Basiliscus (Ancient Greek:Βασιλίσκος,romanized: Basilískos; died 476/477) wasEastern Roman emperor from 9 January 475 to August 476. He becamemagister militum per Thracias in 464, under his brother-in-law, EmperorLeo I (r. 457–474). Basiliscus commanded the army for an invasion of theVandal Kingdom in 468, which was defeated at theBattle of Cape Bon. There were accusations at the time that Basiliscus was bribed byAspar, themagister militum; many historians dismiss this, instead concluding that Basiliscus was either incompetent or foolish for accepting Vandal KingGaiseric's offer of a truce, which the latter used to constructfireships. Basiliscus's defeat cost the Eastern Empire 130,000 pounds (59,000 kg) of gold, causing the empire to hover above bankruptcy for 30 years. When Basiliscus returned toConstantinople, he sought refuge in theHagia Sophia. His sister, EmpressVerina, secured him a pardon and he left the church to retire inNeapolis.
When Emperor Leo died in 474, his grandsonLeo II (r. 474) took power, but soon died; his father,Zeno (r. 474–475, 476–491) ascended the throne in the same year, in a politically precarious position. Verina conspired to install themagister officiorum Patricius, her lover, as emperor. This plot was supported by Basiliscus, who succeeded in recruiting Isaurian brothersIllus andTrocundes, as well as Verina's nephewArmatus. Zeno fled on 9 January 475, either after learning of the plot or after Verina warned him that his life was in danger. Although Patricius was Verina's intended successor, Basiliscus convinced theEastern Roman Senate toacclaim him instead.
Basiliscus quickly lost the support of his subjects and of his allies in court. Verina was alienated by the execution of Patricius, while the people objected to a combination of heavy taxes, heretical policies, and a natural disaster viewed as divine wrath for said heretical views. In an attempt to increase support, Basiliscus embraced themiaphysites, restoringTimothy Ailuros as thePatriarch of Alexandria andPeter the Fuller asPatriarch of Antioch. He heeded their advice and issued anencyclical on 9 April 475 which promoted the first three ecumenical councils of the church:Nicaea,Constantinople, andEphesus, and condemned theCouncil of Chalcedon and theTome of Leo. ThePatriarch of Constantinople,Acacius, strongly opposed him, and together withDaniel the Stylite, turned the population of Constantinople against Basiliscus.
Zeno, besieged by Illus and Trocundes in his homeland ofIsauria, convinced the two generals to defect, and soon the three of them marched their troops toward the capital. Basiliscus ordered Armatus to intercept them, but Armatus also switched sides after Zeno promised to give him the position ofmagister militum praesentalis for life, and make his sonBasiliscuscaesar. With Armatus' defense force deliberately kept out of his way, Zeno entered Constantinople unopposed in August 476. Basiliscus and his family hid in a church until Zeno promised not to execute them; exiled toLimnae inCappadocia, they were either beheaded or imprisoned in a dried-upcistern and left to starve to death.
Basiliscus was born at an unknown date, likely inthe Balkans. He was the brother of future EmpressVerina, the wife ofEast Roman EmperorLeo I (r. 457–474). HistorianStefan Krautschick argues that since Basiliscus' nephew,Armatus, was the brother of a barbarian namedOdoacer, Basiliscus was therefore also the uncle of Odoacer and thus a barbarian;[3][4] this argument has been opposed by historiansWolfram Brandes,[3][5] andHugh Elton. Elton remarks that Krautschick's argument relies upon a single fragmentary Greek source, making his argument acceptable, but ignores the total lack of contemporary sources mentioning his ethnicity or relationship to Odoacer.[3][6] Basiliscus marriedZenonis, and with her produced a son,Marcus.[3][7] Zenonis' origins are unknown, but she may have been amiaphysite, as some authors credit her for pushing Basiliscus's religious policies.[7] Basiliscus was also related by marriage to EmperorJulius Nepos (r. 474–475/480),[8] as the uncle of Julius Nepos's wife.[9] Zenonis is alleged to have taken Armatus, Basiliscus's nephew, as a lover. ByzantistJ.B. Bury, summarizing sources from theSuda,Candidus, andMalchus states that:[10][11]
Basiliscus permitted Armatus, inasmuch as he was a kinsman, to associate freely with the Empress Zenonis. Their intercourse became intimate, and as they were both persons of no ordinary beauty they became extravagantly enamoured of each other. They used to exchange glances of the eyes, they used constantly to turn their faces and smile at each other; and the passion which they were obliged to conceal was the cause of dule and teen. They confided their trouble to Daniel, aneunuch, and to Maria, a midwife, who hardly healed their malady by the remedy of bringing them together. Then Zenonis coaxed Basiliscus to grant her lover the highest office in the city.[11]
Around 466, Leo attempted to free himself of Aspar's control. He utilized the support of theIsaurians, marrying the Isaurian chieftainZeno (r. 474–475, 476–491) to his daughterAriadne, in exchange for support. This resulted in a significant change to eastern imperial policy, notably ending the policy of ignoring the requests from the West for military aid.[13] AfterAnthemius (r. 467–472), Marcian's son-in-law, was installed by Leo as Western emperor on 12 April 467, an embassy was sent to theVandal KingGaiseric, to inform him as well as warn him not to interfere inItaly or the Western Roman throne; Gaiseric accused them of violating a prior treaty, possibly enacted in 433, and prepared for war. Rumors may have spread in Constantinople that the Vandals were preparing an invasion ofAlexandria.[18][19] As a result of this, in 468 Basiliscus was given command of an expedition against the Vandals,[3][13][20] and likely promoted tomagister militum praesentalis at that time.[20] It is said that the fleet consisted of 1,113 ships, with more than 100,000 men under the command of Basiliscus,[a][19] including mercenaries from as far asÖland,Sweden.[22] According to Bury, Leo was influenced by both Verina and Aspar in his selection of Basiliscus, whom he describes as both "incompetent and untrustworthy"; he further states that Aspar intentionally chose a poor commander, to prevent Leo from becoming stronger by way of weakening the Vandals.[19] HistoriansGerard Friell andStephen Williams dismiss this, but accept that Verina pushed for his appointment and that Aspar did not object.[23] HistorianPeter Heather points out that, at this point, Basiliscus had just returned from considerable success on the Balkan frontier of the empire.[24]
Marcellinus, a West Roman commander, was sent to captureSardinia, and then to sail to link up with the Eastern armies nearCarthage, the Vandal capital. Basiliscus was to sail with the bulk of the forces directly to Carthage, and the Easterncomes rei militarisHeraclius of Edessa, was to gather up Eastern forces inEgypt, disembark inTripolitania, and then to approach Carthage by land; forcing the Vandals to fight in three areas. Marcellinus seized Sardinia with little trouble, and Heraclius took the fortress ofTripoli, Libya, and both headed to connect with Basiliscus' forces.[25][26] Basiliscus'sgalleys scattered the Vandal fleet nearSicily, something said byProcopius to have caused Gaiseric to give all up for lost, fearing a decisive blow to capture Carthage. However, Basiliscus did not press his advantage and rested his forces inCape Bon, 60 kilometres (37 mi) from Carthage.[27][28] This was a strategic location as it was near the port ofUtica, which, unlike Carthage, was not blocked off with a chain, and the winds would push opposing ships into the coast.[28] According to historiansMichael Kulikowski, Friell, and Williams, Gaiseric feigned interest in peace and proposed a five-day truce, in order to allow himself time to prepare.[22][23] Basiliscus accepted, possibly in favor of Aspar who opposed the war, in order to achieve a compromise with the Vandals.[29] Heather notes that the Romans strongly intended to avoid a naval engagement,[30] and archaeologistGeorge Bass suggests this might be the reason that Basiliscus hesitated to strike the Vandals.[31][32]
Gaiseric assembled a new fleet with a number offire ships and, aided by good winds, attacked the Roman fleet at theBattle of Cape Bon. The Roman fleet was routed by the combination of the fire ships, bad winds, and surprise, with half of it being destroyed. Basiliscus fled with the remainder of the fleet to Sicily, to consolidate with Marcellinus's forces; their morale and supply might have brought a victory, but Marcellinus was assassinated, possibly onRicimer's orders. Heraclius, who had not yet reached Carthage, returned to the Eastern Roman Empire by the path he came, and Basiliscus returned to Constantinople.[22][27] The total cost of the armaments for the fleet was 130,000 pounds (59,000 kg) of gold,[b][13][34] more than the entire treasury of the Eastern Empire, causing the Eastern Empire to waver above bankruptcy for more than 30 years.[34]
Upon his return to Constantinople, Basiliscus sought refuge in theChurch of St. Sophia, before Verina interceded on his behalf to have him pardoned by Leo. He may have remainedmagister militum praesentalis after this,[20][35] but largely lived a life of retirement atHeraclea on thePropontis.[34] Aspar was suspected of inducing Basiliscus to betray the expedition, sympathizing with the Vandals, and promising to make him emperor in place of Leo.[36][37] Friell and Williams also reject this, commenting that the need to find a scapegoat is common in such disasters and that the accusation is implausible.[23] One source,Hydatius, states that Aspar was stripped of his rank for voicing his suspicions, but historiansA. H. M. Jones,John Robert Martindale, andJohn Morris state that this is almost certainly a confusion relating to the disgrace ofArdabur, his son, who had informed theSassanid Empire of Roman military weakness.[38]
Aspar regained power after the failure of the African invasion, and his sonPatricius became the presumptive heir to the throne by marrying Leo's daughterLeontia Porphyrogenita in 470.[39] HistorianL. M. Whitby suggests this may have been a ploy to lull Aspar into a sense of security.[40] When anti-German sentiment rose up, Leo first quarreled with Aspar and then had him assassinated over suspicions of conspiracy.[39][41] Basiliscus supported Leo in his power struggle against Aspar, and subsequentlyTheodoric Strabo, in 471/472.[3][20] Aspar and Ardabur were killed in 471, and Patricius, severely wounded, was stripped of his position ascaesar and divorced from Leontia. After this, Zeno gained more power over the court.[39] Theodoric Strabo attempted to avenge Aspar and marched against Constantinople, but was pushed back by Basiliscus and Zeno. A little later, he sent a series of demands to Leo in the capital and attackedArcadiopolis andPhilipopolis, but was forced to negotiate soon after due the lack of supplies.[42]
When Leo fell ill in 473, he had his grandson,Leo II (r. 474), the son of Zeno and Ariadne, crowned as emperor in October 473.[43] Leo died on 18 January 474,[39][44] and Leo II took the throne. Zeno was installed as co-emperor, crowned on 29 January,[45] and when Leo II died in Autumn, Zeno became the sole eastern emperor.[39] Zeno likely had Theoderic Strabo stripped of his role asmagister militum praesentalis.[46] Zeno was very unpopular, among both the common people and the senatorial class, in part simply because he was an Isaurian, a race which had acquired a poor reputation under EmperorArcadius (r. 383–408), and also because his rule would induce a promotion of fellow Isaurians to high positions.[47]
Although Verina had supported Zeno's elevation as co-emperor to Leo II, she turned against him once he became sole emperor. The causes for this are disputed. The Byzantists Bury andErnst Stein suggest this was motivated by personal hatred,[48][49][50] andErnest Walter Brooks, historian and scholar of the Syriac language, suggests the Isaurian background of Zeno directly caused the hatred of Verina and the people.[50][51] HistoriansKamilla Twardowska andW. D. Burgess argue that his ethnicity likely exacerbated existing hatred, but did not solely cause it.[52][53] Twardowska also dismissesEvagrius Scholasticus' suggestions, especially that of him leading a "dissolute life", stating that is common of historians wishing to paint an emperor in a bad light.[50] HistorianMirosław Leszka attributes the action to a simple desire for power, and Twardowska theorizes that Verina supported him while Leo II was emperor because she would still retain influence as a close relative, which she would not wield over Zeno himself. Zeno had the option of raising another son from a previous marriage to the throne, or else his brother,Longinus, which would remove any remnant of Verina's influence.[53] Byzantine chroniclerJohn Malalas states that Verina put forth a request which Zeno denied, causing her conspiracy, but does not specify the request; historianMaciej Salamon has argued that this request would be to have Basiliscus and her other relatives placed in high positions.[54][55]
Verina conspired with others to remove him as emperor, and historians generally accept that she planned to install her lover, themagister officiorumPatricius, as emperor and to marry him.[c][56][57][58] She was supported in this plot by Theoderic Strabo, angered by Zeno's coronation, and Basiliscus, who succeeded in recruitingIllus andTrocundes, Isaurian brothers, as well as her nephew Armatus.[58] The plot had the backing of the military, bolstered by Basiliscus' popularity, and that of Illus and Trocundes, and also the support of theEastern Roman Senate. The position of thePatriarch of Constantinople,Acacius, is unclear, although Twardowska considers it likely that he would have withheld support from either side until the outcome was clear.[54] The exact date the conspiracy began is unknown: Salamon argues it began around 473, whereas Twardowska argues it began only after Zeno took sole power.[55][59] The conspiracy was successful, as Zeno fled to his native Isauria on 9 January 475, either after learning of the conspiracy or after being convinced by Verina that his life was in danger,[3][20][58] taking with him a number of companions and funds. Many remaining Isuarians were massacred in Constantinople when news of his flight spread.[60] Basiliscus convinced the senate toacclaim him emperor, instead of Patricius, and Basiliscus was crowned at theHebdomon palace.[57][60] He immediately had his son, Marcus, crowned asCaesar, and later co-emperor, while his wife was crownedAugusta and Patricius was executed.[3][60][61] Zeno took residence in the fortress ofOlba, and laterSbida.[62] Illus and Trocundes were sent by Basiliscus to lay siege to Zeno's fortress, and capturing Longinus, whom Illus would not release until 485.[63]
A copy of theAphrodite of Knidos, whose original was destroyed in the fire of 475/476
Basiliscus quickly lost support in Constantinople, through a combination of heavy taxes and heretical ecclesiastical policies, as well as a natural disaster.[3] A large fire broke out in the quarter ofChalkoprateia in 475/476, before quickly spreading.[64] The fire destroyed theBasilica, a library containing 120,000 books, as well as thePalace of Lausus, theAphrodite of Knidos, theLindian Athene, and theSamian Here.[65] Bury remarks that, as is common with "accidents in superstitious ages", the fire was reputed to be supernatural in origin.[64] Many at the time viewed it as a symbol of divine wrath against Basiliscus.[66]
While Basiliscus's rise was not illegal, as usurpations confirmed by the senate were generally considered legitimate, such had not happened for over a century in the Eastern Roman Empire. Additionally, he was politically incompetent and temperamental, alienating much of his support.[67] While Basiliscus was supported initially by the elites of the Eastern Roman Empire, he never gained much popularity amongst the common people, weakening his legitimacy; his conflicts with Acacius reduced his support from the people of Constantinople, who were heavily Chalcedonian.[68] The near-bankruptcy of the empire forced Basiliscus to levy extensive taxes and to sell off public positions for money. He utilized thepraefectus urbiEpinicus, a former ally of Verina, to extort money from the church.[67] Verina turned against Basiliscus after the execution of her lover and began to plot to return Zeno to power,[69][70] and sought refuge inBlachernae. It is not known if she fled because of her support or began to support Zeno after she fled, as the source, Candidus, is unclear, but theVita Danielis Stylite states that she remained there until after Basiliscus died.[70]
Basiliscus had Armatus mademagister militum praesentalis, allegedly at the insistence of Zenonis. This turned Theoderic Strabo against him, as he hated Armatus.[11][71] Armatus was also made consul in 476, alongside Basiliscus himself.[72] Illus and Trocundes, laying siege to Zeno in his native lands, defected to him.[3][73][74][75][76] This has usually been ascribed to a failure to fulfill unspecified promises made to them, as given byTheophanes the Confessor, which many historians identify as a promise to make them bothmagister militum, but Leszka challenges this, arguing that Theophanes does not specify the promises because he invented them as the most likely explanation. Leszka questions that Basiliscus would entrust military command to men he had lied to, and argues that they were motivated instead by fear that Basiliscus would be overthrown, or else religious opposition.[76] From February/March 476, Basiliscus remained in theHebdomon, out of fear of the capital's populace; this news may have motivated them,[77][78][79] along with letters received from ministers of the capital. These letters informed them that the city was now ready to restore Zeno, as the people had become even less supportive of Basiliscus due to the "fiscal rapacity of his ministers", as Bury puts it. Illus, possibly buoyed by his hold over Zeno, by way of his imprisonment of his brother, arranged to ally him and they began to march towards Constantinople with their combined forces.[73][74][75][77]
Basiliscus ordered Armatus to take command of all the troops inThrace and Constantinople, as well as the palace guard, and lead them against the three. In spite of his oath of loyalty, Armatus betrayed Basiliscus when Zeno offered to have him mademagister militum praesentalis for life, and his son,Basiliscus, crowned ascaesar. He allowed Zeno to pass to Constantinople unhindered,[3][64][75][80] deliberately traveling on a different road than the one used by Zeno's army, and marched instead into Isaura. Zeno entered Constantinople unopposed in August 476.[3][64][75] Basiliscus and his family fled and took refuge in a church, only leaving once Zeno promised not to execute them. Zeno exiled them toLimnae inCappadocia,[d][3][81] where they were imprisoned in a dried-up cistern, and left to starve to death.[3][81] According to some sources, they were instead beheaded.[64]
During the 5th century, a central religious issue was the debate concerning how the human and divine nature ofJesus Christ were associated, following theArian controversy. TheSchool of Alexandria, including theologians such asAthanasius, asserted the equality of Christ and God, and therefore focused upon the divinity of Christ. TheSchool of Antioch, including theologians such asTheodore of Mopsuestia, determined not to lose the human aspect of Christ, focused upon his humanity.[82] Shortly before Marcian had become emperor, theSecond Council of Ephesus was held in 449. The council stated that Jesus had one divine united nature, calledmiaphysis; this was rejected by thePope and the Patriarch of Constantinople because of disputes on the matter ofChristology, as the Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople saw the belief in miaphysis asheretical.[83][84][85] Marcian convened theCouncil of Chalcedon in October 451, attended by about 500 bishops, most of them Eastern Roman.[83][86][87] This council condemned the Second Council of Ephesus and agreed that Jesus had a divine nature (physis) and a human nature, united in one person (hypostasis), "without confusion, change, division, or separation."[88] The council also repeated the importance of theSee of Constantinople in Canon 28, placing it firmly in second place behind the See of Rome, and giving it the right to appoint bishops in the Eastern Roman Empire, placing it over the Sees ofAlexandria,Jerusalem, andAntioch.[14][89][90][91]
Basiliscus rose to power during a time when the miaphysite faction was growing in power, and his attempts to ally them to himself backfired severely.[92][93] HistorianJason Osequeda posits that Basiliscus's mistake was "appearing as the member of one sphere attempting to intrude into the other, rather than using influence and negotiation to achieve his platform", and that he was unaware of his outsider status, causing him to be viewed as "attempting to usurp not only an earthly crown but a spiritual one too."[94] Some historians view it likely that Zenonis influenced Basiliscus towards miaphysitism.[7] Basiliscus hadTheoctistus, a miaphysite, mademagister officiorum,[95] and he received the miaphysite patriarchTimothy Ailuros, who returned from his exile inCrimea after the death of Leo. By them Basiliscus was persuaded to attack the tenets of Chalcedonianism.[69] Basiliscus had Timothy Ailuros restored as thePatriarch of Alexandria, andPeter the Fuller asPatriarch of Antioch.[96] Under his reign theThird Council of Ephesus was held in 475, presided over by Timothy Ailuros, which officially condemned the Council of Chalcedon, and a synodical letter was sent to Basiliscus requesting that Patriarch Acacius be stripped of his role.[97] HistorianRichard Price argues that Basiliscus' association with Timothy Ailuros also reduced his support as some rumors suggested that Timothy had a role in the murder ofProterius of Alexandria, a Chalcedonian, and his ties to Timothy were seen as tacit approval of this murder.[98]
Basiliscus issued anencyclical on 9 April 475,[e][3][92][101][102] which promoted the first three ecumenical councils of the church:Nicaea,Constantinople, andEphesus, and condemned the Council of Chalcedon and theTome of Leo.[93][103][104] While enthusiastically received inEphesus and Egypt, it resulted in outrage from the monasteries as well as alienating Patriarch Acacius, and the heavily Chalcedonian population of the capital.[69][92][105][106] Repudiating the Council of Chalcedon invalidated Canon 28 of it, ending Acacius's control over the Eastern sees,[89][107][108] and as such Acacius refused to sign it.[89][103] Acacius draped the Church of St. Sophia in black,[f][60][69][89] and lead a congregation in mourning. This caused Basiliscus to leave the city,[60][69][89] and a significant portion of the city to support Zeno's return.[69] The popularstylite (pillar monk)Daniel the Stylite, whom Basiliscus had been attempting to sway to his side, rejected his efforts after the publication of the encyclical, and descended from his pillar to pray alongside Acacius, branding Basiliscus as a "secondDiocletian" for his attacks on the church.[103][109]
There is some debate over the differences between the encyclical presented by Evagrius Scholasticus and that ofPseudo-Zacharias Rhetor. Notably, Evagrius' version does not contain some of the references to the Council of Nicaea and the Second Council of Ephesus, making it less extreme.Philippe Blaudeau suggests that the one presented by Evagrius was a modified version presented to Acacius, as it would be more palatable to him; as well as that the language of the original would have madeEutychians believe that Timothy and Basiliscus agreed with them, and the subsequent document clarified their positions.[100][110] The current consensus among historians is that Evagrius' version was the original, made more extreme after the Third Council of Ephesus.[100] Some arguments have been made byEduard Schwartz,Hanns Brennecke, andRené Draguet that Basiliscus approved Evagrius' text, but that the more extreme version was written byPaul the Sophist.[100][111][112][113] Whatever the case, Basiliscus soon voided his encyclical, issuing a new letter dubbed the "anti-encyclical",[g][107][108] revoking his previous encyclical, reaffirming condemnation of heresy, and restoring the rights of Canon 28 to Acacius, but did not explicitly mention the Council of Chalcedon.[98][114] Notably, the first encyclical also asserted the right for an emperor to dictate and judge theological doctrine, subsuming the function of anEcumenical Council,[108] and is worded much like an imperial edict.[100] Although Acacius and Basiliscus had feuded since the first months of his reign, Daniel later played the part of a diplomat, reconciling them near the end of the latter's reign, before Zeno retook Constantinople.[115] All of Basiliscus' religious edicts were annulled by thepraetorian prefectSebastianos in December 477, by order of Zeno.[116]
^HistorianWarren Treadgold argues for a figure of 400,000 total men, as given by Byzantine administratorJohn the Lydian, arguing that Procopius' figure of 100,000 excludes the sailors and oarsmen.[21]
^Procopius gives this figure of 130,000 pounds (59,000 kg) of gold, whereas John the Lydian gives a figure of 65,000 pounds (29,000 kg) of gold and 700,000 pounds (320,000 kg) of silver, which, using the 1:18 ratio of gold to silver, would equal roughly 104,000 pounds (47,000 kg); John seems to derive this from Candidus, who states that the treasuries of thePraetorian Prefects, both east and west, contributed 47,000 pounds (21,000 kg) of gold, the coffers of theSacred Largess 17,000 pounds (7,700 kg) of gold, 700,000 of silver partially from the Private Estates, largely made up of confiscated property, and partly from the reserves of Anthemius.[33]
^This narrative is challenged byKamilla Twardowska, who views it more likely that this is propaganda from Candidus, repeated by John of Antioch. Instead, she argues that Patricius was likely a key political ally of Verina, but, given the revolt was likely influenced by desire to retain dynastic power, not a plausible candidate for the throne.[56]
^Some sources say all the churches of Constantinople were draped in black, rather than just the Church of St. Sophia.[104]
^Some sources put this concurrent to Zeno's march to Constantinople, stating that the events took place after Basiliscus was made aware of the defection of Armatus, causing him to quickly revoke his ecclesiastical edicts, and attempt to placate Patriarch Acacius and the people.[64][75]
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