CherryPy can be a web server itself or one can launch it via anyWSGI compatible environment. It does not deal with tasks such as templating for output rendering or backend access. The framework is extensible with filters, which are called at defined points in the request/response processing.
One of the goals of the project founder,Remi Delon, was to make CherryPy aspythonic as possible. This allows the developer to use the framework as any regular Python module and to forget (from a technical point of view) that the application is for the web.
For instance, the commonHello World program with CherryPy 3 would look like:
Multiple HTTP servers (e.g. ability to listen on multiple ports).[7]
Aplugin system[8] CherryPyplugins hook into events within theserver process — into server startup, server shutdown, server exiting, etc. — to run code that needs to be run when the server starts up or shuts down.
Built-in tools forcaching,encoding,sessions,authorization, static content, and others. CherryPytools hook into events within therequest process. Whenever the CherryPy server receives a request, there is a specific set of steps it goes through to handle that request. Page handlers are only one step in the process. Tools also provide a syntax and configuration API for turning them on and off for a specific set of handlers.
A configuration system for developers and deployers .[9][10][11] CherryPy deployments are configurable on site, on application and on controller level, through Python dictionaries, configuration files, and open file objects.
A completetest suite for core functionality and associated framework which can be used to test CherryPy applications.[12]