Inelectronics,crosstalk is a phenomenon by which asignal transmitted on onecircuit orchannel of atransmission system creates an undesired effect in another circuit or channel. Crosstalk is usually caused by undesiredcapacitive,inductive, orconductive coupling from one circuit or channel to another.
Where the electric, magnetic, or traveling fields of two electric signals overlap, theelectromagnetic interference created causes crosstalk. For example, crosstalk can comprise magnetic fields that induce a smaller signal in neighboring wires.
In electrical circuits sharing a common signal return path, electrical impedance in the return path createscommon impedance coupling between the signals, resulting in crosstalk.[1][2]
Crosstalk is a significant issue instructured cabling,audio electronics,integrated circuit design,wireless communication and othercommunications systems.
In structured cabling, crosstalk refers toelectromagnetic interference from one unshieldedtwisted pair to another twisted pair, normally running in parallel. Signals traveling through adjacent pairs of wire create magnetic fields that interact with each other, inducing interference in the neighboring pair. The pair causing the interference is called thedisturbing pair, while the pair experiencing the interference is thedisturbed pair.
Instereo audio reproduction, crosstalk can refer to signal leakage across from one program channel to another, reducing channel separation andstereo imaging. Crosstalk between channels in mixing consoles, and between studio feeds is a much more noticeable problem, as these are likely to be carrying very different programs or material.
Crosstalk is an electrical effect and can be quantified with a crosstalk measurement. Crosstalk measurements are made on audio systems to determine the amount of signal leaking from one channel to another. TheIndependent Broadcasting Authority published aweighting curve for use in crosstalk measurement that gives due emphasis to the subjective audibility of different frequencies. In the absence of any international standards, this is still in use despite the demise of the IBA.[citation needed]
Good crosstalk performance for a stereo system is not difficult to achieve in today'sdigital audio systems, though it is difficult to keep below the desired figure of −30 dB[citation needed] or so onvinyl recordings andFM radio.
Intelecommunication ortelephony, crosstalk is often distinguishable as pieces of speech orin-band signaling tones leaking from other people's connections.[6] If the connection is analog,twisted pair cabling can often be used to reduce crosstalk. Alternatively, the signals can be converted to digital form, which is typically less susceptible to crosstalk.
Inwireless communication, crosstalk is often denotedco-channel interference, and is related toadjacent-channel interference.
Inintegrated circuit design, crosstalk normally refers to a signal affecting another nearby signal. Usually, the coupling is capacitive, and to the nearest neighbor, but other forms of coupling and effects on signal further away are sometimes important, especially in analog designs. Seesignal integrity for tools used to measure and prevent this problem, andsubstrate coupling for a discussion of crosstalk conveyed through theintegrated circuit substrate. There are a wide variety of repair solutions, with increased spacing, wire re-ordering, and shielding being the most common.
In full-field optical coherencetomography, "crosstalk" refers to the phenomenon that due to highly scattering objects, multiple scattered photons reach the image plane and generate a coherent signal after travelling a path length that matches that of the sample depth within a coherence length.
Instereoscopic 3D displays, crosstalk refers to the incomplete isolation of the left and right image channels so that one bleeds into the other – like adouble exposure, which produces aghosting effect.
This article incorporatespublic domain material fromFederal Standard 1037C.General Services Administration. Archived fromthe original on 2022-01-22. (in support ofMIL-STD-188).