euler function: the additional factor ofq1/24 between this and eta makes almost no visual difference whatsoever. Thus, this picture can be taken as a picture of eta as a function ofq.
The theory of thealgebraic characters of theaffine Lie algebras gives rise to a large class of previously unknown identities for the eta function. These identities follow from theWeyl–Kac character formula, and more specifically from the so-called "denominator identities". The characters themselves allow the construction of generalizations of theJacobi theta function which transform under themodular group; this is what leads to the identities. An example of one such new identity[3] is
Eta quotients are defined by quotients of the form
whered is a non-negative integer andrd is any integer. Linear combinations of eta quotients at imaginary quadratic arguments may bealgebraic, while combinations of eta quotients may even beintegral. For example, define,
Eta quotients may also be a useful tool for describing bases ofmodular forms, which are notoriously difficult to compute and express directly. In 1993 Basil Gordon and Kim Hughes proved that if an eta quotientηg of the form given above, namely satisfies
This result was extended in 2019 such that the converse holds for cases whenN iscoprime to 6, and it remains open that the original theorem is sharp for all integersN.[5] This also extends to state that anymodular eta quotient for any leveln congruence subgroup must also be a modular form for the groupΓ(N). While these theorems characterizemodular eta quotients, the condition of holomorphicity must be checked separately using a theorem that emerged from the work of Gérard Ligozat[6] and Yves Martin:[7]
Ifηg is an eta quotient satisfying the above conditions for the integerN andc andd are coprime integers, then the order of vanishing at the cuspc/d relative toΓ0(N) is
These theorems provide an effective means of creating holomorphic modular eta quotients, however this may not be sufficient to construct a basis for avector space of modular forms andcusp forms. A useful theorem for limiting the number of modular eta quotients to consider states that a holomorphic weightk modular eta quotient onΓ0(N) must satisfy
whereordp(N) denotes the largest integerm such thatpm dividesN.[8]These results lead to several characterizations of spaces of modular forms that can be spanned by modular eta quotients.[8] Using thegraded ring structure on the ring of modular forms, we can compute bases of vector spaces of modular forms composed of-linear combinations of eta-quotients. For example, if we assumeN =pq is asemiprime then the following process can be used to compute an eta-quotient basis ofMk(Γ0(N)).[5]
Fix a semiprimeN =pq which is coprime to 6 (that is,p,q > 3). We know that any modular eta quotient may be found using the above theorems, therefore it is reasonable to algorithmically to compute them.
Compute the dimensionD ofMk(Γ0(N)). This tells us how many linearly-independent modular eta quotients we will need to compute to form a basis.
Reduce the number of eta quotients to consider. For semiprimes we can reduce the number of partitions using the bound on
and by noticing that the sum of the orders of vanishing at the cusps ofΓ0(N) must equal
Find all partitions ofS into 4-tuples (there are 4 cusps ofΓ0(N)), and among these consider only the partitions which satisfy Gordon and Hughes' conditions (we can convert orders of vanishing into exponents). Each of these partitions corresponds to a unique eta quotient.
Determine the minimum number of terms in theq-expansion of each eta quotient required to identify elements uniquely (this uses a result known asSturm's bound). Then use linear algebra to determine a maximal independent set among these eta quotients.
Assuming that we have not already foundD linearly independent eta quotients, find an appropriate vector spaceMk′(Γ0(N)) such thatk′ andMk′(Γ0(N)) is spanned by (weakly holomorphic) eta quotients,[8] andMk′−k(Γ0(N)) contains an eta quotientηg.
Take a modular formf with weightk that is not in the span of our computed eta quotients, and computefηg as a linear combination of eta-quotients inMk′(Γ0(N)) and then divide out byηg. The result will be an expression off as a linear combination of eta quotients as desired. Repeat this until a basis is formed.
A collection of over 6300 product identities for the Dedekind Eta Function in a canonical, standardized form is available at the Wayback machine[9] of Michael Somos' website.
^Bump, Daniel (1998),Automorphic Forms and Representations, Cambridge University Press,ISBN0-521-55098-X
^Fuchs, Jurgen (1992),Affine Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups, Cambridge University Press,ISBN0-521-48412-X
^Gordon, Basil; Hughes, Kim (1993). "Multiplicative properties ofη-products. II.".A Tribute to Emil Grosswald: Number Theory and Related Analysis. Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 143. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. p. 415–430.
^abcAllen, Michael; Anderson, Nicholas; Hamakiotes, Asimina; Oltsik, Ben; Swisher, Holly (2020). "Eta-quotients of prime or semiprime level and elliptic curves".Involve.13 (5):879–900.arXiv:1901.10511.doi:10.2140/involve.2020.13.879.S2CID119620241.
^Ligozat, G. (1974).Courbes modulaires de genre 1. Publications Mathématiques d'Orsay. Vol. 75. U.E.R. Mathématique, Université Paris XI, Orsay. p. 7411.