TheparvorderCatarrhini/kætəˈraɪnaɪ/ (known commonly ascatarrhine monkeys,Old World anthropoids, orOld World monkeys) consists of theCercopithecoidea andapes (Hominoidea). In 1812,Geoffroy grouped those two groups together and established the name Catarrhini, "Old World monkeys", ("singes de l'Ancien Monde" inFrench).[4][3][5][2][6][excessive citations] Its sister in the infraorderSimiiformes is the parvorderPlatyrrhini (New World monkeys).[2] There has been some resistance to directly designate apes (and thus humans) as monkeys despite the scientific evidence, so "Old World monkey" may be taken to mean the Cercopithecoidea or the Catarrhini.[4][7][8][9][10][6][11][12][13][14][excessive citations] That apes are monkeys was already realized byGeorges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon in the 18th century.[3]Linnaeus placed this group in 1758 together with what we now recognise as thetarsiers and the New World monkeys, in a single genus "Simia" (sansHomo).[15] The Catarrhini are all native toAfrica andAsia. Members of thisparvorder are calledcatarrhines.
The Catarrhini are the sister group to the New World monkeys, thePlatyrrhini.[16][17][18][19] Some six million years before the ape - Cercopithecoidea bifurcation, the Platyrrhini emerged within "monkeys" by migration to South America from Afro-Arabia (the Old World), likely by ocean.
The technical distinction between theNew World platyrrhines andOld World catarrhines is the shape of their noses. The platyrrhines (fromAncient Greekplaty-, "flat", andrhin-, "nose") have nostrils which face sideways. The catarrhines (from Ancient Greekkatà-, "down", andrhin-, "nose") have nostrils that face downwards. Catarrhines also never haveprehensile tails, and have flat fingernails and toenails, a tubularectotympanic (ear bone), and eight, not 12, premolars, giving them adental formula of2.,[20] indicating 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, and 3 molars on each side of the upper and lower jaws.
Most catarrhine species show considerablesexual dimorphism and do not form apair bond. Most, but not all, species live in social groups.[citation needed] Like the platyrrhines, the catarrhines are generallydiurnal,[20] and have grasping hands and (with the exception of bipedal humans) grasping feet.
The apes – in both traditional andphylogenic nomenclature – are exclusively catarrhine species. In traditional usage,ape describes any tailless, larger, and more typically ground-dwelling species of catarrhine. "Ape" may be found as part of the common name of such species, such as theBarbary ape. In phylogenic usage, the term ape applies only to thesuperfamilyHominoidea. This grouping comprises the two families:Hylobatidae, the lesser apes or gibbons; andHominidae, the great apes, includingorangutans,gorillas,chimpanzees,humans, and related extinct genera, such as the prehumanaustralopithecines and the giant orangutan relativeGigantopithecus.
According to Schrago & Russo, New World monkeys split from their Old World kin about 35 million years ago (Mya). They use the major catarrhine division betweencercopithecoids andhominoids of about 25 Mya (which they argue is strongly supported by the fossil evidence), as a calibration point, and from this also calculate thegibbons separating from thegreat apes (including humans) about 15-19 Mya.[21]
According to Begun and Harrison, the Catarrhini split from their New World monkey kin about 44 - 40 Mya, with the first catarrhines appearing in Africa and Arabia, and not appearing in Eurasia (outside Arabia) until 18-17 Mya.[22]
Catarrhini lost the enzymeAlpha-galactosidase, present in all other mammal lineages, sometime after the split from platyrrhini. It is hypothesized that an ancient pathogen containing Alpha-galactosidase may be responsible, as only individuals with mutations that "turned off" the gene for Alpha-galactosidase would have produced antibodies against the pathogen and survived.[23][24]
The distinction between apes andmonkeys is complicated by the traditionalparaphyly ofmonkeys: apes emerged as a sister group of Old World monkeys in the catarrhines, which are a sister group of New World monkeys. Therefore,cladistically, apes, catarrhines and related contemporary extinct groups such asParapithecidae are monkeys as well, for any consistent definition of "monkey". "Old World Monkey" may also legitimately be taken to be meant to include all the catarrhines, including apes and extinct species such asAegyptopithecus, in which case the apes, Cercopithecoidea andAegyptopithecus emerged within the Old World Monkeys. Although the colloquial usage of terms likeape andmonkey in English reflects a misconception about their true biological relationship, this is not the case in some other languages; for example, in Russian,the same term is used to describe all simians, both with and without tails, including apes.[25]
Below is acladogram with extinct species in which the crown Catharrhini, which emerged in thePropliopithecoidea.[26][27][28][29][30][31] Also, Saadanioidea is sister of the Cercopithecoidea rather than of the Crown Catarrhini here. It is indicated how many million years ago (Mya) the clades diverged into newer clades.
The Platyrrhini may have emerged in e.g. the Oligopithecidae.[32] The Saadanioidea may be sister to the Propliopithecoidea s.s., and Micropithecus may be sister to the Taqah Propliopithecids.[33]
^abOsman Hill, W.C. (1953).Primates Comparative Anatomy and Taxonomy I—Strepsirhini. Edinburgh Univ Pubs Science & Maths, No 3. Edinburgh University Press. p. 53.OCLC500576914.
^Garbino, Guilherme Siniciato Terra; De Aquino, Carla Cristina (2018). "Evolutionary Significance of the Entepicondylar Foramen of the Humerus in New World Monkeys (Platyrrhini)".Journal of Mammalian Evolution.25:141–151.doi:10.1007/s10914-016-9366-5.S2CID3268953.
Raaum, Ryan L.; Sterner, Kirstin N.; Noviello, Colleen M.; Stewart, Caro-Beth; Disotell, Todd R. (2005). "Catarrhine primate divergence dates estimated from complete mitochondrial genomes: Concordance with fossil and nuclear DNA evidence".Journal of Human Evolution.48 (3):237–257.doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2004.11.007.PMID15737392.