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Family of monocot flowering plants
"Bromeliad" redirects here. For the trilogy of children's books, seeThe Nome Trilogy.

Temporal range:100–0 Ma
Pineapple (Ananas comosus), a bromeliad of economic importance
Scientific classificationEdit this classification

TheBromeliaceae (thebromeliads) are afamily ofmonocotflowering plants of about 80 genera and 3700 known species,[2] native mainly to thetropicalAmericas, with several species found in the Americansubtropics and one in tropicalwest Africa,Pitcairnia feliciana.[3]

It is among thebasal families within thePoales and is the only family within the order that hasseptal nectaries andinferior ovaries.[4] Theseinferior ovaries characterize theBromelioideae, a subfamily of the Bromeliaceae.[5] The family includes bothepiphytes, such asSpanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides), andterrestrial species, such as thepineapple (Ananas comosus). Many bromeliads are able to store water in a structure formed by their tightly overlappingleaf bases. However, the family is diverse enough to include the tank bromeliads, grey-leavedepiphyteTillandsia species that gather water only from leaf structures calledtrichomes, and many desert-dwellingsucculents.

The largest bromeliad isPuya raimondii, which reaches 3–4 metres (9.8–13.1 ft) tall in vegetative growth with a flower spike 9–10 metres (30–33 ft) tall,[6][7] and the smallest is Spanish moss.[citation needed]



Bromeliads are mostlyherbaceousperennials, although a few have a more tree-like habit. Many are more or lesssucculent or have other adaptations to resist drought. They may be terrestrial orepiphytic, rarely climbing (e.g.Pitcairnia species).[8] Some species ofTillandsia (e.g.Spanish moss,Tillandsia usneoides) areaerophytes, which have very reduced root systems and absorb water directly from the air.[9] Many terrestrial and epiphytic bromeliads have their leaves in the form of vase-shaped rosettes which accumulate water. These rosettes, called "tanks", can hold as much as ten liters (eighteen pints) of water, and be little biotic communities unto themselves. One individual tank was found to contain the following: fourharvestmen, a spider, three species ofwood lice, a centipede, a "jumping millipede"[sic], apseudoscorpion, "various metallic beetles",earwigs, a tree seedling,Chironomia fly larva, an ant colony, an earthworm, numerous mites, and a small frog.[10] Individual leaves are not divided and have parallel veins without cross connections. The epidermis of the leaf contains silica. Bromeliad flowers are aggregated intoinflorescences of various forms. The flowers have bracts, often brightly coloured, and distinct calyces of threesepals and corollas of threepetals. The flowers havenectaries. They arepollinated by insects, birds (oftenhummingbirds) or bats, or more rarely (inNavia) they are wind-pollinated. Fruits are variable, typically taking the form of a capsule or a berry.[8]

Bromeliads are able to live in an array of environmental conditions due to their many adaptations.Trichomes, in the form of scales or hairs, allow bromeliads to capture water in cloud forests and help to reflect sunlight in desert environments.[11] Bromeliads with leaf vases can capture water and nutrients in the absence of a well-developed root system.[11] Many bromeliads also usecrassulacean acid metabolism (CAM)photosynthesis to create sugars. This adaptation allows bromeliads in hot or dry climates to open theirstomata at night rather than during the day, which reduces water loss.[12] Both CAM and epiphytism have evolved multiple times within the family, with some taxa reverting toC3 photosynthesis as they radiated into less arid climates.[13]



Bromeliads are among the more recent plant groups to have emerged. They are thought to have originated in thetepuis of theGuiana Shield approximately 100 million years ago. The greatest number of extantbasal species are found in theAndean highlands of South America.[14] However, the family did not diverge into its extant subfamilies until 19 million years ago. The long period between the origin and diversification of bromeliads, during which no extant species evolved, suggests that there was muchspeciation and extinction during that time, which would explain the genetic distance of the Bromeliaceae from other families within the Poales.[15]

Based onmolecular phylogenetic studies, the family is divided into eight subfamilies. The relationship among them is shown in the followingcladogram.[14]











The most basal genus,Brocchinia (subfamily Brocchinioideae), is endemic to the Guiana Shield, and is placed as thesister group to the remaininggenera in the family.[15] The subfamiliesLindmanioideae andNavioideae are endemic to the Guiana Shield as well.[16]

TheWest African speciesPitcairnia feliciana is the only bromeliad notendemic to the Americas, and is thought to have reached Africa via long-distance dispersal about 12 million years ago.[14]

Radiation of Tillandsioideae andHechtia


The first groups to leave the Guiana Shield were the subfamilyTillandsioideae, which spread gradually into northern South America, and the genusHechtia (Hechtioideae), which spread to Central America via long-distance dispersal. Both of these movements occurred approximately 15.4 million years ago. When it reached the Andes mountains, the speciation of Tillandsioideae occurred quite rapidly, largely due to theAndean uplift, which was also occurring rapidly from 14.2 to 8.7 million years ago. The uplift greatly altered the region's geological and climatic conditions, creating a new mountainous environment for the epiphytic tillandsioids to colonize. These new conditions directly drove the speciation of the Tillandsioideae, and also drove the speciation of their animal pollinators, such ashummingbirds.[17][13][18][19]

Evolution of the Bromelioideae


Around 5.5 million years ago, a clade of epiphyticbromelioids arose inSerra do Mar, a lush mountainous region on the coast of Southeastern Brazil. This is thought to have been caused not only by the uplift of Serra do Mar itself at that time, but also because of the continued uplift of the distant Andes mountains, which impacted the circulation of air and created a cooler, wetter climate in Serra do Mar.[13] These epiphytes thrived in this humid environment, since their trichomes rely on water in the air rather than from the ground like terrestrial plants. Many epiphytic bromeliads with the tank habit also speciated here.

Even before this, a few other bromelioids had already dispersed to the Brazilian shield while the climate was still arid, likely through a gradual process of short-distance dispersal. These make up the terrestrial members of the Bromelioideae, which have highlyxeromorphic characters.[13]



The family Bromeliaceae is currently placed in the orderPoales.



The family Bromeliaceae is organized into eight subfamilies:[17]

Bromeliaceae were originally split into three subfamilies based on morphological seed characters: Bromelioideae (seeds inbaccate fruits), Tillandsioideae (plumose seeds), and Pitcairnioideae (seeds with wing-like appendages).[20] However, molecular evidence has revealed that while Bromelioideae and Tillandsioideae are monophyletic, Pitcairnioideae as traditionally defined isparaphyletic[21] and should be split into six subfamilies: Brocchinioideae, Lindmanioideae, Hechtioideae, Navioideae, Pitcairnioideae, and Puyoideae.[22]

Brocchinioideae is defined as the most basal branch of Bromeliaceae based on both morphological and molecular evidence, namely genes in chloroplast DNA.[23]

Lindmanioideae is the next most basal branch distinguished from the other subfamilies by convolute sepals and chloroplast DNA.[13]

Hechtioideae is also defined based on analyses of chloroplast DNA; similar morphological adaptations to arid environments also found in other groups (namely the genusPuya) are attributed toconvergent evolution.[17]

Navioideae is split from Pitcairnioideae based on its cochlear sepals and chloroplast DNA.[24]

Puyoideae has been re-classified multiple times and its monophyly remains controversial according to analyses of chloroplast DNA.[13]



As of February 2025[update],Plants of the World Online (PoWO) accepted 76 genera, as listed below.[25] A few more genera were accepted by the Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads, includingJosemania andMezobromelia, which PoWO sinks intoCipuropsis.

Hybrid genera


Intergeneric hybrid genera accepted by Plants of the World Online include:

  • ×CryptbergiaR.G.Wilson & C.L.Wilson =Cryptanthus ×Billbergia
  • ×GuzlandsiaGouda =Guzmania ×Tillandsia
  • ×HohenmeaB.R.Silva & L.F.Sousa =Hohenbergia ×Aechmea
  • ×NiduregeliaLeme =Nidularium ×Neoregelia



Distribution and habitat

Bromeliads growing on telephone lines inBolivia

Plants in the Bromeliaceae are widely represented in their natural climates across the Americas. One species (Pitcairnia feliciana) can be found in Africa.[30] They can be found at altitudes from sea level to 4,200 meters, fromrainforests todeserts. 1,814 species areepiphytes, some arelithophytes, and some are terrestrial. Accordingly, these plants can be found in theAndean highlands, from northern Chile to Colombia, in theSechura Desert of coastal Peru, in thecloud forests of Central and South America, in southern United States from southernVirginia toFlorida toTexas, and in far southernArizona.



Bromeliads often serve asphytotelmata, accumulating water between their leaves. One study found 175,000 bromeliads per hectare (2.5 acres) in one forest; that many bromeliads can sequester 50,000 liters (more than 13,000 gallons) of water.[31] The aquatic habitat created as a result is host to a diverse array ofinvertebrates, especially aquatic insect larvae,[32][33] including those of mosquitos.[34] These bromeliadinvertebrates benefit their hosts by increasingnitrogen uptake into the plant.[35][36][37] A study of 209 plants from the Yasuní Scientific Reserve inEcuador identified 11,219 animals, representing more than 350 distinct species,[38] many of which are found only on bromeliads. Examples include some species ofostracods, smallsalamanders about 2.5 cm (1 in) in length, andtree frogs.Jamaican bromeliads are home toMetopaulias depressus, a reddish-browncrab 2 cm (0.8 in) across, which has evolved social behavior to protect its young from predation byDiceratobasis macrogaster, a species ofdamselfly whoselarvae live in bromeliads. Some bromeliads even form homes for other species of bromeliads.[31]

Trees or branches that have a higher incidence of sunlight tend to have more bromeliads. In contrast, the sectors facing west receive less sunlight and therefore fewer bromeliads. In addition, thicker trees have more bromeliads, possibly because they are older and have greater structural complexity.[39][40]

Cultivation and uses

Bromeliaceae mixed cultivated collection

Humans have been using bromeliads for thousands of years. TheIncas,Aztecs,Maya and others used them for food, protection, fiber and ceremony, just as they are still used today. European interest began when Spanish conquistadors returned withpineapple, which became so popular as an exotic food that the image of the pineapple was adapted into European art and sculpture. In 1776, the speciesGuzmania lingulata was introduced to Europe, causing a sensation among gardeners unfamiliar with such a plant. In 1828,Aechmea fasciata was brought to Europe, followed byVriesea splendens in 1840. These transplants were so successful, they are still among the most widely grown bromeliad varieties.

In the 19th century, breeders in Belgium, France and the Netherlands startedhybridizing plants for wholesale trade. Many exotic varieties were produced until World War I, which halted breeding programs and led to the loss of some species. The plants experienced a resurgence of popularity after World War II. Since then,Dutch,Belgian and North American nurseries have greatly expanded bromeliad production.

Only one bromeliad, the pineapple (Ananas comosus), is a commercially important food crop.Bromelain, a common ingredient in meat tenderizer, is extracted from pineapple stems. Many other bromeliads are popularornamental plants, grown as both garden andhouseplants.

Bromeliads are important food plants for many peoples. For example, thePima of Mexico occasionally consume flowers ofTillandsia erubescens andT. recurvata due to their high sugar content; in Argentina and Bolivia, the shoot apices ofT. rubella andT. maxima are consumed; in Venezuela, indigenous coastal tribes eat a sour-tasting but sweet-smelling berry, known as 'Maya', ofBromelia chrysantha as a fruit or infermented beverages; in Chile, the sweet fruit ofGreigia sphacelata, known as 'chupones', is consumed raw.[41]



Édouard André was a French collector/explorer whose many discoveries of bromeliads in the Cordilleras of South America would be influential on horticulturists to follow. He served as a source of inspiration to 20th-century collectors, in particularMulford B. Foster andLyman Smith of the United States andWerner Rauh of Germany and Michelle Jenkins of Australia.[42]

See also



  1. ^Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2009), "An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III",Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society,161 (2):105–121,doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x,hdl:10654/18083
  2. ^Gouda, E.J.; Butcher, D.; Gouda, C.S. (2022),"Species and Infra Species Counts",Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads, Utrecht University Botanic Gardens, retrieved2022-11-24
  3. ^Mabberley, D.J. (1997).The Plant Book.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.ISBN 9780521414210.
  4. ^Judd, Walter S. Plant systematics a phylogenetic approach. 3rd ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2007.
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  16. ^Yardeni, Gil; Viruel, Juan; Paris, Margot; Hess, Jaqueline; Groot Crego, Clara; de La Harpe, Marylaure; Rivera, Norma; Barfuss, Michael H. J.; Till, Walter; Guzmán-Jacob, Valeria; Krömer, Thorsten; Lexer, Christian; Paun, Ovidiu; Leroy, Thibault (2021-05-22)."Taxon-specific or universal? Using target capture to study the evolutionary history of a rapid radiation".Molecular Ecology Resources.22 (3):927–945.doi:10.1111/1755-0998.13523.PMC 9292372.PMID 34606683.S2CID 238357548.
  17. ^abcGivnish, Thomas; Millam, Kendra; Berry, Paul; Sytsma, Kenneth (2007)."Phylogeny, Adaptive Radiation, and Historical Biogeography of Bromeliaceae Inferred from ndhF Sequence Data".Aliso.23 (1):3–26.doi:10.5642/aliso.20072301.04.ISSN 2327-2929.
  18. ^Bleiweiss, Robert (September 1998)."Tempo and mode of hummingbird evolution".Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.65 (1):63–76.doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.1998.tb00351.x.
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  23. ^Horres, Ralf (2000). "Molecular phylogenetics of Bromeliaceae: evidence from trnL (UAA) intron sequences of the chloroplast genome".Plant Biology.2 (3):306–315.doi:10.1055/s-2000-3700.
  24. ^Crayn, Darren (2004)."Multiple origins of crassulacean acid metabolism and the epiphytic habit in the Neotropical family Bromeliaceae".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.101 (10):3703–3708.Bibcode:2004PNAS..101.3703C.doi:10.1073/pnas.0400366101.PMC 373526.PMID 14982989.
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  30. ^Porembski, Stefan; Barthlott, Wilhelm (1999). "Pitcairnia Feliciana: The Only Indigenous African Bromeliad".Harvard Papers in Botany.4 (1):175–184.JSTOR 41761298.
  31. ^ab"Pineapple Dreams", The Wild Side, Olivia Judson,The New York Times, March 18, 2008
  32. ^Frank, J. H.; Lounibos, L. P. (2009-02-01)."Insects and allies associated with bromeliads: a review".Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews.1 (2):125–153.doi:10.1163/187498308X414742.ISSN 1874-9836.PMC 2832612.PMID 20209047.
  33. ^Picado, C. (1913). Les broméliacées épiphytes considérées comme milieu biologique. Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique 5: 215-360
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  36. ^Leroy, Céline; Corbara, Bruno; Dejean, Alain; Céréghino, Régis (2009-09-01)."Ants mediate foliar structure and nitrogen acquisition in a tank-bromeliad".New Phytologist.183 (4):1124–1133.doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.02891.x.ISSN 1469-8137.PMID 19500265.
  37. ^Romero, Gustavo Q.;Srivastava, Diane S. (2010-09-01)."Food-web composition affects cross-ecosystem interactions and subsidies".Journal of Animal Ecology.79 (5):1122–1131.doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01716.x.ISSN 1365-2656.PMID 20584097.
  38. ^Armbruster, Peter; Hutchinson, Robert A.; Cotgreave, Peter (February 2002)."Factors influencing community structure in a South American tank bromeliad fauna".Oikos.96 (2):225–234.doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2002.960204.x.ISSN 0030-1299.
  39. ^Gename, K., & Monge-Nájera, J. (2012). How organisms reach and colonize bromeliads: a field experimental test of two of Picado’s hypotheses, and the effect of tree age and cardinal distribution on bromeliads in Cartago, Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal, 4(2), 181-186.
  40. ^López, L. C. S., Alves, R. R. D. N., & Ríos, R. I. (2009). Micro-environmental factors and the endemism of bromeliad aquatic fauna. Hydrobiología, 625(1), 151-156.
  41. ^Hornung-Leoni (2011)."Bromeliads: Traditional Plant Food in Latin America Since pre-Hispanic Times".Polibotánica.32:219–229. Retrieved30 Mar 2020.
  42. ^André, Édouard François. "Bromeliaceae Andreanae. Description et histoire des Bromeliacees recoltees dans La Colombie, L'Ecuador et Le Venezuela". Paris: Librairie Agricole; G. Masson, 1889

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