InFrance,Flanders, and theFrancophone world, abrasserie (pronounced[bʁas(ə)ʁi]ⓘ) is a type ofFrench restaurant with a relaxed setting, which serves dishes and other meals.
The wordbrasserie isFrench for "brewery" and, by extension, "the brewing business". Although most brasseries still serve a large selection of beers, most of them offer a wider choice of beverages such as wines and liquors.[1] A brasserie can be expected to have professional service, printedmenus, and, traditionally, white linen—unlike abistro which may have none of these. Typically, a brasserie is open every day and serves the same menu, generally composed of a few traditional French dishes, all day. A classic example of a brasserie dish issteak frites.[2]
The termbrasserie is French for "brewery", fromMiddle Frenchbrasser "to brew", fromOld Frenchbracier, fromVulgar Latinbraciare, ofCeltic origin. Its first usage in English was in 1864.[3] The origin of the word probably stems from the fact thatbeer was brewed on the premises rather than brought in: thus aninn would brew its own beer as well as supply food and invariably accommodation too.[citation needed]
In 1901Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language defined "brasserie" as "in France, anybeer-garden orsaloon".[4] In 2000The New Penguin English Dictionary included this definition of "brasserie": "a small informal French-style restaurant".[5]
Amongst the most renowned places considered to be brasseries,Bouillon Chartier is probably the most emblematic. Located in the9th arrondissement in Paris, it was opened in 1896 by the brothers Frédéric and Camille Chartier. The brand soon expanded to over ten brasseries in Paris; three remain today, alongside the initial location on the Rue du Faubourg-Montmartre: on theBoulevard du Montparnasse in the6th arrondissement and on the Rue du 8-Mai-1945 in the10th arrondissement. Former locations still operating include:
To this day, both locals and tourists visit the Bouillon Chartier establishments, decorated in theBelle Époque style, to eat traditional and cheap dishes.[7]
TheCloserie des Lilas, located in the 6th arrondissement, opened in 1847 and has been visited by many creatives such asPablo Picasso,Jean-Paul Sartre,Oscar Wilde,Louis Aragon,Ernest Hemingway,Émile Zola,Paul Cézanne, as well asF. Scott Fitzgerald.[8][9]Brasserie Lipp onBoulevard Saint-Germain in the 6th arrondissement sponsors an annual literary prize, the Prix Cazes, named for a previous owner.[citation needed]
La Mère Catherine, a brasserie founded in 1793, is the oldest still-operating restaurant at thePlace du Tertre inMontmartre.[10] The Grand Café des Capucines, opened in 1875 on theBoulevard des Capucines in the 9th arrondissement, soon became a well-known place for dinner after shows at theOpéra Garnier nearby.[11]
I'm looking for the authentic and the familiar, some classic brasserie chow: steak frite.