DMRT1 is a dose sensitive transcription factor protein that regulatesSertoli cells and germ cells. The DMRT1 gene is located at the end of the 9th chromosome. This gene is found in a cluster with two other members of the gene family, having in common azinc finger-like DNA-binding motif (DM domain). TheDM domain is an ancient, conserved component of the vertebrate sex-determining pathway that is also a key regulator of male development in flies and nematodes, and is found to be the key sex-determining factor in chickens.[8] The majority of DMRT1 protein is located in the testicular cord and Sertoli cells, with a small amount in the germ cells.
Defective testicular development and XY feminization occur when this gene ishemizygous.[5]Two copies of the DMRT1 gene are required for normal sexual development. When a DMRT1 gene is lost, the most common disease ischromosome 9p deletion, which causes abnormal testicular formation and feminization. The DMRT1 gene is critical for male sex determination; without this gene the female characteristic takes over and the male characteristic is slight or non-existent.
When DMRT1 is knocked out in mice, the mice showed changes in both Sertoli and germ cells soon after forming the gonadal ridge. The main defects associated with DMRT1 knockout were developmental arrest, excess proliferation of germ cells, and failure to undergo meiosis, mitosis, or migration. Thus, the knockout model shows that loss of the DMRT1 gene is associated with incomplete germ cell development leading to infertility, abnormal testicular formation, and/or feminization of the affected individual.[citation needed] Induced knockout of DMRT1 in adult male mice has been found to cause transdifferentiation of somatic cells in the testis to the equivalent cell types that would ordinarily be found in the ovary.[9] Conversely, conditional expression of DMRT1 in the gonad of female mice caused the apparent transdifferentiation of ovarian somatic (granulosa) cells to the equivalent cell type (Sertoli) ordinarily found in males.[10]
Anthony D. Krentza, Mark W. Murphya, Shinseog Kima, Matthew S. Cookc, Blanche Capelc, Rui Zhud, Angabin Matind, Aaron L. Sarvere, Keith L. Parkerf, Michael D. Griswoldg, Leendert H. J. Looijengah, Vivian J. Bardwella and David Zarkower. "The DM Domain Protein DMRT1 Is a Dose-sensitive Regulator of Fetal Germ Cell Proliferation and Pluripotency." The DM Domain Protein DMRT1 Is a Dose-sensitive Regulator of Fetal Germ Cell Proliferation and Pluripotency. PNAS, 29 Oct. 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.
Christopher S. Raymond1, Emily D. Parker2, Jae R. Kettlewell1, Laura G. Brown3, David C. Page3, Kamila Kusz4, Jadwiga Jaruzelska4, Yuri Reinberg5, Wendy L. Flejter6, Vivian J. Bardwell1,2, Betsy Hirsch7 and David Zarkower1. "Human Molecular Genetics." A Region of Human Chromosome 9p Required for Testis Development Contains Two Genes Related to Known Sexual Regulators. Oxford Journal, n.d. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.
Craig A. Smith, Kelly N. Roeszler, Thomas Ohnesorg, David M. Cummins, Peter G. Farlie, Timothy J. Doran & Andrew H. Sinclair. "The Avian Z-linked Gene DMRT1 Is Required for Male Sex Determination in the Chicken." Nature, 26 Aug. 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.
"DMRT1 Gene." - GeneCards. Crown Human Genome Center, Department of Molecular Genetics, the Weizmann Institute of Science, 23 Oct. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.
Ning Lei, Kaori I. Hornbaker, Daren A. Rice, Tatiana Karpova, Valentine A. Agbor, and Leslie L. Heckert. "Sex-specific Differences in Mouse DMRT1 Expression Are Both Cell Type- and Stage-dependent during Gonad Development." Sex-specific Differences in Mouse DMRT1 Expression Are Both Cell Type- and Stage-dependent during Gonad Development. NIH Public Access, 13 June 2007. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.
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Boyer A, Dornan S, Daneau I, et al. (2004). "Conservation of the function of DMRT1 regulatory sequences in mammalian sex differentiation".Genesis.34 (4):236–43.doi:10.1002/gene.10158.PMID12434333.S2CID7891350.
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10.The DM domain protein DMRT1 is a dose-sensitive regul ator of fetal germ cell proliferation and pluripotency. (PubMed id 20007774)1, 9 Krentz A.D....Zarkower D. (2009)