Acamisole is a sleevelessundershirt typically worn by women, extending to the waist. The camisole is usually made ofsatin,nylon,silk, orcotton.
Historically,camisole referred to jackets of various kinds,[1] including overshirts (worn under adoublet orbodice),[2] women'snégligées, and sleeved jackets worn by men.[3]
In modern usage, a camisole orcami is a loose-fitting[4][5] sleeveless undershirt which covers the top part of the body but is shorter than achemise. A camisole normally extends to the waist but is sometimes cropped to expose themidriff, or extended to cover the entire pelvic region. Camisoles are manufactured from light materials,[6] commonlycotton-based, occasionally satin or silk, or stretch fabrics such aslycra,nylon, orspandex.
A camisole typically has thin "spaghetti straps" and can be worn over abrassiere or without one. Since 1989, some camisoles[7] have come with a built-inunderwire bra or other support which eliminates the need for a bra among those who prefer not to wear one. Starting around the 2000s, camisoles have been known to beused as outerwear.[8]
A variety of sleeveless body shaping undergarments have been derived from the camisole shape,[9] offering medium control of the bust, waist, orabdomen. Suchcontrol camisoles are the most casual of shaping garments, covering the torso from above the chest to at or below the waist. They look similar to tight-fittingcotton orsilk camisoles, but the straps are usually wider, thehems longer, and the stretchy, shiny fabric provides a smoothing touch.
1816.... 1. Formerly applied to jackets of various kinds. 2. A woman's underbodice 1894.
1. a short garment worn underneath a sheer bodice to conceal the underwear. 2. a woman's negligee jacket. 3. a sleeved jacket or jersey once worn by men. 4. a straitjacket with long sleeves.
a woman's loose-fitting undershirt for the upper body. — ORIGIN French, from Latin camisia 'shirt or nightgown'.
Up until the present time when a woman wished to wear a camisole due to its loose fitting nature and she still required support for her breasts, she was required to wear a bra underneath her camisole to achieve the desired results.
A short light garment worn by ladies when dressed innegligee;strait jacket for lunatics or criminals condemned to the guillotine.