Circle that passes through the vertices of a triangle
Ingeometry, thecircumscribed circle orcircumcircle of atriangle is acircle that passes through all threevertices. The center of this circle is called thecircumcenter of the triangle, and its radius is called thecircumradius. The circumcenter is the point ofintersection between the threeperpendicular bisectors of the triangle's sides, and is atriangle center.
Construction of the circumcircle of triangle△ABC and the circumcenterQ
The circumcenter of a triangle can beconstructed by drawing any two of the threeperpendicular bisectors. For three non-collinear points, these two lines cannot be parallel, and the circumcenter is the point where they cross. Any point on the bisector is equidistant from the two points that it bisects, from which it follows that this point, on both bisectors, is equidistant from all three triangle vertices.The circumradius is the distance from it to any of the three vertices.
Alternative construction of the circumcenter (intersection of broken lines)
An alternative method to determine the circumcenter is to draw any two lines each one departing from one of the vertices at an angle with the common side, the common angle of departure being 90° minus the angle of the opposite vertex. (In the case of the opposite angle being obtuse, drawing a line at a negative angle means going outside the triangle.)
Incoastal navigation, a triangle's circumcircle is sometimes used as a way of obtaining aposition line using asextant when nocompass is available. The horizontal angle between two landmarks defines the circumcircle upon which the observer lies.
In theEuclidean plane, it is possible to give explicitly an equation of the circumcircle in terms of theCartesian coordinates of the vertices of the inscribed triangle. Suppose that
are the coordinates of pointsA, B, C. The circumcircle is then the locus of points in the Cartesian plane satisfying the equations
guaranteeing that the pointsA,B,C,v are all the same distancer from the common center of the circle. Using thepolarization identity, these equations reduce to the condition that thematrix
has a nonzerokernel. Thus the circumcircle may alternatively be described as thelocus of zeros of thedeterminant of this matrix:
we then have where and – assuming the three points were not in a line (otherwise the circumcircle is that line that can also be seen as a generalized circle withS at infinity) – giving the circumcenter and the circumradius A similar approach allows one to deduce the equation of thecircumsphere of atetrahedron.
Hence, given the radius,r, center,Pc, a point on the circle,P0 and a unit normal of the plane containing the circle, one parametric equation of the circle starting from the pointP0 and proceeding in a positively oriented (i.e.,right-handed) sense about is the following:
Additionally, the circumcircle of a triangle embedded in three dimensions can be found using a generalized method. LetA,B,C be three-dimensional points, which form the vertices of a triangle. We start by transposing the system to placeC at the origin:
The circumradiusr is then
whereθ is the interior angle betweena andb. The circumcenter,p0, is given by
This formula only works in three dimensions as thecross product is not defined in other dimensions, but it can be generalized to the other dimensions by replacing the cross products with following identities:
This gives us the following equation for the circumradiusr:
and the following equation for the circumcenterp0:
Without loss of generality this can be expressed in a simplified form after translation of the vertexA to the origin of the Cartesian coordinate systems, i.e., when In this case, the coordinates of the vertices and represent the vectors from vertexA' to these vertices. Observe that this trivial translation is possible for all triangles and the circumcenter of the triangle△A'B'C' follow as
Due to the translation of vertexA to the origin, the circumradiusr can be computed as
Since the Cartesian coordinates of any point are a weighted average of those of the vertices, with the weights being the point's barycentric coordinates normalized to sum to unity, the circumcenter vector can be written as
HereU is the vector of the circumcenter andA, B, C are the vertex vectors. The divisor here equals16S2 whereS is the area of the triangle. As stated previously
Cartesian coordinates from cross- and dot-products
The circumcenter's position depends on the type of triangle:
For an acute triangle (all angles smaller than a right angle), the circumcenter always lies inside the triangle.
For a right triangle, the circumcenter always lies at the midpoint of thehypotenuse. This is one form ofThales' theorem.
For an obtuse triangle (a triangle with one angle bigger than a right angle), the circumcenter always lies outside the triangle.
The circumcenter of an acute triangle is inside the triangle
The circumcenter of a right triangle is at the midpoint of the hypotenuse
The circumcenter of an obtuse triangle is outside the triangle
These locational features can be seen by considering the trilinear or barycentric coordinates given above for the circumcenter: all three coordinates are positive for any interior point, at least one coordinate is negative for any exterior point, and one coordinate is zero and two are positive for a non-vertex point on a side of the triangle.
The angles which the circumscribed circle forms with the sides of the triangle coincide with angles at which sides meet each other. The side opposite angleα meets the circle twice: once at each end; in each case at angleα (similarly for the other two angles). This is due to thealternate segment theorem, which states that the angle between the tangent and chord equals the angle in the alternate segment.
Thediameter of the circumcircle, called thecircumdiameter and equal to twice thecircumradius, can be computed as the length of any side of the triangle divided by thesine of the oppositeangle:
As a consequence of thelaw of sines, it does not matter which side and opposite angle are taken: the result will be the same.
The diameter of the circumcircle can also be expressed as
wherea, b, c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle and is the semiperimeter. The expression above is the area of the triangle, byHeron's formula.[5] Trigonometric expressions for the diameter of the circumcircle include[6]
The triangle'snine-point circle has half the diameter of the circumcircle.
In any given triangle, the circumcenter is always collinear with thecentroid andorthocenter. The line that passes through all of them is known as theEuler line.
The usefulminimum bounding circle of three points is defined either by the circumcircle (where three points are on the minimum bounding circle) or by the two points of the longest side of the triangle (where the two points define a diameter of the circle). It is common to confuse the minimum bounding circle with the circumcircle.
The circumcircle of threecollinear points is the line on which the three points lie, often referred to as acircle of infinite radius. Nearly collinear points often lead tonumerical instability in computation of the circumcircle.
Circumcircles of triangles have an intimate relationship with theDelaunay triangulation of aset of points.
wherer is the incircle radius andR is the circumcircle radius; hence the circumradius is at least twice the inradius (Euler's triangle inequality), with equality only in theequilateral case.[7][8]
The product of the incircle radius and the circumcircle radius of a triangle with sidesa, b, c is[11]
With circumradiusR, sidesa, b, c, andmediansma, mb, mc, we have[12]
If medianm, altitudeh, and internal bisectort all emanate from the same vertex of a triangle with circumradiusR, then[13]
Carnot's theorem states that the sum of the distances from the circumcenter to the three sides equals the sum of the circumradius and theinradius.[14] Here a segment's length is considered to be negativeif and only if the segment lies entirely outside the triangle.
If a triangle has two particular circles as its circumcircle andincircle, there exist an infinite number of other triangles with the same circumcircle and incircle, with any point on the circumcircle as a vertex. (This is then = 3 case ofPoncelet's porism). A necessary and sufficient condition for such triangles to exist is the above equality[15]
A set of points lying on the same circle are calledconcyclic, and a polygon whose vertices are concyclic is called acyclic polygon. Every triangle is concyclic, but polygons with more than three sides are not in general.
Cyclic polygons, especially four-sidedcyclic quadrilaterals, have various special properties. In particular, the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral aresupplementary angles (adding up to 180° or π radians).
^Johnson, Roger A. (1929).Modern Geometry: An Elementary Treatise on the Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle. Houghton Mifflin Co. p. 189, #298(d).hdl:2027/wu.89043163211. Republished by Dover Publications asAdvanced Euclidean Geometry, 1960 and 2007.
^Posamentier, Alfred S.; Lehmann, Ingmar (2012).The Secrets of Triangles. Prometheus Books. pp. 289–290.
^Altshiller Court, Nathan (1952).College Geometry: An Introduction to the Modern Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle (2nd ed.). Barnes & Noble. p. 122, #96. Reprinted by Dover Publications, 2007.