Thecimaruta ("chee-mah-roo-tah";pluralcimarute) is an Italian folkamulet ortalisman,traditionally worn around the neck or hung above an infant's bed to ward off theevil eye (Italian:mal'occhio). Commonly made ofsilver, the amulet itself consists of several smallapotropaic charms (some of which draw uponChristian symbolism), with each individual piece attached to what is supposed to represent a branch ofrue—the floweringmedicinal herb for which the wholetalisman is named, "cimaruta" being aNeapolitan form ofcima di ruta: Italian for "sprig of rue".[1]
The component parts of thecimarute, which are particularly associated withSouthern Italy, may differ by region of origin. From out of a central stalk of rue serving as its base, there radiate multiple branches which appear to blossom into various designs; the divergent branches "sprout" at their extremities such magicalsymbols as: a rose; a hand holding either a wand or a sword; a flaming heart; a fish; a crescent moon; a snake; an owl; a plumed medieval helmet; avervain blossom; a dolphin; a cock; and an eagle. One cimaruta, for example, might bear the collective imagery of a key, dagger, blossom and moon. Most are double-sided and fairly large—some almost four inches in width.[2]
Along with various other documented elements of regional magic traditions, the cimaruta is (alleged to be) in borrowed use amongst self-identifiedItalian-Americanwitches. Some practitioners of the neopagan "religion of witchcraft"Stregoneria (or "Streghe") may consider it a remnant of a more ancient Italian magic tradition, such as that detailed byCharles Leland in his 1899 textAradia, or the Gospel of the Witches (which—apart from directly influencing the development of Stregheria—claimed the existence of an insularpaganwitch-cult active in Italy).
Some modern versions of the cimaruta arecast inbronze orpewter.
AuthorRaven Grimassi in his bookThe Cimaruta: And Other Magical Charms From Old Italy (2012) discusses the charm as a sign of membership in the "Society of Diana" which he refers to as an organization of witches. Grimassi argues that the Cimaruta was originally a witchcraft charm used by witches that was later arrogated by Italian Folk Magic, and that Christian symbols were then added to the original Pagan symbols.