A brick clamp in rural IndiaXhosa brick maker at ascove kiln nearNgcobo, South Africa
"Brick clamp" also refers to a device (usually powered) to lift quantities of bricks.
Abrick clamp is a traditional method ofbaking bricks, done by stacking unbaked bricks withfuel under or among them, then igniting the fuel.[1] The clamp is considered a type ofbrick kiln. If the clamp isinsulated by packingearth ormud around it, it becomes ascove kiln.[2]
^Sowden, A. M.The Maintenance of brick and stone masonry structures. London: E. & F. N. Spon, 1990. 18. Print.
^Whitney, William Dwight. "Scove, 2"The Century dictionary; an encyclopedic lexicon of the English language, Vol. 7. New York: The Century Co., 188991. 5,415. Print.