Brandivy is notable for its "Breizh – Kernow Festival" (Breizh = Brittany inBreton; Kernow =Cornwall, United Kingdom, in the Cornish language) which takes place atEaster. The Festival started in 1987 taking place most years until 2002 when the festival started to alternate with the "AberFest" festival in Cornwall. The Breizh – Kernow Festival now occurs on odd numbered years (2003, 2005, 2007) and AberFest on even numbered years (2004, 2006 and due at Easter 2008). In recent years, Brandivy has shared festival events withBignan.
Both festivals celebrate the ancientCeltic cultural,musical,linguistic and other ancient links between Cornwall and Brittany. An exceptional aspect of the festival is that it is centred on families. Families in each country hosting guest families from the other country, reciprocating the following year. This has developed to create very close, international family links between participants in Cornwall and Brittany which now spread over more than 20 years.