Urbs Aeterna(Latin) The Eternal City Caput Mundi(Latin) The Capital of the world Throne of St. Peter
The territory of thecomune (Roma Capitale, in red) inside the Metropolitan City of Rome (Città Metropolitana di Roma, in yellow). The white spot in the centre isVatican City.
After thefall of the Empire in the west, which marked the beginning of theMiddle Ages, Rome slowly fell under the political control of thePapacy, and in the 8th century, it became the capital of thePapal States, which lasted until 1870. Beginning with theRenaissance, almost all popes sinceNicholas V (1447–1455) pursued a coherent architectural and urban programme over four hundred years, aimed at making the city the artistic and cultural centre of the world.[14] In this way, Rome first became one of the major centres of theRenaissance[15] and then became the birthplace of both theBaroque style andNeoclassicism. Famous artists, painters, sculptors, and architects made Rome the centre of their activity, creating masterpieces throughout the city. In 1871, Rome became the capital of theKingdom of Italy, which, in 1946, became the Italian Republic.
However, it is possible that the name Romulus was actually derived from Rome itself.[21] As early as the 4th century, there have been alternative theories proposed on the origin of the nameRoma. Several hypotheses have been advanced focusing on its linguistic roots which however remain uncertain:[22]
FromRumon orRumen, archaic name of theTiber, which in turn is supposedly related to the Greek verbῥέω (rhéō) 'to flow, stream' and the Latin verbruō 'to hurry, rush';[b]
From the Greek wordῥώμη (rhṓmē), which meansstrength.[c]
Other names and symbols
Rome has also been called in ancient times simply "Urbs" (central city),[23] fromurbs roma, or identified with its ancient Romaninitialism ofSPQR, the symbol of Rome'sconstituted republican government. Furthermore, Rome has been called Urbs Aeterna (The Eternal City), Caput Mundi (TheCapital of the world), Throne ofSt. Peter and Roma Capitale.
Model of archaic Rome. The image faces northeast, with the Capitoline hill on left and the Palatine on right. The city would not have looked like this prior to the seventh century BC.
While there have been discoveries of archaeological evidence of human occupation of the Rome area from approximately 14,000 years ago, the dense layer of much younger debris obscuresPalaeolithic andNeolithic sites.[10] Evidence of stone tools, pottery, and stone weapons attest to about 10,000 years of human presence. Several excavations support the view that Rome grew frompastoral settlements on thePalatine Hill built above the area of the futureRoman Forum. Between the end of theBronze Age and the beginning of theIron Age, each hill between the sea and the Capitoline Hill was topped by a village (on the Capitoline, a village is attested since the end of the 14th century BC).[24] However, none of them yet had an urban quality.[24] Nowadays, there is a wide consensus that the city developed gradually through the aggregation ("synoecism") of several villages around the largest one, placed above the Palatine.[24] This aggregation was facilitated by the increase of agricultural productivity above thesubsistence level, which also allowed the establishment ofsecondary andtertiary activities. These, in turn, boosted the development of trade with the Greek colonies of southern Italy (mainlyIschia andCumae).[24] These developments, which according to archaeological evidence took place during the mid-eighth century BC, can be considered as the "birth" of the city.[24] Despite recent excavations at the Palatine hill, the view that Rome was founded deliberately in the middle of the eighth century BC, as the legend of Romulus suggests, remains a fringe hypothesis.[25]
Traditional stories handed down by theancient Romans themselves explain the earliesthistory of their city in terms oflegend andmyth. The most familiar of these myths, and perhaps the most famous of allRoman myths, is the story ofRomulus and Remus, the twins who were suckled by ashe-wolf.[20] They decided to build a city, but after an argument,Romulus killed his brother and the city took his name. According to the Romanannalists, this happened on 21 April 753 BC.[26] This legend had to be reconciled with a dual tradition, set earlier in time, that had theTrojan refugeeAeneas escape to Italy and found the line of Romans through his sonIulus, the namesake of theJulio-Claudian dynasty.[27] This was accomplished by the Roman poetVirgil in the first century BC. In addition,Strabo mentions an older story, that the city was anArcadian colony founded byEvander. Strabo also writes thatLucius Coelius Antipater believed that Rome was founded by Greeks.[28][29]
TheTemple of Portunus, god of grain storage, keys, livestock and ports,[30] built in 120–80 BCTheRoman Forum contains the ruins of the buildings that represented the political, legal, religious and economic centre of ancient Rome, constituting the "nerve centre" of all Roman civilisation.[31]
In 509 BC, the Romans expelled the last king from their city and established anoligarchicrepublic led by two annually-electedconsuls. Rome then began a period characterised by internal struggles betweenpatricians (aristocrats) andplebeians (small landowners), and by constant warfare against the populations of central Italy: Etruscans, Latins,Volsci,Aequi, andMarsi.[32] After becoming master ofLatium, Rome led several wars (against theGauls,Osci-Samnites and the Greek colony ofTaranto, allied withPyrrhus, king ofEpirus) whose result was the conquest of theItalian peninsula, from the central area up toMagna Graecia.[33]
From the beginning of the 2nd century BC, power was contested between two groups of aristocrats: theoptimates, representing the conservative part of theSenate, and thepopulares, which relied on the help of theplebs (urban lower class) to gain power. In the same period, the bankruptcy of the small farmers and the establishment of large slave estates caused large-scale migration to the city. The continuous warfare led to the establishment of a professional army, which turned out to be more loyal to its generals than to the republic. Because of this, in the late 2nd and early 1st century BC there were several conflicts both abroad and internally: after the failed attempt of social reform of the popularesTiberius andGaius Gracchus,[36] and the war againstJugurtha,[36] there wasa civil war from which the generalSulla emerged victorious.[36] Amajor slave revolt underSpartacus followed,[37] and then the establishment of thefirst Triumvirate withCaesar,Pompey andCrassus.[37]
The Ancient-Imperial-Roman palaces of the Palatine, a series of palaces located in thePalatine Hill, express power and wealth of emperors from Augustus until the 4th century.TheImperial fora belong to a series ofmonumental fora (public squares) constructed in Rome by the emperors. Also seen in the image isTrajan's Market.Model of Imperial Rome at theMuseum of Roman Civilization in Rome. TheTemple of Claudius is situated to the south (left) of theColosseum.
In 27 BC, Octavian was namedAugustus andprinceps, founding theprincipate, adiarchy between theprinceps and the senate.[38] Over time, the new monarch came to be known as theimperator (henceemperor), meaning "commander".[39] During the reign ofNero, two thirds of the city was ruined after theGreat Fire of Rome, and thepersecution of Christians commenced.[40][41][42] Rome's empire reached its greatest expansion in the second century under the EmperorTrajan. Rome was known as thecaput Mundi, i.e. the capital of the known world, an expression which had already been used in the Republican period. During its first two centuries, the empire was ruled by emperors of theJulio-Claudian,[43]Flavian (who built an eponymous amphitheatre known as theColosseum),[43] andAntonine dynasties.[44] This time was also characterised by the spread of the Christian religion, preached byJesus Christ inJudea in the first half of the first century (underTiberius) and popularised by hisapostles through the empire and beyond.[45] The Antonine age is considered the zenith of the Empire, whose territory ranged from theAtlantic Ocean to theEuphrates and fromBritain toEgypt.[44]
After the end of theSeveran dynasty in AD 235, the Empire entered into a 50-year period known as theCrisis of the Third Century, during which numerous generals fought for power and the central authority in Rome weakened dramatically. Around the same time, thePlague of Cyprian (c. 250–270) afflicted the Mediterranean.[46] Instability caused economic deterioration, and there was a rapid rise in inflation as the government debased the currency in order to meet expenses. TheGermanic tribes along the Rhine and north of the Balkans made serious uncoordinated incursions that were more like giant raiding parties rather than attempts to settle. ThePersian Empire invaded from the east several times during the 230s to 260s but were eventually defeated.[47] The civil wars ended in 285 with the final victory ofDiocletian, who undertook the restoration of the State. He ended thePrincipate and introduced a new authoritarian model known as theDominate, derived from his title ofdominus ("lord"). His most marked feature was the unprecedented intervention of the State down to the city level: whereas the State had submitted a tax demand to a city and allowed it to allocate the charges, from his reign the State did this down to the village level. In a vain attempt to control inflation, he imposedprice controls which did not last.
Diocletian divided the empire in 286, ruling over the eastern half fromNicomedia, while his co-emperorMaximian ruled the western half fromMediolanum (when not on the move).[47] The empire was further divided in 293, when Diocletian named twocaesar, one for eachaugustus (emperor). Diocletian tried to turn into a system of non-dynastic succession, similar to the Antonine dynasty. Upon abdication in 305, both caesars succeeded and they, in turn, appointed two colleagues for themselves.[47] However, aseries of civil wars between rival claimants to power resulted in the unification of the empire underConstantine the Great in 324. Hereditary succession was restored, but the east–west division was maintained. Constantine undertook a major reform of the bureaucracy, not by changing the structure but by rationalising the competencies of the several ministries. The so-calledEdict of Milan of 313, actually a fragment of a letter from his co-emperorLicinius to the governors of the eastern provinces, granted freedom of worship to everyone, including Christians, and ordered the restoration of confiscated church properties upon petition to the newly created vicars of dioceses. He funded the building of several churches and allowed clergy to act as arbitrators in civil suits (a measure that did not outlast him but which was restored in part much later). In 330, he transformedByzantium intoConstantinople, which became his new capital. However, it was not officially anything more than an imperial residence likeMilan,Trier orNicomedia until given a city prefect in 359 byConstantius II.[48]
Constantine, following Diocletian's reforms. regionalised the administration, which fundamentally changed the way it was governed by creating regional dioceses. The existence of regional fiscal units from 286 served as the model for this unprecedented innovation.[49] The emperor quickened the process of removing military command from governors. Henceforth, civilian administration and military command would be separate. He gave governors more fiscal duties and placed them in charge of the army logistical support system as an attempt to control it by removing the support system from its control.
Christianity in the form of the Nicene Creed became the official religion of the empire in 380, via theEdict of Thessalonica issued in the name of three emperors – Gratian, Valentinian II, andTheodosius I – with Theodosius clearly the driving force behind it. He was the last emperor of a unified empire: after his death in 395, his young children,Honorius andArcadius, inherited thewestern andeastern empires respectively. The seat of government in the Western Roman Empire was transferred toRavenna in 408, but from 450 the emperors mostly resided in Rome.[50]
Rome, which had lost its central role in the administration of the empire,was sacked in 410 by theVisigoths led byAlaric I,[51] but very little physical damage was done, most of which was repaired. What could not be so easily replaced were portable items such as artwork in precious metals and items for domestic use (loot). The popes embellished the city with large basilicas, such asSanta Maria Maggiore (with the collaboration of the emperors). The population of the city had fallen from 800,000 to 450–500,000 by the time the city was sacked in 455 byGenseric, king of theVandals.[52] The weak emperors of the fifth century could not stop the decay, leading to the deposition ofRomulus Augustus, who resided on Ravenna, on 4 September 476. This marked the end of theWestern Roman Empire and, for many historians, the beginning of theMiddle Ages.[48]
The decline of the city's population was caused by the loss of grain shipments from North Africa, from 440 onward, and the unwillingness of the senatorial class to maintain donations to support a population that was too large for the resources available. Even so, strenuous efforts were made to maintain the monumental centre, the palatine, and the largest baths, which continued to function until the Gothic siege of 537. The large baths of Constantine on the Quirinale were even repaired in 443, and the extent of the damage exaggerated and dramatised.[53]
However, the city gave an appearance overall of shabbiness and decay because of the large abandoned areas due to population decline. The population declined to 500,000 by 452 and 100,000 by 500 AD (perhaps larger, though no certain figure can be known). After the Gothic siege of 537, the population dropped to 30,000 but had risen to 90,000 by the papacy ofGregory the Great.[54] The population decline coincided with the general collapse of urban life in the West in the fifth and sixth centuries, with few exceptions. Subsidized state grain distributions to the poorer members of society continued right through the sixth century and probably prevented the population from falling further.[55] The figure of 450,000–500,000 is based on the amount of pork, 3,629,000 lbs. distributed to poorer Romans during five winter months at the rate of five Roman lbs per person per month, enough for 145,000 persons or 1/4 or 1/3 of the total population.[56] Grain distribution to 80,000 ticket holders at the same time suggests 400,000 (Augustus set the number at 200,000 or one-fifth of the population).
After thefall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476, Rome was first under the control ofOdoacer and then became part of theOstrogothic Kingdom before returning toEast Roman control after theGothic War, which devastated the cityin 546 and550. Its population declined from more than a million in AD 210 to 500,000 in AD 273[57] to 35,000 after the Gothic War (535–554),[58] reducing the sprawling city to groups of inhabited buildings interspersed among large areas of ruins, vegetation, vineyards and market gardens.[59] It is generally thought the population of the city until AD 300 was 1 million (estimates range from 2 million to 750,000) declining to 750–800,000 in AD 400, then 450–500,000 in AD 450 and down to 80–100,000 in AD 500 (though it may have been twice this).[60]
The Bishop of Rome, called thePope, was important since the early days of Christianity because of the martyrdom of both the apostlesPeter andPaul there. The Bishops of Rome were also seen (and still are seen by Catholics) as the successors of Peter, who is considered the first Bishop of Rome. The city thus became of increasing importance as the centre of theCatholic Church.
After theLombard invasion of Italy (569–572), the city remained nominally Byzantine, but in reality, the popes pursued a policy of equilibrium between theByzantines, theFranks, and theLombards.[61] In 729, the Lombard kingLiutprand donated the north Latium town ofSutri to the Church, starting its temporal power.[61] In 756,Pepin the Short, after having defeated the Lombards, gave the Pope temporal jurisdiction over the Roman Duchy and theExarchate of Ravenna, thus creating thePapal States.[61] Since this period, three powers tried to rule the city: the pope, the nobility (together with the chiefs of militias, the judges, the Senate and the populace), and the Frankish king, as king of the Lombards, patricius, and Emperor.[61] These three parties (theocratic, republican, and imperial) were a characteristic of Roman life during the entire Middle Ages.[61] On Christmas night of 800,Charlemagne was crowned in Rome asEmperor byPope Leo III: on that occasion, the city hosted for the first time the two powers whose struggle for control was to be a constant of the Middle Ages.[61] This event marks the beginning of theCarolingian Empire, the first phase of theHoly Roman Empire.
In 846, Muslim Arabsunsuccessfully stormed the city's walls, but managed to lootSt. Peter's and St. Paul's basilica, both outside the city wall.[62] After the decay ofCarolingian power, Rome fell prey to feudal chaos: several noble families fought against the pope, the emperor, and each other. These were the times ofTheodora and her daughterMarozia, concubines and mothers of several popes, and ofCrescentius, a powerful feudal lord, who fought against the EmperorsOtto II andOtto III.[63] The scandals of this period forced the papacy to reform itself: the election of the pope was reserved to the cardinals, and reform of the clergy was attempted. The driving force behind this renewal was the monkIldebrando da Soana, who once elected pope under the name ofGregory VII became involved into theInvestiture Controversy against EmperorHenry IV.[63] Subsequently, Romewas sacked and burned by theNormans underRobert Guiscard who had entered the city in support of the Pope, then besieged inCastel Sant'Angelo.[63]
During this period, the city was autonomously ruled by asenatore orpatrizio. In the 12th century, this administration, like other European cities, evolved into thecommune, a new form of social organisation controlled by the new wealthy classes.[63] PopeLucius II fought against the Roman commune, and the struggle was continued by his successorPope Eugenius III: by this stage, the commune, allied with the aristocracy, was supported byArnaldo da Brescia, a monk who was a religious and social reformer.[64] After the pope's death, Arnaldo was taken prisoner byAdrianus IV, which marked the end of the commune's autonomy.[64] UnderPope Innocent III, whose reign marked the apogee of the papacy, the commune liquidated the senate, and replaced it with aSenatore, who was subject to the pope.[64]
In this period, the papacy played a role of secular importance inWestern Europe, often acting as arbitrators between Christianmonarchs and exercising additional political powers.[65][66][67]
In 1266,Charles of Anjou, who was heading south to fight theHohenstaufen on behalf of the pope, was appointed Senator. Charles founded theSapienza, the university of Rome.[64] In that period the pope died, and the cardinals, summoned inViterbo, could not agree on his successor. This angered the people of the city, who then unroofed the building where they met and imprisoned them until they had nominated the new pope; this marked the birth of theconclave.[64] In this period the city was also shattered by continuous fights between the aristocratic families:Annibaldi,Caetani,Colonna,Orsini,Conti, nested in their fortresses built above ancient Roman edifices, fought each other to control the papacy.[64]
Pope Boniface VIII, born Caetani, was the last pope to fight for the church'suniversal domain; he proclaimed a crusade against theColonna family and, in 1300, called for the firstJubilee of Christianity, which brought millions ofpilgrims to Rome.[64] However, his hopes were crushed by the French kingPhilip the Fair, who took him prisoner and held him hostage for three days atAnagni.[64] The Pope was able to return to Rome, but died a month later, it was said of shock and grief. Afterwards, a new pope faithful to the French was elected, and the papacy wasbriefly relocated toAvignon (1309–1377).[68] During this period Rome was neglected, until a plebeian man,Cola di Rienzo, came to power.[68] An idealist and a lover of ancient Rome, Cola dreamed about a rebirth of the Roman Empire: after assuming power with the title ofTribuno, his reforms were rejected by the populace.[68] Forced to flee, Cola returned as part of the entourage of CardinalAlbornoz, who was charged with restoring the Church's power in Italy.[68] Back in power for a short time, Cola was soon lynched by the populace, and Albornoz took possession of the city. In 1377, Rome became the seat of the papacy again underGregory XI.[68] The return of the pope to Rome in that year unleashed theWestern Schism (1377–1418), and for the next forty years, the city was affected by the divisions which rocked the Church.[68]
Almost 500 years old, this map of Rome byMario Cartaro (from 1575) shows the city's primary monuments.Castel Sant'Angelo, or Hadrian's Mausoleum, is a Roman monument built in 134 AD, radically altered in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and crowned with 16th and 17th-century statues.Fontana della Barcaccia, created byGian Lorenzo Bernini in 1629
In 1418, theCouncil of Constance settled theWestern Schism, and a Roman pope,Martin V, was elected.[68] This brought to Rome a century of internal peace, which marked the beginning of theRenaissance.[68] The ruling popes until the first half of the 16th century, fromNicholas V, founder of theVatican Library, toPius II, humanist and literate, fromSixtus IV, a warrior pope, toAlexander VI, immoral andnepotist, fromJulius II, soldier and patron, toLeo X, who gave his name to this period ("the century of Leo X"), all devoted their energy to the greatness and the beauty of the Eternal City and to the patronage of the arts.[68]
The period was also infamous for papal corruption, with many Popes fathering children, and engaging innepotism andsimony. The corruption of the Popes and the huge expenses for their building projects led, in part, to theReformation and, in turn, theCounter-Reformation. Under extravagant and rich popes, Rome was transformed into a centre of art, poetry, music, literature, education and culture. Rome became able to compete with other major European cities of the time in terms of wealth, grandeur, the arts, learning and architecture.
The Renaissance period changed the face of Rome dramatically, with works like thePietà by Michelangelo and the frescoes of theBorgia Apartments. Rome reached the highest point of splendour underPope Julius II (1503–1513) and his successorsLeo X andClement VII, both members of theMedici family.
In this twenty-year period, Rome became one of the greatest centres of art in the world. The old St. Peter's Basilica built by EmperorConstantine the Great[69] (which by then was in a dilapidated state) was demolished and a new one begun. The city hosted artists likeGhirlandaio,Perugino,Botticelli andBramante, who built the temple ofSan Pietro in Montorio and planned a great project to renovate theVatican. Raphael, who in Rome became one of the most famous painters of Italy, created frescoes in theVilla Farnesina, theRaphael's Rooms, plus many other famous paintings. Michelangelo started the decoration of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and executed the famous statue of theMoses for the tomb of Julius II.
Its economy was rich, with the presence of several Tuscan bankers, includingAgostino Chigi, who was a friend of Raphael and a patron of arts. Before his early death, Raphael also promoted for the first time the preservation of the ancient ruins. TheWar of the League of Cognac caused the first plunder of the city in more than five hundred years sincethe previous sack; in 1527, theLandsknechts of EmperorCharles Vsacked the city, bringing an abrupt end to the golden age of the Renaissance in Rome.[68]
Beginning with theCouncil of Trent in 1545, the Church began the Counter-Reformation in response to the Reformation, a large-scale questioning of the Church's authority on spiritual matters and governmental affairs. This loss of confidence led to major shifts of power away from the Church.[68] Under the popes fromPius IV toSixtus V, Rome became the centre of a reformed Catholicism and saw the building of new monuments which celebrated the papacy.[70] The popes and cardinals of the 17th and early 18th centuries continued the movement by having the city's landscape enriched with baroque buildings.[70]
This was another nepotistic age; the new aristocratic families (Barberini,Pamphili,Chigi,Rospigliosi,Altieri,Odescalchi) were protected by their respective popes, who built huge baroque buildings for their relatives.[70] During theAge of Enlightenment, new ideas reached the Eternal City, where the papacy supported archaeological studies and improved the people's welfare.[68] But not everything went well for the Church during the Counter-Reformation. There were setbacks in the attempts to assert the Church's power, a notable example being in 1773 when Pope Clement XIV was forced by secular powers to have theJesuit order suppressed.[68]
The rule of the Popes was interrupted by the short-livedRoman Republic (1798–1800), which was established under the influence of theFrench Revolution. ThePapal States were restored in June 1800, but duringNapoleon's reign Rome wasannexed as aDépartement of theFrench Empire: first asDépartement du Tibre (1808–1810) and then asDépartement Rome (1810–1814). After the fall of Napoleon, the Papal States were reconstituted by a decision of theCongress of Vienna of 1814.
Rome then became the focus of hopes of Italian reunification after the rest of Italy was united as theKingdom of Italy in 1861 with the temporary capital inFlorence. That year Rome was declared the capital of Italy even though it was still under the Pope's control. During the 1860s, the last vestiges of the Papal States were under French protection thanks to the foreign policy ofNapoleon III. French troops were stationed in the region under Papal control. In 1870 the French troops were withdrawn due to the outbreak of theFranco-Prussian War. Italian troops were able tocapture Rome entering the city through a breach nearPorta Pia.Pope Pius IX declared himself aprisoner in the Vatican. In 1871 the capital of Italy was moved from Florence to Rome.[71] In 1870 the population of the city was 212,000, all of whom lived with the area circumscribed by the ancient city, and in 1920, the population was 660,000. A significant portion lived outside the walls in the north and across the Tiber in the Vatican area.
Soon after World War I in late 1922 Rome witnessed the rise ofItalian Fascism led byBenito Mussolini, who led amarch on the city. He did away with democracy by 1926, eventually declaring a newItalian Empire and allying Italy withNazi Germany in 1938. Mussolini demolished fairly large parts of the city centre in order to build wide avenues and squares which were supposed to celebrate the fascist regime and the resurgence and glorification of classical Rome.[72] The interwar period saw a rapid growth in the city's population which surpassed one million inhabitants soon after 1930. During World War II, due to the art treasuries and the presence of the Vatican, Rome largely escaped the tragic destiny of other European cities. However, on 19 July 1943, theSan Lorenzo district wassubject to Allied bombing raids, resulting in about 3,000 fatalities and 11,000 injuries, of whom another 1,500 died.[73] Mussoliniwas arrested on 25 July 1943. On the date of theItalian Armistice 8 September 1943 the city was occupied by the Germans. Allied bombing raids continued throughout 1943 and extended into 1944. Rome was liberated on 4 June 1944.
Rome developed greatly after the war as part of the "Italian economic miracle" of post-war reconstruction and modernisation in the 1950s and early 1960s. During this period, the years ofla dolce vita ("the sweet life"), Rome became a fashionable city, with popular classic films such asBen Hur,Quo Vadis,Roman Holiday andLa Dolce Vita filmed in the city's iconicCinecittà Studios. The rising trend in population growth continued until the mid-1980s when thecomune had more than 2.8 million residents. After this, the population declined slowly as people began to move to nearby suburbs.
Although the city centre is about 24 km (15 mi) inland from theTyrrhenian Sea, the city territory extends to the shore, where the south-western district ofOstia is located. The altitude of the central part of Rome ranges from 13 m (43 ft)above sea level (at the base of thePantheon) to 139 m (456 ft)above sea level (the peak ofMonte Mario).[74] TheComune of Rome covers an overall area of about 1,285 km2 (496 sq mi), including many green areas.
Public parks and nature reserves cover a large area in Rome, and the city has one of the largest areas of green space among European capitals.[75] The most notable part of this green space is represented by the large number of villas and landscaped gardens created by the Italian aristocracy. While most of the parks surrounding the villas were destroyed during the building boom of the late 19th century, some of them remain. The most notable of these are theVilla Borghese,Villa Ada, andVilla Doria Pamphili. Villa Doria Pamphili is west of the Gianicolo hill, comprising some 1.8 km2 (0.7 sq mi). TheVilla Sciarra is on the hill, with playgrounds for children and shaded walking areas. In the nearby area of Trastevere, theOrto Botanico (Botanical Garden) is a cool and shady green space. The old Roman hippodrome (Circus Maximus) is another large green space: it has few trees but is overlooked by the Palatine and the Rose Garden ('roseto comunale'). Nearby is the lushVilla Celimontana, close to the gardens surrounding the Baths of Caracalla. The Villa Borghese garden is the best known large green space in Rome, with famous art galleries among its shaded walks. OverlookingPiazza del Popolo and the Spanish Steps are the gardens ofPincio andVilla Medici. There is also a notable pine wood atCastelfusano, near Ostia. Rome also has a number of regional parks of much more recent origin, including thePineto Regional Park and the Appian Way Regional Park. There are also nature reserves at Marcigliana and at Tenuta di Castelporziano.
Its average annual temperature is above 21 °C (70 °F) during the day and 9 °C (48 °F) at night. In the coldest month, January, the average temperature is 12.6 °C (54.7 °F) during the day and 2.1 °C (35.8 °F) at night. In the warmest month, August, the average temperature is 31.7 °C (89.1 °F) during the day and 17.3 °C (63.1 °F) at night.
December, January and February are the coldest months, with a daily mean temperature of approximately 8 °C (46 °F). Temperatures during these months generally vary between 10 and 15 °C (50 and 59 °F) during the day and between 3 and 5 °C (37 and 41 °F) at night, with colder or warmer spells occurring frequently. Snowfall is rare but not unheard of, with light snow or flurries occurring on some winters, generally without accumulation, and major snowfalls on a very rare occurrence (the most recent ones were in 2018, 2012 and 1986).[77][78][79]
The averagerelative humidity is 75%, varying from 72% in July to 77% in November. Sea temperatures vary from a low of 13.9 °C (57.0 °F) in February to a high of 25.0 °C (77.0 °F) in August.[80]
The highest temperature ever recorded in Rome was 42.9 °C (109.2 °F) on 18 July 2023.[81]
Climate data forRome Ciampino Airport, elevation: 129 m or 423 ft, 1991–2020 normals, extremes 1944–present
By 550 BC, Rome was the second largest city in Italy after only Taras (modernTaranto) on theSalento Peninsula.[84] It had an area of about 285 ha (700 acres) and an estimated population of 35,000. Other sources suggest the population was just under 100,000 from 600 to 500 BC.[85][86] When the Republic was founded in 509 BC the census recorded a population of 130,000.[87] The republic included the city itself and the immediate surroundings. Other sources suggest a population of 150,000 in 500 BC. It surpassed 300,000 by 150 BC.[88][89][90][91][92]
The size of the city at the time of the EmperorAugustus is a matter of speculation, with estimates based on grain distribution, grain imports, aqueduct capacity, city limits, population density, census reports, and assumptions about the number of unreported women, children and slaves providing a very wide range. Glenn Storey estimates 450,000 people, Whitney Oates estimates 1.2 million, Neville Morely provides a rough estimate of 800,000 and excludes earlier suggestions of 2 million.[93][94][95][96] Estimates of the city's population towards and after the end of the Roman empire also vary. A.H.M. Jones estimated the population at 650,000 in the mid-fifth century. The damage caused by the sackings may have been overestimated. The population had already started to decline from the late fourth century onward, although around the middle of the fifth century it seems that Rome continued to be the most populous city of the two parts of the Empire.[97] According to Krautheimer it was still close to 800,000 in 400 AD; had declined to 500,000 by 452, and dwindled to perhaps 100,000 in 500 AD. After the Gothic Wars, 535–552, the population may have dwindled temporarily to 30,000. During the pontificate ofPope Gregory I (590–604), it may have reached 90,000, augmented by refugees.[98] Lancon estimates 500,000 based on the number of 'incisi' enrolled as eligible to receive bread, oil and wine rations; the number fell to 120,000 in thereform of 419.[99] Neil Christie, citing free rations for the poorest, estimated 500,000 in the mid-fifth century and still a quarter of a million at the end of the century.[100] Novel 36 of EmperorValentinian III records 3.629 million pounds of pork to be distributed to the needy at 5 lbs. per month for the five winter months, sufficient for 145,000 recipients. This has been used to suggest a population of just under 500,000. Supplies of grain remained steady until the seizure of the remaining provinces of North Africa in 439 by theVandals, and may have continued to some degree afterwards for a while. The city's population declined to less than 50,000 people in theEarly Middle Ages from 700 AD onward. It continued to stagnate or shrink until theRenaissance.[101]
When theKingdom of Italy annexed Rome in 1870, the city had a population of about 225,000. Less than half the city within the walls was built up in 1881 when the population recorded was 275,000. This increased to 600,000 by the eve of World War I. TheFascist regime of Mussolini tried to block an excessive demographic rise of the city but failed to prevent it from reaching one million people by the early 1930s.[citation needed][clarification needed] Population growth continued after the Second World War, helped by a post-war economic boom. A construction boom also created many suburbs during the 1950s and 1960s.
In mid-2010, there were 2,754,440 residents in the city proper, while some 4.2 million people lived in the greater Rome area (which can be approximately identified with its administrative metropolitan city, with a population density of about 800 inhabitants/km2 stretching over more than 5,000 km2 (1,900 sq mi)). Minors (children ages 18 and younger) totalled 17.00% of the population compared to pensioners who number 20.76%. This compares with the Italian average of 18.06% (minors) and 19.94% (pensioners). The average age of a Roman resident is 43 compared to the Italian average of 42. In the five years between 2002 and 2007, the population of Rome grew by 6.54%, while Italy as a whole grew by 3.56%.[102] The current[when?] birth rate of Rome is 9.10 births per 1,000 inhabitants compared to the Italian average of 9.45 births.[citation needed]
The urban area of Rome extends beyond the administrative city limits with a population of around 3.9 million.[103] Between 3.2 and 4.2 million people live in theRome metropolitan area.[104][105][106][107][108]
According to the 2011 statistics conducted by ISTAT,[109] approximately 9.5% of the population consists of non-Italians. About half of the immigrant population consists of those of various other European origins (chiefly Romanian, Polish, Ukrainian, and Albanian) numbering a combined total of 131,118 or 4.7% of the population. The remaining 4.8% are those with non-European origins, chieflyFilipinos (26,933), Bangladeshis (12,154), and Chinese (10,283).
TheEsquilinorione, offTermini Railway Station, has evolved into a largely immigrant neighbourhood. It is perceived as Rome's Chinatown. Immigrants from more than a hundred different countries reside there. A commercial district, Esquilino contains restaurants featuring many kinds of international cuisine. There are wholesale clothes shops. Of the 1,300 or so commercial premises operating in the district 800 are Chinese-owned; around 300 are run by immigrants from other countries around the world; 200 are owned by Italians.[110]
Rome's historic contribution to language in a worldwide sense is extensive. Through the process ofRomanization, the peoples of Italy,Gallia, theIberian Peninsula andDacia developed languages which derive directly from Latin and were adopted in large areas of the world, all through cultural influence, colonisation and migration. Moreover, also modern English, because of theNorman Conquest, borrowed a large percentage of its vocabulary from the Latin language. TheRoman or Latin alphabet is the most widely used writing system in the world used by the greatest number of languages.[112]
The medievalRoman dialect belonged to the southern family of Italian dialects, and was thus much closer to theNeapolitan language than to the Florentine.[113][114] A typical example of Romanesco of that period isVita di Cola di Rienzo [it] ("Life ofCola di Rienzo"), written by an anonymous Roman during the 14th century.[113] Starting with the 16th century, the Roman dialect underwent a stronger and stronger influence from theTuscan dialect (from which modern Italian derives) starting with the reigns of the twoMedici popes (Leo X andClement VII) and with theSack of Rome in 1527, two events which provoked a large immigration fromTuscany.[115][116] Therefore, current Romanesco has grammar and roots that are rather different from other dialects in Central Italy.[116]
Much like the rest of Italy, Rome is predominantlyChristian, and the city has been an important centre of religion andpilgrimage for centuries, the base of the ancient Roman religion with thepontifex maximus and later the seat of theVatican and the pope. Before the arrival of the Christians in Rome, theReligio Romana (literally, the "Roman Religion") was the major religion of the city in classical antiquity. The first gods held sacred by the Romans wereJupiter, the Most High, andMars, the god of war, and father of Rome's twin founders,Romulus and Remus, according to tradition. Other deities such asVesta andMinerva were honoured. Rome was also the base of several mystery cults, such asMithraism. Later, afterSt Peter andSt Paul were martyred in the city, and the first Christians began to arrive, Rome became Christian, and theOld St. Peter's Basilica was constructed in 313 AD. Despite some interruptions (such as theAvignon papacy), Rome has for centuries been the home of theRoman Catholic Church and theBishop of Rome, otherwise known as the Pope.
The territory ofVatican City is part of theMons Vaticanus (Vatican Hill), and of the adjacent former Vatican Fields, whereSt. Peter's Basilica, theApostolic Palace, theSistine Chapel, and museums were built, along with various other buildings. The area was part of the Romanrione ofBorgo until 1929. Being separated from the city on the west bank of theTiber, the area was a suburb that was protected by being included within the walls ofLeo IV, later expanded by the current fortification walls ofPaul III,Pius IV, andUrban VIII. When theLateran Treaty of 1929 that created the Vatican state was being prepared, the boundaries of the proposed territory were influenced by the fact that much of it was all but enclosed by this loop.
Rome has been a majorChristian pilgrimage site since theMiddle Ages. People from all over theChristian world visit Vatican City, within the city of Rome, the seat of the papacy. The city became a majorpilgrimage site during the Middle Ages. Apart from brief periods as an independent city during theMiddle Ages, Rome kept its status as Papal capital and holy city for centuries, even when the Papacybriefly relocated toAvignon (1309–1377). Catholics believe that the Vatican is the last resting place of St. Peter. Pilgrimages to Rome can involve visits to many sites, both within Vatican City and in Italian territory. A popular stopping point is thePilate's stairs: these are, according to the Christian tradition, the steps that led up to thepraetorium ofPontius Pilate inJerusalem, whichJesus Christ stood on during hisPassion on his way to trial.[118]
In addition, Rome hosts multipleBuddhist[119] temples, aTaoist temple[citation needed], and a variety ofRoman modern pagan temples[120] held by the Associazione Tradizionale Pietas which every year takes part in the religious festivities of theNatale di Roma, historically known asDies Romana and also referred to as Romaia, the festival linked to thefoundation of Rome, celebrated on 21 April.[121] According tolegend,Romulus is said to have founded the city of Rome on 21 April,753 BC. From this date, the Roman chronology derived its system, known by theLatin phraseAb Urbe condita, meaning"from the founding of the City", which counted the years from this presumed foundation.
Rome constitutes a comunespeciale, named"Roma Capitale",[123] and is the largest both in terms of land area and population among the 8,101comuni of Italy. It is governed by a mayor and a city council. The seat of thecomune is thePalazzo Senatorio on theCapitoline Hill, the historic seat of the city government. The local administration in Rome is commonly referred to as"Campidoglio", the Italian name of the hill.Palazzo Senatorio, seat of the municipality of Rome, has been atown hall since AD 1144, making it the oldest town hall in the world.[122]
Since 1972, the city has been divided into administrative areas, calledmunicipi (sing.municipio) (until 2001 namedcircoscrizioni).[124] They were created for administrative reasons to increase decentralisation in the city. Eachmunicipio is governed by a president and a council of twenty-five members who are elected by its residents every five years. Themunicipi frequently cross the boundaries of the traditional, non-administrative divisions of the city. The municipi were originally 20, then 19,[125] and in 2013, their number was reduced to 15.[126]
Rome is also divided into differing types of non-administrative units. The historic centre is divided into 22rioni, all of which are located within theAurelian Walls exceptPrati andBorgo. These originate from the14 regions of Augustan Rome, which evolved in the Middle Ages into themedieval rioni.[127] In theRenaissance, under PopeSixtus V, they again reached fourteen, and their boundaries were finally defined underPope Benedict XIV in 1743.
Rome is the principal town of theMetropolitan City of Rome, operative since 1 January 2015. The Metropolitan City replaced the oldprovincia di Roma, which included the city's metropolitan area and extends further north untilCivitavecchia. The Metropolitan City of Rome is the largest by area in Italy. At 5,352 km2 (2,066 sq mi), its dimensions are comparable to the region ofLiguria. Moreover, the city is also the capital of theLazio region.[128]
As the capital of Italy, Rome hosts all the principal institutions of the nation, including the Presidency of the Republic, the government (and its singleMinisteri), the Parliament, the main judicial Courts, and the diplomatic representatives of all the countries for the states of Italy and Vatican City. Many international institutions are located in Rome, notably cultural and scientific ones, such as the American Institute, the British School, the French Academy, the Scandinavian Institutes, and the German Archaeological Institute. There are also specialised agencies of the United Nations, such as theFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Rome also hosts major international and worldwide political and cultural organisations, such as theInternational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD),World Food Programme (WFP), theNATO Defence College, and theInternational Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).
According to theGaWC study of world cities, Rome is a "Beta +" city.[155] The city was ranked in 2014 as 32nd in the Global Cities Index, the highest in Italy.[156] With a 2005 GDP of €94.376 billion (US$121.5 billion),[157][needs update] the city produces 6.7% of the national GDP (more than any other single city in Italy), and its unemployment rate, lowered from 11.1% to 6.5% between 2001 and 2005, is now one of the lowest rates of all the European Union capital cities.[157] Rome's economy grows at around 4.4% annually and continues to grow at a higher rate in comparison to any other city in the rest of the country.[157] This means that were Rome a country, it would be the world's 52nd richest country by GDP, near to the size to that of Egypt. Rome also had a 2003 GDP per capita of €29,153 (US$37,412), which was second in Italy (after Milan), and is more than 134.1% of the EU average GDP per capita.[158][needs update] Rome, on the whole, has the highest total earnings in Italy, reaching €47,076,890,463 in 2008,[159][needs update] yet, in terms of average workers' incomes, the city places itself 9th in Italy, with €24,509.[159] On a global level, Rome's workers receive the 30th highest wages in 2009, coming three places higher than in 2008, in which the city ranked 33rd.[160][needs update] The Rome area had aGDP amounting to $167.8 billion, and $38,765 per capita.[161]
Although the economy of Rome is characterised by the absence of heavy industry, and it is largely dominated byservices, high-technology companies (IT, aerospace, defence, telecommunications), research, construction and commercial activities (especially banking), and the huge development of tourism are very dynamic and extremely important to its economy. Rome's international airport,Fiumicino, is the largest in Italy, and the city hosts the head offices of the vast majority of the major Italian companies, as well as the headquarters of three of the world's 100 largest companies:Enel,Eni, andTelecom Italia.[162]
Universities, national radio and television and the movie industry in Rome are also important parts of the economy: Rome is also the hub of theItalian film industry, thanks to the Cinecittà studios, working since the 1930s. The city is also a centre for banking and insurance as well as electronics, energy, transport, and aerospace industries. Numerous international companies and agencies headquarters, government ministries, conference centres, sports venues, and museums are located in Rome's principal business districts: theEsposizione Universale Roma (EUR); theTorrino (further south from the EUR); theMagliana; theParco de' Medici-Laurentina and the so-calledTiburtina-valley along the ancientVia Tiburtina.
Rome today is one of the most important tourist destinations of the world, due to the incalculable immensity of its archaeological and artistic treasures, as well as for the charm of its unique traditions, the beauty of its panoramic views, and the majesty of its magnificent "villas" (parks). Among the most significant resources are the many museums –Capitoline Museums,the Vatican Museums and theGalleria Borghese and others dedicated to modern and contemporary art –aqueducts,fountains, churches,palaces, historical buildings, themonuments and ruins of theRoman Forum, and theCatacombs. Rome is the third most visited city in the EU, after London and Paris, and receives an average of 7–10 million tourists a year, which sometimes doubles on holy years. The Colosseum (4 million tourists) and theVatican Museums (4.2 million tourists) are the 39th and 37th (respectively) most visited places in the world, according to a recent study.[164]
Rome contains a vast collection of art, sculpture,fountains,mosaics,frescos, and paintings, from all different periods. Rome first became a major artistic centre during ancient Rome, with forms of importantRoman art such asarchitecture, painting, sculpture andmosaic work.Metal-work,coin die and gem engraving,ivory carvings, figurine glass,pottery, and book illustrations are considered to be 'minor' forms of Roman artwork.[170] Rome later became a major centre ofRenaissance art, since the popes spent vast sums of money for the constructions of grandiosebasilicas,palaces,piazzas and public buildings in general. Rome became one of Europe's major centres of Renaissance artwork, second only toFlorence, and able to compare to other major cities and cultural centres, such as Paris andVenice. The city was affected greatly by thebaroque, and Rome became the home of numerous artists and architects, such asBernini,Caravaggio,Carracci,Borromini andCortona.[171] In the late 18th century and early 19th century, the city was one of the centres of theGrand Tour,[172] when wealthy, young English and other European aristocrats visited the city to learn aboutancient Roman culture, art, philosophy, and architecture. Rome hosted a great number of neoclassical and rococo artists, such asPannini andBernardo Bellotto. Today, the city is a major artistic centre, with numerous art institutes[173] and museums.
Rome has a growing stock of contemporary and modern art and architecture. The National Gallery of Modern Art has works by Balla, Morandi, Pirandello, Carrà, De Chirico, De Pisis, Guttuso, Fontana, Burri, Mastroianni, Turcato, Kandisky, and Cézanne on permanent exhibition. 2010 saw the opening of Rome's newest arts foundation, a contemporary art and architecture gallery designed by acclaimed Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid. Known asMAXXI – National Museum of the 21st Century Arts it restores a dilapidated area with striking modern architecture. Maxxi[174] features a campus dedicated to culture, experimental research laboratories, international exchange and study and research. It is one of Rome's most ambitious modern architecture projects alongsideRenzo Piano's Auditorium Parco della Musica[175] andMassimiliano Fuksas' Rome Convention Center, Centro Congressi Italia EUR, in the EUR district, due to open in 2016.[176] The convention centre features a huge translucent container inside which is suspended a steel and teflon structure resembling a cloud and which contains meeting rooms and an auditorium with two piazzas open to the neighbourhood on either side.
Rome is a nationwide and major international centre for higher education, containing numerous academies, colleges and universities. It boasts a large variety of academies and colleges, and has always been a major worldwide intellectual and educational centre, especially duringAncient Rome and theRenaissance, along with Florence.[179] According to the City Brands Index, Rome is considered the world's second most historically, educationally and culturally interesting and beautiful city.[180]
Rome has many universities and colleges. Its first university,La Sapienza (founded in 1303), is one of the largest in the world, with more than 140,000 students attending; in 2005 it ranked as Europe's 33rd best university[181] and in 2013 the Sapienza University of Rome ranked as the 62nd in the world and the top in Italy in itsWorld University Rankings.[182] and has been ranked among Europe's 50 and the world's 150 best colleges.[183] In order to decrease the overcrowding of La Sapienza, two new public universities were founded during the last decades:Tor Vergata in 1982, andRoma Tre in 1992. Rome hosts also theLUISS School of Government,[184] Italy's most important graduate university in the areas of international affairs and European studies as well asLUISS Business School, Italy's most important business school. RomeISIA was founded in 1973 byGiulio Carlo Argan and is Italy's oldest institution in the field ofindustrial design.
Construction of theTrevi Fountain began during the time of Ancient Rome and was completed in 1762 by a design ofNicola Salvi.
Rome is a city known for its numerous fountains, built-in all different styles, from Classical and Medieval, to Baroque and Neoclassical. The city has hadfountains for more than two thousand years, and they have provided drinking water and decorated thepiazzas of Rome. During theRoman Empire, in 98 AD, according toSextus Julius Frontinus, the Roman consul who was namedcurator aquarum or guardian of the water of the city, Rome had nineaqueducts which fed 39 monumental fountains and 591 public basins, not counting the water supplied to the Imperial household, baths, and owners of private villas. Each of the major fountains was connected to two different aqueducts, in case one was shut down for service.[191]
During the 17th and 18th century, the Roman popes reconstructed other degraded Roman aqueducts and built new display fountains to mark their termini, launching the golden age of the Roman fountain. The fountains of Rome, like the paintings ofRubens, were expressions of the new style of Baroque art. In these fountains, sculpture became the principal element, and the water was used simply to animate and decorate the sculptures. They, like baroque gardens, were "a visual representation of confidence and power".[192]
Rome is well known for its statues but, in particular, thetalking statues of Rome. These are usually ancient statues which have become popular soapboxes for political and social discussion, and places for people to (often satirically) voice their opinions. There are two main talking statues: thePasquino and theMarforio, yet there are four other noted ones:il Babuino,Madama Lucrezia,il Facchino andAbbot Luigi. Most of these statues are ancient Roman or classical, and most of them also depict mythical gods, ancient people or legendary figures; il Pasquino representsMenelaus, Abbot Luigi is an unknown Roman magistrate, il Babuino is supposed to beSilenus,Marforio representsOceanus, Madama Lucrezia is a bust ofIsis, andil Facchino is the only non-Roman statue, created in 1580, and not representing anyone in particular. They are often, due to their status, covered with placards orgraffiti expressing political ideas and points of view. Other statues in the city, which are not related to the talking statues, include those of the Ponte Sant'Angelo, or several monuments scattered across the city, such as that toGiordano Bruno in the Campo de'Fiori.
The city of Rome contains numerous famous bridges which cross theTiber. The only bridge to remain unaltered until today from the classical age isPonte dei Quattro Capi, which connects theIsola Tiberina with the left bank. The other surviving – albeit modified – ancient Roman bridges crossing the Tiber arePonte Cestio,Ponte Sant'Angelo andPonte Milvio. ConsideringPonte Nomentano, also built during ancient Rome, which crosses theAniene, currently there are five ancient Roman bridges still remaining in the city.[195] Other noteworthy bridges arePonte Sisto, the first bridge built in the Renaissance above Roman foundations;Ponte Rotto, actually the only remaining arch of the ancientPons Aemilius, collapsed during the flood of 1598 and demolished at the end of the 19th century; andPonte Vittorio Emanuele II, a modern bridge connecting Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Borgo. Most of the city's public bridges were built in Classical or Renaissance style, but also in Baroque, Neoclassical and Modern styles. According to theEncyclopædia Britannica, the finest ancient bridge remaining in Rome is thePonte Sant'Angelo, which was completed in 135 AD, and was decorated with ten statues of the angels, designed byBernini in 1688.[196]
TheVatican Caves are the location of many papal burials.
Rome has an extensive amount of ancient catacombs, or underground burial places under or near the city, of which there are at least forty, some discovered only in recent decades. Though most famous for Christian burials, they includepagan and Jewish burials, either in separate catacombs or mixed together. The first large-scale catacombs were excavated from the 2nd century onwards. Originally they were carved throughtuff, a softvolcanic rock, outside the boundaries of the city, becauseRoman law forbade burial places within city limits. Currently, maintenance of the catacombs is in the hands of thePapacy which has invested in theSalesians of Don Bosco the supervision of the Catacombs of St. Callixtus on the outskirts of Rome.
Rome is an important centre for music, and it has an intense musical scene, including several prestigious music conservatories and theatres. It hosts theAccademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (founded in 1585), for which new concert halls have been built in the newParco della Musica, one of the largest musical venues in the world. Rome also has an opera house, theTeatro dell'Opera di Roma, as well as several minor musical institutions. The city also played host to theEurovision Song Contest in 1991 and theMTV Europe Music Awards in 2004.
Rome has also had a major impact on music history. TheRoman School was a group of composers of predominantly church music, which were active in the city during the 16th and 17th centuries, therefore spanning the lateRenaissance and earlyBaroque eras. The term also refers to the music they produced. Many of the composers had a direct connection to theVatican and thepapal chapel, though they worked at several churches; stylistically they are often contrasted with theVenetian School of composers, a concurrent movement which was much more progressive. By far the most famous composer of the Roman School isGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, whose name has been associated for four hundred years with smooth, clear,polyphonic perfection. However, there were other composers working in Rome, and in a variety of styles and forms.
Between 1960 and 1970 Rome was considered to be as a "new Hollywood" because of the many actors and directors who worked there; Via Vittorio Veneto had transformed into a glamour place where you could meet famous people.[197]
Rome's cuisine has evolved through centuries and periods of social, cultural, and political changes. Rome became a major gastronomical centre during theancient age.Ancient Roman cuisine was highly influenced by Ancient Greek culture, and after, the empire's enormous expansion exposed Romans to many new, provincial culinary habits and cooking techniques.[200]
Later, during theRenaissance, Rome became well known as a centre of high-cuisine, since some of the best chefs of the time worked for the popes. An example of this wasBartolomeo Scappi, who was a chef working forPius IV; he acquired fame in 1570 when his cookbookOpera dell'arte del cucinare was published. In the book he lists approximately 1,000 recipes of the Renaissancecuisine and describes cooking techniques and tools, giving the first known picture of afork.[201]
TheTestaccio, Rome's trade and slaughterhouse area, was often known as the "belly" or "slaughterhouse" of Rome, and was inhabited by butchers, orvaccinari.[202] The most common or ancient Roman cuisine included the "fifth quarter".[202] The old-fashionedcoda alla vaccinara (oxtail cooked in the way of butchers)[202] is still one of the city's most popular meals and is part of most of Rome's restaurants' menus. Lamb is also a very popular part of Roman cuisine, and is often roasted with spices and herbs.[202]
In the modern age, the city developed its own peculiar cuisine, based on products of the nearbyCampagna, as lamb and vegetables (globe artichokes are common).[203] In parallel, Roman Jews – present in the city since the 1st century BC – developed their own cuisine, thecucina giudaico-romanesca.
Rome hosts theCinecittà Studios,[206] the largest film and television production facility in continental Europe and the centre of theItalian cinema, where many of today's biggest box office hits are filmed. The 99-acre (40 ha) studio complex is 9.0 km (5.6 mi) from the centre of Rome and is part of one of the biggest production communities in the world, second only toHollywood, with well over 5,000 professionals – from period costume makers to visual effects specialists. More than 3,000 productions have been made on its lot.[citation needed]
Founded in 1937 byBenito Mussolini, the studios were bombed by theWestern Allies during the Second World War. In the 1950s, Cinecittà was the filming location for several large American film productions, and subsequently became the studio most closely associated withFederico Fellini. Today, Cinecittà is the only studio in the world with pre-production, production, and full post-production facilities on one lot, allowing directors and producers to walk in with their script and "walkout" with a completed film.[citation needed]
Association football is the most popular sport in Rome, as in the rest of the country. The city hosted the final games of the1934 and1990 FIFA World Cup. The latter took place in theStadio Olimpico, which is also the shared home stadium for localSerie A clubsSS Lazio, founded in 1900, andAS Roma, founded in 1927, whose rivalry in theDerby della Capitale has become a staple of Roman sports culture.[208] Footballers who play for these teams and are also born in the city tend to become especially popular, as has been the case with players such asFrancesco Totti andDaniele De Rossi (both for AS Roma), andAlessandro Nesta (for SS Lazio).
Rome hosted the1960 Summer Olympics, with great success, using many ancient sites such as theVilla Borghese and theThermae of Caracalla as venues. For the Olympic Games many new facilities were built, notably the new large Olympic Stadium (which was then enlarged and renewed to host several matches and the final of the1990 FIFA World Cup), theStadio Flaminio, the Villaggio Olimpico (Olympic Village, created to host the athletes and redeveloped after the games as a residential district), ecc. Rome made abid to host the2020 Summer Olympics but it was withdrawn.[209][210]
Further, Rome hosted theEuroBasket 1991 and is home to the internationally recognised basketball teamVirtus Roma.Rugby union is gaining wider acceptance. Until 2011 the Stadio Flaminio was the home stadium for theItaly national rugby union team, which has been playing in theSix Nations Championship since 2000. The team now plays home games at the Stadio Olimpico because the Stadio Flaminio needs works of renovation in order to improve both its capacity and safety. Rome is home to local rugby union teams such asRugby Roma (winner of five Italian championships),Unione Rugby Capitolina andS.S. Lazio Rugby 1927 (rugby union branch of the multisport club S.S. Lazio).
Every May, Rome hosts theItalian Open, anATP Masters 1000 tennis tournament, on the clay courts of theForo Italico. Cycling was popular in the post-World War II period, although its popularity has faded. Rome has hosted the final portion of theGiro d'Italia three times, in 1911, 1950, and 2009. Other local sports teams include volleyball (M. Roma Volley),handball orwaterpolo.
Rome is at the centre of the radial network of roads that roughly follow the lines of the ancient Roman roads which began at theCapitoline Hill and connected Rome with its empire. Today Rome is circled, at a distance of about 10 km (6 mi) from the Capitol, by the ring-road (theGrande Raccordo Anulare or GRA).
Due to its location in the centre of the Italian peninsula, Rome is the principalrailway node for central Italy. Rome's main railway station,Termini, is one of the largest railway stations in Europe and the most heavily used in Italy, with around 400 thousand travellers passing through every day. The second-largest station in the city,Roma Tiburtina, has been redeveloped as ahigh-speed rail terminus.[211] As well as frequent high-speed day trains to all major Italian cities, Rome is linked nightly by 'boat train' sleeper services to Sicily, and internationally by overnight sleeper services to Munich and Vienna.
Rome is served by three airports. The intercontinentalLeonardo da Vinci International Airport, Italy's chief airport is located in the nearbyFiumicino, south-west of Rome. The olderRome Ciampino Airport is a joint civilian and military airport. It is commonly referred to as "Ciampino Airport", as it is located besideCiampino, south-east of Rome. A third airport, theRome Urbe Airport, is a small, low-traffic airport located about 6 km (4 mi) north of the city centre, which handles most helicopter and private flights. The main airport system of the city (composed of Fiumicino and Ciampino), with 32.8 million passengers transported in 2022, is the second busiest airport system in Italy.[212]
Although the city has its own quarter on the Mediterranean Sea (Lido di Ostia), this has only a marina and a small channel-harbour for fishing boats. The main harbour which serves Rome isPort of Civitavecchia, located about 62 km (39 mi) northwest of the city.[213]
The city suffers from traffic problems largely due to this radial street pattern, making it difficult for Romans to move easily from the vicinity of one of the radial roads to another without going into the historic centre or using the ring-road. These problems are not helped by the limited size of Rome's metro system when compared to other cities of similar size. Rome has only 21 taxis for every 10,000 inhabitants, far below other major European cities.[214][better source needed] Chronic congestion caused by cars during the 1970s and 1980s led to restrictions being placed on vehicle access to the inner city-centre during daylight hours. Areas, where these restrictions apply, are known as Limited Traffic Zones (Zona a Traffico Limitato (ZTL)). More recently, heavy night-time traffic inTrastevere,Testaccio andSan Lorenzo has led to the creation of night-time ZTLs in those districts.
Roma Metrorail and Underground map, 2016Conca d'Oro metro station
A three-line metro system called theMetropolitana operates in Rome. Construction on the first branch started in the 1930s.[215] The line had been planned to quickly connect themain railway station with the newly planned E42 area in the southern suburbs, where 1942 theWorld Fair was supposed to be held. The event never took place because of war, but the area was later partly redesigned and renamedEsposizione Universale Roma in the 1950s to serve as a modern business district. The line was finally opened in 1955, and it is now the south part of the B Line.
The A line opened in 1980 from Ottaviano to Anagnina stations, later extended in stages (1999–2000) to Battistini. In the 1990s, an extension of the B line was opened from Termini to Rebibbia. The A and B lines intersect at Roma Termini station. A new branch of the B line (B1) opened on 13 June 2012 after an estimated building cost of €500 million. B1 connects to line B at Piazza Bologna and has four stations over a distance of 3.9 km (2 mi).
A third line, the C line, is under construction with an estimated cost of €3 billion and will have 30 stations over a distance of 25.5 km (16 mi). It will partly replace the existingTermini-Pantano rail line. It will feature full automated, driverless trains.[216] The first section with 15 stations connecting Pantano with the quarter of Centocelle in the eastern part of the city, opened on 9 November 2014.[217] The end of the work was scheduled in 2015, but archaeological findings often delay underground construction work.
A fourth line, D line, is also planned. It will have 22 stations over a distance of 20 km (12 mi). The first section was projected to open in 2015 and the final sections before 2035, but due to the city's financial crisis, the project has been put on hold.
Above-ground public transport in Rome is made up of a bus, tram and urban train network (FR lines). The bus network has in excess of 350 bus lines and over eight thousand bus stops, whereas the more-limited tram system has 39 km (24 mi) of track and 192 stops.[218] There are alsotrolleybuses.[219]
^This hypothesis originates from the Roman GrammarianMaurus Servius Honoratus. However, the Greek verb descends from theProto-Indo-European root*srew- (compare Ancient Greekῥεῦμα (rheûma) 'a stream, flow, current', the Thracian river nameΣτρυμών (Strumṓn) and Proto-Germanic*strauma- 'stream'; if it was related, however, the Latin river name would be expected to begin with *Frum-, like Latinfrīgeō 'to freeze' from the root*sreyHg-) and the Latin verb from*h₃rew-.
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