Cadbury Roses is a brand ofchocolates made byCadbury. Introduced in the UK in 1938 (as a competitor toQuality Street launched byMackintosh's in 1936), they were named after the English packaging equipment company "Rose Brothers" based inGainsborough,Lincolnshire, that manufactured and supplied the machines that wrapped the chocolates.[1][2][3]
In 2020, an alternative origin of the name was given in a text panel printed on the side of tubs of Roses. It notes they were named after the favourite flowers ofDorothy Cadbury, a director of the company and renowned botanist, which grew in the gardens of the original factory atBournville.[1][4] Upon launch in Ireland they were called 'Cadbury's Irish Rose'; however, this name was discontinued in the 1970s.[5]
They are an extremely common gift onMothering Sunday and sell well throughout theChristmas period.[6] They are available in plastic tubs, boxes and special edition tins at Christmas and in the UK,Isle of Man and Ireland currently contain 9 different varieties of chocolate. In aYouGov poll Cadbury Roses were ranked the 6th most famous confectionery in the UK.[7]
Country Fudge - Rectangular fudge piece, coated in milk chocolate (light brown wrapper).
Hazel in Caramel - Crescent-shaped milk chocolate with hazelnut plant engraving on top, filled with caramel and a hazelnut (purple wrapper). A recent market poll showed that this was the most popular variety in Ireland, by a margin of two-to-one over the next, the Golden Barrel (Caramel Keg).[citation needed]
Hazel Whirl - Dome-shaped milk chocolate, patterned with spiral twirl, with hazelnut in centre (purple wrapper with orange edges).
Strawberry Dream - Square-shaped milk chocolate with strawberry seed engravings on top, filled with strawberry-flavoured cream fondant (pink wrapper). The same poll which determined that the 'Hazel in Caramel' variety was most popular in Ireland also showed this as being rated the 'worst' variety.
Tangy Orange Creme - Square-shaped milk chocolate with orange moulded on top, filled with orange-flavoured creme fondant (orange wrapper).
Signature Truffle - New for Christmas 2013, this is atruffle encased in milk chocolate (red wrapper with blue edges).
Cadbury Roses are most frequently advertised with the classic slogan of "Say 'Thank You', with Cadbury Roses" in the UK, New Zealand and Australia, and "Thank you very much" on television advertisements. A memorable 1960s UK advertising campaign used the slogan 'Roses Grow On You' and included television advertisements presented by the comedianNorman Vaughan.
Brazilian Darkness - A chewy toffee square coated indark chocolate (red wrapper with gold edges).
Praline Moment - Silver foil wrapped
Chunky Truffle - Shaped like a chocolate brick, wrapped in blue foil.
Bournville - Small bar of Bournville Dark Chocolate. Moved brand toCadbury Heroes.
Almond Charm - Blue foil-wrapped milk chocolate, with almond nut pieces.
Coffee Creme - Coffee flavoured, fondant cream soft centre, covered in dark chocolate.
Montelimar - Chewy nougat, encased in milk chocolate; green foil-twist wrapper.
Marzipan - Piece of marzipan, encased in dark chocolate, Red foil-twist wrapper.
Turkish Delight - Rectangular shaped, dark purple foil wrapped.
Nutty Truffle Log - Log shaped; emerald green foil-twist wrapper
Orange Crisp - Orange wrapper
Chocolate Bite - Pink wrapper
Noisette Whirl - Green and transparent wrapper
Lime Barrel - Green wrapper
Black Cherry Cream - pink/purple wrapper
Cadbury Dairy Milk - One rectangular chunk ofCadbury Dairy Milk chocolate divided into two squares (classic purple plastic-foil twist-wrapper, bearing 'Cadbury Dairy Milk' and the traditional 'glass and a half' logo). Moved brand to Cadbury Heroes. For many years this was the only chocolate in the selection where the wrapper did not bear the 'Cadbury Roses' logo - all others did. In 2020 this returned to the UK version, as a large chunk, wrapped in standard "dairy milk" wrapping.
Caramel Velvet - Green wrapper
Almond Caramel Bite - Soft and chewy caramel, with many small pieces of almond (light brown wrapper with purple twists).