Acocktail is amixed drink, usuallyalcoholic. Most commonly, a cocktail is a combination of one or morespirits mixed with other ingredients, such as juices,flavored syrups,tonic water,shrubs, andbitters. Cocktails vary widely across regions of the world, and many websites publish both original recipes and their own interpretations of older and more famous cocktails.[1][2][3]
Cocktail accessories dating back to the 4th century BCE. Museum of the Royal Tombs of Aigai, Greece
A well-known 'cocktail' in ancient Greece was namedkykeon. It is mentioned in the Homeric texts and was used in theEleusinian Mysteries. 'Cocktail' accessories are exposed in theMuseum of the Royal Tombs of Aigai (Greece). They were used in the court ofPhilip II of Macedon to prepare and serve mixtures of wine, water, honey as well as extracts of aromatic herbs and flowers, during the banquets.
In the United States, a written mention of 'cocktail' as a beverage appeared inThe Farmers Cabinet, 1803. The first definition of a cocktail as an alcoholic beverage appeared three years later inThe Balance and Columbian Repository (Hudson, New York) May 13, 1806.[4] Traditionally, cocktail ingredients included spirits, sugar, water and bitters;[5] however, this definition evolved throughout the 1800s to include the addition of aliqueur.[6][5]
In 1862,Jerry Thomas published a bartender's guide calledHow to Mix Drinks; or, The Bon Vivant's Companion which included 10 cocktail recipes using bitters, to differentiate from other drinks such as punches and cobblers.
Cocktails continued to evolve and gain popularity throughout the 1900s, with the term eventually expanding to cover all mixed drinks. In 1917, the termcocktail party was coined by Julius S. Walsh Jr. ofSt. Louis,Missouri. With wine and beer being less available during theProhibition in the United States (1920–1933), liquor-based cocktails became more popular due to accessibility, followed by a decline in popularity during the late 1960s. The early to mid-2000s saw the rise of cocktail culture through the style of mixology which mixes traditional cocktails and other novel ingredients.[7] By 2023, the so-called "cocktail in a can" had proliferated (at least in the United States) to become a common item in liquor stores.[8]
In the modern world and theInformation Age, cocktail recipes are widely shared online on websites. Cocktails and restaurants that serve them are frequently covered and reviewed in tourism magazines and guides.[9][10] Some cocktails, such as theMojito,Manhattan, andMartini, have become staples in restaurants[11] and pop culture.
In general terms the most important elements consist of the base, a modifying, smoothing or aromatizing agent, and an additional special flavouring or coloring agent.[12]
The base will always be the most dominant ingredient. It constitutes at least 50% of the entire volume of the cocktail, and always consists of spirit basedliquors or wine based liquors.[13] The type of base will determine the style of liquor, thusgin based cocktails, such as theMartini, will differ from whisky based cocktails, such as theManhattan.[13] It is possible to mix a cocktail combining a number of bases, as long as they share essential characteristics, though it is considered "dangerous".[14]
The modifying agent functions as a buffer for the sharp bite of the base, and adds character to its natural flavour.[15] Modifiers can be classified into the three categories of aromatics and bitters, fruit juices (with or without sugar), and smoothing agents (such as cream, sugar or eggs).[15] Modifiers are often used sparingly so as not to overpower the base,Embury suggested a maximum of half an egg white, one quarter of a whole egg, one tablespoon of heavy cream or one teaspoon of sugar per drink.[15]
Special flavouring agents, including not only non-alcoholic syrups but also various liqueurs and cordials, as well as other ingredients which could also be used as modifiers.[16] Like the modifiers, special care must be taken so that the special flavouring agent does not overpower the base. For this reason quantities are often limited to drops and dashes.[16]
The termcocktail can refer to a wide variety of drinks; it is typically amixed drink containing alcohol.[17]
When a combined drink contains only adistilled spirit and amixer, such assoda orfruit juice, it is ahighball. Many of the International Bartenders AssociationOfficial Cocktails are highballs. When a mixed drink contains only a distilled spirit and aliqueur, it is a duo, and when it adds cream or a cream-based liqueur, it is a trio. Additional ingredients may be sugar,honey, milk,cream, and various herbs.[18]
Mixed drinks without alcohol that resemble cocktails can be known as "zero-proof" or "virgin" cocktails or "mocktails".
The origin of the word "cocktail" is disputed. It is presumably from "cock-tail", meaning "with tail standing up, like a cock's", in particular of a horse, but how this came to be applied to alcoholic mixed drinks is unclear. The most prominent theories are that it refers to a stimulant, hence astimulating drink, or to a non-purebred horse, hence amixed drink.
Cocktail historian David Wondrich speculates that "cocktail" is a reference togingering, a practice for perking up an old horse by means of a ginger suppository so that the animal would "cock its tail up and be frisky",[19] hence by extension a stimulating drink, likepick-me-up. This agrees with usage in early citations (1798: "'cock-tail' (vulgarly called ginger)", 1803: drink at 11 a.m. to clear the head, 1806: "stimulating liquor"), and suggests that a cocktail was initially considered a medicinal drink, which accords with the use of bitters.
EtymologistAnatoly Liberman endorses as "highly probable" the theory advanced by Låftman (1946), which Liberman summarizes as follows:[20]
It was customary to dock the tails of horses that were not thoroughbred[...] They were called cocktailed horses, later simply cocktails. By extension, the word cocktail was applied to a vulgar, ill-bred person raised above his station, assuming the position of a gentleman but deficient in gentlemanly breeding.[...] Of importance [in the 1806 citation above] is[...] the mention of water as an ingredient.[...] Låftman concluded that cocktail was an acceptable alcoholic drink, but diluted, not a "purebred", a thing "raised above its station". Hence the highly appropriate slang word used earlier about inferior horses and sham gentlemen.
The first recorded use of cocktail not referring to a horse is found inThe Morning Post and Gazetteer in London, England, March 20, 1798:[21]
Mr. Pitt, two petit vers of "L'huile de Venus" Ditto, one of "perfeit amour" Ditto, "cock-tail" (vulgarly called ginger)
TheOxford English Dictionary cites the word as originating in the U.S. The first recorded use ofcocktail as a beverage (possibly non-alcoholic) in the United States appears inThe Farmer's Cabinet, April 28, 1803:[22]
11. [a.m.] Drank a glass of cocktail—excellent for the head...Call'd at the Doct's. found Burnham—he looked very wise—drank another glass of cocktail.
The first known definition of a cocktail, byHarry Croswell
The first definition of cocktail known to be an alcoholic beverage appeared inThe Balance and Columbian Repository (Hudson, New York) May 13, 1806; editorHarry Croswell answered the question, "What is a cocktail?":
Cock-tail is a stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, andbitters—it is vulgarly calledbittered sling, and is supposed to be an excellent electioneering potion, in as much as it renders the heart stout and bold, at the same time that it fuddles the head. It is said, also to be of great use to ademocratic candidate: because a person, having swallowed a glass of it, is ready to swallow any thing else.[23]
Other origins have been suggested, ascorruptions of other words or phrases. These can be dismissed asfolk etymologies, given the well-attested term "cock-tail" for a horse.
Dale DeGroff hypothesizes that the word evolved from the Frenchcoquetier, for an eggcup in which Antoine A. Peychaud, creator ofPeychaud's Bitters, allegedly used to serve his guests a mix of cognac with a dash of his bitters.[24]
There is a lack of clarity on the origins of cocktails.[28] Traditionally cocktails were a mixture of spirits, sugar, water, andbitters.[5] By the 1860s, however, a cocktail frequently included aliqueur.[6][5]
The first publication of abartenders' guide which included cocktail recipes was in 1862 –How to Mix Drinks; or, The Bon Vivant's Companion, by "Professor"Jerry Thomas. In addition to recipes for punches, sours, slings, cobblers, shrubs, toddies, flips, and a variety of other mixed drinks were 10 recipes[29] for "cocktails". A key ingredient distinguishing cocktails from other drinks in this compendium was the use ofbitters. Mixed drinks popular today that conform to this original meaning of "cocktail" include theOld Fashioned whiskey cocktail, theSazerac cocktail, and theManhattan cocktail.
The ingredients listed (spirits, sugar, water, and bitters) match the ingredients of anOld Fashioned,[30] which originated as a term used by late 19th-century bar patrons to distinguish cocktails made the "old-fashioned" way from newer, more complex cocktails.[22]
In the 1869 recipe bookCooling Cups and Dainty Drinks, by William Terrington, cocktails are described as:[31]
Cocktails are compounds very much used by "early birds" to fortify the inner man, and by those who like their consolations hot and strong.
Published in 1902 byFarrow and Jackson, "Recipes of American and Other Iced Drinks" contains recipes for nearly two dozen cocktails, some still recognizable today.[33]
The first "cocktail party" ever thrown was allegedly by Julius S. Walsh Jr. ofSt. Louis,Missouri, in May 1917. Walsh invited 50 guests to her home at noon on a Sunday. The party lasted an hour until lunch was served at 1p.m. The site of this first cocktail party still stands. In 1924, theRoman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis bought the Walsh mansion at 4510 Lindell Boulevard, and it has served as the local archbishop's residence ever since.[34]
DuringProhibition in the United States (1920–1933), when alcoholic beverages were illegal, cocktails were still consumed illegally in establishments known asspeakeasies. The quality of the liquor available during Prohibition was much worse than previously.[35] There was a shift fromwhiskey togin, which does not require aging and is, therefore, easier to produce illicitly.[36] Honey, fruit juices, and other flavorings served to mask the foul taste of the inferior liquors. Sweet cocktails were easier to drink quickly, an important consideration when the establishment might be raided at any moment. With wine and beer less readily available, liquor-based cocktails took their place, even becoming the centerpiece of the newcocktail party.[37]
Cocktails became less popular in the late 1960s and through the 1970s, until resurging in the 1980s withvodka often substituting for the original gin in drinks such as themartini. Traditional cocktails began to make a comeback in the 2000s,[38] and by the mid-2000s there was a renaissance of cocktail culture in a style typically referred to as mixology that draws on traditional cocktails for inspiration but uses novel ingredients and often complex flavors.[7]
^"The Coalead"(PDF).The Balance and Columbian Repository. Vol. V, no. 19. May 13, 1806. p. 146. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on July 13, 2014. RetrievedApril 19, 2021.
^Donka, Robert; Cloutier, Robert; Stockwell, Anne; William, Kretzschmar (2010).Studies in the History of the English Language V: Variation and Change in English Grammar and Lexicon: Contemporary Approaches.Walter de Gruyter.ISBN9783110220322.