Variants of communism have been developed throughout history, includinganarchist communism,Marxist schools of thought, andreligious communism, among others. Communism encompasses a variety of schools of thought, which broadly includeMarxism,Leninism, andlibertarian communism, as well as the political ideologies grouped around those. All of these different ideologies generally share the analysis that the current order of society stems fromcapitalism, itseconomic system, andmode of production, that in this system there are two major social classes, that the relationship between these two classes is exploitative, and that this situation can only ultimately be resolved through asocial revolution.[20][note 2] The two classes are theproletariat, who make up the majority of the population within society and must sell theirlabor power to survive, and thebourgeoisie, a small minority that derives profit from employing the working class through private ownership of the means of production.[20] According to this analysis, acommunist revolution would put the working class in power,[22] and in turn establish common ownership of property, the primary element in the transformation of society towards acommunist mode of production.[23][24][25]
During most of the 20th century, around one-third of the world's population lived under Communist governments. These governments were characterized byone-party rule by a communist party, the rejection of private property and capitalism, state control of economic activity andmass media,restrictions onfreedom of religion, and suppression of opposition and dissent. With thedissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, several previously Communist governments repudiated or abolished Communist rule altogether.[1][35][36] Afterwards, only a small number of nominally Communist governments remained, such asChina,[37]Cuba,Laos,North Korea,[note 4] andVietnam.[44] With the exception of North Korea, all of these states have started allowing more economic competition while maintaining one-party rule.[1] The decline of communism in the late 20th century has been attributed to the inherent inefficiencies of communist economies and the general trend of communist governments towardsauthoritarianism andbureaucracy.[1][44][45]
Communism derives from theFrench wordcommunisme, a combination of theLatin wordcommunis (which literally meanscommon) and the suffix‑isme (an act, practice, or process of doing something).[68][69] Semantically,communis can be translated to "of or for the community", whileisme is a suffix that indicates the abstraction into a state, condition, action, ordoctrine.Communism may be interpreted as "the state of being of or for the community"; this semantic constitution has led to numerous usages of the word in its evolution. Prior to becoming associated with its more modern conception of an economic and political organization, it was initially used to designate various social situations. After 1848,communism came to be primarily associated withMarxism, most specifically embodied inThe Communist Manifesto, which proposed a particular type of communism.[1][70]
One of the first uses of the word in its modern sense is in a letter sent byVictor d'Hupay toNicolas Restif de la Bretonne around 1785, in which d'Hupay describes himself as anauteur communiste ("communist author").[71] In 1793,Restif first usedcommunisme to describe a social order based on egalitarianism and the common ownership of property.[72] Restif would go on to use the term frequently in his writing and was the first to describe communism as aform of government.[73]John Goodwyn Barmby is credited with the first use ofcommunism in English, around 1840.[68]
Communism and socialism
Since the 1840s, the termcommunism has usually been distinguished fromsocialism. The modern definition and usage of the termsocialism was settled by the 1860s, becoming predominant over alternative terms such asassociationism (Fourierism),mutualism, orco-operative, which had previously been used as synonyms. Meanwhile, the termcommunism fell out of use during this period.[74]
An early distinction betweencommunism andsocialism was that the latter aimed to only socializeproduction, whereas the former aimed to socialize both production andconsumption (in the form of common access tofinal goods).[5] This distinction can be observed in Marx's communism, where the distribution of products is based on the principle of "to each according to his needs", in contrast to a socialist principle of "to each according to his contribution".[24] Socialism has been described as a philosophy seeking distributive justice, and communism as a subset of socialism that prefers economic equality as its form of distributive justice.[75]
In 19th century Europe, the use of the termscommunism andsocialism eventually accorded with the cultural attitude of adherents and opponents towardsreligion. In EuropeanChristendom,communism was believed to be theatheist way of life. InProtestant England,communism was toophonetically similar to the Roman Catholiccommunion rite, hence English atheists denoted themselves socialists.[74]Friedrich Engels stated that in 1848, at the time whenThe Communist Manifesto was first published,[76] socialism was respectable on the continent, while communism was not; theOwenites in England and the Fourierists in France were considered respectable socialists, while working-class movements that "proclaimed the necessity of total social change" denoted themselvescommunists. This latter branch of socialism produced the communist work ofÉtienne Cabet in France andWilhelm Weitling in Germany.[77] Whileliberal democrats looked to theRevolutions of 1848 as ademocratic revolution, which in the long run ensuredliberty, equality, and fraternity, Marxists denounced 1848 as a betrayal of working-class ideals by abourgeoisie indifferent to the legitimate demands of theproletariat.[78]
By 1888, Marxists employed the termsocialism in place ofcommunism, which had come to be considered an old-fashioned synonym for the former. It was not until 1917, with theOctober Revolution, thatsocialism came to be used to refer to a distinct stage betweencapitalism and communism. This intermediate stage was a concept introduced byVladimir Lenin as a means to defend theBolshevik seizure of power against traditional Marxist criticism that Russia'sproductive forces were not sufficiently developed forsocialist revolution.[23] A distinction betweencommunist andsocialist as descriptors of political ideologies arose in 1918 after theRussian Social Democratic Labour Party renamed itself as theCommunist Party of the Soviet Union, which resulted in the adjectiveCommunist being used to refer to socialists who supported the politics and theories of Bolshevism,Leninism, and later in the 1920s those ofMarxism–Leninism.[79] In spite of this common usage,Communist parties also continued to describe themselves as socialists dedicated to socialism.[74]
According toThe Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx, "Marx used many terms to refer to a post-capitalist society – positive humanism, socialism, Communism, realm of free individuality, free association of producers, etc. He used these terms completely interchangeably. The notion that 'socialism' and 'Communism' are distinct historical stages is alien to his work and only entered the lexicon of Marxism after his death."[80] According to theEncyclopædia Britannica, "Exactly how communism differs from socialism has long been a matter of debate, but the distinction rests largely on the communists' adherence to the revolutionary socialism of Karl Marx."[1]
While the termCommunist state is used by Western historians, political scientists, and news media to refer to countries ruled by Communist parties, thesesocialist states themselves did not describe themselves as communist or claim to have achieved communism; they referred to themselves as being a socialist state that is in the process of constructing communism.[86] Terms used by Communist states includenational-democratic,people's democratic,socialist-oriented, andworkers and peasants' states.[87]
According toRichard Pipes,[88] the idea of aclassless,egalitarian society first emerged inancient Greece. Since the 20th century,ancient Rome has been examined in this context, as well as thinkers such asAristotle,Cicero,Demosthenes,Plato, andTacitus. Plato, in particular, has been considered as a possible communist or socialist theorist,[89] or as the first author to give communism a serious consideration.[90] The 5th-centuryMazdak movement inPersia (modern-day Iran) has been described ascommunistic for challenging the enormous privileges of thenoble classes and theclergy, criticizing the institution ofprivate property, and striving to create an egalitarian society.[91][92] At one time or another, various small communist communities existed, generally under the inspiration ofreligious text.[51]
In the medievalChristian Church, somemonastic communities andreligious orders shared their land and their other property. Sects deemed heretical such as theWaldensians preached an early form ofChristian communism.[93][94] As summarized by historians Janzen Rod and Max Stanton, theHutterites believed in strict adherence to biblical principles, church discipline, and practised a form of communism. In their words, the Hutterites "established in their communities a rigorous system of Ordnungen, which were codes of rules and regulations that governed all aspects of life and ensured a unified perspective. As an economic system, communism was attractive to many of the peasants who supported social revolution in sixteenth century central Europe."[95] This link was highlighted in one ofKarl Marx's early writings; Marx stated that "[a]s Christ is the intermediary unto whom man unburdens all his divinity, all his religious bonds, so the state is the mediator unto which he transfers all his Godlessness, all his human liberty."[96]Thomas Müntzer led a largeAnabaptist communist movement during theGerman Peasants' War, whichFriedrich Engels analyzed in his 1850 workThe Peasant War in Germany. TheMarxist communist ethos that aims for unity reflects theChristian universalist teaching that humankind is one and that there is only one god who does not discriminate among people.[97]
Thomas More, whoseUtopia portrayed a society based on common ownership of property
Communist thought has also been traced back to the works of the 16th-century English writerThomas More.[98] In his 1516treatise titledUtopia, More portrayed a society based oncommon ownership of property, whose rulers administered it through the application ofreason andvirtue.[99] Marxist communist theoreticianKarl Kautsky, who popularized Marxist communism in Western Europe more than any other thinker apart from Engels, publishedThomas More and His Utopia, a work about More, whose ideas could be regarded as "the foregleam of Modern Socialism" according to Kautsky. During theOctober Revolution in Russia,Vladimir Lenin suggested that a monument be dedicated to More, alongside other important Western thinkers.[100]
In the early 19th century, various social reformers founded communities based on common ownership. Unlike many previous communist communities, they replaced the religious emphasis with a rational and philanthropic basis.[105] Notable among them wereRobert Owen, who foundedNew Harmony, Indiana, in 1825, andCharles Fourier, whose followers organized other settlements in the United States, such asBrook Farm in 1841.[1] In its modern form, communism grew out of thesocialist movement in 19th-century Europe. As theIndustrial Revolution advanced, socialist critics blamed capitalism for the misery of theproletariat – a new class of urban factory workers who labored under often-hazardous conditions. Foremost among these critics were Marx and his associate Engels. In 1848, Marx and Engels offered a new definition of communism and popularized the term in their famous pamphletThe Communist Manifesto.[1]
In 1917, theOctober Revolution in Russia set the conditions for the rise to state power ofVladimir Lenin'sBolsheviks, which was the first time any avowedly communist party reached that position. The revolution transferred power to theAll-Russian Congress of Soviets in which the Bolsheviks had a majority.[106][107][108] The event generated a great deal of practical and theoretical debate within the Marxist movement, as Marx stated that socialism and communism would be built upon foundations laid by the most advanced capitalist development; however, theRussian Empire was one of the poorest countries in Europe with an enormous, largely illiterate peasantry, and a minority of industrial workers. Marx warned against attempts "to transform my historical sketch of the genesis of capitalism in Western Europe into a historico-philosophy theory of thearche générale imposed by fate upon every people, whatever the historic circumstances in which it finds itself",[109] and stated that Russia might be able to skip the stage of bourgeois rule through theObshchina.[110][note 7] The moderateMensheviks (minority) opposed Lenin's Bolsheviks (majority) plan forsocialist revolution before thecapitalist mode of production was more fully developed. The Bolsheviks' successful rise to power was based upon the slogans such as "Peace, Bread, and Land", which tapped into the massive public desire for an end to Russian involvement inWorld War I, the peasants' demand forland reform, and popular support for thesoviets.[114] 50,000 workers had passed a resolution in favour of Bolshevik demand for transfer of power to thesoviets[115][116] Lenin's government also instituted a number of progressive measures such asuniversal education,healthcare andequal rights for women.[117][118][119] The initial stage of the October Revolution which involved the assault onPetrograd occurred largely without any humancasualties.[120][121][122][page needed]
By November 1917, theRussian Provisional Government had been widely discredited by its failure to withdraw from World War I, implement land reform, or convene theRussian Constituent Assembly to draft a constitution, leaving the soviets inde facto control of the country. The Bolsheviks moved to hand power to theSecond All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies in the October Revolution; after a few weeks of deliberation, theLeft Socialist-Revolutionaries formed acoalition government with the Bolsheviks from November 1917 to July 1918, while the right-wing faction of theSocialist Revolutionary Party boycotted the soviets and denounced the October Revolution as an illegalcoup. In the1917 Russian Constituent Assembly election, socialist parties totaled well over 70% of the vote. The Bolsheviks were clear winners in the urban centres, and took around two-thirds of the votes of soldiers on the Western Front, obtaining 23.3% of the vote; the Socialist Revolutionaries finished first on the strength of support from the country's rural peasantry, who were for the most partsingle issue voters, that issue being land reform, obtaining 37.6%, while the Ukrainian Socialist Bloc finished a distant third at 12.7%, and the Mensheviks obtained a disappointing fourth place at 3.0%.[123]
Most of the Socialist Revolutionary Party's seats went to the right-wing faction. Citing outdated voter-rolls, which did not acknowledge the party split, and the assembly's conflicts with the Congress of Soviets, the Bolshevik–Left Socialist-Revolutionaries government moved to dissolve the Constituent Assembly in January 1918. The Draft Decree on the Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly was issued by theCentral Executive Committee of the Soviet Union, a committee dominated by Lenin, who had previously supported amulti-party system of free elections. After the Bolshevik defeat, Lenin started referring to the assembly as a "deceptive form of bourgeois-democratic parliamentarianism."[123] Some argued this was the beginning of the development ofvanguardism as an hierarchical party–elite that controls society,[124] which resulted in a split betweenanarchism and Marxism, andLeninist communism assuming the dominant position for most of the 20th century, excluding rival socialist currents.[125]
WhileJoseph Stalin stated that the law of value would still apply to socialism and that the Soviet Union wassocialist under this new definition, which was followed by other Communist leaders, many other communists maintain the original definition and state that Communist states never established socialism in this sense. Lenin described his policies as state capitalism but saw them as necessary for the development of socialism, which left-wing critics say was never established, while someMarxist–Leninists state that it was established only during theStalin era andMao era, and then became capitalist states ruled byrevisionists; others state that Maoist China was always state capitalist, and upholdPeople's Socialist Republic of Albania as the onlysocialist state after the Soviet Union under Stalin,[129][130] who first stated to have achievedsocialism with the1936 Constitution of the Soviet Union.[131]
War communism was the first system adopted by the Bolsheviks during theRussian Civil War as a result of the many challenges.[132] Despitecommunism in the name, it had nothing to do with communism, with strict discipline for workers,strike actions forbidden, obligatory labor duty, and military-style control, and has been described as simpleauthoritarian control by the Bolsheviks to maintain power and control in the Soviet regions, rather than any coherent politicalideology.[133] The Soviet Union was established in 1922. Before thebroad ban in 1921, there were several factions in the Communist party, more prominently among them theLeft Opposition, theRight Opposition, and theWorkers' Opposition, which debated on the path of development to follow. The Left and Workers' oppositions were more critical of the state-capitalist development and the Workers' in particular was critical ofbureaucratization and development from above, while the Right Opposition was more supporting of state-capitalist development and advocated theNew Economic Policy.[132] Following Lenin'sdemocratic centralism, the Leninist parties were organized on a hierarchical basis, with active cells of members as the broad base. They were made up only of elitecadres approved by higher members of the party as being reliable and completely subject toparty discipline.[134]Trotskyism overtook the left communists as the main dissident communist current, while morelibertarian communisms, dating back to thelibertarian Marxist current of council communism, remained important dissident communisms outside the Soviet Union. Following Lenin'sdemocratic centralism, the Leninist parties were organized on a hierarchical basis, with active cells of members as the broad base. They were made up only of elite cadres approved by higher members of the party as being reliable and completely subject toparty discipline. TheGreat Purge of 1936–1938 wasJoseph Stalin's attempt to destroy any possible opposition within theCommunist Party of the Soviet Union. In theMoscow trials, many old Bolsheviks who had played prominent roles during theRussian Revolution or in Lenin's Soviet government afterwards, includingLev Kamenev,Grigory Zinoviev,Alexei Rykov, andNikolai Bukharin, were accused, pleaded guilty of conspiracy against the Soviet Union, and were executed.[135][134]
The devastation ofWorld War II resulted in a massive recovery program involving the rebuilding of industrial plants, housing, and transportation as well as the demobilization and migration of millions of soldiers and civilians. In the midst of this turmoil during the winter of 1946–1947, the Soviet Union experienced the worst natural famine in the 20th century.[136][page needed] There was no serious opposition to Stalin as the secret police continued to send possible suspects to thegulag. Relations with the United States and Britain went from friendly to hostile, as they denounced Stalin's political controls over eastern Europe and hisBerlin Blockade. By 1947, theCold War had begun. Stalin himself believed that capitalism was a hollow shell and would crumble under increased non-military pressure exerted through proxies in countries like Italy. He greatly underestimated the economic strength of the West and instead of triumph saw the West build up alliances that were designed to permanently stop or contain Soviet expansion. In early 1950, Stalin gave the go-ahead forNorth Korea's invasion ofSouth Korea, expecting a short war. He was stunned when the Americans entered and defeated the North Koreans, putting them almost on the Soviet border. Stalin supportedChina's entry into theKorean War, which drove the Americans back to the prewar boundaries, but which escalated tensions. The United States decided to mobilize its economy for a long contest with the Soviets, built thehydrogen bomb, and strengthened theNATO alliance that coveredWestern Europe.[137]
According to Gorlizki and Khlevniuk, Stalin's consistent and overriding goal after 1945 was to consolidate the nation's superpower status and in the face of his growing physical decrepitude, to maintain his own hold on total power. Stalin created a leadership system that reflected historic czarist styles of paternalism and repression yet was also quite modern. At the top, personal loyalty to Stalin counted for everything. Stalin also created powerful committees, elevated younger specialists, and began major institutional innovations. In the teeth of persecution, Stalin's deputies cultivated informal norms and mutual understandings which provided the foundations for collective rule after his death.[136][page needed]
For most Westerners andanti-communist Russians, Stalin is viewed overwhelmingly negatively as amass murderer; for significant numbers of Russians and Georgians, he is regarded as a great statesman and state-builder.[138]
After theChinese Civil War,Mao Zedong and theChinese Communist Party came to power in 1949 as theNationalist government headed by theKuomintang fled to the island of Taiwan. In 1950–1953, China engaged in a large-scale, undeclared war with the United States, South Korea, and United Nations forces in theKorean War. While the war ended in a military stalemate, it gave Mao the opportunity to identify and purge elements in China that seemed supportive of capitalism. At first, there was close cooperation with Stalin, who sent in technical experts to aid the industrialization process along the line of the Soviet model of the 1930s.[139] After Stalin's death in 1953, relations with Moscow soured – Mao thought Stalin's successors had betrayed the Communist ideal. Mao charged that Soviet leaderNikita Khrushchev was the leader of a "revisionist clique" which had turned against Marxism and Leninism and was now setting the stage for the restoration of capitalism.[140] The two nations were at sword's point by 1960. Both began forging alliances with communist supporters around the globe, thereby splitting the worldwide movement into two hostile camps.[141]
Rejecting the Soviet model of rapid urbanization, Mao Zedong and his top aideDeng Xiaoping launched theGreat Leap Forward in 1957–1961 with the goal of industrializing China overnight, using the peasant villages as the base rather than large cities.[142] Private ownership of land ended and the peasants worked in large collective farms that were now ordered to start up heavy industry operations, such as steel mills. Plants were built in remote locations, due to the lack of technical experts, managers, transportation, or needed facilities. Industrialization failed, and the main result was a sharp unexpected decline in agricultural output, which led to mass famine and millions of deaths. The years of the Great Leap Forward in fact saw economic regression, with 1958 through 1961 being the only years between 1953 and 1983 in which China's economy saw negative growth. Political economistDwight Perkins argues: "Enormous amounts of investment produced only modest increases in production or none at all. ... In short, the Great Leap was a very expensive disaster."[143] Put in charge of rescuing the economy, Deng adopted pragmatic policies that the idealistic Mao disliked. For a while, Mao was in the shadows but returned to center stage and purged Deng and his allies in theCultural Revolution (1966–1976).[144]
TheCultural Revolution was an upheaval that targeted intellectuals and party leaders from 1966 through 1976. Mao's goal was to purify communism by removing pro-capitalists and traditionalists by imposingMaoist orthodoxy within theChinese Communist Party. The movement paralyzed China politically and weakened the country economically, culturally, and intellectually for years. Millions of people were accused, humiliated, stripped of power, and either imprisoned, killed, or most often, sent to work as farm laborers. Mao insisted that those he labelledrevisionists be removed through violentclass struggle. The two most prominent militants were MarshallLin Biao of the army and Mao's wifeJiang Qing. China's youth responded to Mao's appeal by formingRed Guard groups around the country. The movement spread into the military, urban workers, and the Communist party leadership itself. It resulted in widespread factional struggles in all walks of life. In the top leadership, it led to a mass purge of senior officials who were accused of taking a "capitalist road", most notablyLiu Shaoqi andDeng Xiaoping. During the same period, Mao'spersonality cult grew to immense proportions. After Mao's death in 1976, the survivors were rehabilitated and many returned to power.[145][page needed]
Mao's government was responsible for vast numbers of deaths with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims through starvation, persecution,prison labour, and mass executions.[146][147][148][149] Mao has also been praised for transforming China from asemi-colony to a leading world power, with greatly advanced literacy, women's rights, basic healthcare, primary education, and life expectancy.[150][151][152][153]
In Western Europe, communist parties were part of several post-war governments, and even when the Cold War forced many of those countries to remove them from government, such as in Italy, they remained part of theliberal-democratic process.[159][160] There were also many developments in libertarian Marxism, especially during the 1960s with theNew Left.[161] By the 1960s and 1970s, many Western communist parties had criticized many of the actions of communist states, distanced from them, and developed ademocratic road to socialism, which became known asEurocommunism.[159] This development was criticized by more orthodox supporters of the Soviet Union as amounting tosocial democracy.[162]
Chinese economic reforms were started in 1978 under the leadership ofDeng Xiaoping, and since then China has managed to bring down the poverty rate from 53% in the Mao era to just 8% in 2001.[172] After losing Soviet subsidies and support, Vietnam and Cuba have attracted more foreign investment to their countries, with their economies becoming more market-oriented.[1] North Korea, the last Communist country that still practices Soviet-style Communism, is both repressive and isolationist.[1]
Communist political thought and theory are diverse but share several core elements.[a] The dominant forms of communism are based onMarxism orLeninism but non-Marxist versions of communism also exist, such asanarcho-communism andChristian communism, which remain partly influenced by Marxist theories, such aslibertarian Marxism andhumanist Marxism in particular. Common elements include being theoretical rather than ideological, identifying political parties not by ideology but by class and economic interest, and identifying with the proletariat. According to communists, the proletariat can avoid mass unemployment only if capitalism is overthrown; in the short run, state-oriented communists favorstate ownership of thecommanding heights of the economy as a means to defend the proletariat from capitalist pressure. Some communists are distinguished by other Marxists in seeing peasants and smallholders of property as possible allies in their goal of shortening the abolition of capitalism.[173]
For Leninist communism, such goals, including short-term proletarian interests to improve their political and material conditions, can only be achieved throughvanguardism, an elitist form ofsocialism from above that relies on theoretical analysis to identify proletarian interests rather than consulting the proletarians themselves,[173] as is advocated bylibertarian communists.[10] When they engage in elections, Leninist communists' main task is that of educating voters in what are deemed their true interests rather than in response to the expression of interest by voters themselves. When they have gained control of the state, Leninist communists' main task was preventing other political parties from deceiving the proletariat, such as by running their own independent candidates. This vanguardist approach comes from their commitments todemocratic centralism in which communists can only be cadres, i.e. members of the party who are full-time professional revolutionaries, as was conceived byVladimir Lenin.[173]
Marxism is a method ofsocioeconomic analysis that uses amaterialist interpretation of historical development, better known ashistorical materialism, to understandsocial class relations andsocial conflict and adialectical perspective to viewsocial transformation. It originates from the works of 19th-century German philosophersKarl Marx andFriedrich Engels. As Marxism has developed over time into various branches andschools of thought, no single, definitiveMarxist theory exists.[174] Marxism considers itself to be the embodiment ofscientific socialism but does not model an ideal society based on the design ofintellectuals, whereby communism is seen as astate of affairs to be established based on any intelligent design; rather, it is a non-idealist attempt at the understanding of material history and society, whereby communism is the expression of a real movement, with parameters that are derived from actual life.[175]
While it originates from the works of Marx and Engels, Marxism has developed into many different branches and schools of thought, with the result that there is now no single definitive Marxist theory.[174] Different Marxian schools place a greater emphasis on certain aspects ofclassical Marxism while rejecting or modifying other aspects. Many schools of thought have sought to combine Marxian concepts and non-Marxian concepts, which has then led to contradictory conclusions.[176] There is a movement toward the recognition that historical materialism anddialectical materialism remain the fundamental aspects of allMarxist schools of thought.[92]Marxism–Leninism and its offshoots are the most well-known of these and have been a driving force ininternational relations during most of the 20th century.[177]
Classical Marxism is the economic, philosophical, and sociological theories expounded by Marx and Engels as contrasted with later developments in Marxism, especiallyLeninism and Marxism–Leninism.[178]Orthodox Marxism is the body of Marxist thought that emerged after the death of Marx and which became the official philosophy of the socialist movement as represented in theSecond International until World War I in 1914. Orthodox Marxism aims to simplify, codify, and systematize Marxist method and theory by clarifying the perceived ambiguities and contradictions of classical Marxism. The philosophy of orthodox Marxism includes the understanding that material development (advances in technology in theproductive forces) is the primary agent of change in the structure of society and of human social relations and that social systems and their relations (e.g.feudalism,capitalism, and so on) become contradictory and inefficient as the productive forces develop, which results in some form of social revolution arising in response to the mounting contradictions. This revolutionary change is the vehicle for fundamental society-wide changes and ultimately leads to the emergence of neweconomic systems.[179] As a term,orthodox Marxism represents the methods of historical materialism and of dialectical materialism, and not the normative aspects inherent to classical Marxism, without implying dogmatic adherence to the results of Marx's investigations.[180]
At the root of Marxism is historical materialism, thematerialist conception of history which holds that the key characteristic of economic systems through history has been themode of production and that the change between modes of production has been triggered by class struggle. According to this analysis, theIndustrial Revolution ushered the world into the newcapitalist mode of production. Before capitalism, certainworking classes had ownership of instruments used in production; however, because machinery was much more efficient, this property became worthless and the mass majority of workers could only survive by selling their labor to make use of someone else's machinery, and making someone else profit. Accordingly, capitalism divided the world between two major classes, namely that of theproletariat and thebourgeoisie. These classes are directly antagonistic as the latter possessesprivate ownership of themeans of production, earning profit via thesurplus value generated by the proletariat, who have no ownership of the means of production and therefore no option but to sell its labor to the bourgeoisie.[181]
According to the materialist conception of history, it is through the furtherance of its own material interests that the rising bourgeoisie withinfeudalism captured power and abolished, of all relations of private property, only the feudal privilege, thereby taking the feudalruling class out of existence. This was another key element behind the consolidation of capitalism as the new mode of production, the final expression of class and property relations that has led to a massive expansion of production. It is only in capitalism that private property in itself can be abolished.[182] Similarly, the proletariat would capture political power, abolish bourgeois property through thecommon ownership of the means of production, therefore abolishing the bourgeoisie, ultimately abolishing the proletariat itself and ushering the world intocommunism as a new mode of production. In between capitalism and communism, there is thedictatorship of the proletariat; it is the defeat of thebourgeois state but not yet of the capitalist mode of production, and at the same time the only element which places into the realm of possibility moving on from this mode of production. Thisdictatorship, based on theParis Commune's model,[183] is to be the most democratic state where the whole of the public authority is elected and recallable under the basis ofuniversal suffrage.[184]
Critique ofpolitical economy is a form ofsocial critique that rejects the various social categories and structures that constitute the mainstream discourse concerning the forms and modalities of resource allocation and income distribution in the economy. Communists, such as Marx and Engels, are described as prominent critics of political economy.[185][186][187] The critique rejects economists' use of what its advocates believe are unrealisticaxioms, faulty historical assumptions, and the normative use of various descriptive narratives.[188] They reject what they describe as mainstream economists' tendency to posit the economy as ana priori societal category.[189] Those who engage in critique of economy tend to reject the view that the economy and its categories is to be understood as somethingtranshistorical.[190][191] It is seen as merely one of many types of historically specific ways to distribute resources. They argue that it is a relatively new mode of resource distribution, which emerged along with modernity.[192][193][194]
Critics of economy critique the given status of the economy itself, and do not aim to create theories regarding how to administer economies.[195][196] Critics of economy commonly view what is most commonly referred to as the economy as being bundles ofmetaphysical concepts, as well as societal and normative practices, rather than being the result of any self-evident or proclaimed economic laws.[189] They also tend to consider the views which are commonplace within the field of economics as faulty, or simply aspseudoscience.[197][198] Into the 21st century, there are multiple critiques of political economy; what they have in common is the critique of what critics of political economy tend to view asdogma, i.e. claims of the economy as a necessary and transhistorical societal category.[199]
Marxian economics and its proponents view capitalism as economically unsustainable and incapable of improving the living standards of the population due to its need to compensate forfalling rates of profit by cutting employee's wages, social benefits, and pursuing military aggression. Thecommunist mode of production would succeed capitalism as humanity's new mode of production through workers'revolution. According to Marxiancrisis theory, communism is not an inevitability but an economic necessity.[200]
An important concept in Marxism is socialization, ownership, versusnationalization. Nationalization isstate ownership of property whereas socialization is control and management of property by society. Marxism considers the latter as its goal and considers nationalization a tactical issue, as state ownership is still in the realm of thecapitalist mode of production. In the words ofFriedrich Engels, "the transformation ... into State-ownership does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces. ... State-ownership of the productive forces is not the solution of the conflict, but concealed within it are the technical conditions that form the elements of that solution."[b] This has led Marxist groups and tendencies critical of theSoviet model to label states based on nationalization, such as the Soviet Union, asstate capitalist, a view that is also shared by several scholars.[46][126][128]
Marxist theory envisions that a new, democratic society would rise through the organized actions of the internationalworking class, enfranchising the entire population and freeing up humans to act without being bound by thelabour market.[201][202] There would be little, if any, need for a state, the goal of which was to enforce the alienation of labor;[201] as such, the state would eventuallywither away as its conditions of existence disappear.[203][204][205]Karl Marx andFriedrich Engels stated inThe Communist Manifesto and later works that "the first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle of democracy" anduniversal suffrage, being "one of the first and most important tasks of the militant proletariat".[206][207][208] As Marx wrote in hisCritique of the Gotha Program, "between capitalist and communist society there lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. Corresponding to this is also a political transition period in which the state can be nothing but the revolutionarydictatorship of the proletariat".[209] He allowed for the possibility ofpeaceful transition in some countries with strong democratic institutional structures (such as Britain, the US and the Netherlands), but suggested that in other countries in which workers can not "attain their goal by peaceful means" the "lever of our revolution must be force", stating that the working people had the right to revolt if they were denied political expression.[210][211] In response to the question "What will be the course of this revolution?" inPrinciples of Communism,Friedrich Engels wrote:
Above all, it will establish a democratic constitution, and through this, the direct or indirect dominance of the proletariat.
While Marxists propose replacing the bourgeois state with a proletarian semi-state through revolution (dictatorship of the proletariat), which would eventually wither away,anarchists warn that the state must be abolished along with capitalism. Nonetheless, the desired end results, a stateless,communal society, are the same.[212]
Karl Marx criticized liberalism as not democratic enough and found the unequal social situation of the workers during the Industrial Revolution undermined the democratic agency of citizens.[213] Marxists differ in their positions towards democracy.[214][215]
controversy over Marx's legacy today turns largely on its ambiguous relation to democracy
We want to achieve a new and better order of society: in this new and better society there must be neither rich nor poor; all will have to work. Not a handful of rich people, but all the working people must enjoy the fruits of their common labour. Machines and other improvements must serve to ease the work of all and not to enable a few to grow rich at the expense of millions and tens of millions of people. This new and better society is called socialist society. The teachings about this society are called "socialism".
Leninism is a political ideology developed by RussianMarxist revolutionaryVladimir Lenin that proposes the establishment of thedictatorship of the proletariat, led by a revolutionaryvanguard party, as the political prelude to the establishment of communism. The function of the Leninist vanguard party is to provide the working classes with thepolitical consciousness (education and organisation) and revolutionary leadership necessary to deposecapitalism in theRussian Empire (1721–1917).[219]
Leninist revolutionary leadership is based uponThe Communist Manifesto (1848), identifying theCommunist party as "the most advanced and resolute section of the working class parties of every country; that section which pushes forward all others." As the vanguard party, theBolsheviks viewed history through the theoretical framework ofdialectical materialism, which sanctioned political commitment to the successful overthrow of capitalism, and then to institutingsocialism; and as the revolutionary national government, to realize the socio-economic transition by all means.[220][full citation needed]
Marxism–Leninism is a political ideology developed byJoseph Stalin.[221] According to its proponents, it is based onMarxism andLeninism. It describes the specific political ideology which Stalin implemented in theCommunist Party of the Soviet Union and in a global scale in theComintern. There is no definite agreement between historians about whether Stalin actually followed the principles of Marx and Lenin.[222] It also contains aspects which according to some are deviations from Marxism such associalism in one country.[223][224] Marxism–Leninism was the official ideology of 20th-centuryCommunist parties (includingTrotskyist), and was developed after the death of Lenin; its three principles weredialectical materialism, theleading role of the Communist party throughdemocratic centralism, and aplanned economy withindustrialization andagricultural collectivization.Marxism–Leninism is misleading because Marx and Lenin never sanctioned or supported the creation of an-ism after them, and is revealing because, being popularized after Lenin's death by Stalin, it contained those three doctrinal and institutionalized principles that became a model for later Soviet-type regimes; its global influence, having at its height covered at least one-third of the world's population, has madeMarxist–Leninist a convenient label for theCommunist bloc as a dynamic ideological order.[225][c]
During the Cold War, Marxism–Leninism was the ideology of the most clearly visible communist movement and is the most prominent ideology associated with communism.[177][note 8]Social fascism was a theory supported by the Comintern and affiliatedCommunist parties during the early 1930s, which held thatsocial democracy was a variant offascism because it stood in the way of adictatorship of the proletariat, in addition to a sharedcorporatist economic model.[227] At the time, leaders of the Comintern, such as Stalin andRajani Palme Dutt, stated thatcapitalist society had entered theThird Period in which aproletariat revolution was imminent but could be prevented by social democrats and otherfascist forces.[227][228] The termsocial fascist was used pejoratively to describe social-democratic parties, anti-Comintern and progressive socialist parties and dissenters within Comintern affiliates throughout theinterwar period. The social fascism theory was advocated vociferously by theCommunist Party of Germany, which was largely controlled and funded by the Soviet leadership from 1928.[228]
Within Marxism–Leninism,anti-revisionism is a position which emerged in the 1950s in opposition to the reforms andKhrushchev Thaw of Soviet leaderNikita Khrushchev. Where Khrushchev pursued an interpretation that differed from Stalin, the anti-revisionists within the international communist movement remained dedicated to Stalin's ideological legacy and criticized the Soviet Union under Khrushchev and his successors asstate capitalist andsocial imperialist due to its hopes of achieving peace with the United States. The termStalinism is also used to describe these positions but is often not used by its supporters who opine that Stalin practicedorthodox Marxism and Leninism. Because different political trends trace the historical roots of revisionism to different eras and leaders, there is significant disagreement today as to what constitutes anti-revisionism. Modern groups which describe themselves as anti-revisionist fall into several categories. Some uphold the works of Stalin and Mao Zedong and some the works of Stalin while rejecting Mao and universally tend to opposeTrotskyism. Others reject both Stalin and Mao, tracing their ideological roots back to Marx and Lenin. In addition, other groups uphold various less-well-known historical leaders such asEnver Hoxha, who also broke with Mao during theSino-Albanian split.[129][130]Social imperialism was a term used by Mao to criticize the Soviet Union post-Stalin. Mao stated that the Soviet Union had itself become animperialist power while maintaining a socialistfaçade.[229] Hoxha agreed with Mao in this analysis, before later using the expression to also condemn Mao'sThree Worlds Theory.[230]
Marxism–Leninism has been criticized by other communist and Marxist tendencies, which state that Marxist–Leninist states did not establish socialism but ratherstate capitalism.[46][126][128] According to Marxism, the dictatorship of the proletariat represents the rule of the majority (democracy) rather than of one party, to the extent that the co-founder of Marxism,Friedrich Engels, described its "specific form" as thedemocratic republic.[231] According to Engels, state property by itself is private property of capitalist nature,[b] unless the proletariat has control of political power, in which case it forms public property.[e] Whether the proletariat was actually in control of the Marxist–Leninist states is a matter of debate between Marxism–Leninism and other communist tendencies. To these tendencies, Marxism–Leninism is neither Marxism nor Leninism nor the union of both but rather an artificial term created to justify Stalin's ideological distortion,[232] forced into the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Comintern. In the Soviet Union, this struggle against Marxism–Leninism was represented byTrotskyism, which describes itself as a Marxist and Leninist tendency.[233]
Rather than representing thedictatorship of the proletariat, Trotsky claimed that the Soviet Union had become adegenerated workers' state under the leadership of Stalin in which class relations had re-emerged in a new form. Trotsky's politics differed sharply from those of Stalin and Mao, most importantly in declaring the need for an international proletarian revolution – rather than socialism in one country – and support for a true dictatorship of the proletariat based on democratic principles. Struggling against Stalin for power in the Soviet Union, Trotsky and his supporters organized into theLeft Opposition,[236] the platform of which became known as Trotskyism.[234]
Trotsky had the support of many partyintellectuals but this was overshadowed by the huge apparatus which included the GPU and the party cadres who were at the disposal of Stalin.[247] Stalin eventually succeeded in gaining control of the Soviet regime and Trotskyist attempts to remove Stalin from power resulted in Trotsky's exile from the Soviet Union in 1929. While in exile, Trotsky continued his campaign against Stalin, founding in 1938 theFourth International, a Trotskyist rival to the Comintern.[248][249][250] In August 1940, Trotsky was assassinated inMexico City on Stalin's orders. Trotskyist currents includeorthodox Trotskyism,third camp,Posadism, andPabloism.[251][252]
The economic platform of aplanned economy combined with an authenticworker's democracy as originally advocated by Trotsky has constituted the programme of the Fourth International and the modern Trotskyist movement.[253]
Maoism is the theory derived from the teachings of the Chinese political leaderMao Zedong. Developed from the 1950s until theDeng XiaopingChinese economic reform in the 1970s, it was widely applied as the guiding political and military ideology of the Communist Party of China and as the theory guidingrevolutionary movements around the world. A key difference between Maoism and other forms of Marxism–Leninism is thatpeasants should be the bulwark of the revolutionary energy which is led by the working class.[254] Three common Maoist values are revolutionarypopulism, being practical, anddialectics.[255]
The synthesis of Marxism–Leninism–Maoism,[f] which builds upon the two individual theories as the Chinese adaption of Marxism–Leninism, did not occur during the life of Mao. Afterde-Stalinization, Marxism–Leninism was kept in theSoviet Union, while certainanti-revisionist tendencies likeHoxhaism and Maoism stated that such had deviated from its original concept. Different policies were applied in Albania and China, which became more distanced from the Soviet Union. From the 1960s, groups who called themselvesMaoists, or those who upheld Maoism, were not unified around a common understanding of Maoism, instead having their own particular interpretations of the political, philosophical, economical, and military works of Mao. Its adherents claim that as a unified, coherent higher stage of Marxism, it was not consolidated until the 1980s, first being formalized by theShining Path in 1982.[256] Through the experience of thepeople's war waged by the party, the Shining Path were able to posit Maoism as the newest development of Marxism.[256]
Council communism is a movement that originated from Germany and the Netherlands in the 1920s,[269] whose primary organization was theCommunist Workers Party of Germany. It continues today as a theoretical and activist position within bothlibertarian Marxism andlibertarian socialism.[270] The core principle of council communism is that the government and the economy should be managed byworkers' councils, which are composed ofdelegates elected at workplaces andrecallable at any moment. Council communists oppose the perceived authoritarian and undemocratic nature ofcentral planning and ofstate socialism, labelledstate capitalism, and the idea of a revolutionary party,[271][272] since council communists believe that a revolution led by a party would necessarily produce aparty dictatorship. Council communists support a workers' democracy, produced through a federation of workers' councils.
Left communists represent a range of political movements distinct fromMarxist–Leninists, whom they largely view as merely the left-wing ofcapital, fromanarcho-communists, some of whom they consider to beinternationalist socialists, and from various other revolutionary socialist tendencies, such asDe Leonists, whom they tend to see as being internationalist socialists only in limited instances.[279]Bordigism is a Leninist left-communist current named afterAmadeo Bordiga, who has been described as being "more Leninist than Lenin", and considered himself to be a Leninist.[280]
Some forms of anarcho-communism, such asinsurrectionary anarchism, areegoist and strongly influenced by radicalindividualism,[286][287][288] believing that anarchist communism does not require acommunitarian nature at all. Most anarcho-communists view anarchist communism as a way of reconciling the opposition between the individual and society.[g][289][290]
Christian communism is a theological and political theory based upon the view that the teachings ofJesus Christ compelChristians to supportreligious communism as the idealsocial system.[51] Although there is no universal agreement on the exact dates when communistic ideas and practices in Christianity began, many Christian communists state that evidence from theBible suggests that the first Christians, including theApostles in the New Testament, established their own small communist society in the years following Jesus' death and resurrection.[291]
Many advocates of Christian communism state that it was taught by Jesus and practiced by the apostles themselves,[292] an argument that historians and others, including anthropologist Roman A. Montero,[293] scholars likeErnest Renan,[294][295] and theologians likeCharles Ellicott andDonald Guthrie,[296][297] generally agree with.[51][298] Christian communism enjoys some support in Russia. Russian musicianYegor Letov was an outspoken Christian communist, and in a 1995 interview he was quoted as saying: "Communism is theKingdom of God on Earth."[299]
Emily Morris fromUniversity College London wrote that becauseKarl Marx's writings have inspired many movements, including theRussian Revolution of 1917, communism is "commonly confused with the political and economic system that developed in the Soviet Union" after the revolution.[70][h] Morris also wrote that Soviet-style communism "did not 'work'" due to "an over-centralised, oppressive, bureaucratic and rigid economic and political system."[70] Historian Andrzej Paczkowski summarized communism as "an ideology that seemed clearly the opposite, that was based on the secular desire of humanity to achieve equality and social justice, and that promised a great leap forward into freedom."[58] In contrast, Austrian-American economistLudwig von Mises argued that by abolishing free markets,communist officials would not have the price system necessary to guide their planned production.[300]
Anti-communism developed as soon as communism became a conscious political movement in the 19th century, andanti-communist mass killings have been reported against alleged communists, or their alleged supporters, which were committed by anti-communists and political organizations or governments opposed to communism. The communist movement has faced opposition since it was founded and the opposition to it has often been organized and violent. Many of these anti-communist mass killing campaigns, primarily during the Cold War,[301][302] were supported by the United States and itsWestern Bloc allies,[303][304] including those who were formally part of theNon-Aligned Movement, such as theIndonesian mass killings of 1965–66, theGuatemalan genocide andOperation Condor in South America.[305][306][307]
Many authors have written about excess deaths under Communist states andmortality rates,[note 5] such asexcess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.[note 6] Some authors posit that there is a Communist death toll, whose death estimates vary widely, depending on the definitions of the deaths that are included in them, ranging from lows of 10–20 million to highs over 100 million. The higher estimates have been criticized by several scholars as ideologically motivated and inflated; they are also criticized for being inaccurate due to incomplete data, inflated by counting any excess death, making an unwarranted link to communism, and the grouping and body-counting itself. Higher estimates account for actions that Communist governments committed against civilians, including executions, human-made famines, and deaths that occurred during, or resulted from, imprisonment, and forced deportations and labor. Higher estimates are criticized for being based on sparse and incomplete data when significant errors are inevitable, and for being skewed to higher possible values.[57] Others have argued that, while certain estimates may not be accurate, "quibbling about numbers is unseemly. What matters is that many, many people were killed by communist regimes."[48] Historian Mark Bradley wrote that while the exact numbers have been in dispute, theorder of magnitude is not.[308]
There is no consensus amonggenocide scholars andscholars of Communism about whether some or all the events constituted agenocide ormass killing.[note 9] Among genocide scholars, there is no consensus on a common terminology,[316] and the events have been variously referred to asexcess mortality ormass deaths; other terms used to define some of such killings includeclassicide,crimes against humanity,democide,genocide,politicide,holocaust,mass killing, andrepression.[56][note 10] These scholars state that most Communist states did not engage in mass killings;[321][note 11]Benjamin Valentino proposes the category ofCommunist mass killing, alongside colonial, counter-guerrilla, and ethnic mass killing, as a subtype of dispossessive mass killing to distinguish it from coercive mass killing.[326] Genocide scholars do not consider ideology,[318] or regime-type, as an important factor that explains mass killings.[327] Some authors, such asJohn Gray,[328]Daniel Goldhagen,[329] andRichard Pipes,[330] consider the ideology of communism to be a significant causative factor in mass killings. Some connect killings inJoseph Stalin's Soviet Union,Mao Zedong's China, andPol Pot's Cambodia on the basis that Stalin influenced Mao, who influenced Pol Pot; in all cases, scholars say killings were carried out as part of a policy of an unbalanced modernization process of rapid industrialization.[56][note 12] Daniel Goldhagen argues that 20th century communist regimes "have killed more people than any other regime type."[332]
Criticism of communism can be divided into two broad categories, namely thatcriticism of Communist party rule that concerns with the practical aspects of 20th-centuryCommunist states,[343] andcriticism of Marxism and communism generally that concerns its principles and theory.[344] Public memory of 20th-century Communist states has been described as a battleground between the communist-sympathetic oranti-anti-communist political left and theanti-communism of thepolitical right.[48] Critics of communism on the political right point to theexcess deaths under Communist states as an indictment of communism as an ideology.[335][336][337] Defenders of communism on the political left say that the deaths were caused by specific authoritarian regimes and not communism as an ideology, while also pointing toanti-communist mass killings and deaths in wars that they argue were caused by capitalism and anti-communism as a counterpoint to the deaths under Communist states.[302][48][336]
According to Hungarian sociologist and politicianAndrás Bozóki, positive aspects of communist countries included support for social mobility and equality, the elimination of illiteracy, urbanization, more accessible healthcare and housing, regional mobility with public transportation, the elimination of semi-feudal hierarchies, more women entering the labor market, and free access to higher education. Negative aspects of communist countries, on the other hand according to Bozóki included the suppression of freedom, the loss of trust in civil society; a culture of fear and corruption; reduced international travel; dependency on the party and state; Central Europe becoming a satellite of the Soviet Union; the creation of closed societies, leading to xenophobia, racism, prejudice, cynicism and pessimism; women only being emancipated in the workforce; the oppression of national identity; and relativist ethical societal standards.[345]
Memory studies have been done on how the events are memorized.[346] According toKristen R. Ghodsee andScott Sehon, on the political left, there are "those with some sympathy for socialist ideals and the popular opinion of hundreds of millions of Russian and east European citizens nostalgic for their state socialist pasts.", while on the political right, there are "the committed anti-totalitarians, both east and west, insisting that all experiments with Marxism will always and inevitably end with the gulag."[48] The "victims of Communism" concept,[347] has become accepted scholarship, as part of the double genocide theory, in Eastern Europe and among anti-communists in general;[348] it is rejected by some Western European[342] and other scholars, especially when it is used to equate Communism andNazism, which is seen by scholars as a long-discredited perspective.[349] The narrative posits that famines and mass deaths by Communist states can be attributed to a single cause and that communism, as "the deadliest ideology in history", or in the words ofJonathan Rauch as "the deadliest fantasy in human history",[350] represents the greatest threat to humanity.[336] Proponents posit an alleged link between communism, left-wing politics, and socialism with genocide, mass killing, andtotalitarianism.[351]
Some authors, asStéphane Courtois, propose a theory of equivalence between class and racial genocide.[352] It is supported by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, with 100 million being the most common estimate used fromThe Black Book of Communism despite some of the authors of the book distancing themselves from the estimates made by Stephen Courtois.[48] Various museums and monuments have been constructed in remembrance of the victims of Communism, with support of the European Union and various governments in Canada, Eastern Europe, and the United States.[66][page needed][67][page needed] Works such asThe Black Book of Communism andBloodlands legitimized debates on thecomparison of Nazism and Stalinism,[352][353] and by extension communism, and the former work in particular was important in the criminalization of communism.[66][page needed][67][page needed] According toFreedom House, Communism is "considered one of the two great totalitarian movements of the 20th century", the other being Nazism, but added that "there is an important difference in how the world has treated these two execrable phenomena.":[354]
The failure of Communist governments to live up to the ideal of acommunist society, their general trend towards increasingauthoritarianism, their bureaucracy, and the inherent inefficiencies in their economies have been linked to the decline of communism in the late 20th century.[1][44][45]Walter Scheidel stated that despite wide-reaching government actions, Communist states failed to achieve long-term economic, social, and political success.[355] The experience of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, theNorth Korean famine, and alleged economic underperformance when compared to developed free market systems are cited as examples of Communist states failing to build a successful state while relying entirely on what they view asorthodox Marxism.[356][357][page needed] Despite those shortcomings,Philipp Ther stated that there was a general increase in the standard of living throughout Eastern Bloc countries as the result of modernization programs under Communist governments.[358]
Most experts agree there was a significant increase in mortality rates following the years 1989 and 1991, including a 2014World Health Organization report which concluded that the "health of people in the former Soviet countries deteriorated dramatically after the collapse of the Soviet Union."[359] Post-Communist Russia during theIMF-backed economic reforms ofBoris Yeltsin experienced surgingeconomic inequality andpoverty as unemployment reached double digits by the early to mid 1990s.[360][361] By contrast, theCentral European states of the former Eastern Bloc–Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia–showed healthy increases in life expectancy from the 1990s onward, compared to nearly thirty years of stagnation under Communism.[362] Bulgaria and Romania followed this trend after the introduction of more serious economic reforms in the late 1990s.[363][364] The economies of Eastern Bloc countries had previously experienced stagnation in the 1980s under Communism.[365] A common expression throughout Eastern Europe after 1989 was "everything they told us about communism was a lie, but everything they told us about capitalism was true."[366] The right-libertarian think tankCato Institute has stated that the analyses done of post-communist countries in the 1990s were "premature" and "that early and rapid reformers by far outperformed gradual reformers" onGDP per capita, theUnited Nations Human Development Index andpolitical freedom, in addition to developing better institutions. The institute also stated that the process of privatization in Russia was "deeply flawed" due to Russia's reforms being "farless rapid" than those of Central Europe and theBaltic states.[367]
The average post-Communist country had returned to 1989 levels of per-capita GDP by 2005.[368] However,Branko Milanović wrote in 2015 that following the end of the Cold War, many of those countries' economies declined to such an extent during the transition to capitalism that they have yet to return to the point they were prior to the collapse of communism.[369] Several scholars state that the negative economic developments in post-Communist countries after the fall of Communism led to increased nationalist sentiment andnostalgia for the Communist era.[48][370][371] In 2011,The Guardian published an analysis of the former Soviet countries twenty years after the fall of the USSR. They found that "GDP fell as much as 50 percent in the 1990s in some republics... as capital flight, industrial collapse, hyperinflation and tax avoidance took their toll", but that there was a rebound in the 2000s, and by 2010 "some economies were five times as big as they were in 1991." Life expectancy has grown since 1991 in some of the countries, but fallen in others; likewise, some held free and fair elections, while others remained authoritarian.[372] By 2019, the majority of people in most Eastern European countries approved of the shift to multiparty democracy and a market economy, with approval being highest among residents of Poland and residents in the territory of what was onceEast Germany, and disapproval being the highest among residents of Russia andUkraine. In addition, 61 percent said that standards of living were now higher than they had been under Communism, while only 31 percent said that they were worse, with the remaining 8 percent saying that they did not know or that standards of living had not changed.[373]
According to Grigore Pop-Eleches and Joshua Tucker in their bookCommunism's Shadow: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Political Attitudes, citizens of post-Communist countries are less supportive of democracy and more supportive of government-provided social welfare. They also found that those who lived under Communist rule were more likely to be left-authoritarian (referencing theright-wing authoritarian personality) than citizens of other countries. Those who are left-authoritarian in this sense more often tend to be older generations that lived under Communism. In contrast, younger post-Communist generations continue to be anti-democratic but are not as left-wing ideologically, which in the words of Pop-Eleches and Tucker "might help explain the growing popularity ofright-wing populists in the region."[374]
Conservatives,liberals, andsocial democrats generally view 20th-century Communist states as unqualified failures. Political theorist and professorJodi Dean argues that this limits the scope of discussion around political alternatives tocapitalism andneoliberalism. Dean argues that, when people think of capitalism, they do not consider what are its worst results (climate change,economic inequality,hyperinflation, theGreat Depression, theGreat Recession, therobber barons, andunemployment) because thehistory of capitalism is viewed as dynamic and nuanced; the history of communism is not considered dynamic or nuanced, and there is a fixed historical narrative of communism that emphasizesauthoritarianism, thegulag, starvation, and violence.[375][376]University of Cambridge historianGary Gerstle posits that the collapse of communism "opened the entire world to capitalist penetration" and "shrank the imaginative and ideological space in which opposition to capitalist thought and practices might incubate."[377] Ghodsee,[i] along with Gerstle andWalter Scheidel, suggest that the rise and fall of communism had a significant impact on the development and decline oflabor movements and socialwelfare states in the United States and other Western societies. Gerstle argues that organized labor in the United States was strongest when the threat of communism reached its peak, and the decline of both organized labor and the welfare state coincided with the collapse of communism. Both Gerstle and Scheidel posit that as economic elites in the West became more fearful of possible communist revolutions in their own societies, especially as the tyranny and violence associated with communist governments became more apparent, the more willing they were to compromise with the working class, and much less so once the threat waned.[378][379]
^Ely, Richard T (1883).French and German socialism in modern times. New York:Harper & Brothers. pp. 35–36.OCLC456632.All communists without exception propose that the people as a whole, or some particular division of the people, as a village or commune, should own all the means of production – land, houses, factories, railroads, canals, etc.; that production should be carried on in common; and that officers, selected in one way or another, should distribute among the inhabitants the fruits of their labor.
^abSteele (1992), p. 43: "One widespread distinction was that socialism socialised production only while communism socialised production and consumption."
^George & Wilcox 1996, p. 95 "The far left in America consists principally of people who believe in some form of Marxism-Leninism, i.e., some form of Communism. A small minority of extreme leftists adhere to "pure" Marxism or collectivist anarchism. Most far leftists scorn reforms (except as a short-term tactic), and instead aim for the complete overthrow of the capitalist system including the U.S. government."
^"Radical left" Archived fromthe original on 10 February 2025. Retrieved16 July 2022.Radical left is a term that refers collectively to people who hold left-wing political views that are considered extreme, such as supporting or working to establish communism, Marxism, Maoism, socialism, anarchism, or other forms of anticapitalism. The radical left is sometimes called the far left.
^March 2009, p. 126: "The far left is becoming the principal challenge to mainstream social democratic parties, in large part because its main parties are no longer extreme, but present themselves as defending the values and policies that social democrats have allegedly abandoned."
^Gasper, Phillip (2005).The Communist Manifesto: A Road Map to History's Most Important Political Document.Haymarket Books. p. 23.ISBN978-1-931859-25-7.Marx and Engels never speculated on the detailed organization of a future socialist or communist society. The key task for them was building a movement to overthrow capitalism. If and when that movement was successful, it would be up to the members of the new society to decide democratically how it was to be organized, in the concrete historical circumstances in which they found themselves.
^abcSteele (1992), pp. 44–45: "By 1888, the term 'socialism' was in general use among Marxists, who had dropped 'communism', now considered an old fashioned term meaning the same as 'socialism'. ... At the turn of the century, Marxists called themselves socialists. ... The definition of socialism and communism as successive stages was introduced into Marxist theory by Lenin in 1917 ..., the new distinction was helpful to Lenin in defending his party against the traditional Marxist criticism that Russia was too backward for a socialist revolution."
^abGregory, Paul R.; Stuart, Robert C. (2003).Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First (7th ed.). South-Western College Pub. p. 118.ISBN0-618-26181-8.Under socialism, each individual would be expected to contribute according to capability, and rewards would be distributed in proportion to that contribution. Subsequently, under communism, the basis of reward would be need.
^abBockman, Johanna (2011).Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism.Stanford University Press. p. 20.ISBN978-0-8047-7566-3.According to nineteenth-century socialist views, socialism would function without capitalist economic categories – such as money, prices, interest, profits and rent – and thus would function according to laws other than those described by current economic science. While some socialists recognized the need for money and prices at least during the transition from capitalism to socialism, socialists more commonly believed that the socialist economy would soon administratively mobilize the economy in physical units without the use of prices or money.
^Smith, Stephen (2014).The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism. Oxford, England:Oxford University Press. p. 3.
^"IV. Glossary".Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest.University of Washington. Archived fromthe original on 8 December 2024. Retrieved13 August 2021.... communism (noun) ... 2. The economic and political system instituted in the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Also, the economic and political system of several Soviet allies, such as China and Cuba. (Writers often capitalize Communism when they use the word in this sense.) These Communist economic systems often did not achieve the ideals of communist theory. For example, although many forms of property were owned by the government in the USSR and China, neither the work nor the products were shared in a manner that would be considered equitable by many communist or Marxist theorists.
^Newman 2005, p. 5: "Chapter 1 looks at the foundations of the doctrine by examining the contribution made by various traditions of socialism in the period between the early 19th century and the aftermath of the First World War. The two forms that emerged as dominant by the early 1920s were social democracy and communism."
^Dunn, Dennis (2016).A History of Orthodox, Islamic, and Western Christian Political Values. Basingstoke:Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 126–131.ISBN978-3319325668.
^Hoffman, Stanley (Spring 1998). "Le Livre noir du communisme: Crimes, terreur, répression (The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, and Repression) by Stéphane Courtois".Foreign Policy. 110 (Special Edition: Frontiers of Knowledge):166–169.doi:10.2307/1149284.JSTOR1149284.
^Grandjonc, Jacques[in German] (1983). "Quelques dates à propos des termes communiste et communisme" [Some dates on the terms communist and communism].Mots (in French).7 (1):143–148.doi:10.3406/mots.1983.1122.
^Ely, Richard T. (1883).French and German socialism in modern times. New York:Harper & Brothers. pp. 29–30.OCLC456632.The central idea of communism is economic equality. It is desired by communists that all ranks and differences in society should disappear, and one man be as good as another ... The distinctive idea of socialism is distributive justice. It goes back of the processes of modern life to the fact that he who does not work, lives on the labor of others. It aims to distribute economic goods according to the services rendered by the recipients ... Every communist is a socialist, and something more. Not every socialist is a communist.
^Engels, Friedrich (2002) [1888].Preface to the 1888 English Edition of the Communist Manifesto.Penguin. p. 202.
^Busky, Donald F. (2000).Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey. Santa Barbara, California:Praeger. p. 9.ISBN978-0-275-96886-1.In a modern sense of the word, communism refers to the ideology of Marxism-Leninism.
^Busky, Donald F. (2000).Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey. Santa Barbara, California:Praeger. pp. 6–8.ISBN978-0-275-96886-1.In a modern sense of the word, communism refers to the ideology of Marxism–Leninism. ... [T]he adjective democratic is added by democratic socialists to attempt to distinguish themselves from Communists who also call themselves socialists. All but communists, or more accurately, Marxist–Leninists, believe that modern-day communism is highly undemocratic and totalitarian in practice, and democratic socialists wish to emphasise by their name that they disagree strongly with the Marxist–Leninist brand of socialism.
^abDallin, Alexander (Winter 2000). "The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression. By Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartošek, and Jean-Louis Margolin. Trans. Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999. xx, 858 pp. Notes. Index. Photographs. Maps. $37.50, hard bound".Slavic Review.59 (4).Cambridge University Press:882–883.doi:10.2307/2697429.JSTOR2697429.
^Wilczynski (2008), p. 21;Steele (1992), p. 45: "Among Western journalists the term 'Communist' came to refer exclusively to regimes and movements associated with the Communist International and its offspring: regimes which insisted that they were not communist but socialist, and movements which were barely communist in any sense at all.";Rosser & Barkley (2003), p. 14;Williams (1983), p. 289
^Bostaph, Samuel (1994). "Communism, Sparta, and Plato". In Reisman, David A. (ed.).Economic Thought and Political Theory. Recent Economic Thought Series. Vol. 37 (hardcover ed.). Dordrecht:Springer. pp. 1–36.doi:10.1007/978-94-011-1380-9_1.ISBN9780792394334.
^Houlden, Leslie; Minard, Antone (2015).Jesus in History, Legend, Scripture, and Tradition: A World Encyclopedia: A World Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara:ABC-CLIO. p. 357.ISBN9781610698047.
^Halfin, Igal (2000).From Darkness to Light: Class, Consciousness, and Salvation in Revolutionary Russia. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:University of Pittsburgh Press. p. 46.ISBN0822957043.
^White, Elizabeth (2010).The Socialist Alternative to Bolshevik Russia: The Socialist Revolutionary Party, 1921–39 (1st hardback ed.). London:Routledge.ISBN9780415435840. Retrieved18 August 2021 – viaGoogle Books.Narodniki had opposed the often mechanistic determinism of Russian Marxism with the belief that non-economic factors such as the human will act as the motor of history. The SRs believed that the creative work of ordinary people through unions and cooperatives and the local government organs of a democratic state could bring about social transformation. ... They, along with free soviets, the cooperatives and themir could have formed the popular basis for a devolved and democratic rule across the Russian state.
^Gregory, Paul Roderick (2004).The Political Economy of Stalinism. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.doi:10.1017/CBO9780511615856.ISBN978-0-511-61585-6. Archived fromthe original on 20 January 2025. Retrieved12 August 2021 – viaHoover Institution.'Although Stalin was the system's prime architect, the system was managed by thousands of 'Stalins' in a nested dictatorship,' Gregory writes. 'This study pinpoints the reasons for the failure of the system – poor planning, unreliable supplies, the preferential treatment of indigenous enterprises, the lack of knowledge of planners, etc. – but also focuses on the basic principal agent conflict between planners and producers, which created a sixty-year reform stalemate.'
^abcEllman (2007), p. 22: "In the USSR in the late 1980s the system was normally referred to as the 'administrative-command' economy. What was fundamental to this system was not the plan but the role of administrative hierarchies at all levels of decision making; the absence of control over decision making by the population ... ."
^Smith, S. A. (2014).The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism.Oxford University Press. p. 126.ISBN9780191667527.The 1936 Constitution described the Soviet Union for the first time as a 'socialist society', rhetorically fulfilling the aim of building socialism in one country, as Stalin had promised.
^Bottelier, Pieter (2018).Economic Policy Making In China (1949–2016): The Role of Economists.Routledge. p. 131.ISBN978-1351393812 – viaGoogle Books.We should remember, however, that Mao also did wonderful things for China; apart from reuniting the country, he restored a sense of natural pride, greatly improved women's rights, basic healthcare and primary education, ended opium abuse, simplified Chinese characters, developed pinyin and promoted its use for teaching purposes.
^Lamb, Peter (2015).Historical Dictionary of Socialism (3rd ed.).Rowman & Littlefield. p. 415.ISBN9781442258266.In the 1990s, following the collapse of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the breakup of the Soviet Union, social democracy was adopted by some of the old communist parties. Hence, parties such as the Czech Social Democratic Party, the Bulgarian Social Democrats, the Estonian Social Democratic Party, and the Romanian Social Democratic Party, among others, achieved varying degrees of electoral success. Similar processes took place in Africa as the old communist parties were transformed into social democratic ones, even though they retained their traditional titles ... .
^abWolff, Richard;Resnick, Stephen (1987).Economics: Marxian versus Neoclassical.Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 130.ISBN978-0801834806.The German Marxists extended the theory to groups and issues Marx had barely touched. Marxian analyses of the legal system, of the social role of women, of foreign trade, of international rivalries among capitalist nations, and the role of parliamentary democracy in the transition to socialism drew animated debates ... Marxian theory (singular) gave way to Marxian theories (plural).
^Marx, Karl;Engels, Friedrich (1845)."Idealism and Materialism".The German Ideology. p. 48 – viaMarxists Internet Archive.Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.
^O'Hara, Phillip (2003).Encyclopedia of Political Economy. Vol. 2.Routledge. p. 107.ISBN978-0-415-24187-8.Marxist political economists differ over their definitions of capitalism, socialism and communism. These differences are so fundamental, the arguments among differently persuaded Marxist political economists have sometimes been as intense as their oppositions to political economies that celebrate capitalism.
^Lukács, György (1967) [1919]."What is Orthodox Marxism?".History and Class Consciousness'. Translated by Livingstone, Rodney.Merlin Press. Retrieved22 September 2021 – viaMarxists Internet Archive.Orthodox Marxism, therefore, does not imply the uncritical acceptance of the results of Marx's investigations. It is not the 'belief' in this or that thesis, nor the exegesis of a 'sacred' book. On the contrary, orthodoxy refers exclusively to method.
^Engels, Friedrich (1969). ""Principles of Communism". No. 4 – "How did the proletariat originate?"".Marx & Engels Selected Works. Vol. I. Moscow:Progress Publishers. pp. 81–97.
^Priestland, David (January 2002)."Soviet Democracy, 1917–91"(PDF).European History Quarterly.32 (1). Thousand Oaks, California:SAGE Publications:111–130.doi:10.1177/0269142002032001564.S2CID144067197. Retrieved19 August 2021 – via Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.Lenin defended all four elements of Soviet democracy in his seminal theoretical work of 1917,State and Revolution. The time had come, Lenin argued, for the destruction of the foundations of the bourgeois state, and its replacement with an ultra-democratic 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat' based on the model of democracy followed by the communards of Paris in 1871. Much of the work was theoretical, designed, by means of quotations from Marx and Engels, to win battles within the international Social Democratic movement against Lenin's arch-enemy Kautsky. However, Lenin was not operating only in the realm of theory. He took encouragement from the rise of a whole range of institutions that seemed to embody class-based, direct democracy, and in particular the soviets and the factory committees, which demanded the right to 'supervise' ('kontrolirovat') (although not to take the place of) factory management.
^Twiss, Thomas M. (2014).Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy.Brill. pp. 28–29.ISBN978-90-04-26953-8.
^Murray, Patrick (March 2020). "The Illusion of the Economic: Social Theory without Social Forms".Critical Historical Studies.7 (1):19–27.doi:10.1086/708005.ISSN2326-4462.S2CID219746578.'There are no counterparts to Marx's economic concepts in either classical or utility theory.' I take this to mean that Marx breaks with economics, where economics is understood to be a generally applicable social science.
^Liedman, Sven-Eric (December 2020)."Engelsismen"(PDF).Fronesis (in Swedish) (28): 134.Engels var också först med att kritiskt bearbeta den nya nationalekonomin; hans 'Utkast till en kritik av nationalekonomin' kom ut 1844 och blev en utgångspunkt för Marx egen kritik av den politiska ekonomin [Engels was the first to critically engage the new political economy his 'Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy' came out in 1844 and became a starting point for Marx's own critique of political economy.]
^Henderson, Willie (2000).John Ruskin's political economy. London:Routledge.ISBN0-203-15946-2.OCLC48139638.... Ruskin attempted a methodological/scientific critique of political economy. He fixed on ideas of 'natural laws', 'economic man' and the prevailing notion of 'value' to point out gaps and inconsistencies in the system of classical economics.
^abLouis, Althusser; Balibar, Etienne (1979).Reading Capital.Verso Editions. p. 158.OCLC216233458.'To criticize Political Economy' means to confront it with a new problematic and a new object: i.e., to question the very object of Political Economy
^Jönsson, Dan (7 February 2019)."John Ruskin: En brittisk 1800-talsaristokrat för vår tid? - OBS" (in Swedish).Sveriges Radio.Archived from the original on 5 March 2020. Retrieved24 September 2021.Den klassiska nationalekonomin, som den utarbetats av John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith och David Ricardo, betraktade han som en sorts kollektivt hjärnsläpp ... [The classical political economy as it was developed by John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, and David Ricardo, as a kind of 'collective mental lapse' ...]
^Ruccio, David (10 December 2020)."Toward a critique of political economy".MR Online.Archived from the original on 15 December 2020. Retrieved20 September 2021.Marx arrives at conclusions and formulates new terms that run directly counter to those of Smith, Ricardo, and the other classical political economists.
^Free will, non-predestination and non-determinism are emphasized in Marx's famous quote "Men make their own history".The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852).
^"You know that the institutions, mores, and traditions of various countries must be taken into consideration, and we do not deny that there are countries – such as America, England, and if I were more familiar with your institutions, I would perhaps also add Holland – where the workers can attain their goal by peaceful means. This being the case, we must also recognise the fact that in most countries on the Continent the lever of our revolution must be force; it is force to which we must some day appeal to erect the rule of labour."La Liberté Speech delivered by Karl Marx on 8 September 1872, in Amsterdam
^Lisichkin, G. (1989). "Мифы и реальность" [Myths and reality].Novy Mir (in Russian). Vol. 3. p. 59.
^Butenko, Aleksandr (1996). "Sotsializm segodnya: opyt i novaya teoriya"Социализм сегодня: опыт и новая теория [Socialism Today: Experience and New Theory].Журнал Альтернативы (in Russian). No. 1. pp. 2–22.
^Erik, Cornell (2002).North Korea Under Communism: Report of an Envoy to Paradise.Routledge. p. 169.ISBN978-0700716975.Socialism in one country, a slogan that aroused protests as not only it implied a major deviation from Marxist internationalism, but was also strictly speaking incompatible with the basic tenets of Marxism.
^abHoppe, Bert (2011).In Stalins Gefolgschaft: Moskau und die KPD 1928–1933 [In Stalin's Followers: Moscow and the KPD 1928–1933] (in German).Oldenbourg Verlag.ISBN978-3-486-71173-8.
^Engels, Friedrich. "A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Program of 1891".Marx/Engels Collected Works. Vol. 27. p. 217.If one thing is certain it is that our party and the working class can only come to power under the form of a democratic republic. This is even the specific form for the dictatorship of the proletariat.
^Todd, Allan.History for the IB Diploma: Communism in Crisis 1976–89. p. 16.The term Marxism–Leninism, invented by Stalin, was not used until after Lenin's death in 1924. It soon came to be used in Stalin's Soviet Union to refer to what he described as 'orthodox Marxism'. This increasingly came to mean what Stalin himself had to say about political and economic issues. ... However, many Marxists (even members of the Communist Party itself) believed that Stalin's ideas and practices (such as socialism in one country and the purges) were almost total distortions of what Marx and Lenin had said.
^Gerber, John (1989).Anton Pannekoek and the Socialism of Workers' Self-Emancipation, 1873-1960. Dordrecht: Kluwer.ISBN978-0792302742.
^Shipway, Mark (1987). "Council Communism". InRubel, Maximilien; Crump, John (eds.).Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. New York: St. Martin's Press. pp. 104–126.
^Gray, Christopher (1998).Leaving the 20th century: the incomplete work of the Situationist International. London: Rebel Press. p. 88.ISBN9780946061150.
^"MY PERSPECTIVES – Willful Disobedience Vol. 2, No. 12". Archived fromthe original on 16 July 2011.I see the dichotomies made between individualism and communism, individual revolt and class struggle, the struggle against human exploitation and the exploitation of nature as false dichotomies and feel that those who accept them are impoverishing their own critique and struggle.
^abWeiss-Wendt, Anton (2008). "Problems in Comparative Genocide Scholarship". In Stone, Dan (ed.).The Historiography of Genocide. London:Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 42–70.doi:10.1057/9780230297784_3.ISBN978-0-230-29778-4.There is barely any other field of study that enjoys so little consensus on defining principles such as definition of genocide, typology, application of a comparative method, and timeframe. Considering that scholars have always put stress on prevention of genocide, comparative genocide studies have been a failure. Paradoxically, nobody has attempted so far to assess the field of comparative genocide studies as a whole. This is one of the reasons why those who define themselves as genocide scholars have not been able to detect the situation of crisis.
^Harff 1996;Kuromiya 2001;Paczkowski 2001;Weiner 2002;Dulić 2004;Karlsson & Schoenhals 2008, pp. 35, 79: "While Jerry Hough suggested Stalin's terror claimed tens of thousands of victims, R.J. Rummel puts the death toll of Soviet communist terror between 1917 and 1987 at 61,911,000. In both cases, these figures are based on an ideological preunderstanding and speculative and sweeping calculations. On the other hand, the considerably lower figures in terms of numbers of Gulag prisoners presented by Russian researchers during the glasnost period have been relatively widely accepted. ... It could, quite rightly, be claimed that the opinions that Rummel presents here (they are hardly an example of a serious and empirically-based writing of history) do not deserve to be mentioned in a research review, but they are still perhaps worth bringing up on the basis of the interest in him in the blogosphere."
^Mecklenburg, Jens; Wippermann, Wolfgang, eds. (1998).'Roter Holocaust'? Kritik des Schwarzbuchs des Kommunismus [A 'Red Holocaust'? A Critique of the Black Book of Communism] (in German). Hamburg: Konkret Verlag Literatur.ISBN3-89458-169-7.
^Malia, Martin (October 1999). "Preface".The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression.Harvard University Press. p. xiv.ISBN978-0-674-07608-2. Retrieved12 August 2021 – viaGoogle Books.... commentators in the liberalLe Monde argue that it is illegitimate to speak of a single Communist movement from Phnom Penh to Paris. Rather, the rampage of the Khmer Rouge is like the ethnic massacres of third-world Rwanda, or the 'rural' Communism of Asia is radically different from the 'urban' Communism of Europe; or Asian Communism is really only anticolonial nationalism. ... conflating sociologically diverse movements is merely a stratagem to obtain a higher body count against Communism, and thus against all the left.
^Hackmann, Jörg (March 2009). "From National Victims to Transnational Bystanders? The Changing Commemoration of World War II in Central and Eastern Europe".Constellations.16 (1):167–181.doi:10.1111/j.1467-8675.2009.00526.x.
^Gray, John (1990).Totalitarianism at the crossroads. Ellen Frankel Paul. [Bowling Green, OH]: Social Philosophy & Policy Center. p. 116.ISBN0-88738-351-3.OCLC20996281.
^Grant, Robert (November 1999). "Review: The Lost Literature of Socialism".The Review of English Studies.50 (200):557–559.doi:10.1093/res/50.200.557.
^Ijabs, Ivars (23 May 2008)."Cienīga atbilde: Soviet Story" [Worthy answer: Soviet Story].Latvijas Vēstnesis (in Latvian). Archived fromthe original on 20 July 2011. Retrieved15 June 2008.To present Karl Marx as the 'progenitor of modern genocide' is simply to lie.
^Sullivan, Dylan;Hickel, Jason (2 December 2022)."How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years".Al Jazeera. Retrieved14 December 2022.While the precise number of deaths is sensitive to the assumptions we make about baseline mortality, it is clear that somewhere in the vicinity of 100 million people died prematurely at the height of British colonialism. This is among the largest policy-induced mortality crises in human history. It is larger than the combined number of deaths that occurred during all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, North Korea, Pol Pot's Cambodia, and Mengistu's Ethiopia.
^Kaprāns, Mārtiņš (2 May 2015). "Hegemonic representations of the past and digital agency: Giving meaning to 'The Soviet Story' on social networking sites".Memory Studies.9 (2):156–172.doi:10.1177/1750698015587151.S2CID142458412.
^Mrozick, Agnieszka (2019). Kuligowski, Piotr; Moll, Łukasz; Szadkowski, Krystian (eds.)."Anti-Communism: It's High Time to Diagnose and Counteract".Praktyka Teoretyczna [pl].1 (31,Anti-Communisms: Discourses of Exclusion). Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań:178–184. Retrieved26 December 2020 – via Central and Eastern European Online Library.First is the prevalence of a totalitarian paradigm, in which Nazism and Communism are equated as the most atrocious ideas and systems in human history (because communism, defined by Marx as a classless society with common means of production, has never been realised anywhere in the world, in further parts I will be putting this concept into inverted commas as an example of discursive practice). Significantly, while in the Western debate the more precise term 'Stalinism' is used – in 2008, on the 70th anniversary of the Ribbentrop–Molotov Pact, the European Parliament established 23 August as the European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism – hardly anyone in Poland is paying attention to niceties: 'communism' or the left, is perceived as totalitarian here. A homogenizing sequence of associations (the left is communism, communism is totalitarianism, ergo the left is totalitarian) and the ahistorical character of the concepts used (no matter if we talk about the USSR in the 1930s under Stalin, Maoist China from the period of the Cultural Revolution, or Poland under Gierek, 'communism' is murderous all the same) not only serves the denigration of the Polish People's Republic, expelling this period from Polish history, but also – or perhaps primarily – the deprecation of Marxism, leftist programs, and any hopes and beliefs in Marxism and leftist activity as a remedy for capitalist exploitation, social inequality, fascist violence on a racist and anti-Semitic basis, as well as homophobic and misogynist violence. The totalitarian paradigm not only equates fascism and socialism (in Poland and the countries of the former Eastern bloc stubbornly called 'communism' and pressed into the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union, which should additionally emphasize its foreignness), but in fact recognizes the latter as worse, more sinister (theBlack Book of Communism (1997) is of help here as it estimates the number of victims of 'communism' at around 100 million; however, it is critically commented on by researchers on the subject, including historian Enzo Traverso in the bookL'histoire comme champ de bataille (2011)). Thus, anti-communism not only delegitimises the left, including communists, and depreciates the contribution of the left to the breakdown of fascism in 1945, but also contributes to the rehabilitation of the latter, as we can see in recent cases in Europe and other places. (Quote at pp. 178–179)
^Ther, Philipp[in German] (2016).Europe Since 1989: A History.Princeton University Press. p. 132.ISBN978-0-691-16737-4.Stalinist regimes aimed to catapult the predominantly agrarian societies into the modern age by swift industrialization. At the same time, they hoped to produce politically loyal working classes by mass employment in large state industries. Steelworks were built in Eisenhüttenstadt (GDR), Nowa Huta (Poland), Košice (Slovakia), and Miskolc (Hungary), as were various mechanical engineering and chemical combines and other industrial sites. As a result of communist modernization, living standards in Eastern Europe rose. Planned economies, moreover, meant that wages, salaries, and the prices of consumer goods were fixed. Although the communists were not able to cancel out all regional differences, they succeeded in creating largely egalitarian societies.
^Scheidel, Walter (2017).The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century.Princeton University Press. pp. 51,222–223.ISBN978-0691165028.Following the dissolution of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and then of the Soviet Union itself in late 1991, exploding poverty drove the surge in income inequality.
^Milanović, Branko (2015). "After the Wall Fell: The Poor Balance Sheet of the Transition to Capitalism".Challenge.58 (2):135–138.doi:10.1080/05775132.2015.1012402.S2CID153398717.So, what is the balance sheet of transition? Only three or at most five or six countries could be said to be on the road to becoming a part of the rich and (relatively) stable capitalist world. Many of the other countries are falling behind, and some are so far behind that they cannot aspire to go back to the point where they were when the Wall fell for several decades.
^Gerstle, Gary (2022).The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order: America and the World in the Free Market Era. Oxford:Oxford University Press. p. 149.ISBN978-0197519646.The collapse of communism, then, opened the entire world to capitalist penetration, shrank the imaginative and ideological space in which opposition to capitalist thought and practices might incubate, and impelled those who remained leftists to redefine their radicalism in alternative terms, which turned out to be those that capitalist systems could more, rather than less, easily manage. This was the moment when neoliberalism in the United States went from being a political movement to a political order.
^Communism is generally considered to be among the more radical ideologies of thepolitical left.[13][14] Unlikefar-right politics, for which there is general consensus among scholars on what it entails and its grouping (e.g. various academic handbooks studies),far-left politics have been difficult to characterize, particularly where they begin on thepolitical spectrum, other than the general consensus of being to the left of a standard political left, and because many of their positions are not extreme,[15] or becausefar-left andhard left are considered to be pejoratives that imply they are marginal.[16] In regards to communism and communist parties and movements, some scholars narrow the far left to their left, while others include them by broadening it to be the left of mainstream socialist, social-democratic, and labourist parties.[17] In general, they agree that there are various subgroupings within far-left politics, such as the radical left and the extreme left.[18][19]
^Earlier forms of communism (utopian socialism and some earlier forms ofreligious communism), shared support for aclassless society andcommon ownership but did not necessarily advocaterevolutionary politics or engage in scientific analysis; that was done by Marxist communism, which has defined mainstream, modern communism, and has influenced all modern forms of communism. Such communisms, especially new religious or utopian forms of communism, may share the Marxist analysis, while favoring evolutionary politics,localism, orreformism. By the 20th century, communism has been associated withrevolutionary socialism.[21]
^Communism is capitalized by scholars when referring toCommunist party-ruling states and governments, which are considered to be proper nouns as a result.[28] Following scholarJoel Kovel, sociologistSara Diamond wrote: "I use uppercase 'C'Communism to refer to actually existing governments and movements and lowercase 'c'communism to refer to the varied movements and political currents organized around the ideal of a classless society."[29]The Black Book of Communism also adopted such distinction, stating thatcommunism exists since millennia, whileCommunism (used in reference toLeninist andMarxist–Leninist communism as applied by Communist states in the 20th century) only began in 1917.[30]Alan M. Wald wrote: "In order to tackle complex and often misunderstood political-literary relationships, I have adopted methods of capitalization in this book that may deviate from editorial norms practiced at certain journals and publishing houses. In particular, I capitalize 'Communist' and 'Communism' when referring to official parties of the Third International, but not when pertaining to other adherents of Bolshevism or revolutionary Marxism (which encompasses small-'c' communists such as Trotskyists, Bukharinists, council communists, and so forth)."[31] In 1994,Communist Party USA activistIrwin Silber wrote: "When capitalized, the International Communist Movement refers to the formal organizational structure of the pro-Soviet Communist Parties. In lower case, the international communist movement is a more generic term referring to the general movement for communism."[32]
^While it refers to its leading ideology asJuche, which is portrayed as a development of Marxism–Leninism, the status of North Korea remains disputed. Marxism–Leninism was superseded byJuche in the 1970s and was made official in 1992 and 2009, when constitutional references to Marxism–Leninism were dropped and replaced withJuche.[38] In 2009, the constitution was quietly amended so that it removed all Marxist–Leninist references present in the first draft, and also dropped all references to communism.[39]Juche has been described by Michael Seth as a version ofKorean ultranationalism,[40] which eventually developed after losing its original Marxist–Leninist elements.[41] According toNorth Korea: A Country Study by Robert L. Worden, Marxism–Leninism was abandoned immediately after the start ofde-Stalinization in the Soviet Union and has been totally replaced byJuche since at least 1974.[42] Daniel Schwekendiek wrote that what made North Korean Marxism–Leninism distinct from that of China and the Soviet Union was that it incorporated national feelings and macro-historical elements in the socialist ideology, opting for its "own style of socialism". The major Korean elements are the emphasis on traditionalConfucianism and the memory of the traumatic experience ofKorea under Japanese rule, as well as a focus on autobiographical features ofKim Il Sung as a guerrilla hero.[43]
^abScholars generally write about individual events, and make estimates of any deaths like any other historical event, favouring background context and country specificities over generalizations, ideology, and Communist grouping as done by other scholars; some events are categorized by a Communist state's particular era, such as Stalinist repression,[49][50] rather than a connection to all Communist states, which came to cover one-third the world's population by 1985.[51] Historians likeRobert Conquest andJ. Arch Getty mainly wrote and focused on theStalin era; they wrote about people who died in theGulag or as a result of Stalinist repression, and discussed estimates about those specific events, as part of the excess mortality debate inJoseph Stalin's Soviet Union, without connecting them to communism as a whole. They have vigorously debated, including on theHolodomor genocide question,[52][53] but thedissolution of the Soviet Union, theRevolutions of 1989, and the release of state archives put some of the heat out of the debate.[54] Some historians, among themMichael Ellman, have questioned "the very category 'victims of Stalinism'" as "a matter of political judgement" because mass deaths from famines are not a "uniquely Stalinist evil" and were widespread throughout the world in the 19th and 20th centuries.[55] There exists very little literature that compares excess deaths under "the Big Three" of Stalin's Soviet Union,Mao Zedong's China, andPol Pot's Cambodia, and that which does exist mainly enumerates the events rather than explain their ideological reasons. One such example isCrimes Against Humanity Under Communist Regimes – Research Review byKlas-Göran Karlsson andMichael Schoenhals, a review study summarizing what others have stated about it, mentioning some authors who saw the origins of the killings inKarl Marx's writings; the geographical scope is "the Big Three", and the authors state that killings were carried out as part of an unbalanced modernizing policy of rapid industrialization, asking "what marked the beginning of the unbalanced Russian modernisation process that was to have such terrible consequences?"[56] Notable scholarly exceptions are historianStéphane Courtois and political scientistRudolph Rummel, who have attempted a connection between all Communist states. Rummel's analysis was done within the framework of his proposed concept ofdemocide, which includes any direct and indirect deaths by government, and did not limit himself to Communist states, which were categorized within the framework oftotalitarianism alongside other regime-types. Rummel's estimates are on the high end of the spectrum, have been criticized and scrutinized, and are rejected by most scholars. Courtois' attempts, as in the introduction toThe Black Book of Communism, which have been described by some critical observers as a crudelyanti-communist andantisemitic work, are controversial; many reviewers of the book, including scholars, criticized such attempts of lumping all Communist states and different sociological movements together as part of a Communist death toll totalling more than 94 million.[57] Reviewers also distinguished the introduction from the book proper, which was better received and only presented a number of chapters on single-country studies, with no cross-cultural comparison, or discussion ofmass killings; historianAndrzej Paczkowski wrote that only Courtois made the comparison between communism and Nazism, while the other sections of the book "are, in effect, narrowly focused monographs, which do not pretend to offer overarching explanations", and stated that the book is not "about communism as an ideology or even about communism as a state-building phenomenon."[58] More positive reviews found most of the criticism to be fair or warranted, with political scientistStanley Hoffmann stating that "Courtois would have been far more effective if he had shown more restraint",[59] and Paczkowski stating that it has had two positive effects, among them stirring a debate about the implementation of totalitarian ideologies and "an exhaustive balance sheet about one aspect of the worldwide phenomenon of communism."[60] ASoviet and communist studies example isSteven Rosefielde'sRed Holocaust, which is controversial due toHolocaust trivialization; nonetheless, Rosefielde's work mainly focused on "the Big Three" (Stalin era,Mao era, and theKhmer Rouge rule of Cambodia), plusKim Il Sung's North Korea andHo Chi Minh's Vietnam. Rosefielde's main point is that Communism in general, although he focuses mostly onStalinism, is less genocidal and that is a key distinction fromNazism, and did not make a connection between all Communist states or communism as an ideology. Rosefielde wrote that "the conditions for the Red Holocaust were rooted in Stalin's, Kim's, Mao's, Ho's and Pol Pot's siege-mobilized terror-command economic systems, not in Marx's utopian vision or other pragmatic communist transition mechanisms. Terror-command was chosen among other reasons because of legitimate fears about the long-term viability of terror-free command, and the ideological risks of market communism."[61]
^abSome authors, such asStéphane Courtois inThe Black Book of Communism, stated that Communism killed more than Nazism and thus was worse; several scholars have criticized this view.[62] After assessing twenty years of historical research in Eastern European archives, lower estimates by the "revisionist school" of historians have been vindicated,[63] despite the popular press continuing to use higher estimates and containing serious errors.[64] Historians such asTimothy D. Snyder stated it is taken for granted that Stalin killed more civilians than Hitler; for most scholars, excess mortality under Stalin was about 6 million, which rise to 9 million if foreseeable deaths arising from policies are taken into account. This estimate is less than those killed by Nazis, who killed more noncombatants than the Soviets did.[65]
^Most genocide scholars do not lump Communist states together, and do not treat genocidical events as a separate subjects, or by regime-type, and compare them to genocidical events which happened under vastly differentregimes. Examples includeCentury of Genocide: Critical Essays and Eyewitness Accounts,[309]The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing,[310]Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide,[311]Resisting Genocide: The Multiple Forms of Rescue,[312] andFinal Solutions.[313] Several of them are limited to the geographical locations of "the Big Three", or mainly theCambodian genocide, whose culprit, theKhmer Rouge regime, was described by genocide scholarHelen Fein as following axenophobic ideology bearing a stronger resemblance to "an almost forgotten phenomenon of national socialism", orfascism, rather than communism,[314] while historianBen Kiernan described it as "more racist and generically totalitarian than Marxist or specifically Communist",[315] or do not discuss Communist states, other than passing mentions. Such work is mainly done in an attempt to preventgenocides but has been described by scholars as a failure.[316]
^Genocide scholarBarbara Harff maintains a global database on mass killings, which is intended mostly for statistical analysis of mass killings in attempt to identify the best predictors for their onset and data is not necessarily the most accurate for a given country, since some sources are general genocide scholars and not experts on local history;[317] it includesanticommunist mass killings, such as theIndonesian mass killings of 1965–1966 (genocide and politicide), and some events which happened under Communist states, such as the1959 Tibetan uprising (genocide and politicide), theCambodian genocide (genocide and politicide), and theCultural Revolution (politicide), but no comparative analysis or communist link is drawn, other than the events just happened to take place in some Communist states in Eastern Asia. The Harff database is the most frequently used by genocide scholars.[318]Rudolph Rummel operated a similar database, but it was not limited to Communist states, it is mainly for statistical analysis, and in a comparative analysis has been criticized by other scholars,[319] over that of Harff,[317] for his estimates and statistical methodology, which showed some flaws.[320]
^In their criticism ofThe Black Book of Communism, which popularized the topic, several scholars have questioned, in the words ofAlexander Dallin, "[w]hether all these cases, from Hungary to Afghanistan, have a single essence and thus deserve to be lumped together – just because they are labeled Marxist or communist – is a question the authors scarcely discuss."[85] In particular, historians Jens Mecklenburg and Wolfgang Wippermann stated that a connection between the events inJoseph Stalin's Soviet Union andPol Pot's Cambodia are far from evident and that Pol Pot's study of Marxism in Paris is insufficient for connecting radical Soviet industrialism and theKhmer Rouge's murderous anti-urbanism under the same category.[322] Historian Michael David-Fox criticized the figures as well as the idea to combine loosely connected events under a single category of Communist death toll, blamingStéphane Courtois for their manipulation and deliberate inflation which are presented to advocate the idea that communism was a greater evil than Nazism. David-Fox criticized the idea to connect the deaths with some "generic Communism" concept, defined down to the common denominator of party movements founded by intellectuals.[84] A similar criticism was made byLe Monde.[323] Allegation of a communist or red Holocaust is not popular among scholars in Germany or internationally,[324] and is considered a form of softcore antisemitism and Holocaust trivialization.[325]
^The Cambodia case is particular because it is different from the emphasis Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao's China gave toheavy industry. The goal of Khmer Rouge's leaders goal was to introduce communism in an extremely short period of time throughcollectivization of agriculture in the effort to remove social differences and inequalities between rural and urban areas.[56] As there was not much industry in Cambodia at that time, Pol Pot's strategy to accomplish this was to increase agricultural production in order to obtain money for rapid industrialization.[331] In analyzing the Khmer Rouge regime, scholars place it within the historical context. The Khmer Rouge came to power through theCambodian Civil War (where unparalleled atrocities were executed on both sides) andOperation Menu, resulting in the dropping of more than half a million tonnes of bombs in the country during the civil-war period; this was mainly directed toCommunist Vietnam but it gave the Khmer Rouge a justification to eliminate the pro-Vietnamese faction and other communists.[56] TheCambodian genocide, which is described by many scholars as agenocide and by others, such as Manus Midlarsky, as apoliticide,[327] was stopped by Communist Vietnam, and there have beenallegations of United States support for the Khmer Rouge. South East Asian communism was deeply divided, as China supported the Khmer Rouge, while the Soviet Union and Vietnam opposed it. The United States supportedLon Nol, who seized power in the1970 Cambodian coup d'état, and research has shown that everything in Cambodia was seen as a legitimate target by the United States, whose verdict of its main leaders at that time (Richard Nixon andHenry Kissinger) has been harsh, and bombs were gradually dropped on increasingly densely populated areas.[56]
^March (2009), p. 127: "The 'communists' are a broad group. Without Moscow's pressure, 'orthodox' communism does not exist beyond a commitment to Marxism and the communist name and symbols. 'Conservative' communists define themselves as Marxist–Leninist, maintain arelatively uncritical stance towards the Soviet heritage, organize their parties through Leninist democratic centralism and still see the world through the Cold-War prism of 'imperialism,' although even these parties often appeal to nationalism and populism. 'Reform' communists, on the other hand, are more divergent and eclectic. They havediscarded aspects of the Soviet model (for example, Leninism and democratic centralism), and have at least paid lip service to elements of the post-1968 'new left' agenda (a (feminism, environmentalism, grass-roots democracy, and so on)."March 2009, p. 127
^abEngels (1970), pp. 95–151: "But, the transformation – either into joint-stock companies and trusts, or into State-ownership – does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces. In the joint-stock companies and trusts, this is obvious. And the modern State, again, is only the organization that bourgeois society takes on in order to support the external conditions of the capitalist mode of production against the encroachments as well of the workers as of individual capitalists. The modern state, no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalist machine – the state of the capitalists, the ideal personification of the total national capital. The more it proceeds to the taking over of productive forces, the more does it actually become the national capitalist, the more citizens does it exploit. The workers remain wage-workers – proletarians. The capitalist relation is not done away with. It is, rather, brought to a head. But, brought to a head, it topples over. State-ownership of the productive forces is not the solution of the conflict, but concealed within it are the technical conditions that form the elements of that solution."
^Morgan (2015):"'Marxism–Leninism' was the formal name of the official state ideology adopted by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), its satellite states in Eastern Europe, the Asian communist regimes, and various 'scientific socialist' regimes in the Third World during the Cold War. As such, the term is simultaneously misleading and revealing. It is misleading, since neither Marx nor Lenin ever sanctioned the creation of an eponymous 'ism'; indeed, the term Marxism–Leninism was formulated only in the period of Stalin's rise to power after Lenin's death. It is revealing, because the Stalinist institutionalization of Marxism–Leninism in the 1930s did contain three identifiable, dogmatic principles that became the explicit model for all later Soviet-type regimes: dialectical materialism as the only true proletarian basis for philosophy, the leading role of the communist party as the central principle of Marxist politics, and state-led planned industrialization and agricultural collectivization as the foundation of socialist economics. The global influence of these three doctrinal and institutional innovations makes the term Marxist–Leninist a convenient label for a distinct sort of ideological order – one which, at the height of its power and influence, dominated one-third of the world's population."
^Morgan (2001): "As communist Parties emerged around the world, encouraged both by the success of the Soviet Party in establishing Russia's independence from foreign domination and by clandestine monetary subsidies from the Soviet comrades, they became identifiable by their adherence to a common political ideology known as Marxism–Leninism. Of course from the very beginning Marxism–Leninism existed in many variants. The conditions were themselves an effort to enforce a minimal degree of uniformity on diverse conceptions of communist identity. Adherence to the ideas of 'Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky' characterized the Trotskyists who soon broke off in a 'Fourth International'."
^Engels (1970): "The proletariat seizes the public power, and by means of this transforms the socialized means of production, slipping from the hands of the bourgeoisie, into public property. By this act, the proletariat frees the means of production from the character of capital they have thus far borne, and gives their socialized character complete freedom to work itself out."
^Morgan (2001), p. 2332:"'Marxism–Leninism–Maoism' became the ideology of the Chinese Communist Party and of the splinter parties that broke off from national communist parties after the Chinese definitively split with the Soviets in 1963. Italian communists continued to be influenced by the ideas of Antonio Gramsci, whose independent conception of the reasons why the working class in industrial countries remained politically quiescent bore far more democratic implications than Lenin's own explanation of worker passivity. Until Stalin's death, the Soviet Party referred to its own ideology as 'Marxism–Leninism–Stalinism'."
^Kropotkin, Peter (1901)."Communism and Anarchy". Archived fromthe original on 28 July 2011.Communism is the one which guarantees the greatest amount of individual liberty – provided that the idea that begets the community be Liberty, Anarchy ... Communism guarantees economic freedom better than any other form of association, because it can guarantee wellbeing, even luxury, in return for a few hours of work instead of a day's work.
^Morgan (2015): "Communist ideas have acquired a new meaning since 1918. They became equivalent to the ideas of Marxism–Leninism, that is, the interpretation of Marxism by Lenin and his successors. Endorsing the final objective, namely, the creation of a community owning means of production and providing each of its participants with consumption 'according to their needs', they put forward the recognition of the class struggle as a dominating principle of a social development. In addition, workers (i.e., the proletariat) were to carry out the mission of reconstruction of the society. Conducting a socialist revolution headed by the avant-garde of the proletariat, that is, the party, was hailed to be a historical necessity. Moreover, the introduction of the proletariat dictatorship was advocated and hostile classes were to be liquidated."
^Ghodsee (2018): "Throughout much of the twentieth century, state socialism presented an existential challenge to the worst excesses of the free market. The threat posed by Marxist ideologies forced Western governments to expand social safety nets to protect workers from the unpredictable but inevitable booms and busts of the capitalist economy. After the Berlin Wall fell, many celebrated the triumph of the West, cosigning socialist ideas to the dustbin of history. But for all its faults, state socialism provided an important foil for capitalism. It was in response to a global discourse of social and economic rights – a discourse that appealed not only to the progressive populations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America but also to many men and women in Western Europe and North America – that politicians agreed to improve working conditions for wage laborers as well as create social programs for children, the poor, the elderly, the sick, and the disabled, mitigating exploitation and the growth of income inequality. Although there were important antecedents in the 1980s, once state socialism collapsed, capitalism shook off the constraints of market regulation and income redistribution. Without the looming threat of a rival superpower, the last thirty years of global neoliberalism have witnessed a rapid shriveling of social programs that protect citizens from cyclical instability and financial crises and reduce the vast inequality of economic outcomes between those at the top and bottom of the income distribution."
Bevins, Vincent (2020b).The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World.PublicAffairs. p. 240.ISBN978-1541742406.... we do not live in a world directly constructed by Stalin's purges or mass starvation under Pol Pot. Those states are gone. Even Mao's Great Leap Forward was quickly abandoned and rejected by the Chinese Communist Party, though the party is still very much around. We do, however, live in a world built partly by US-backed Cold War violence. ... Washington's anticommunist crusade, with Indonesia as the apex of its murderous violence against civilians, deeply shaped the world we live in now ... .
Gitlin, Todd (2001). "The Left's Lost Universalism". In Melzer, Arthur M.; Weinberger, Jerry; Zinman, M. Richard (eds.).Politics at the Turn of the Century. Lanham, MD:Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 3–26.
Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah (2009).Worse than war: genocide, eliminationism, and the ongoing assault on humanity (1st ed.). New York: PublicAffairs.ISBN978-1-58648-769-0.OCLC316035698.
Rosser, Mariana V.; Barkley, J. Jr. (23 July 2003).Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy.MIT Press. p. 14.ISBN978-0262182348.Ironically, the ideological father of communism, Karl Marx, claimed that communism entailed the withering away of the state. The dictatorship of the proletariat was to be a strictly temporary phenomenon. Well aware of this, the Soviet Communists never claimed to have achieved communism, always labeling their own system socialist rather than communist and viewing their system as in transition to communism.
Wilczynski, J. (2008).The Economics of Socialism after World War Two: 1945–1990. Aldine Transaction. p. 21.ISBN978-0202362281.Contrary to Western usage, these countries describe themselves as 'Socialist' (not 'Communist'). The second stage (Marx's 'higher phase'), or 'Communism' is to be marked by an age of plenty, distribution according to needs (not work), the absence of money and the market mechanism, the disappearance of the last vestiges of capitalism and the ultimate 'withering away' of the State.
Williams, Raymond (1983) [1976]."Socialism".Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (revised ed.).Oxford University Press. p. 289.ISBN978-0-19-520469-8.OCLC1035920683.The decisive distinction between socialist and communist, as in one sense these terms are now ordinarily used, came with the renaming, in 1918, of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) as the All-Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). From that time on, a distinction of socialist from communist, often with supporting definitions such as social democrat or democratic socialist, became widely current, although it is significant that all communist parties, in line with earlier usage, continued to describe themselves as socialist and dedicated to socialism.
Pop-Eleches, Grigore; Tucker, Joshua A. (2017).Communism's Shadow: Historical Legacies and Contemporary Political Attitudes (hardcover ed.).Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0-69117-558-4.
Shaw, Yu-ming (2019).Changes And Continuities In Chinese Communism: Volume I: Ideology, Politics, and Foreign Policy (hardcover ed.).Routledge.ISBN978-0-36716-385-3.