Nothing is known about the founding of Bubenreuth. The suffix -reuth indicates that it was created by aforest clearance. The town is first mentioned as "Bubenrode" in a document dating 24 November 1243.
Bubenreuth gained some prominence afterWorld War II when the town, then having 400 inhabitants, voted to admit 2,000expelled German refugees from Schönbach imEgerland (nowLuby,Czech Republic).[3] Schönbach was then known for its numerousviolin makers and instrument builders that now fled to Bubenreuth and opened new workshops there.[3] Among those was ofKarl Höfner who opened a new factory in Bubenreuth and died in Bubenreuth in 1955.[3][4] Höfner manufactured a number of popular guitars and basses in Bubenreuth, such as theHöfner 500/1, abass guitar used byPaul McCartney since 1961.[3]