Craspedida is an order ofchoanoflagellate, with members with an exclusively organic covering. Crown group craspedids (and perhaps crown group choanoflagellates if Acanthoecida arose within Craspedida[1]) appeared 422,78 million years ago.[2] Although a previous study from 2017 recovered the divergence of the crown group choanoflagellates (craspedids) at 786.62 million years.[3]
Salpingoeca rosetta has been named for the rosette-shaped colonies formed by its cells. Recent studies show a bacterial sulfonolipid, called rosette inducing factor (RIF-1) produced byAlgoriphagus machipongonensis triggers colony formation inS. rosetta.[citation needed]
Extended phylogeny of the Craspedida (Choanomonada). Alexandra Jeuck, Hartmut Arndt and Frank Nitsche, European Journal of Protistology, Volume 50, Issue 4, August 2014, Pages 430–443,doi:10.1016/j.ejop.2014.06.001