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Tribe of large water birds
For other uses, seeSwan (disambiguation).
"Cygnet" redirects here. For other uses, seeCygnet (disambiguation).

Mute swans (Cygnus olor)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Garsault, 1764
Type species
Anas olor[3]
(nowCygnus olor)
Gmelin, 1789

6 living, seetext.


CygnanserKretzoi, 1957

Swans are birds of the genusCygnus within the familyAnatidae.[4] The swans' closest relatives include thegeese andducks. Swans are grouped with the closely related geese in thesubfamilyAnserinae where they form thetribeCygnini. Sometimes, they are considered a distinct subfamily,Cygninae.

There are six living and manyextinct species of swan; in addition, there is a species known as thecoscoroba swan which is no longer considered one of thetrue swans. Swans usuallymate for life, although separation sometimes occurs, particularly following nesting failure, and if a mate dies, the remaining swan will take up with another. The number ofeggs in eachclutch ranges from three to eight.[5]

An adultmute swan (Cygnus olor) with cygnets inVrelo Bosne,Sarajevo,Bosnia and Herzegovina

Taxonomy and terminology

The genusCygnus was introduced in 1764 by the French naturalistFrançois Alexandre Pierre de Garsault.[6][7] The English wordswan, akin to the GermanSchwan, Dutchzwaan and Swedishsvan, is derived from theIndo-European root*swen(H) ('to sound, to sing').[8][9]

Young swans are known ascygnets, fromOld Frenchcigne orcisne (diminutive suffixet'little'), from theLatin wordcygnus, a variant form ofcycnus'swan', itself from theGreekκύκνοςkýknos, a word of the same meaning.[10][11][12] An adult male is acob, fromMiddle Englishcobbe (leader of a group); an adult female is apen.[13] A group of swans is called a bevy[citation needed] or a wedge.[14]


Amute swan landing on water. Due to the size and weight of most swans, large areas of open land or water are required to successfully take off and land.

Swans are the largest extant members of the waterfowl familyAnatidae and are among the largest flying birds. The largest living species, including themute swan,trumpeter swan, andwhooper swan, can reach a length of over 1.5 m (59 in) and weigh over 15 kg (33 lb). Their wingspans can be over 3.1 m (10 ft).[15] Compared to the closely related geese, they are much larger and have proportionally larger feet and necks.[16] Adults also have a patch of unfeathered skin between the eyes and bill. The sexes are alike inplumage, but males are generally bigger and heavier than females.[13] The biggest species of swan ever was the extinctCygnus falconeri, a flightless giant swan known from fossils found on the Mediterranean islands ofMalta andSicily. Its disappearance is thought to have resulted from extreme climate fluctuations or the arrival of superior predators and competitors.[17]

The Northern Hemisphere species of swan have pure white plumage, but the Southern Hemisphere species are mixed black and white. The Australianblack swan (Cygnus atratus) is completely black except for the white flight feathers on its wings; the chicks of black swans are light grey. The South Americanblack-necked swan has a white body with a black neck.[18]

The legs of most swans are typically a dark blackish-grey colour, except for the South American black-necked swan, which has pink legs. Bill colour varies: the foursubarctic species have black bills with varying amounts of yellow, and all the others are patterned red and black. Although birds do not have teeth, swans, like other Anatidae, have beaks with serrated edges that look like small jagged "teeth" as part of their beaks used for catching and eating aquatic plants and algae, but also molluscs, small fish, frogs, and worms.[19] In the mute swan and black-necked swan, both sexes have a fleshy lump at the base of their bills on the uppermandible, known as the knob, which is larger in males and is condition dependent, changing seasonally.[20][21]

Distribution and movements

See also:List of Anseriformes by population
Whooper swans migrate fromIceland,Greenland,Scandinavia, and northernRussia to Europe, Central Asia,China, andJapan

Swans are generally found in temperate environments, rarely occurring in the tropics. Four (or five) species occur in theNorthern Hemisphere, one species is found in Australia, oneextinct species was found in New Zealand and theChatham Islands, and one species is distributed in southern South America. They are absent from tropical Asia, Central America, northern South America and the entirety of Africa. One species, the mute swan, has beenintroduced to North America, Australia and New Zealand.[16]

Several species aremigratory, either wholly or partly so. The mute swan is a partial migrant, being resident over areas of Western Europe but wholly migratory in Eastern Europe and Asia. The whooper swan and tundra swan are wholly migratory, and the trumpeter swans are almost entirely migratory.[16] There is some evidence that the black-necked swan is migratory over part of its range, but detailed studies have not established whether these movements are long or short-range migration.[22]


Swans with nest and eggs atLake Constance
Courting swan on theDanube river

Swans feed in water and on land. They are almost entirely herbivorous, although they may eat small amounts of aquatic animals. In the water, food is obtained by up-ending or dabbling, and their diet is composed of the roots, tubers, stems and leaves of aquatic and submerged plants.[16]

Mute swan threatens a photographer inToyako, Japan

A familiar behaviour of swans is that they mate for life, and typically bond even before they reach sexual maturity. Trumpeter swans, for example, can live as long as 24 years and only start breeding at the age of 4–7, forming monogamouspair bonds as early as 20 months.[23] "Divorce", though rare, does occur; one study of mute swans shows a 3% rate for pairs that breed successfully and 9% for pairs that do not.[24] The pair bonds are maintained year-round, even in gregarious and migratory species like thetundra swan, which congregate in large flocks in the wintering grounds.[25]

Swans' nests are on the ground near water and about a metre (3') across. Unlike many other ducks and geese, the male helps with the nest construction, and will also take turns incubating the eggs.[26] Alongside thewhistling ducks, swans are the only anatids that will do this. The average egg size (for the mute swan) is 113 × 74 mm (4+12 x 3 in), weighing 340 g (12 oz), in a clutch size of 4 to 7, and an incubation period of 34–45 days.[27] Swans are highly protective of their nests. They will viciously attack anything that they perceive as a threat to their chicks, including humans. One man was suspected to have drowned in such an attack.[28][29] Swans' intraspecific aggressive behaviour is shown more frequent than interspecific behaviour for food and shelter. The aggression with other species is shown more intundra swans.[30]

Systematics and evolution

Black swan inTeresópolis, Brazil
Trumpeter and whooper swans, with hybrid offspring

Evidence suggests that the genusCygnus evolved in Europe or western Eurasia during theMiocene, spreading all over the Northern Hemisphere until thePliocene. When the southern species branched off is not known. The mute swan is closest to the Southern HemisphereCygnus;[31] its habits of carrying the neck curved (not straight) and the wings fluffed (not flush) as well as its bill colour and knob indicate that its closest living relative is the black swan. Given thebiogeography and appearance of thesubgenusOlor, it seems likely that these are of a more recent origin, as evidenced shows by their modern ranges (which were mostly uninhabitable during thelast ice age) and great similarity between the taxa.[1]



C. melancoryphus (Black-necked swan)


C. atratus(Latham, 1790) (Black swan)


C. olor(Gmelin, 1789) (Mute swan)


C. buccinatorRichardson, 1832 (Trumpeter swan)

C. cygnus(Linnaeus, 1758) (Whooper swan)

C. columbianus(Ord, 1815) (Tundra swan)[32]



SubgenusImageScientific nameCommon nameDescriptionDistribution
SubgenusCygnusCygnus olorMute swanEurasian species that occurs at lower latitudes than the whooper swan and Bewick's swan across Europe into southern Russia, China and the Russian Maritimes. Recent fossil records, according to theBritish Ornithologists' Union, showCygnus olor is among the oldest bird species still extant and it has been upgraded to "native" status in several European countries since this bird has been found in fossil and bog specimens dating back thousands of years. Common temperate Eurasian birds, often semi-domesticated descendants of domestic flocks, are naturalised in the United States and elsewhere.Europe into southern Russia, China and the Russian Maritimes; introduced populations in North America, Australasia and southern Africa
SubgenusChenopisCygnus atratusBlack swanNomadic with erratic migration patterns dependent upon climatic conditions. Black plumage and a red bill.Australia, introduced into New Zealand and theChatham Islands, with additional smaller introductions in Britain, the United States, Japan and China.
SubgenusSthenelidesCygnus melancoryphusBlack-necked swanSouth America
SubgenusOlorCygnus cygnusWhooper swanBreeds in Iceland and subarctic Europe and Asia, migrating to temperate Europe and Asia in winter
Cygnus buccinatorTrumpeter swanThe largest North American swan. Very similar to the whooper swan (and sometimes treated as a subspecies of it), it was hunted almost toextinction but has since recovered.North America
Cygnus columbianusTundra swanBreeds on the Arctic tundra and winters in more temperate regions ofEurasia and North America. It consists of two forms, generally considered to be subspecies.
  • Bewick's swan,Cygnus (columbianus)bewickii is the Eurasian form that migrates from Arctic Russia to western Europe and eastern Asia (China, Korea, Japan) in winter.
  • Whistling swan,Cygnus (columbianus)columbianus is the North American form.
North America, Eurasia

Thecoscoroba swan (Coscoroba coscoroba) from South America, the only species in its genus, is not a true swan. Its phylogenetic position is not fully resolved; it is in some aspects more similar togeese andshelducks.[33]

Mute x Whooper Swan
Trumpeter × Whooper Swan
Trumpeter × Mute Swan
Trumpeter × Tundra Swan

Fossil record

Black swan skeleton (Museum of Osteology)

Thefossil record of the genusCygnus is quite impressive, although allocation to the subgenera is often tentative; as indicated above, at least the early forms probably belong to theC. olor – Southern Hemisphere lineage, whereas the Pleistocene taxa from North America would be placed inOlor. Several prehistoric species have been described, mostly from the Northern Hemisphere. In the Mediterranean, the leg bones of the giant swan (C. falconeri) were found on the islands ofMalta andSicily; it may have been over 2 metres from tail to bill, which was taller (though not heavier) than the contemporary local dwarf elephants (Palaeoloxodon falconeri).

  • SubgenusChenopis
    • New Zealand swan,Cygnus sumnerensis, an extinct species related to the black swan of Australia
  • Other subgenera (see above):
    • Cygnus csakvarensisLambrecht 1933 [Cygnus csákvárensisLambrecht 1931a nomen nudum;Cygnanser csakvarensis(Lambrecht 1933) Kretzoi 1957;Olor csakvarensis(Lambrecht 1933) Mlíkovský 1992b] (Late Miocene of Hungary)
    • Cygnus mariaeBickart 1990 (Early Pliocene of Wickieup, U.S.)
    • Cygnus veraeBoev 2000 (Early Pliocene of Sofia, Bulgaria)[34]
    • Cygnus liskunae(Kuročkin 1976) [Anser liskunaeKuročkin 1976] (Middle Pliocene of western Mongolia)
    • Cygnus hibbardiBrodkorb 1958 (?Early Pleistocene of Idaho, U.S.)
    • Cygnus sp.Louchartet al. 1998 (Early Pleistocene of Dursunlu, Turkey)
    • Giant swan (Cygnus falconeri)Parker 1865 sensu Livezey 1997a [Cygnus melitensisFalconer 1868;Palaeocygnus falconeri(Parker 1865) Oberholser 1908] (Middle Pleistocene of Malta and Sicily, Mediterranean)
    • Cygnus paloregonusCope 1878 [Anser condoniSchufeldt 1892;Cygnus matthewiSchufeldt 1913] (Middle Pleistocene of west-central U.S.)
    • †Dwarf swan (Cygnus equitum)Bate 1916 sensu Livezey 1997 [Anser equitum(Bate 1916) Brodkorb 1964;Cygnus (Olor)equitumBate 1916 sensu Northcote 1988a] (Middle – Late Pleistocene of Malta and Sicily, Mediterranean)
    • Cygnus lacustris(De Vis 1905) [Archaeocycnus lacustrisDe Vis 1905] (Late Pleistocene of the Lake Eyre region, Australia)
    • Cygnus sp. (Pleistocene of Australia)[35][36]
    • Cygnus atavus(Fraas 1870) Mlíkovský 1992 [Anas atavaFraas 1870;Anas cygniformisFraas 1870;Palaelodus steinheimensisFraas 1870;Anser atavus(Fraas 1870) Lambrecht 1933;Anser cygniformis(Fraas 1870) Lambrecht 1933]
  • Other genera

The supposed fossil swans"Cygnus" bilinicus and"Cygnus" herrenthalsi were, respectively, astork and some large bird of unknown affinity (due to the bad state of preservation of the referred material).

In culture

See also:Black swan emblems and popular culture,Swan upping, andSwan maiden

European motifs

Many of the cultural aspects refer to the mute swan of Europe. Perhaps the best-known story about a swan is the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling". Swans are often a symbol of love or fidelity because of their long-lasting, apparently monogamous relationships. SeeWagner's famous swan-related operasLohengrin[37] andParsifal.[38]

As food

Swan meat was regarded as a luxury food in England during the reign ofElizabeth I. A recipe for baked swan survives from that time: "To bake a Swan Scald it and take out the bones, and parboil it, then season it very well with Pepper, Salt and Ginger, then lard it, and put it in a deep Coffin of Rye Paste with store of Butter, close it and bake it very well, and when it is baked, fill up the Vent-hole with melted Butter, and so keep it; serve it in as you do the Beef-Pie."[39] Swans being raised for food were sometimes kept inswan pits.

TheIllustrious Brotherhood of Our Blessed Lady, a religiousconfraternity which existed in's-Hertogenbosch in the late Middle Ages, had "sworn members", also called "swan-brethren" because they used to donate a swan for the yearly banquet.

Based on a mistaken belief that the British monarch owns all the swans in Britain, it is popularly believed the British monarch is the only person allowed to eat swans in the United Kingdom.[40][41]


Ancient Greece and Rome

Swans feature strongly inmythology. InGreek mythology, the story ofLeda and the Swan recounts thatHelen of Troy was conceived in a union ofZeus disguised as a swan andLeda, Queen ofSparta.[42]

Other references in classical literature include the belief that, upon death, the mute swan would sing beautifully—hence the phraseswan song.[43]

The mute swan is also one of the sacred birds ofApollo, whose associations stem both from the nature of the bird as a symbol of light, as well as the notion of a "swan song". The god is often depicted riding a chariot pulled by or composed of swans in his ascension fromDelos.

In the second century, the Roman poetJuvenal made a sarcastic reference to a good woman being a "rare bird, as rare on earth as a black swan" (black swans being completely unknown in the Northern Hemisphere until Dutch explorers reached Australia in the 1600s), from which comes the Latin phraserara avis (rare bird).[44]

Irish lore and poetry

The Irish legend of theChildren of Lir is about a stepmother who transformed her children into swans for 900 years.[45]

In the legendThe Wooing of Etain the king of theSidhe (subterranean-dwelling, supernatural beings) transforms himself and the most beautiful woman in Ireland, Etain, into swans to escape from the king of Ireland and Ireland's armies. The swan has recently been depicted on anIrish commemorative coin.

Swans are also present in Irish literature in the poetry ofW. B. Yeats."The Wild Swans at Coole" has a heavy focus on the mesmerising characteristics of the swan. Yeats also recounts the myth of Leda and the Swan inthe poem of the same name.

Nordic lore

InNorse mythology, two swans drink from the sacredWell of Urd in the realm ofAsgard, home of thegods. According to theProse Edda, the water of this well is so pure and holy that all things that touch it turn white, including this original pair of swans and all others descended from them. The poemVolundarkvida, or theLay of Volund, part of thePoetic Edda, also features swan maidens.

In the Finnish epicKalevala, a swan lives in the Tuoni River located inTuonela, the underworld realm of the dead. According to the story, whoever killed a swan would perish as well.Jean Sibelius composed theLemminkäinen Suite based on theKalevala, with the second piece entitledSwan of Tuonela(Tuonelan joutsen). Today, five flying swans are the symbol of theNordic countries; the whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) is the national bird of Finland;[46] and the mute swan is the national bird of Denmark.[47]

Swan Lake ballet

The balletSwan Lake is among the most canonic of classical ballets. Based on the 1875–76 score byPyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the most promulgated choreographic version was created byMarius Petipa andLev Ivanov (1895), the premiere of which was danced by the Imperial Ballet at theMariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. The ballet's lead dual roles of Odette (white swan)/Odile (black swan) represent good and evil[48] and are among the most challenging roles[49] created in Romantic classical ballet. The ballet is in the repertories[50] of ballet companies around the world.


StHugh of Lincoln with swan

A swan is one of the attributes of St.Hugh of Lincoln, based on the story of a swan who was devoted to him.[51]

Spanish language literature

InLatin American literature, the Nicaraguan poetRubén Darío (1867–1916) consecrated the swan as a symbol of artistic inspiration by drawing attention to the constancy of swan imagery inWestern culture, beginning with the rape of Leda and ending withWagner'sLohengrin. Darío's most famous poem in this regard isBlasón – "Coat of Arms" (1896), and his use of the swan made it a symbol for theModernismo poetic movement that dominated Spanish language poetry from the 1880s until the First World War. Such was the dominance of Modernismo in Spanish language poetry that the Mexican poetEnrique González Martínez attempted to announce the end of Modernismo with asonnet provocatively entitled,Tuércele el cuello al cisne – "Wring the Swan's Neck" (1910).


See also:Hamsa (bird)

Swans are revered inHinduism and are compared to saintly persons whose chief characteristic is to be in the world without getting attached to it, just as a swan's feather does not get wet although it is in water. TheSanskrit word for swan ishamsa and the "Raja Hamsam" or the Royal Swan is the vehicle of DeviSaraswati, which symbolises theSattva Guna or purity par excellence. The swan, if offered a mixture of milk and water, is said to be able to drink the milk alone. Therefore, Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, is seen riding the swan because the swan thus symbolizesViveka, i.e. prudence and discrimination between the good and the bad or between the eternal and the transient. This is seen as a great quality, as shown by thisSanskrit verse:

haṁsaḥ śveto bakaḥ śvetaḥ ko bhedo bakahaṁsayoḥ ।
kṣīranīraviveke tu haṁso haṁsaḥ bako bakaḥ ॥
The swan is white, the crane is white, what is the difference between the swan and the crane?
During discriminating between water and milk, the swan is a swan while the crane is a crane!

It is mentioned several times in theVedic literature, and persons who have attained great spiritual capabilities are sometimes calledParamahamsa ("Supreme Swan") on account of theirspiritual grace and ability to travel between various spiritual worlds. In the Vedas, swans are said to reside in the summer onLake Manasarovar and migrate to Indian lakes for the winter. They are believed to possess some powers, such as the ability to eat pearls.

Indo-European religions

Swans are intimately associated with thedivine twins in Indo-European religions, and it is thought that inProto-Indo-European times, swans were a solar symbol associated with the divine twins and the original Indo-Europeansun goddess.[52]

See also


  1. ^abNorthcote, E. M. (1981). "Size difference between limb bones of recent and subfossil Mute Swans (Cygnus olor)".J. Archaeol. Sci.8 (1):89–98.Bibcode:1981JArSc...8...89N.doi:10.1016/0305-4403(81)90014-5.
  2. ^"Fossilworks Cygnus Garsault 1764 (waterfowl) Reptilia – Anseriformes – Anatidae PaleoDB taxon number: 83418 Parent taxon: Anatidae according to T. H. Worthy and J. A. Grant-Mackie 2003 See also Bickart 1990, Howard 1972, Parmalee 1992 and Wetmore 1933".Archived from the original on 2021-12-12. Retrieved2021-12-17.
  3. ^"Anatidae" The Trust for Avian Systematics. Retrieved2023-08-05.
  4. ^"ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA Swan".Archived from the original on 2018-05-21. Retrieved2018-05-20.
  5. ^"Swan Breeding Profile: Pairing, Incubation, Nesting / Raising of Young".Archived from the original on 6 July 2018. Retrieved5 July 2018.
  6. ^Garsault, François Alexandre Pierre de (1764).Les figures des plantes et animaux d'usage en medecine, décrits dans la Matiere Medicale de Geoffroy Medecin (in French). Vol. 5. Paris: Desprez. Plate 688.
  7. ^Welter-Schultes, F.W.; Klug, R. (2009)."Nomenclatural consequences resulting from the rediscovery ofLes figures des plantes et animaux d'usage en médecine, a rare work published by Garsault in 1764, in the zoological literature".Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.66 (3): 225–241 [238].doi:10.21805/bzn.v66i3.a1.
  8. ^Harper, Douglas."swan".Online Etymology Dictionary.
  9. ^Mallory, J. P.; Adams, D. Q. (2006).The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 360.ISBN 0-19-928791-0.
  10. ^cycnus. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short.A Latin Dictionary onPerseus Project.
  11. ^κύκνος.Liddell, Henry George;Scott, Robert;A Greek–English Lexicon at thePerseus Project.
  12. ^Harper, Douglas."cygnet".Online Etymology Dictionary.
  13. ^abYoung, Peter (2008).Swan. London: Reaktion. p. 13.ISBN 978-1-86189-349-9.
  14. ^Lipton, James (1977).An exaltation of larks : or, The venereal game. Internet Archive (Expanded 2nd ed.). New York : Viking. p. 36.ISBN 978-0-670-30044-0.
  15. ^Madge, Steve; Burn, Hilary (1988).Waterfowl: An Identification Guide to the Ducks, Geese, and Swans of the World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.ISBN 978-0-395-46727-5.
  16. ^abcdKear, Janet, ed. (2005).Ducks, Geese and Swans. Bird Families of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.ISBN 978-0-19-861008-3.
  17. ^"" from the original on 2021-11-27. Retrieved2021-11-27.
  18. ^Young, Peter (2008).Swan. London: Reaktion. pp. 18–27.ISBN 978-1-86189-349-9.
  19. ^"Mute Swan. Feeding"Archived 25 December 2014 at theWayback Machine, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
  20. ^Young, Peter (2008).Swan. London: Reaktion. pp. 20 and 27.ISBN 978-1-86189-349-9.
  21. ^Horrocks, N., Perrins, C. and Charmantier, A., 2009. Seasonal changes in male and female bill knob size in the mute swan Cygnus olor. Journal of avian biology, 40(5), pp.511-519.
  22. ^Schlatter, Roberto; Navarro, Rene A.; Corti, Paulo (2002). "Effects of El Nino Southern Oscillation on Numbers of Black-Necked Swans at Rio Cruces Sanctuary, Chile".Waterbirds.25 (Special Publication 1):114–122.JSTOR 1522341.
  23. ^Ross, Drew (March–April 1998)."Gaining Ground: A Swan's Song".National Parks.72 (3–4): 35.Archived from the original on 26 March 2014.
  24. ^Berger, Michele (11 June 2018)."Till Death do them Part: 8 Birds that Mate for Life". National Academies Press (US).Archived from the original on 12 June 2018. Retrieved11 June 2018 – via
  25. ^Scott, D. K. (1980). "Functional aspects of the pair bond in winter in Bewick's swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii)".Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.7 (4):323–327.Bibcode:1980BEcoS...7..323S.doi:10.1007/BF00300673.S2CID 32804332.
  26. ^Scott, Dafila (1995).Swans. Grantown-on-Spey, Scotland: Colin Baxter Photography. p. 51.ISBN 978-0-948661-63-1.
  27. ^"Mute Swan"Archived 2012-07-08 British Trust for Ornithology
  28. ^Waldren, Ben (16 April 2012)."Killer Swan Blamed for Man's Drowning". Yahoo News.Archived from the original on 7 August 2014.
  29. ^"Who, What, Why: How dangerous are swans?".BBC News. 17 April 2012.Archived from the original on 17 April 2012.
  30. ^Wood, Kevin A.; Ham, Phoebe; Scales, Jake; Wyeth, Eleanor; Rose, Paul E. (7 August 2020)."Aggressive behavioural interactions between swans (Cygnus spp.) and other waterbirds during winter: a webcam-based study".Avian Research.11 (1): 30.doi:10.1186/s40657-020-00216-7.hdl:10871/126306.ISSN 2053-7166.
  31. ^del Hoyo; et al., eds. (1992).Handbook of the Birds of the World, Volume 1. Lynx Edicions.
  32. ^Boyd, John H."Anserini species tree"(PDF).Archived(PDF) from the original on 5 October 2016. Retrieved22 January 2020.
  33. ^"COSCOROBA SWAN". Archived fromthe original on 8 August 2016.
  34. ^Boev, Z. 2000. "Cygnus verae sp. n. (Anseriformes: Anatidae) from the Early Pliocene of Sofia (Bulgaria)".Acta zoologica cracovienzia, Krakow, 43 (1–2): 185–192.
  35. ^Louchart, Antoine; Vignaud, Patrick; Likius, Andossa; Mackaye, Hassane T.; Brunet, Michel (27 June 2005). "A New Swan (Aves: Anatidae) in Africa, from the Latest Miocene of Chad and Libya".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.25 (2):384–392.doi:10.1671/0272-4634(2005)025[0384:ANSAAI]2.0.CO;2.JSTOR 4524452.S2CID 85860957.
  36. ^Sfetcu, Nicolae (2011).The Birds World.ISBN 9781447875857.
  37. ^Rahim, Sameer (4 June 2013)."The opera novice: Wagner's Lohengrin".The Daily Telegraph.Archived from the original on 3 December 2016. Retrieved2 December 2016.
  38. ^Rahim, Sameer (5 March 2013)."The opera novice: Parsifal by Richard Wagner".The Daily Telegraph.Archived from the original on 20 December 2016. Retrieved2 December 2016.
  39. ^"Baked Swan. Old Elizabethan Recipe". from the original on 27 October 2010.
  40. ^Cleaver, Emily (July 31, 2017)."The Fascinating, Regal History Behind Britain's Swans".Smithsonian. RetrievedJune 24, 2024.
  41. ^"Little girl asks to borrow swan, Queen responds".The New Zealand Herald. September 2, 2017. RetrievedJune 24, 2024.
  42. ^Young, Peter (2008).Swan. London: Reaktion. p. 70.ISBN 978-1-86189-349-9.
  43. ^"What is the origin of the phrase 'Swan song'?". from the original on 5 December 2016. Retrieved2 December 2016.
  44. ^Young, Peter (2008).Swan. London: Reaktion. p. 27.ISBN 978-1-86189-349-9.
  45. ^"The Fate of the Children of Lir" from the original on 4 September 2016. Retrieved2 December 2016.
  46. ^"Whooper Swan" Archived fromthe original on 3 December 2016. Retrieved2 December 2016.
  47. ^"BIRDS OF DENMARK" from the original on 5 March 2017. Retrieved2 December 2016.
  48. ^MacAulay, Alastair (12 June 2018)."All About Odette, Tchaikovsky's Swan Queen".The New York Times.Archived from the original on 31 July 2019. Retrieved31 July 2019.
  49. ^The balletSwan Lake is among the most canonic of classical ballets. Based on the 1875-76 score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the most promulgated choreographic version was created by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov (1895), the premiere of which was danced by the Imperial Ballet at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg. The ballet's lead dual roles of Odette/Odile represent good and evil, and are among the most challenging roles created in Romantic classical ballet.
  50. ^"Inside Swan Lake: Why the Classic Ballet is Truly Timeless".Forbes.Archived from the original on 2019-07-31. Retrieved2019-07-31.
  51. ^Young, Peter (2008).Swan. London: Reaktion. p. 97.ISBN 978-1-86189-349-9.
  52. ^O'Brien, Steven (1982). "Dioscuric Elements in Celtic and Germanic Mythology".Journal of Indo-European Studies.10 (1 & 2):117–136.

External links

Look upswan orswans in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Wikimedia Commons has media related toCygnus.
Wikiquote has quotations related toSwans.
Genera ofwaterfowl and their extinct allies
    • see below↓
sensu stricto
    • See below ↓
Presbyornis pervetus
Chelychelynechen quassus
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