Cutlery (also referred to assilverware,flatware, ortableware) includes any handimplement used in preparing, serving, and especially eatingfood inWestern culture. A person who makes or sells cutlery is called acutler.[citation needed] While most cutlers were historically men, women could be cutlers too;Agnes Cotiller was working as a cutler in London in 1346, and training a woman apprentice, known as Juseana.[1]
The city ofSheffield in England has been famous for the production of cutlery since the 17th century and a train – theMaster Cutler – running from Sheffield toLondon was named after the industry.[2] Bringing affordable cutlery to the masses,stainless steel was developed in Sheffield in the early 20th century.[3]
The major items of cutlery inWestern culture are theknife,fork andspoon. These three implements first appeared together on tables in Britain in theGeorgian era.[4] In recent times, hybrid versions of cutlery have been made combining the functionality of different eating implements, including thespork (spoon / fork),spife (spoon / knife), andknork (knife / fork). Thesporf orsplayd combines all three.
The word cutler derives from theMiddle English word 'cuteler' and this in turn derives fromOld French 'coutelier' which comes from 'coutel'; meaning knife (modern French: couteau).[5] The word's early origins can be seen in the Latin word 'culter' (knife).
A set (known as acanteen) ofGeorgian era silver cutlery, including ladles, and serving spoons. The thin item on the left is amarrow scoop for eatingbone marrow.
Sterling silver is the traditional material from which good quality cutlery is made. Historically, silver had the advantage over other metals of being less chemically reactive. Chemical reactions between certain foods and the cutlery metal can lead to unpleasant tastes. Gold is even less reactive than silver, but the use of gold cutlery was confined to the exceptionally wealthy, such as monarchs.[6]
Steel was always used for more utilitarian knives, andpewter was used for some cheaper items, especially spoons. From the nineteenth century,electroplated nickel silver (EPNS) was used as a cheaper substitute for sterling silver.
In 1913, the British metallurgistHarry Brearley discoveredstainless steel by chance, bringing affordable cutlery to the masses.[3] This metal has come to be the predominant one used in cutlery. An alternative ismelchior, corrosion-resistant nickel and copper alloy, which can also sometimes contain manganese and nickel-iron.
Titanium has also been used to make cutlery for its lower thermal conductivity and weight savings compared to steel, with uses in camping.
Plastic cutlery is made fordisposable use, and is frequently used outdoors forcamping,excursions, andbarbecues for instance. Plastic cutlery is also commonly used atfast-food ortake-away outlets and provided withairline meals in economy class.Plastic is also used for children's cutlery. It is often thicker and more durable than disposable plastic cutlery.
Edible cutlery is made from dried grains.[7] These are made primarily with rice, millets or wheat. Since rice cultivation needs a lot of water, manufacturers market millet based products as more environment friendly. Thebatter is baked in moulds which hardens it. Some manufacturers offer an option of flavoured cutlery. Edible cutlery decomposes in about a week if disposed.
Atable setting for an eight-course meal. It includes abutter spreader resting on a crystal stand; a cocktail fork, soup spoon, dessert fork, dessert spoon and an ice cream fork, as well as separate knives and forks for fish,entrée, main course and salad
At Sheffield the trade of cutler became divided, with allied trades such asrazormaker,awl bladesmith,shearsmith and forkmaker emerging and becoming distinct trades by the 18th century.
Before the mid 19th century when cheapmild steel became available due to new methods ofsteelmaking, knives (and other edged tools) were made by welding a strip ofsteel on to the piece ofiron that was to be formed into a knife, or sandwiching a strip of steel between two pieces of iron. This was done because steel was then a much more expensive commodity than iron. Modern blades are sometimeslaminated, but for a different reason. Since the hardest steel is brittle, a layer of hard steel may be laid between two layers of a milder, less brittle steel, for a blade that keeps a sharp edge well, and is less likely to break in service.
After fabrication, the knife had to be sharpened, originally on agrindstone, but from the late medieval period in ablade mill or (as they were known in the Sheffield region) a cutlers wheel.
As an ecofriendly alternative to non-degradable plastic, wooden cutlery is gaining popularity. Some manufacturers coat their products in food-safe plant oils, waxes and lemon juice for a longer shelf life making these safe for human use. Cutlery is then cured for a few days before leaving the manufacturing plant.[16]