Bartolomeu Dias was born around 1450 in theFaro District ofPortugal. His family had a maritime background, and one of his ancestors, Dinis Dias, explored the African coast in the 1440s and discovered theCap-Vert peninsula in today'sSenegal in 1445.[2] Tracing his biography is complicated by the existence of several contemporary Portuguese seafarers with the same name.[3]
In 1486 he seems to have been a cavalier of the king's household and superintendent of the royal warehouses; on 10 October in that year, he received an annuity of 6000reis from KingJohn II of Portugal for "services to come"; and sometime after this (probably about July or August 1487, rather than July 1486, the traditional date) he left Lisbon with three ships to carry on the work of African exploration so significantly advanced by Diogo Cão. Dias was also charged with searching forPrester John, a legendary figure believed to be the powerful Christian ruler of a realm somewhere beyond Europe, possibly in the African interior. Dias was provided with two caravels of about 50 tons each (São Cristóvão andSão Pantaleão) and a square-rigged supply ship captained by his brother Diogo. He recruited some of the leading pilots of the day, includingPero de Alenquer and João de Santiago, who had previously sailed with Cão.[6][7]
No contemporary documents detailing this historic voyage have been found, as almost all maritime records were destroyed in the1755 Lisbon earthquake and ensuingtsunami. Much of the available information comes from the sixteenth-century historianJoão de Barros, who wrote about the voyage sixty years later.[8]
An illustration of the two caravels used by Dias (São Cristóvão andSão Pantaleão) to cross theCape of Good Hope in 1488.
The small fleet left Lisbon in or around July 1487. Like his predecessor, Cão, Dias carried a set ofpadrões, carved stone pillars to mark his progress at significant landfalls. Also on board were six Africans who had been kidnapped by Cão and taught Portuguese. Dias planned to drop them off at various points along the African coast so that they could testify to the grandeur of the Portuguese kingdom and make inquiries into the possible whereabouts of Prester John.[9]
The expedition sailed directly to the Congo and proceeded more carefully down the African coast, often naming notable geographic features after saints honored on the Catholic Church's calendar. When they weighed anchor at what today isPorto Alexandre, Angola, Dias left the supply ship behind so that it could re-provision them later on their return voyage. By December, Dias had passed the farthest point reached by Cão, and on 8 December 1487, he arrived at the Golfo da Conceição (modern-dayWalvis Bay,Namibia). After slowly progressing along the Namibian coast, the two ships turned southwest, away from land. Historians have debated whether this happened because they were driven offshore by a storm or because they were deliberately trying to find more favorable winds. Whatever its cause, the change of course brought them success: the ships traced a broad arc around the tip of Africa and, on 4 February 1488, after 30 days on the open ocean, they reached the continent's southern cape and entered what would later become known asMossel Bay.[10]
The ships continued east for a time and confirmed that the coast gradually trended to the northeast. Dias realized they had accomplished Portugal's long-sought goal: rounding the southern cape of Africa. Dias's expedition reached its furthest point on 12 March 1488, when it anchored atKwaaihoek, near the mouth of theBoesmans River—where they erected thePadrão de São Gregório. By then, the crew had become restless, urging Dias to turn around. Supplies were low, and the ships were battered. Although Dias wanted to continue, the rest of the officers unanimously favored returning to Portugal, so he agreed to turn back. On their return voyage, they sailed close enough to Africa's southwestern coast to encounter theCape of Good Hope for the first time in May 1488. Tradition has it that Dias originally named it the Cape of Storms (Cabo das Tormentas) and that King John II later renamed it the Cape of Good Hope (Cabo da Boa Esperança) because it symbolized the opening of a sea route from west to east.[11][12]
Dias erected the last of theirpadrões at the cape and then headed northward. They reached their supply ship in July, after nine months of absence, and found that six of that ship's nine crew members had died in skirmishes with the natives. The vessel had become rotten with worms, so they unloaded the supplies they needed and burnt it on the beach. A few details about the remainder of the voyage are known. The ships made stops atPríncipe, the Rio do Resgate (in present-day Liberia), and the Portuguese trading post of São Jorge da Mina. Dias returned to Lisbon in December 1488 after an absence of 16 months.[13][14]
The Dias expedition had explored a thousand more miles of the African coastline than previous expeditions had reached; it had rounded the southern tip of the continent, and it had demonstrated that the most effective southward ship route lay in the open ocean well to the west of the African coast-a route that generations of Portuguese sailors would follow. Despite these successes, Dias' reception at court was muted. There were no official proclamations, and, at the time, Dias received little in recognition of his accomplishments.[15]
No record has yet been found of any adequate reward for Diaz: on the contrary, when the great Indian expedition was being prepared (forVasco da Gama's future leadership), Bartolomeu only superintended the building and outfit of the ships; when the fleet sailed in 1497, he only accompanied da Gama to theCape Verde Islands, and after this was ordered to São Jorge da Mina.
Dias perished in May 1500 when his ship was lost in a storm near theCape of Good Hope (circa 1568 illustration).
Dias was later ennobled for his accomplishments. By 1494, he served as a squire in King John II's court. He also served as superintendent of the royal warehouses from 1494 to 1497.[16]
Following Dias's return from his successful first voyage around Africa's southern cape, Portugal took a decade-long break from Indian Ocean exploration. King John was beset by numerous problems, including the death of his only son, a war in Morocco, and his failing health. It was not until 1497 that another voyage was commissioned, and Dias was asked to assist.[17] Drawing on his experience with maritime exploration, Dias contributed to the design and construction of theSão Gabriel and its sister ship, theSão Rafael. These were two ships that Vasco da Gama used to sail around theCape of Good Hope and continue to India. Dias participated in the first half of da Gama's voyage but stayed behind after reaching theCape Verde Islands.[18]
Two years later, he was one of the captains of thesecond Indian expedition, headed byPedro Álvares Cabral. This flotilla was the first to reachBrazil, landing there on 22 April 1500 before continuing east to India. Dias perished in May 1500 when captaining a ship near the Cape of Good Hope: four ships, including Dias's, encountered a massive storm off the cape and were lost on 29 May.[19]
The Portuguese government erected two navigational beacons,Dias Cross andda Gama Cross, to commemorate Dias and Vasco da Gama, who were the first modern European explorers to reach the Cape of Good Hope. When lined up, these crosses point toWhittle Rock, a large, permanently submerged shipping hazard inFalse Bay.[22]
TheBartolomeu Dias Museum Complex (also spelled "Bartholomeu"), located atMossel Bay,[23] features an exhibition displaying the history of early European sea voyagers who discovered sea routes. The local history of 19th-century artifacts and 20th-century photographs are also displayed in this building. The building houses a life-size replica of the ship Bartolomeu Dias and his crew used when they landed in Mossel Bay in 1488.
Campbell, Gordon (2003).The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance. Oxford University Press.
Crowley, Roger (2015).Conquerors : How Portugal Forged the First Global Empire (1 ed.). New York: Random House.ISBN978-0-8129-9400-1.OCLC904967943.
Dutra, Francis A. (2007). "Dias, Bartholomew".The Oxford Companion to World Exploration. Oxford University Press.
Howgego, Raymond John, ed. (2003). "Dias, Bartolomeu".Encyclopedia of Exploration to 1800. Hordern House.ISBN1-875567-36-4.
Livermore, Harold V. (2021)."Bartolomeu Dias".Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved4 May 2021.
Oakley, Robert (2003). "Dias, Bartolomeu". In Gerli, E. Michael (ed.).Medieval Iberia : an encyclopedia. New York: Routledge.ISBN0-415-93918-6.OCLC50404104.
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg (2010).Bartolomeu Dias. William Brooks Greenlee, Pero Vaz de Caminha. England: Viartis.ISBN978-1-906421-03-8.OCLC501399584.