All concentrations in milligrams per liter (mg/L); pH without units
A bottle of Contrex waterBottling factory, Contrexéville
Contrex is a brand ofmineral water owned since 1992 byNestlé Waters, a branch of the Swiss groupNestlé, and is part of theVittel mineral water company that includesVittel andHépar. The water, whose source is located inContrexéville in the Frenchdépartement ofVosges, was discovered by Charles Bagard, the first doctor ofLouis XV.
The water is bottled in a 250,000 m² factory complex that employs around 900 people. 635 million bottles of all kinds are produced a year, of which 11% are exported.[1] The bottling factory is connected by pipelines with the Vittel factory inVittel, a few kilometers from Contrexéville, which permits bottling of the Contrex water in either Vittel or in Contrexéville.
Contrex is a highly mineralized water and hasdiuretic properties.
1 Brand owned byGeneral Mills; Produced by General Mills in the U.S. and Canada. Produced byCereal Partners under the Nestlé brand elsewhere.2 Brand owned byGeneral Mills; U.S. and Canadian production rights controlled by Nestlé under license.3 U.S. production rights owned byThe Hershey Company.4 U.S. rights and production owned by theSmarties Candy Company with a different product.5 U.S. rights and specific trade dress owned by Nestlé; rights elsewhere owned byAssociated British Foods.6 Produced by Cereal Partners, branded as Nestlé.7 Brand owned byPost Foods; Produced by Cereal Partners and branded as Nestlé in the U.K. and Ireland.8 Philippine production rights owned byAlaska Milk Corporation.9 Singaporean, Malaysian and Thai production rights owned byFraser and Neave.10 Used only in Indonesia, Thailand, and Cambodia.11 Used only in the Philippines.12 U.S. production rights owned by theFerrara Candy Company.13NA rights and specific trade dress to all packaged coffee and other products under the Starbucks brand owned by Nestlé since 2019.14 Brand owned byMars, sold by Nestlé in Canada.15 Produced byFroneri in the U.S. since 2020.