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Genus of flowering plants
For other uses, seeBauhinia (disambiguation).

Temporal range:Late Paleocene to recent[1]
Bauhinia divaricata flowers
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
L. (1753)[2]
Type species
Bauhinia divaricata
Plum. ex L. (1753)

192 (in 2023); see text[3]

  • AlvesiaWelw. (1859)
  • AmariaMutis ex Caldas< (1810)
  • AriariaCuervo (1893)
  • Bracteolanthusde Wit (1956)
  • CanseniaRaf. (1838)
  • CaspareopsisBritton & Rose (1930)
  • CaspariaKunth (1824)
  • MandarusRaf. (1838)
  • MonotelesRaf. (1838)
  • PauletiaCav. (1799)
  • PerlebiaMart. (1828)

Bauhinia (/bˈhɪniə/)[5] is a largegenus offlowering plants in thesubfamilyCercidoideae[6] and tribeBauhinieae,[7] in the largeflowering plant familyFabaceae, with apantropical distribution. The genus was named after the Bauhin brothersGaspard andJohann,Swiss-Frenchbotanists.

Many species are widely planted in the tropics asorchid trees, particularly inIndia,Sri Lanka,Vietnam, Nepal and southeasternChina. Other common names includemountain ebony andkachnar. Before the family was reorganised,[6] a number of genera including thelianas of genusPhanera were placed here (seerelated genera).In theUnited States, the trees grow inHawaii, coastalCalifornia,Arizona,Texas,Louisiana, andFlorida. There are native species, likeBauhinia lunarioides native to Texas and widely planted in the Southwest as a landscape plant.[8]

Parts of some species of bauhinia likeB. purpurea andB. malabarica are used inFilipino cuisine (known collectively asalinbánban oralinbángbang,[9] "butterfly").[10]

Bauhinia ×blakeana is the floral emblem ofHong Kong—a stylized orchid tree flower appears on theflag of Hong Kong andHong Kong Airlines (formerly CR Airways) uses 'Bauhinia' as its radio callsign in air traffic communication.



The oldest known species isB. tibetensis, known from fossil leaves from theLate Paleocene of theTibetan Plateau, where it inhabited theKohistan-Ladakh Arc, an island arc that existed in the region at the time. It has been suggested that the Asian clade ofBauhinia originated as early as theEarly Paleocene, when it dispersed from the genus's region of origin in Africa.[1]



Bauhinia trees typically reach a height of 6–12 m and their branches spread 3–6 m outwards. The lobed leaves usually are 10–15 cm across.

The five-petaled flowers are 7.5–12.5 cm diameter, generally in shades of red, pink, purple, orange, or yellow, and are often fragrant. The tree begins flowering in late winter and often continues to flower into early summer. Depending on the species,Bauhinia flowers are usually in magenta, mauve, pink or white hues with crimson highlights.



Propagation ofBauhinia species is from seeds or cuttings. They thrive in alkaline soils and do not tolerate salty conditions. Full sun exposure is preferred but they can be grown under partial sun. Generous watering is needed during summer; moderate moisture required in winter.


Bauhinia acuminata
Bauhinia corifolia fruit
Bauhinia monandra
Bauhinia natalensis
Bauhinia phoenicea
Bauhinia purpurea
Bauhinia racemosa
Bauhinia tomentosa
Flower of Bauhinia x blakeana
Bauhinia variegata is almost leafless during flowering.Bauhinia purpurea andBauhinia blakeana, which are often confused with B. variegata, are leafy during flowering.

Accepted species


Plants of the World Online currently (March 2023) includes the following species:[3][11][12]

  1. Bauhinia acreanaHarms
  2. Bauhinia aculeataL.
  3. Bauhinia acuminataL.
  4. Bauhinia acuruanaMoric.
  5. Bauhinia affinisVogel
  6. Bauhinia albicansVogel
  7. Bauhinia amambayensisFortunato
  8. Bauhinia amatlanaWunderlin
  9. Bauhinia andrade-limaeA.C.B.Santos & Vaz
  10. Bauhinia andrieuxiiHemsl.
  11. Bauhinia ankarafantsikaeDu Puy & R.Rabev.
  12. Bauhinia anomalaHassl.
  13. Bauhinia arboreaWunderlin
  14. Bauhinia argentinensisBurkart
  15. Bauhinia arleneaeA.C.B.Santos & L.P.Queiroz
  16. Bauhinia augustiHarms
  17. Bauhinia aurantiacaBojer
  18. Bauhinia aureopunctataDucke
  19. Bauhinia ayabacensisWunderlin
  20. Bauhinia bartlettiiB.L.Turner
  21. Bauhinia bauhinioides(Mart.) J.F.Macbr.
  22. Bauhinia beguinotiiCufod.
  23. Bauhinia bicolor(Bong.) D.Dietr.
  24. Bauhinia bohnianaH.Y.Chen
  25. Bauhinia bombacifloraDucke
  26. Bauhinia bowkeriHarv.
  27. Bauhinia brachycalyxDucke
  28. Bauhinia brachycarpaWall. ex Benth.
  29. Bauhinia brevicalyxDu Puy & R.Rabev.
  30. Bauhinia brevipesVogel
  31. Bauhinia bryonifloraFranch.
  32. Bauhinia burchelliiBenth.
  33. Bauhinia burrowsiiE.J.D.Schmidt
  34. Bauhinia buscalioniiMattei
  35. Bauhinia calliandroidesRusby
  36. Bauhinia caloneuraMalme
  37. Bauhinia calycinaPierre ex Gagnep.
  38. Bauhinia campestrisMalme
  39. Bauhinia candelabriformisR.S.Cowan
  40. Bauhinia capuroniiDu Puy & R.Rabev.
  41. Bauhinia catingaeHarms
  42. Bauhinia chapulhuacaniaWunderlin
  43. Bauhinia cheilantha(Bong.) Steud.
  44. Bauhinia cinnamomeaDC.
  45. Bauhinia coclensisR.Torres
  46. Bauhinia conceptionisBritton & Killip
  47. Bauhinia concinnaDrake
  48. Bauhinia conwayiRusby
  49. Bauhinia cookiiRose
  50. Bauhinia corifoliaL.P.Queiroz
  51. Bauhinia corniculataBenth.
  52. Bauhinia coulteriJ.F.Macbr.
  53. Bauhinia croceaDrake
  54. Bauhinia cupulataBenth.
  55. Bauhinia curvulaBenth.
  56. Bauhinia darainensisThulin & Nusb.
  57. Bauhinia decandraDu Puy & R.Rabev.
  58. Bauhinia decoraL.Uribe
  59. Bauhinia deserti(Britton & Rose) Lundell
  60. Bauhinia dimorphophyllaHoehne
  61. Bauhinia dipetalaHemsl.
  62. Bauhinia dipteraBlume ex Miq.
  63. Bauhinia divaricataL.
  64. Bauhinia dubiaG.Don
  65. Bauhinia dumosaBenth.
  66. Bauhinia eilertsiiPulle
  67. Bauhinia ellenbeckiiHarms
  68. Bauhinia erythrocalyxWunderlin
  69. Bauhinia esmeraldasensisWunderlin
  70. Bauhinia estrellensisHassl.
  71. Bauhinia eucosmaS.F.Blake
  72. Bauhinia euryanthaH.Y.Chen
  73. Bauhinia exelliiTorre & Hillc.
  74. Bauhinia eximiaMiq.
  75. Bauhinia farecDesv.
  76. Bauhinia flagellifloraWunderlin
  77. Bauhinia floribundaDesv.
  78. Bauhinia forficataLink
  79. Bauhinia fryxelliiWunderlin
  80. Bauhinia funchianaVaz & G.P.Lewis
  81. Bauhinia fusconervis(Bong.) Steud.
  82. Bauhinia galpiniiN.E.Br.
  83. Bauhinia gardneriBenth.
  84. Bauhinia geniculataWunderlin
  85. Bauhinia gilesiiF.Muell. & F.M.Bailey
  86. Bauhinia glazioviiTaub.
  87. Bauhinia godefroyiGagnep.
  88. Bauhinia goyazensisHarms
  89. Bauhinia grandidieriBaill.
  90. Bauhinia grandifolia(Bong.) D.Dietr.
  91. Bauhinia greveiDrake
  92. Bauhinia gypsicolaMcVaugh
  93. Bauhinia hagenbeckiiHarms
  94. Bauhinia hainanensisMerr. & Chun ex H.Y.Chen
  95. Bauhinia haughtiiWunderlin
  96. Bauhinia hildebrandtiiVatke
  97. Bauhinia hirsutaWeinm.
  98. Bauhinia holophylla(Bong.) Steud.
  99. Bauhinia hostmannianaMiq.
  100. Bauhinia humilisRusby
  101. Bauhinia integerrimaMart. ex Benth.
  102. Bauhinia involucransGagnep.
  103. Bauhinia isopetalaGriff.
  104. Bauhinia jenningsiiP.Wilson
  105. Bauhinia jucundaBrandegee
  106. Bauhinia kalanthaHarms
  107. Bauhinia kleinianaBurkart
  108. Bauhinia leptanthaMalme
  109. Bauhinia leucanthaThulin
  110. Bauhinia longicuspisSpruce ex Benth.
  111. Bauhinia longifolia(Bong.) Steud.
  112. Bauhinia longipedicellataDucke
  113. Bauhinia longiracemosaHayata
  114. Bauhinia loranthaPierre ex Gagnep.
  115. Bauhinia lunarioidesA.Gray ex S.Watson
  116. Bauhinia macranthaOliv.
  117. Bauhinia macrantheraBenth. ex Hemsl.
  118. Bauhinia madagascariensisDesv.
  119. Bauhinia malacotrichaHarms
  120. Bauhinia malacotrichoidesR.S.Cowan
  121. Bauhinia malmeanaVaz & G.P.Lewis
  122. Bauhinia marginata(Bong.) Steud.
  123. Bauhinia melastomatoideaR.Torres
  124. Bauhinia membranaceaBenth.
  125. Bauhinia mendoncaeTorre & Hillc.
  126. Bauhinia miriamaeR.Torres
  127. Bauhinia mollis(Bong.) D.Dietr.
  128. Bauhinia mombassaeVatke
  129. Bauhinia monandraKurz
  130. Bauhinia moningeraeMerr.
  131. Bauhinia morondavensisDu Puy & R.Rabev.
  132. Bauhinia multinervia(Kunth) DC.
  133. Bauhinia natalensisOliv.
  134. Bauhinia ombrophilaDu Puy & R.Rabev.
  135. Bauhinia ovata(Bong.) Vogel
  136. Bauhinia oxysepalaGagnep.
  137. Bauhinia pansamalanaDonn.Sm.
  138. Bauhinia parkinsoniiC.E.C.Fisch.
  139. Bauhinia parvilobaDucke
  140. Bauhinia pauletiaPers.
  141. Bauhinia pentandra(Bong.) Vogel ex D.Dietr.
  142. Bauhinia pervilleanaBaill.
  143. Bauhinia pes-capraeCav.
  144. Bauhinia petersianaBolle
  145. Bauhinia petiolata(Mutis ex DC.) Triana ex Hook.
  146. Bauhinia phoeniceaB.Heyne ex Wight & Arn.
  147. Bauhinia pichinchensisWunderlin
  148. Bauhinia picta(Kunth) DC.
  149. Bauhinia pinheiroiWunderlin
  150. Bauhinia pinnataBlanco
  151. Bauhinia piresiiVaz & G.P.Lewis
  152. Bauhinia platypetalaBurch. ex Benth.
  153. Bauhinia platyphyllaBenth.
  154. Bauhinia podopetalaBaker
  155. Bauhinia pottsiiG.Don
  156. Bauhinia prainianaCraib
  157. Bauhinia pringleiS.Watson
  158. Bauhinia proboscideaP.Juárez, Rod.Flores & M.A.Blanco
  159. Bauhinia pulchellaBenth.
  160. Bauhinia purpureaL.
  161. Bauhinia racemosaLam.
  162. Bauhinia ramireziiReynoso
  163. Bauhinia ramosissimaBenth. ex Hemsl.
  164. Bauhinia retifoliaStandl.
  165. Bauhinia richardianaDC.
  166. Bauhinia rubeleruzianaDonn.Sm.
  167. Bauhinia rufa(Bong.) Steud.
  168. Bauhinia rufescensLam.
  169. Bauhinia saccocalyxPierre
  170. Bauhinia saksuwaniaeMattapha, Chantar. & Suddee
  171. Bauhinia selerianaHarms
  172. Bauhinia seminarioiHarms ex Eggers
  173. Bauhinia smilacifoliaBurch. ex Benth.
  174. Bauhinia stenanthaDiels
  175. Bauhinia subclavataBenth.
  176. Bauhinia subrotundifoliaCav.
  177. Bauhinia taitensisTaub.
  178. Bauhinia tarapotensisBenth.
  179. Bauhinia tenellaBenth.
  180. Bauhinia thailandicaChatan & Promprom
  181. Bauhinia thompsoniiI.M.Johnst.
  182. Bauhinia tomentosaL.
  183. Bauhinia tuichiensisCayola & A.Fuentes
  184. Bauhinia uberlandianaVaz & G.P.Lewis
  185. Bauhinia ungulataL.
  186. Bauhinia urbanianaSchinz
  187. Bauhinia uruguayensisBenth.
  188. Bauhinia variegataL.
  189. Bauhinia vespertilioS.Moore
  190. Bauhinia viridescensDesv.
  191. Bauhinia weberbaueriHarms
  192. Bauhinia wunderliniiR.Torres
  193. Bauhinia xerophytaDu Puy & R.Rabev.



One hybrid is known:[12]



Several fossils ofBauhinia species have been discovered:

  • Bauhinia cheniaeQi Wang, Z. Q. Song, Y. F. Chen, S. Shen & Z. Y. Li[13]
  • Bauhinia cretaceaNewberry[14]
  • Bauhinia fotanaF.M.B. Jacqueset al.[15]
  • Bauhinia giganteaNewberry[16]
  • Bauhinia gracilisJ.R. Tao[17]
  • Bauhinia larseniiD.X. Zhang & Y. F. Chen[18]
  • Bauhinia ningmingensisQi Wang, Z. Q. Song, Y. F. Chen, S. Shen & Z. Y. Li[13]
  • Bauhinia potosianaBerry[19]
  • Bauhinia tibetensisY. Gao et T. Su[1]
  • Bauhinia thonningiiSchum.[20]
  • Bauhinia ungulatoidesY.X.Lin, W.O.Wong, G.L.Shi, S.Shen & Z.Y.Li[21]
  • Bauhinia wenshanensisH.H. Meng & Z.K. Zhou[22]
  • Bauhinia wyomingianaBrown[23][24]

Segregated genera


Species in the generaBarklya,Gigasiphon,Lysiphyllum,Phanera (includingLasiobema),Piliostigma,Schnella, andTylosema are sometimes included inBauhiniasensu lato or considered as tribeBauhinieae.


  1. ^abcYi Gao; Ai Song; Wei-Yu-Dong Deng; Lin-Lin Chen; Jia Liu; Wei-Cheng Li; Gaurav Srivastava; Robert A. Spicer; Zhe-Kun Zhou; Tao Su (2023). "The Oldest Fossil Record of Bauhinia s.s. (Fabaceae) from the Tibetan Plateau sheds light on its Evolutionary and Biogeographic Implications".Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.21 (1).Bibcode:2023JSPal..2144495G.doi:10.1080/14772019.2023.2244495.
  2. ^ab"Genus:Bauhinia L."Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2007-03-29. Archived fromthe original on 2012-05-03. Retrieved2010-12-06.
  3. ^abc"Plants of the World Online entry forBauhinia".Plants of the World Online.Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 2023. Retrieved5 September 2023.
  4. ^Wunderlin RP (2010)."Reorganization of the Cercideae (Fabaceae: Caesalpinioideae)"(PDF).Phytoneuron.48:1–5.
  5. ^Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607;OED: "Bauhinia"
  6. ^abThe Legume Phylogeny Working Group (LPWG). (2017)."A new subfamily classification of the Leguminosae based on a taxonomically comprehensive phylogeny".Taxon.66 (1):44–77.doi:10.12705/661.3.hdl:10568/90658.
  7. ^Sinou C, Forest F, Lewis GP, Bruneau A (2009). "The genusBauhinia s.l. (Leguminosae): a phylogeny based on the plastidtrnLtrnF region".Botany.87 (10):947–960.doi:10.1139/B09-065.
  8. ^"SEINet Portal Network - Bauhinia lunarioides".
  9. ^Merrill, Elmer Drew (1903).A dictionary of the plant names of the Philippine Islands. Bureau of Public Printing,Department of The Interior. p. 128 – via University of Michigan Digital Collections.
  10. ^Seidemann, Johannes (2005).World Spice Plants. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. p. 64.ISBN 9783540279082.
  11. ^"ILDIS LegumeWeb entry forBauhinia".International Legume Database & Information Service. Cardiff School of Computer Science & Informatics. Archived fromthe original on 17 May 2014. Retrieved8 May 2014.
  12. ^ab"GRIN species records ofBauhinia".Germplasm Resources Information Network. Archived fromthe original on 2015-09-24. Retrieved5 May 2014.
  13. ^abWang Q, Song Z, Chen Y, Shen S, Li Z (2014)."Leaves and fruits ofBauhinia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, Cercideae) from the Oligocene Ningming Formation of Guangxi, South China and their biogeographic implications".BMC Evolutionary Biology.14 (1): 88.Bibcode:2014BMCEE..14...88W.doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-88.PMC 4101841.PMID 24758153.
  14. ^Bell W-A. (1963).Upper Cretaceous Floras of the Dunvegan, Bad Heart, and Milk River Formations of Western Canada (94th ed.). Canada: Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys.
  15. ^Jacques FM, Shi GL, Su T, Zhou ZK (2015). "A tropical forest of the middle Miocene of Fujian (SE China) reveals Sino-Indian biogeographic affinities".Rev Palaeobot Palynol.216:76–91.Bibcode:2015RPaPa.216...76J.doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2015.02.001.
  16. ^Bell W-A. (1957).Flora of the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group of Vancouver Island. British Columbia: E. Cloutier. pp. 1–84.doi:10.4095/101457. Archived fromthe original on 2017-03-07. Retrieved2017-03-06.
  17. ^Tao JR, Zhou ZK, Liu YS (2000).The Evolution of the Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic floras in China. Beijing: Science Press.
  18. ^Chen YF, Zhang DX (2005)."Bauhinia larsenii, a fossil legume from Guangxi, China".Bot J Linn Soc.147 (4):437–440.doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2005.00373.x.
  19. ^Berry E-W. (1917)."Fossil plants from Bolivia and their bearing upon the age of uplift of the eastern Andes"(PDF).Proc US Natl Mus.54 (2229):103–164.doi:10.5479/si.00963801.54-2229.103.hdl:10088/15029.
  20. ^Eisenmann V. (1994). "Equidae of the Albertine rift valley, Uganda".Geol Paleobiol Albertine Rift Valley, Uganda-Zaire.2:289–307.
  21. ^Lin YX, Wong WO, Shi GL, Shen S, Li ZY (2015)."Bilobate leaves ofBauhinia (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae, Cercideae) from the middle Miocene of Fujian Province, southeastern China and their biogeographic implications".BMC Evolutionary Biology.15 (1): 252.Bibcode:2015BMCEE..15..252L.doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0540-9.PMC 4647482.PMID 26572133.
  22. ^Meng HH, Jacques FM, Su T, Huang YJ, Zhang ST, Ma HJ, Zhou ZK (2014)."New biogeographic insight intoBauhinia s.l. (Leguminosae): Integration from fossil records and molecular analyses".BMC Evolutionary Biology.14 (1): 181.Bibcode:2014BMCEE..14..181M.doi:10.1186/s12862-014-0181-4.PMC 4360257.PMID 25288346.
  23. ^Knowlton F-H. (1899). "Fossil flora of the Yellowstone National Park".US Geol Surv Mon.32:651–791.
  24. ^Wilf P. (2000). "Late Paleocene–early Eocene climate changes in southwestern Wyoming: Paleobotanical analysis".Geol Soc Am Bull.112 (2):292–307.Bibcode:2000GSAB..112..292W.doi:10.1130/0016-7606(2000)112<292:LPECCI>2.0.CO;2.

External links

  • Media related toBauhinia at Wikimedia Commons
  • Data related toBauhinia at Wikispecies
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