In theetymology of the name, the first part of Benaiah comes from the root-verb בנה (bana),[3] which is a commonHebrew verb meaning "to build". The second part of Benaiah is יה (Yah), which is not a derivative of theTetragrammaton,[4] but acontraction of it (ie, the first and last consonants of יהוה are contracted as יה).[5]
According toRabbi Hayyim Vital, the grave of Benaiah is inBiriya. In 1869,Rabbi Yosef Hayyimm of Baghdad visited the grave and stayed there for a few days. In the introduction to his book, "Ben Ish Chai", he wrote that "many and great secrets" were revealed to him there, and even that "his soul came from the soul of Baniahu ben Yehoida," and that is why he named his books after him.
Other Benaiahs depicted in the Hebrew Bible include:
Another of David's mighty men, an Ephraimite from Pirathon, commander of the 11th rotational army division (1 Chr. 11:31, 1 Chr. 27:14, 2 Sam. 23:30)
A Levite musician who played his stringed instrument while accompanying theArk of the Covenant when it was brought to Jerusalem and placed in the tent David had prepared for it (1 Chr. 15:18, 20; 16:1, 5).
A priest who played the trumpet when the Ark was brought to Jerusalem during David's reign (1 Chr. 15:24; 16:6).
ASimeonite, possibly a contemporary of KingHezekiah (1 Chr. 4:24, 36–43).
A Levite appointed by Hezekiah to help care for the bounteous contributions to Jehovah's house (2 Chr. 31:12, 13).
Father ofPelatiah, one of the wicked princes seen inEzekiel’s vision (Eze. 11:1, 13).
Four men who, atEzra's admonition, dismissed their foreign wives and sons. These four were descendants ofParosh,Pahath-Moab, Bani, andNebo respectively (Ezr. 10:25, 30, 34, 35, 43, 44).
^The root-verb בנה (bana) means to build. It is used to describe the construction of all kinds of buildings; a city (Genesis 4:17), a tower (Genesis 10:11), an altar (Genesis 22:9), a house (Genesis 33:27), the temple (2 Samuel 7:5), a fortress (2 Chronicles 17:12), a wall (1 Kings 3:1). It is also used to describe YHWH's making of a woman from a rib of man (Genesis 2:22).
^Abbreviated forms of theTetragrammaton יהוה, YHWH, or Yahweh.