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Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense (CBRN defense) orNuclear, biological, and chemical protection (NBC protection) is a class of protective measures taken in situations wherechemical,biological,radiological, ornuclear (includingterrorism) hazards may be present. CBRN defense consists of CBRN passive protection,contamination avoidance, andweapons of mass destruction mitigation.
A CBRN incident differs from ahazardous material incident in both scope (i.e., CBRN can be a mass casualty situation) and intent. CBRN incidents are responded to under the assumption that they are intentional and malicious; evidence preservation and perpetrator apprehension are of greater concern than withHazmat team incidents.
A 2011 forecast concluded that worldwide government spending on CBRN defense products and services would reachUS$8.38 billion that year.[1]
InEnglish, the 1990s termCBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) was created as a replacement for the 1960s–1980s termNBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical), which had previously replaced the earlier 1950s termABC (Atomic, Biological, and Chemical). The addition of theR (forRadiological) is a consequence of the "new" threat of aradiological weapon (also known as "dirty bombs"). In the 2000s, the termCBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive) was introduced as an extension ofCBRN, the inclusion of theE (forExplosive) is for theenhanced (improvised) explosives threat.[2]
InSpanish the termNRBQ (Nuclear, Radiológico, Bacteriológico y Químico) has replacedNBQ.[citation needed]
TheArgentine Armed Forces has the Batallón de Ingenieros QBN 601 of theArgentine Army, was the first CRBN response team created, in the 1990s, as a part of the country'sRapid Deployment Force. ThePolicía Federal Argentina have the Brigada de Riesgos Especiales, this unit is the only national response for CBRN/HAZMAT incidents. Also, has three units called Riesgo Quimico y Biológico, Riesgo Radiológico y Nuclear, and the tactical response unit called Protección QBNR.[citation needed]
Brazilian firefighters are trained for NBC situations. During the2016 Summer Olympics, police forces like theGATE from São Paulo, theFederal Police, and theNational Public Security Force were prepared.[3]
In the military, there is CBRN equipment and personnel in all branches of the Armed Forces. TheBrazilian Army has two specific teams: the1st Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense Battalion, which is based inRio de Janeiro and is responsible for decontaminating military equipment, weapons, and personnel,[4] and the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense Company, based atGoiânia and part of theBrazilian Special Operations Command, that makes the decontamination and defense in CBRN situations.[5] TheBrazilian Presidential Guard andArmy Police also have CBRN units.[4][6]
TheBrazilian Marine Corps has the CDefNBQR (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Center)[7][8][9] that controls the ARAMAR Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Battalion, atIperó,São Paulo, conceived to provide physical security and to perform CBRN emergencies control actions at the Centro Experimental Aramar, responsible for developingBrazilian Navy nuclear researches;[10] the Itaguaí Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Battalion, atItaguaí, Rio de Janeiro, which is to be the host of the first Brazilian Navy nuclear-powered submarine; and the Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological Defense Company, atDuque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro.[11] TheAir Force is making special teams for transporting victims from CBRN attacks/accidents.[12]
The termCBRN is in common use in disaster and emergency services organizations across the country.[13] Since July 2005, theCanadian Armed Forces also started using the termCBRN Defence, instead ofNBC Defence, due to the increased threat ofdirty bomb use (which is radiological in nature).CBRNE is a new term that is being used in both civilian and military organizations. TheCanadian Joint Incident Response Unit is a Canadian Forces unit, under the direction of theCanadian Special Operations Forces Command, charged with supporting "the Government of Canada in order to prevent, control and mitigate CBRN threats to Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests."[14]
All members of theCanadian Armed Forces are trained in CBRNE defense and maintain minimum standards, tested at least every three years.
At the provincial level, cities are provided opportunities for emergency services with CBRN training. In Ontario, emergency services in Windsor, Peterborough, Toronto, and Ottawa have obtained CBRN standing at NFPA Standard 472 Level 3 Technician level.[15]
In mid-July 2016, theEuropean Parliament negotiated a new draftcounterterrorism directive aimed at protecting Europe's people from biological, chemical and other attacks. The timeline of the directive is illustrated in the following table:[16]
Date or target date | Action |
4 July 2016 | The European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee approved amendments to its directive counter-terrorism. |
14 July 2016 | Negotiations began.Monika Hohlmeier, the chief negotiator for the European Parliament, is charged with negotiating the final text of the directive with theEuropean Council (heads of state for all 28European Union countries). TheEuropean Commission will serve as a facilitator in the negotiations. |
Autumn 2016 | Negotiations are expected to be concluded. |
The directive would criminalize:[16]
The directive also includes text to help victims of terror attacks.[16]
Hong Kong has had CBRN response capabilities since the early 1990s and advanced training from 1998.[17] The Standing CBRN Planning Group (known as the SRPG) plans for all CBRN incidents in Hong Kong. The SRPG was set up with the support of the Secretary for Security by the Senior Bomb Disposal Officer in Hong Kong, Dominic Brittain.[18] It consists of representatives from 9 government departments who plan the response to CBRN threats. These departments include Police EOD, Fire Services, the Hospital Authority and the Department of Health, amongst others. The operational arm of the SRPG is the CBRN Incident Advisory Group (RIAG) form in the initial stages of a CBRN incident using telephone conferencing. RIAG consists of five experts who assist with the technical response to the incident by providing real-time advice and support to the departments involved. The Hong Kong capability is well rehearsed, with regular departmental exercises conducted and a full-scale CBRN exercise conducted every year.[19]
TheIndian Army ordered 16 CBRN monitoring vehicles, of which the first 8 were inducted in December 2010. It was developed by theDefence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and manufactured byOrdnance Factories Board.[20]
TheIndonesian Army has a CBRN defense unit which is theKompi Zeni Nuklir, Biologi dan Kimia (abbreviated "Kompi Zeni Nubika Pusat Zeni TNI AD") translated as Army Engineers Nuclear, Biological, and ChemicalCompany. The unit was founded on 22 April 1986 under the command of theIndonesian Army Corps of Engineers. The unit is also in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the Indonesian Nuclear power regulator agency, the Veterinary Research Agency, and the National Nuclear Power Agency. This unit is the one and only unit that can handle CBRN Defense Capability within the Armed Forces.[21]
TheIndonesian National Police special unit theMobile Brigade Corps (Brimob) has a CBR unit under theGegana detachment. It was formed in December 2009.[22] This unit acts as first responders to bomb and terrorist threats in the public.
The IrishDefence Forces have CBRNE training and equipment capabilities – in particular theOrdnance Corps (Explosive Ordnance Disposal/EOD teams),Engineer Corps andArmy Ranger Wing (ARW) – and will aid the civil authority if requested. TheIrish Army runs CBRNE defense courses has detection equipment, and decontamination equipment and is reported to have purchased 10,000 protectiveCBRN/NBC suits, enough for all of its personnel.[23] AllArmy Reserve personnel undergo CBRN warfare defense training.[24]
The Irish national police force, theGarda Síochána, has a number of nationwide CBRN response teams. The teams are based regionally (in six regions; Dublin, Eastern, Northern, Southern, South-Eastern & Western) and began operating in 2004 with 100 trained officers (170 responders trained throughout the country as of 2009). There is a requirement for members to be re-certified within 18 months of training.[25] CBRN response teams are trained by the Garda Tactical Training Unit, and supported nationally by theEmergency Response Unit (ERU).[26] Other emergency services also have limited CBRN expertise, such as theHealth Service Executive (HSE) andDublin Fire Brigade (DFB), which have a Hazardous Materials (Haz-Mat) and Chemical Incident Unit.
14 CBRN Regiment (Chemical Biological Radiology and Nuclear Regiment),Sri Lanka Engineers is a regiment of theSri Lanka Army that focuses on countering chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) hazards in the country.[1][2] TheSri Lanka Navy andSri Lanka Air Force also maintain CBRN units in addition to the Army's CBRN regiment
TheMalaysian Army formed a CBRN unit,Peperangan Nuklear, Biologi dan Kimia 3 Divisyen (English:Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare Division 3; PNBK 3D) in April 2002.[27]
TheRoyal Malaysia Police has CBRN providers. ThePasukan Gerakan Khas (PGK) has two special operations detachments with HAZMAT expertise -69 Commandos andSpecial Actions Unit. TheFederal Reserve Unit (FRU) also has a CBRN unit. Both PGK and FRU teams handle CBRN calls before an army PNBK unit responds.[28]
All members of theNZDF are trained in CBRN drills for deployment.[citation needed]
RNZN personnel conduct training with the NZ Army and RNZAF for any deployment or training.[citation needed]
TheRNZAF conducted regular yearly training for all its personnel given the higher probability of airfields being the target of an enemy CBRN attack.RNZAF Security Forces personnel conduct all CBRN training for the RNZAF and complete CBRN courses at theDefence CBRN Centre in the United Kingdom.
TheNZ Army teaches all pre-deployment CBRN training for members of the NZDF.[citation needed]
TheNew Zealand Special Air Service is also trained for operations including disposal, and containment of chemical agents in a CBRN environment.[citation needed]
Pakistan-based defense industryGIDS manufactures NBC suites which includeIndividual Protective Equipment (IPE) likegloves,boots, andair filters as well as decontamination kits and Chemical Weapon Agent (CWA) detectors.[29]
TheSpanish Army 1st CBRN Regiment 'Valencia' was formed in March 2005. Training in the defense against CBRN agents as part of combat support is the main aim of exercise 'Grifo' (Griffin) – the most important of this type that the Army undertakes. TheNational Police and theSpanish Civil Guard have their own CBRN units. TheMilitary Emergencies Unit and emergency services have CBRN training.[30][31]
The Swedish Armed Forces has theNational CBRN Defence Centre (designated SkyddC) localized inUmeå as its main CBRN protection forces. It consists of one company (1st CBRN-company) as the standing force, however, SkyddC is also responsible for training conscripts, training 60 in 2022-2023.[32][33][34]
CBRN defense units in Turkey are the mainly CBRN Defense Battalion (Kimyasal Biyolojik Radyolojik Nükleer (KBRN) Savunma Tabur)[35] ofTurkish Armed Forces including CBRN Defense Special Response Unit (KBRN Savunma Özel Müdahale Birliği)[35] andCBRN School and Training Center Command (KBRN Okul ve Eğitim Merkezi)[35]Gendarmerie General Command has also unit within selfGendarmerie Search and Rescue Battalion Command has CBRN units.Ministry of the Interior's associatedDisaster and Emergency Management PresidencyAFAD[36] Works in coordination with law enforcement units to intervene in the events of any CBRN accident.[37] Apart from these, Turkey mostly makes its own CBRN protective clothing and equipment.Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation's Maksam factory mainly covers the needs of respirators for NATO and neighboring countries. Main products such as SR6 andSR6M NBC Respirator licensedUnited Kingdom production.[38]MAKSAM Panoramic Mask[39] MKE NEFES (breath) CBRN Gas Mask[39] SR10 and SR10 ST Masks[39]
CBRN is also used by the UKHome Office as a civil designation.[40] Police, fire and ambulance services in the UK must all have some level of CBRN providers. Within the ambulance service, this is performed by the Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) and Special Operations Response Team (SORT). Since the introduction of new equipment to UK fire services under theNew Dimension program, CBRN decontamination of personnel (including members of the public) has become a task carried out by fire services in the UK and they regularly train for such scenarios.
All personnel are trained in CBRN through basic training and are to complete an online assessment annually.
The British Army has a single dedicated regiment for all C-CBRN (Counter) matters in the armed forces.28 Engineer Regiment is the only regiment within the armed forces that has full C-CBRN capability. Formed in 2019 the regiment will officially be at full operational capability from early 2023, with the need for CBRN specialists becoming of more importance.
Personnel within the regiment are trained in live environments where CBRN materials are used.
TheUnited States Army usesCBRN as an abbreviation for their Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Operations Specialists (MOS). The United States Army trains all US Army soldiers pursuing a career in CBRN at theUnited States Army CBRN School (USACBRNS) atFort Leonard Wood.
TheUSAF uses Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC 3E9X1)U.S. Air Force Emergency Management, who are also CBRN Specialists. The USAF trains all US Airmen pursuing a career in counter-CBRN operations at the USAF CBRN School at Fort Leonard Wood. TheUSMC usesCBRN as an abbreviation for twomilitary occupational specialties. The Marine Corps runs a CBRN School to train Marine CBRN Defense Officers and Marine CBRN Defense Specialists atFort Leonard Wood,Missouri.See also:Chemical Biological Incident Response Force (USMC CBIRF)
TheUSN requires all personnel to take a web-based CBRNE training annually to get a basic understanding of facts and procedures related to responding to a CBRNE incident.
The Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops (NBC Protection Troops) of theRussian Federation are special forces designed to conduct the most complex set of measures aimed at reducing the loss of associations and formations of theGround Forces and ensuring their combat tasks assigned during operations in conditions of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, as well as at enhancing their survivability and protection against high-precision and other weapons.[41]
The Russian government vaccinated around half a million reindeer against anthrax in 2015.[42] Around 1.5 million reindeer carcasses in Russian permafrost are at risk of melting due toglobal warming in the Arctic.[43] There is a risk thatglobal warming in the Arctic can thaw the permafrost, leading to new infections in reindeer. An anthrax outbreak in 2016 in reindeer caused theRussian Armed Forces to evacuate a nomadic reindeer herding tribe.
In May 2012, BioPrepWatch reported that the Russian security service ordered over 100 "capsule cradles", which are devices that people can use to protect infants or even small pets in the event of a nuclear, chemical, biological, or radiological threat. According to the article, Soviet military engineers invented capsules in the 1960s. A company is currently producing the capsules in a factory in Russia.[44]
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Numbers vary, but news reports and market forecast reports place the market for CBRN products in 2013 and 2014 between US$8.7–8.8 billion.[45][46] The market for CBRN products was expected to grow to over US$13 billion by 2023.[45]
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