Acantina is a type ofbar common inLatin America andSpain. The word is similar inetymology to "canteen", and is derived from theItalian word for acellar,winery, orvault.[1] InItaly, the wordcantina refers to a room below the ground level where wine and other products such assalami are stored.[2]
Ascantine it was used to refer to the shop of asutler, an army camp follower.
InSpain, acantina is a bar located in atrain station or any establishment located at or near aworkplace where food and drinks are served.
Cantina was one of the foreign words that entered in fromRenaissance Italy. During the 16th century, theSpanish Empire included large holdings in Italy.[3]Luis de Bávia wrote in hisTercera y Cuarta Parte de la Historia Pontifical y Católica (1621): "Perdiéndose en las cantinas y lugares baxos [sic] gran número de mercaderías..." ("Losing itself in the cantinas and places of ill repute a large quantity of merchandise...").[4]
The cantina features in one of thesonnets ofFrancisco de Quevedo (1580-1645). This is aquatrain from that sonnet:
Esta cantina revestida en faz;
esta vendimia en hábito soez;
este pellejo, que, con media nuez,'
queda con una cuba taz a taz.[5]This wine-cellar covered with a face;
This wine-harvest [clad] in filthy habit;
This wine-skin, which, with just a sip,
Is happy to exchange it for a [whole] vat.[6]
In ruralMexico, acantina traditionally is a kind of bar frequented by males for drinking alcohol and eatingbotanas (appetizers). Somecantinas are also known for being places where people gather to play dominoes, cards or other table games. Cantinas can often be distinguished by signs that expressly prohibit entrance to women and minors, as opposed to aclub,salon de bailar (dance hall), orsalon demariachi (typified by the Salon Tenampa, at thePlaza Garibaldi inMexico City) which are intended for socializing between the sexes.[7] Also, some cantinas explicitly prohibit entrance to dogs and men in police or military uniform. Some of the traditional restrictions on entry to cantinas are beginning to fade away. However, in many areas it is still viewed as scandalous for proper ladies to be seen visiting a genuinecantina.[8]
Specifically In themusseques (Rural Areas) acantina traditionally is a corner shop orbar frequented by the locals where they drink alcohol and eatpetiscos (appetizers). Somecantinas in Angola are places where people gather to dance or play games.[9]
A cantina in the U.S. is simply a tavern with a Southwestern or Mexican motif that serves traditional alcoholic Mexican drinks. In the 1890s,cantina enteredAmerican English from theSpanish language in theSouthwest United States with the meaning of "bar room,saloon".[10]
The termcantina entered theFrench language circa 1710.[citation needed]