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Species of plant (Capparis spinosa)
For other uses, seeCaper (disambiguation).

Capparis spinosa
Illustration byOtto Wilhelm Thomé
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
C. spinosa
Binomial name
Capparis spinosa
Linnaeus, 1753
Capparis spinosa fruit in Behbahan
Capparis spinosa fruits inBehbahan

Capparis spinosa, thecaper bush, also calledFlinders rose,[3] is aperennial plant that bears rounded, fleshy leaves and large white to pinkish-white flowers.[4][5][6]

The taxonomic status of the species is controversial and unsettled. Species within the genusCapparis are highly variable, andinterspecific hybrids have been common throughout the evolutionary history of the genus. As a result, some authors have consideredC. spinosa to be composed of multiple distinct species,[7] others that the taxon is a single species with multiple varieties or subspecies,[8][9] or that the taxonC. spinosa is a hybrid betweenC. orientalis andC. sicula.[10]

Capparis spinosa is native to almost all thecircum-Mediterranean countries,[11] and is included in the flora of most of them, but whether it isindigenous to this region is uncertain. The familyCapparaceae could have originated in the tropics and later spread to the Mediterranean basin.[12]

The plant is best known for the edible flower buds (capers), used as a seasoning or garnish, and the fruit (caper berries), both of which are usually consumedsalted orpickled. Other species ofCapparis are also picked along withC. spinosa for their buds or fruits. Other parts ofCapparis plants are used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics.


Leaves and flower buds
Caper Flower in Behbahan, Iran
Caper flower inBehbahan

The shrubby plant is many-branched, withalternate leaves, thick and shiny, round toovate. The flowers arecomplete, sweetly fragrant, and showy, with four sepals and four white to pinkish-white petals, many long violet-coloured stamens, and a single stigma usually rising well above the stamens.[13]

Accepted infraspecifics


Elevensubspecies and variants are accepted, according toPlants of the World Online:[14]

  • Capparis spinosa var.aegyptia (Lam.) Boiss.
  • Capparis spinosa var.atlantica (Inocencio, D.Rivera, Obón & Alcaraz) Fici
  • Capparis spinosa var.canescens Coss.
  • Capparis spinosa subsp.cordifolia (Lam.) Fici
  • Capparis spinosa var.herbacea (Willd.) Fici
  • Capparis spinosa var.mucronifolia (Boiss.) Hedge & Lamond ex R.R.Stewart
  • Capparis spinosa var.myrtifolia (Inocencio, D.Rivera, Obón & Alcaraz) Fici
  • Capparis spinosa var.ovata (Desf.) Sm.
  • Capparis spinosa subsp.parviflora (Boiss.) Ahmadi, H.Saeidi & Mirtadz.
  • Capparis spinosa subsp.rupestris (Sm.) Nyman
  • Capparis spinosa subsp.spinosa

Capparis nummularia was formerly considered a subspecies ofCapparis spinosa.[15]

Distribution and habitat


Capparis spinosa ranges around theMediterranean Basin,Arabian Peninsula, and portions of Western and Central Asia.

In southern Europe, it is found in southern Portugal, southern and eastern Spain (including the Balearic Islands), Mediterranean France including Corsica, Italy including Sicily and Sardinia, Croatia's Dalmatian islands, Albania, Greece and the Greek Islands, western and southern Turkey, on Cyprus, and on the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine. In Spain, it ranges from sea level up to 1,300 metres (4,300 ft) in elevation.[1]

In northern Africa, it is found throughout the north and the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, where it occurs from sea level up to 2,000 m (6,600 ft) in elevation. It is also found in northern Algeria (Kabylie, coastal Algeria, Bouzaréa, and Oran) and theHoggar Mountains of the Algerian Sahara, in Tunisia north of the Sahara, andCyrenaica in Libya.[1]

In western Asia, it is found along the eastern Mediterranean in Lebanon, Israel, Syria, and western Jordan, and in the southern Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. It is also found south of the Caucasus in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and northeastern Turkey. On the Arabian Peninsula it occurs in Oman, Yemen includingSocotra, and Asir province of Saudi Arabia. In central Asia, it inhabits the mountains of central Afghanistan, the lower Karakoram range in northern Pakistan and Ladakh, and Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and eastern Uzbekistan.[1]

Environmental requirements

Thorny caper flower inIsrael
Open ripe caper fruit

The caper bush requires a semiarid or arid climate. The caper bush has developed a series of mechanisms that reduce the impact of high radiation levels, high daily temperature, and insufficient soil water during its growing period.[16][17]

In response to sudden increases in humidity, the bush forms wart-like pockmarks across the leaf surface. It quickly adjusts to the new conditions and produces unaffected leaves.[citation needed]


Flowering caper plant, soon to yield caper berries

Capers can be grown easily from fresh seeds gathered from ripe fruit and planted into a well-drained seed-raising mix. Seedlings appear in two to four weeks. Old, stored seeds enter a state ofdormancy and require coldstratification to germinate. The viable embryos germinate within three to four days after partial removal of thelignified seed coats.[18] The seed coats and the mucilage surrounding the seeds may be ecological adaptations to avoid water loss and conserve seed viability during the dry season.[citation needed]

Orchard establishment


Mean annual temperatures in areas under cultivation are over 14 °C (57 °F). A rainy spring and a hot, dry summer are considered advantageous.[19] This drought-tolerant perennial plant is used for landscaping and reducing erosion along highways, steep rocky slopes, dunes or fragile semiarid ecosystems.[citation needed]



Caper buds are usually picked in the morning.[20] Because the youngest, smallest buds fetch the highest prices, daily picking is typical.[20]

Capers may be harvested from wild plants, in which case it is necessary to know that the plant is not one of the few poisonousCapparis species that look similar.[20] The plant normally has curved thorns that may scratch the people who harvest the buds, although a few spineless varieties have been developed.[20]


Capers, prepared, canned
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy96 kJ (23 kcal)
5 g
Sugars0.4 g
Dietary fiber3 g
0.9 g
2 g
Vitamins and minerals
Thiamine (B1)
0.018 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.139 mg
Niacin (B3)
0.652 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
0.027 mg
Vitamin B6
0.023 mg
Folate (B9)
23 μg
Vitamin C
4 mg
Vitamin E
0.88 mg
Vitamin K
24.6 μg
40 mg
1.7 mg
2960 mg
Other constituentsQuantity
Water83.8 g
Selenium1.2 μg

Percentages estimated usingUS recommendations for adults,[21] except for potassium, which is estimated based on expert recommendation fromthe National Academies.[22]



Canned, pickled capers are 84% water, 5%carbohydrates, 2%protein, and 1%fat. Preserved capers are particularly high insodium due to the amount of salt added to thebrine. In a typical serving of 28 grams (oneounce), capers supply 6kcal and 35% of theDaily Value (DV) for sodium, with no othernutrients in significant content. In a 100-gram amount, the sodium content is 2960 mg or 197% DV, withvitamin K (23% DV),iron (13% DV), andriboflavin (12% DV) also having appreciable levels.


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Pickled capers in a jar

Thesalted andpickled caper bud (simply called a "caper") is used as an ingredient,seasoning, orgarnish. Capers are a common ingredient inMediterranean cuisine, especiallyCypriot,Italian,Aeolian Greek, andMaltese food. The immaturefruit of the capershrub are prepared similarly and marketed as "caper berries". Fully mature fruit are not preferred, as they contain many hard seeds.[citation needed]

The buds, when ready to pick, are a darkolive green and range in size from under 7 mm (14 in) to more than14 mm (12 in). They are picked, then pickled insalt or a salt and vinegar solution, and drained. Intense flavour, sometimes described as being similar to black pepper or mustard, is developed as glucocapparin, aglycoside organosulfur molecule, is released from each caper bud.[20] Thisenzymatic reaction leads to the formation ofrutin, often seen as crystallized white spots on the surfaces of individual caper buds.[citation needed]

Capers are a distinctive ingredient in Italian cuisine, especially inSicilian,Aeolian and southern Italian cooking. They are commonly used insalads,pasta salads, meat dishes, andpastasauces. Examples of uses in Italian cuisine arepiccata dishes,vitello tonnato andspaghetti alla puttanesca.[citation needed]

Capers are sometimes an ingredient intartar sauce. They are often served withcold smoked salmon orcured salmon dishes, especiallylox and cream cheese. Capers and caper berries are sometimes substituted for olives to garnish amartini.[citation needed]

Capers are categorized and sold by their size, defined as follows, with the smallest sizes being the most desirable: non-pareil (up to 7 mm), surfines (7–8 mm), capucines (8–9 mm), capotes (9–11 mm), fines (11–13 mm), and grusas (14+ mm). If the caper bud is not picked, it flowers and produces a caper berry. The fruit can be pickled and then served as a Greekmezze.[citation needed]

Caper leaves, which are hard to find outside ofGreece orCyprus, are used particularly in salads and fish dishes. They are pickled or boiled and preserved in jars with brine—like caper buds.[citation needed]

Dried caper leaves are also used as a substitute forrennet in manufacturing high-quality cheese.[23]



Canned capers containpolyphenols, including theflavonoidsquercetin (173 mg per 100 g) andkaempferol (131 mg per 100 g),[24] as well asanthocyanins.[25]

Other uses


Capers are sometimes used in cosmetics.[20]



Archaeobotanical evidence of capers has been found in theMediterranean region andMesopotamia as early as theupper Paleolithic period.[10]

The caper was used inancient Greece as acarminative. It is represented inarchaeological levels in the form ofcarbonisedseeds and rarely as flower buds and fruits fromarchaic andclassical antiquity contexts.Athenaeus inDeipnosophistae pays a lot of attention to the caper, as doPliny (NH XIX, XLVIII.163) andTheophrastus.[26]

Etymologically, the caper and its relatives in several European languages can be traced back toClassical Latincapparis, "caper", in turn, borrowed from theGreek κάππαρις,kápparis, whose origin (as with that of the plant) is unknown but is probably Asian.[citation needed] Another theory linkskápparis to the name of the island ofCyprus (Κύπρος,Kýpros), where capers grow abundantly.[27]

A ripe caper fruit (caper berry)

InBiblical times, the caper berry was supposed to haveaphrodisiac properties;[28] the Hebrew wordaviyyonah (אֲבִיּוֹנָה) for caperberry is closely linked to the Hebrew root אבה (avah), meaning "desire".[29]

The berries (abiyyonot) were eaten, as appears from their liability to tithes and the restrictions of the'Orlah. They are carefully distinguished in theMishnah and theTalmud from the caper leaves,alin, shoots,temarot,[30] and the caper buds,capperisin (note the similarity "caper"isin to "caper");[31] all of which were eaten as seen from the blessing requirement, and declared to be the fruit of theẓelaf or caper plant.[30]The "capperisin" mentioned in the Talmud are actually referring to a shell that protected the "abiyyonot" as it grew.[32]

Talmud Bavli discusses the eating of caper sepals versus caper berries, both inIsrael and inSyria.[30]

Capers are mentioned as a spice in the Roman cookbookApicius.[20]

In his 14th-century workKaftor va-Ferach (Hebrew: כפתור ופרח),Ishtori Haparchi notes that capers were grown in theJordan Valley region.[33]

See also



  1. ^abcdRankou, H., M'Sou, S., Diarra, A. & Ait Babahmad, R.A. 2020.Capparis spinosa.The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T137745831A139593491. Downloaded on 24 September 2021.
  2. ^The Plant List,Capparis spinosa L
  3. ^"Capparis spinosa".Germplasm Resources Information Network.Agricultural Research Service,United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved11 December 2017.
  4. ^Altervista Flora Italiana, Cappero, Kapernstrauch,Capparis spinosa L. includes photos and European distribution map
  5. ^Flora of China,山柑 shan gan,Capparis spinosa Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 503. 1753.
  6. ^"Capparis spinosa L."Atlas of Living Australia.
  7. ^Zohary, M. (1960). "The species ofCapparis in the Mediterranean and the Near Eastern Countries."Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel, Section D, Botany8(2): 49-64
  8. ^Jacobs, M. (1965)."The genusCapparis (Capparaceae) from the Indus to the Pacific".Blumea.12:385–541.
  9. ^Heywood V.H. (1993). "Flowering plants of the world." Oxford University Press, New York
  10. ^abD. Rivera, C. Inocencio, C. Obón, E. Carreño, A. Reales, F. Alcaraz. (2002). "Archaeobotany of capers (Capparis) (Capparaceae)."Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.11(4): 295–313
  11. ^Fici, S. (2001). "Intraspecific variation and evolutionary trends inCapparis spinosa L. (Capparaceae)".Plant Systematics and Evolution.228 (3–4):123–141.Bibcode:2001PSyEv.228..123F.doi:10.1007/s006060170024.S2CID 8713605.
  12. ^Pugnaire de Iraola, F.I. (1989). "Nota sobre lasCapparaceae ibéricas".Blancoana.7:121–122.
  13. ^Watson, L.; M.J. Dallwitz (1992)."The Families of Flowering Plants". Archived fromthe original on 1 November 2006. Retrieved21 November 2006.
  14. ^"Capparis spinosa L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science".Plants of the World Online. Retrieved8 December 2024.
  15. ^"Capparis spinosa subsp. nummularia (DC.) Fici | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science".Plants of the World Online. Retrieved8 December 2024.
  16. ^Rhizopoulou, S. (1990). "Physiological responses ofCapparis spinosa L. to drought."Journal of Plant Physiology136: 341–348.
  17. ^Levizou, E; P. Drilias; A. Kyparissis (2004). "Exceptional photosynthetic performance ofCapparis spinosa L. under adverse conditions of Mediterranean summer."Photosynthetica.42: 229–235
  18. ^Sozzi, G.O.; A. Chiesa (1995). "Improvement of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) seed germination by breaking seed coat-induced dormancy".Scientia Horticulturae.62 (4):255–261.Bibcode:1995ScHor..62..255S.doi:10.1016/0304-4238(95)00779-S.
  19. ^Barbera, B. (1991). Le câprier (Capparis spp.). EUR 13617, Série Agriculture, Programme de recherche Agrimed. Commission des Communautés européennes, Luxembourg, 63 pp.
  20. ^abcdefgSmall, Ernest (23 August 2011).Top 100 Exotic Food Plants. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. pp. 121–123.ISBN 978-1439856888.
  21. ^United States Food and Drug Administration (2024)."Daily Value on the Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels".FDA.Archived from the original on 27 March 2024. Retrieved28 March 2024.
  22. ^"TABLE 4-7 Comparison of Potassium Adequate Intakes Established in This Report to Potassium Adequate Intakes Established in the 2005 DRI Report". p. 120. In:Stallings, Virginia A.; Harrison, Meghan; Oria, Maria, eds. (2019). "Potassium: Dietary Reference Intakes for Adequacy".Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium. pp. 101–124.doi:10.17226/25353.ISBN 978-0-309-48834-1.PMID 30844154.NCBI NBK545428.
  23. ^Mike, Tad, "Capers: The Flower Inside",Epikouria Magazine, Fall/Winter 2006
  24. ^"USDA Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods, Release 3, page 16"(PDF). US Department of Agriculture. 2011. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 16 July 2012. Retrieved12 July 2016.
  25. ^Mansour, R. B.; Jilani, I. B.; Bouaziz, M; Gargouri, B; Elloumi, N; Attia, H; Ghrabi-Gammar, Z; Lassoued, S (2016)."Phenolic contents and antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Capparis spinosa".Cytotechnology.68 (1):135–42.doi:10.1007/s10616-014-9764-6.PMC 4698273.PMID 25377263.
  26. ^Fragiska, M. (2005). Wild and Cultivated Vegetables, Herbs and Spices in Greek Antiquity.Environmental Archaeology10 (1): 73–82
  27. ^Gernot Katzer."Spice Pages: Capers (Capparis spinosa)"
  28. ^Kohler, Kaufmann;Hyvernat, Henry (1906)."Caper-berry".The Jewish Encyclopedia.
  29. ^See, e.g.Gesenius's lexicon, via Blue Letter Bible
  30. ^abcTalmud Bavli, Brachot 36a-36b
  31. ^Kaf HaChaim 208
  32. ^Rashi Brachot 36a
  33. ^Amar, Zohar (1993)."Estori ha-Parchi and the Identification of the Flora of Eretz Israel".Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies (in Hebrew).11: 137.ISSN 0333-9068.

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