TheBunsen cell is a zinc-carbonprimary cell (colloquially called a "battery") composed of azincanode in dilutesulfuric acid separated by a porous pot from acarboncathode innitric orchromic acid.
The Bunsen cell generates about 1.9volts which arises from the following reaction:[1]
According to the reaction above, when 1mole (or part) each ofzinc andsulfuric acid react with 2 moles (or parts) ofnitric acid, the resultant products formed are, 1 mole (or part) ofzinc sulfate and 2 moles (or parts) each of water andnitrogen dioxide (gaseous, in the form of bubbles).
The cell is named after its inventor, German chemistRobert Wilhelm Bunsen, who improved upon theGrove cell by replacingGrove's expensiveplatinum cathode with carbon in the form of pulverizedcoal andcoke. Like Grove's battery, Bunsen's emitted noxious fumes ofnitrogen dioxide.
Bunsen used this cell to extract metals.Henri Moissan used a stack of 90 cells for the electrolysis ofhydrogen fluoride to obtainfluorine for the first time.
bunsen cell reactions.
bunsen cell.