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Denomination of Protestant Christianity
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Baptism at Northolt Park Baptist Church, in Greater London, Baptist Union of Great Britain, 2015.
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Baptists are a denomination ofProtestantChristianity distinguished by baptizing only professing Christian believers (believer's baptism) and doing so by completeimmersion. Baptist churches generally subscribe to thedoctrines ofsoul competency (the responsibility and accountability of every person beforeGod),sola fide (salvation by faith alone),sola scriptura (theBible is the sole infallible authority, as the rule of faith and practice) andcongregationalist church government. Baptists recognize generally twoordinances: baptism andcommunion.

Diverse from their beginning, those identifying as Baptists today may differ widely from one another in what they believe, how they worship, their attitudes toward other Christians, and their understanding of what is important in Christian discipleship.[1] Baptist missionaries have spread various Baptist churches to every continent.[2] The largest group of Baptist churches is theBaptist World Alliance, and there are many different groupings of Baptist churches and Baptist congregations.

Historians trace the earliest Baptist church to 1609 inAmsterdam, withEnglish SeparatistJohn Smyth as its pastor.[3] In accordance with his reading of theNew Testament, he rejectedbaptism of infants and instituted baptism only of believing adults.[2] Baptist practice spread to England, where theGeneral Baptists considered Christ's atonement toextend to all people, while theParticular Baptists believed that it extended only tothe elect.[4]Thomas Helwys formulated a distinctively Baptist request that thechurch and the state be kept separate in matters of law, so that individuals might havefreedom of religion. Helwys died in prison as a consequence of the religious conflict with English Dissenters underJames I.



Baptist historian Bruce Gourley outlines four main views of Baptist origins:

  1. the modern scholarly consensus that the movement traces its origin to the 17th century via theEnglish Separatists,
  2. the view that it was an outgrowth of theAnabaptist movement ofbeliever's baptism begun in 1525 on the European continent,
  3. theperpetuity view which assumes that the Baptistfaith and practice has existed since the time of Christ, and
  4. the successionist view, which argues that Baptistchurches actually existed in an unbroken chain since the time of Christ.[3] Some people prior to the reformation acknowledge the existence of Baptists and their separation from the church.[5][page needed]

English separatist view

John Smyth led the first Baptist church inAmsterdam in 1609.

Modern Baptist churches trace their history to the English Separatist movement in the 17th century, over a century after the foundation of theChurch of England during the ProtestantReformation.[6] This view of Baptist origins has the most historical support and is the most widely accepted.[7] Adherents to this position consider the influence ofAnabaptists upon early Baptists to be minimal.[3] It was a time of considerable political and religious turmoil. Both individuals and churches were willing to give up their theological roots if they became convinced that a more biblical "truth" had been discovered.[8]

During the Reformation, the Church of England (Anglicans) separated from the RomanCatholic Church. There were some Christians who were not content with the achievements of the mainstream Protestant Reformation.[1][9] There also were Christians who were disappointed that the Church of England had not made corrections of what some considered to be errors and abuses. Of those most critical of the church's direction, some chose to stay and try to make constructive changes from within the Anglican Church. They became known as "Puritans" and are described by Gourley as cousins of the English Separatists. Others decided they must leave theestablished church because of their dissatisfaction and became known as the Separatists.[3]

In 1579,Faustus Socinus founded theUnitarianPolish Brethren inPoland-Lithuania, which was a tolerant country. The Unitarians taughtbaptism by immersion. After their expulsion from the Commonwealth in 1658, many of them fled to the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, the Unitarians introduced immersion baptism to theDutch Mennonites.[10]

Baptist churches have their origins in a movement started byJohn Smyth andThomas Helwys inAmsterdam.[11][12][13] Because they shared beliefs with the Puritans andCongregationalists, they went into exile in 1607 with other believers who held the same biblical positions.[14] They believe that theBible is to be the only guide and that the believer's baptism is what the scriptures require.[15] In 1609, the year considered to be the foundation of the movement, they baptized believers and founded the first Baptist church.[16][17]

In 1609, while still there, Smyth wrote a tract titled "The Character of the Beast," or "The False Constitution of the Church." In it he expressed two propositions: first,infants are not to be baptized; and second, "Antichristians converted are to be admitted into the true Church by baptism."[8] Hence, his conviction was that a scriptural church should consist only of regenerate believers who have been baptized on a personal confession of faith. He rejected the Separatist movement's doctrine of infant baptism.[18][19]

Shortly thereafter, Smyth left the group.[3] Ultimately, Smyth became committed to believers' baptism as the only biblical baptism. He was convinced on the basis of his interpretation of Scripture that infants would not be damned should they die in infancy.[20] Smyth, convinced that his self-baptism was invalid, applied with the Mennonites for membership. He died while waiting for membership, and some of his followers became Mennonites. Helwys and others kept their baptism and their Baptist commitments.[20] The modern Baptist denomination is an outgrowth of Smyth's movement.[9] Baptists rejected the name Anabaptist when they were called that by opponents in derision. McBeth writes that as late as the 18th century, many Baptists referred to themselves as "the Christians commonly—thoughfalsely—called Anabaptists."[21]

Helwys took over the leadership, leading the church back to England in 1611, and he published thefirst Baptist confession of faith "A Declaration of Faith of English People" in 1611.[22] He founded the firstGeneral Baptist Church inSpitalfields, east London, in 1612.[23]

Another milestone in the early development of Baptist doctrine was in 1638 withJohn Spilsbury, aCalvinist minister who helped to promote the strict practice of believer's baptism by immersion (as opposed toaffusion oraspersion).[7] According to Tom Nettles, professor of historical theology atSouthern Baptist Theological Seminary, "Spilsbury's cogent arguments for a gathered, disciplined congregation of believers baptized by immersion as constituting the New Testament church gave expression to and built on insights that had emerged within separatism, advanced in the life of John Smyth and the suffering congregation of Thomas Helwys, and matured inParticular Baptists."[7]

Anabaptist influence view


A minority view is that early 17th century Baptists were influenced by (but not directly connected to) continental Anabaptists.[24] According to this view, the General Baptists shared similarities with Dutch Waterlander Mennonites (one of many Anabaptist groups) including believer's baptism only,religious liberty,separation of church and state, andArminian views of salvation, predestination and original sin.

It is certain that the early Baptist church led by Smyth had contacts with the Anabaptists; however it is debated if these influences found their way into the English General Baptists.[25] Representatives of this theory include A.C. Underwood and William R. Estep. Gourley writes that among some contemporary Baptist scholars who emphasize the faith of the community over soul liberty, the Anabaptist influence theory is making a comeback.[3] This view was also taught by the Reformed historianPhilip Schaff.[26]

However, the relations between Baptists and Anabaptists were early strained. In 1624, the five existing Baptist churches of London issued a condemnation of the Anabaptists.[27] Furthermore, the original group associated with Smyth (popularly believed to be the first Baptists) broke with the Waterlander Mennonite Anabaptists after a brief period of association in the Netherlands.[28]

Perpetuity and succession view

Main article:Baptist successionism

Traditional Baptist historians write from the perspective that Baptists had existed since the time of Christ.[29] Proponents of the Baptist successionist or perpetuity view consider the Baptist movement to have existed independently from Roman Catholicism and prior to the Protestant Reformation.[30] This view has been characterized as "apologetic and polemical" and "without consideration of a critical, scientific methodology".[31]

The perpetuity view is often identified withThe Trail of Blood, a booklet of five lectures byJames Milton Carroll published in 1931.[30] Other Baptist writers who advocate the successionist theory of Baptist origins areJohn T. Christian andThomas Crosby.[30][32] This view was held by English Baptist preacherCharles Spurgeon[33] as well asJesse Mercer, the namesake ofMercer University.[34] In 1898 William Whitsitt was pressured to resign his presidency of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for denying Baptist successionism.[35]

Baptist origins in the United Kingdom

See also:Baptist Union of Great Britain
A Short Declaration of the Mistery of Iniquity (1612) by Thomas Helwys. For Helwys, religious liberty was a right for everyone, even for those he disagreed with.

In 1612 Helwys established a Baptist congregation in London, consisting of congregants from Smyth's church. A number of other Baptist churches sprang up, and they became known as the General Baptists. The Particular Baptists were established when a group of Calvinist Separatists adopted believers' Baptism.[36][page needed] The Particular Baptists consisted of seven churches by 1644 and had created a confession of faith called the First London Confession of Faith.[37]

Baptist origins in North America

See also:Baptists in the United States andBaptists in Canada
TheFirst Baptist Church in America located inProvidence, Rhode Island

BothRoger Williams andJohn Clarke are variously credited as founding the earliest Baptist church in North America.[38] In 1639 Williams established a Baptist church inProvidence, Rhode Island, and Clarke began a Baptist church inNewport, Rhode Island. According to a Baptist historian who has researched the matter extensively, "There is much debate over the centuries as to whether the Providence or Newport church deserved the place of 'first' Baptist congregation in America. Exact records for both congregations are lacking."[6][39]

TheFirst Great Awakening energized the Baptist movement, and the Baptist community experienced spectacular growth. Baptists became the largest Christian community in many southern states, including among the enslaved Black population.[2]

Baptist missionary work in Canada began in the British colony ofNova Scotia (present day Nova Scotia andNew Brunswick) in the 1760s.[40] The first official record of a Baptist church in Canada was Horton Baptist Church (now Wolfville) inWolfville, Nova Scotia on 29 October 1778.[41] The church was established with the assistance of theNew Light evangelistHenry Alline. Many of Alline's followers, after his death, converted and strengthened the Baptist presence in the Atlantic region.[42][43] Two major groups of Baptists formed the basis of the churches inthe Maritimes. These were referred to as Regular Baptist (Calvinistic in their doctrine) andFree Will Baptists (Arminian in their doctrine).[42]

In May 1845, the Baptist congregations in the United States split over slavery and missions. TheHome Mission Society prevented slaveholders from being appointed as missionaries.[44] The split created theSouthern Baptist Convention, while the northern congregations formed their own umbrella organization now called theAmerican Baptist Churches USA (ABC-USA).[45] In 2015,Baptists in the U.S. number 50 million people and constitute roughly one-third ofAmerican Protestants.[46]

Baptist origins in Ukraine

See also:Baptists in Ukraine

The Baptist churches in Ukraine were preceded by the German Anabaptist andMennonite communities, who had been living in southern Ukraine since the 16th century, and who practiced adult believer's baptism.[47] The first Baptist baptism (adult baptism by full immersion) in Ukraine took place in 1864 on the riverInhul in the Yelizavetgrad region (nowKropyvnytskyi region), in aGerman settlement. In 1867, the first Baptist communities were organized in that area. From there, the Baptist movement spread across the south of Ukraine and then to other regions as well.

One of the first Baptist communities was registered inKyiv in 1907, and in 1908 the First All-Russian Convention of Baptists was held there, as Ukraine was still controlled by the Russian Empire. The All-Russian Union of Baptists was established in Yekaterinoslav (nowDnipro) in southern Ukraine. At the end of the 19th century, there were between 100,000 and 300,000 Baptists in Ukraine.[48] An independent All-Ukrainian Baptist Union of Ukraine was established during thebrief period of Ukraine's independence in early 20th-century and once again after the fall of the Soviet Union, the largest of which is currently known as theEvangelical Baptist Union of Ukraine.

Baptist churches

Main article:List of Baptist denominations
Baptist Hospital Mutengene (Tiko), member of theCameroon Baptist Convention
Regent's Park College inOxford, affiliated with theBaptist Union of Great Britain.

Some Baptist church congregations choose to be independent of larger church organizations (Independent Baptist). Other Baptist churches choose to be part of an international or national BaptistChristian denomination or association while still adhering to acongregationalist polity.[49][50][51][52] This cooperative relationship allows the development of common organizations, formission and societal purposes, such ashumanitarian aid, schools,theological institutes and hospitals.[53]

The majority of Baptist churches are part of national denominations (or 'associations' or 'cooperative groups'), as well as theBaptist World Alliance (BWA), formed in 1905 by 24 Baptist denominations from various countries.[54][55][56] The BWA's goals include caring for the needy, leading in world evangelism and defending human rights and religious freedom.

Missionary organizations


Missionary organizations favored the development of the movement on all continents. TheBMS World Mission was founded in 1792 atKettering, England.[57][58] In United States,International Ministries was founded in 1814, and theInternational Mission Board was founded in 1845.[59][60]


Worship service at The Rock Baptist Church ofLomé, member of theTogo Baptist Convention

Membership policies vary due to the autonomy of churches, but generally an individual becomes a member of a church through believer's baptism (which is a publicprofession of faith in Jesus, followed by immersion baptism).[61] Most Baptists do not believe that baptism is a requirement for salvation but rather a public expression of inner repentance and faith.[6] In general, Baptist churches do not have a stated age restriction on membership, but believer's baptism requires that an individual be able to freely and earnestly profess their faith.[62]

In 2010, an estimated 100 million Christians identified as Baptist or belonging to a Baptist-type church.[63] In 2020, according to the researcherSébastien Fath of theCNRS, the Baptist movement has around 170 million believers in the world.[64] According to a census released in 2024, the BWA includes 266 participating fellowships in 134 countries, with 178,000 churches and 51 million baptized members.[65] These statistics may not be fully representative, however, since some churches in the United States have dual or triple national Baptist affiliation, causing a church and its members to be counted possibly by more than one Baptist association, if these associations are members of the BWA.[66][67]

Among the censuses carried out by individual Baptist associations in 2023, those which claimed the most members on each continent were:

North AmericaSouthern Baptist Convention46,90612,982,090[68]
National Baptist Convention, USA21,1458,415,100[65]
South AmericaBrazilian Baptist Convention9,2881,809,230
Evangelical Baptist Convention of Argentina1,21685,000[65]
AfricaNigerian Baptist Convention14,5238,925,000
Baptist Convention of Tanzania1,3912,690,730
Baptist Community of the Congo River2,6851,765,836[65]
AsiaMyanmar Baptist Convention5,3371,013,499
Nagaland Baptist Church Council1,724716,495
Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches1,079600,000[65]
EuropeAll-Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christian Baptists2,192105,189[65]
Baptist Union of Great Britain1,875100,103
Union of Christian Baptist Churches in Romania1,69783,853[65]
OceaniaBaptist Union of Papua New Guinea49384,700
Australian Baptist Ministries1,02978,416[65]


Main articles:Baptist beliefs andList of Baptist confessions of faith

Since the early days of the Baptist movement, various associations have adopted common confessions of faith as the basis for cooperative work among churches.[69] Each church has a particular confession of faith and a common confession of faith if it is a member of an association of churches.[69] Some historically significant Baptist doctrinal documents include the1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1742 Philadelphia Baptist Confession, the1833 New Hampshire Baptist Confession of Faith, and writtenchurch covenants which some individual Baptist churches adopt as a statement of their faith and beliefs.

Baptist theology shares many doctrines withevangelical theology.[70] It is based onbelievers' Church doctrine.[71] Baptists, like other Christians, are defined by school of thought—some of it common to all orthodox and evangelical groups, and a portion of it distinctive to Baptists.[72] Through the years, different Baptist groups have issued confessions of faith—without considering them to becreeds—to express their particular doctrinal distinctions in comparison to other Christians as well as in comparison to other Baptists.[73] Baptist denominations are traditionally seen as belonging to two parties,General Baptists who upholdArminian theology, andParticular Baptists who uphold Reformed theology (Calvinism).[4] During theholiness movement, some General Baptists accepted the teaching of asecond work of grace and formed denominations that emphasized this belief, such as theOhio Valley Association of the Christian Baptist Churches of God and theHoliness Baptist Association.[74] Most Baptists are evangelical in doctrine, but their beliefs may vary due to the congregational governance system that gives autonomy to individual local Baptist churches.[75] Historically, Baptists have played a key role in encouraging religious freedom and the doctrine of separation of church and state.[76]

Shared doctrines would include beliefs about one God; thevirgin birth of Jesus; miracles;substitutionary atonement for sins through thedeath,burial, and bodilyresurrection ofJesus; theTrinity; the need for salvation (through belief in Jesus Christ as theSon of God, his death and resurrection); grace; theKingdom of God; last things (eschatology) (JesusChrist will return personally and visibly in glory to Earth; thedead will be raised; andChrist will judge everyone in righteousness); andevangelism andmissions.

Most Baptists hold that no church or ecclesiastical organization has inherent authority over a Baptist church. Churches can properly relate to each other under this polity only through voluntary cooperation, never by any sort of coercion. Furthermore, this Baptist polity calls for freedom from governmental control.[77] Exceptions to this local form of local governance include a few churches that submit to the leadership of a body ofelders, as well as theEpiscopal Baptists who have anEpiscopal system.

Baptists generally believe in the literal Second Coming of Christ.[78] Beliefs among Baptists regarding the "end times" includeamillennialism, both dispensational and historicpremillennialism, with views such aspostmillennialism andpreterism receiving some support.

Some additional distinctive Baptist principles held by many Baptists:[79]: 2 

  • The supremacy of the canonical Scriptures as a norm of faith and practice. For something to become a matter of faith and practice, it is not sufficient for it to be merelyconsistent with and not contrary to scriptural principles. It must be somethingexplicitly ordained through command or example in the Bible. For instance, this is why Baptists do not practice infant baptism: they say the Bible neither commands nor exemplifies infant baptism as a Christian practice. More than any other Baptist principle, this one when applied to infant baptism is said to separate Baptists from other evangelical Christians.
  • Baptists believe that faith is a matter between God and the individual. It is connected in theory with the advocacy of absolute liberty of conscience.
  • Insistence on immersion believer's baptism as the only mode of baptism. Baptists do not believe that baptism is necessary for salvation. Therefore, for Baptists, baptism is anordinance, not asacrament, since in their view it imparts no saving grace.[79]

Beliefs that vary among Baptists

See also:General Baptists,Bapticostal movement, andRegular Baptists
Church sign indicating that the congregation uses theAuthorized King James Version of the Bible of 1611

Since there is no hierarchical authority and each Baptist church is autonomous, there is no official set of Baptist theological beliefs.[80] These differences exist among associations and even among churches within the associations. Some doctrinal issues on which there is widespread difference among Baptists are:

Excommunication may be used as a last resort by some denominations and churches for members who do not want to repent of beliefs or behavior at odds with the confession of faith of the community. When an entire congregation is excluded, it is often called disfellowship.[89]

Types of Baptists


General Baptists


General Baptists are Baptists who hold to the view of unlimited atonement, believing that God died for every human being and not just the elect. These Baptists are generally closer toArminian theology, and theFree Will Baptists belong to this grouping.[90][91][92]

The General Baptists also emerged from English Separatists, who contended that theChurch of England was a false church, from which one should separate from completely.[93]

Particular Baptists


TheParticular Baptists or Reformed Baptists are Baptists who hold to theCalvinistic view of salvation.[94] Depending on the denomination, Calvinistic Baptists adhere to varying degrees of Reformed theology, ranging from simply embracing theFive Points of Calvinism, to accepting a modified form offederalism; all Calvinistic Baptists reject the classical Reformed teaching oninfant baptism. While the Reformed Baptist confessions affirm views of the nature of baptism similar to those of the classical Reformed, they reject infants as the proper subjects of baptism.[95]

In distinction to the General Baptists who emphasized separation from the Church of England, the Particular Baptists sought moreecumenism.[93]

Missionary Baptists


TheMissionary Baptists were a grounp of Baptists that came from the missionary controversy in the United States, where the Missionary Baptists supported the usage of missionaries.[96]

Primitive Baptists


Primitive Baptists are a type of Baptists who adhere to some type of Calvinistic beliefs, who came out of the controversy among Baptists on the use of mission boards, tract societies and temperamence societies.[97][98] Primitive Baptists reject some elements of classical Reformed theology, such as infant baptism, and avoid the term "Calvinist".[98] They are still Calvinist in the sense of holding strongly to the Five Points of Calvinism and they explicitly rejectArminianism.[98][99] They are also characterized by "intense conservatism".[100][101]

Independent Baptists


Independent Baptists are Baptists who arose from local Baptist congregations whose members were concerned about the doctrines oftheological liberalism in national Baptist conventions.[102][103] Independent Baptists are primarilyfundamentalist,[104] and although they may differ on multiple issues such as soteriology, dress standards, music, the practice of communion among others, they are homogenous on issues such as opposition tohomosexuality,ordination of women, thecharismatic movement,evolution andabortion.[105]

New Independent Baptists


During the 21st century, theNew Independent Fundamental Baptist movement was founded out of the Independent Baptist movement bySteven Anderson. However, this movement has been heavily criticized by Independent Baptists due to many doctrinal differences.[106] Some former New IFB pastors have also charged the association of being acult.[107]

Seventh Day Baptists


Seventh Day Baptists are Baptists who practice Sabbatarianism. However, it is not certain when Seventh Day Baptists took denominational form, and they do not claim an unbroken succession of church organization from before the Reformation.[108]

Landmark Baptists


Landmark Baptists are a Baptist movement which originated in the 19th century in United States, with leaders such asJ. R. Graves,J. M. Pendleton andA. C. Dayton, although they denied being a new movement, but a continuation of the old-fashioned Baptists. Landmark Baptists believe that the term "church" should be reserved for Baptist churches exclusively, arguing that groups such asMethodists orPresbyterians are not churches at all, but only religious societies. They believe that Baptists share an unbroken line of succession from the early church.[109]


Show on the life ofJesus atCity Church inSão José dos Campos, affiliated to theBrazilian Baptist Convention, 2017
Chümoukedima Ao Baptist Church, affiliated with theNagaland Baptist Church Council (India)

In Baptist churches,worship service is part of the life of thechurch and includespraise,worship, ofprayers toGod, asermon based on theBible,offering, and periodically the Lord's Supper.[110][111] Some churches have services with traditionalChristian music, others withcontemporary Christian music, and some offer both in separate services.[112] In many churches, there are services adapted for children, even teenagers.[113] Prayer meetings are also held during the week.[114]

The architecture is generally sober, and theLatin cross is one of the only spiritual symbols that can usually be seen on the building of a Baptist church and that identifies the place where it belongs.[115]



Baptist churches established elementary and secondary schools,Bible colleges, colleges and universities as early as the 1680s in England,[116] before continuing in various countries.[117] In 2006, theInternational Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities was founded in the United States.[118] In 2023, it had 42 member universities.[119]


Wedding ceremony at First Baptist Church ofRivas,Baptist Convention of Nicaragua, 2011

Many churches promotevirginity pledges to young Baptist Christians, who are invited to engage in a public ceremony ofsexual abstinence until Christian marriage.[120] This pact is often symbolized by apurity ring.[121] Programs likeTrue Love Waits, founded in 1993 by theSouthern Baptist Convention have been developed to support the commitments.[122]

Most Baptist associations around the world believe only in marriage between a man and a woman.[123] Some Baptist associations do not have official beliefs about marriage in aconfession of faith and invokecongregationalism to leave the choice to each church to decide.[124][125] This is the case ofAmerican Baptist Churches USA,Progressive National Baptist Convention (USA),Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (USA),National Baptist Convention, USA and theBaptist Union of Great Britain. Some Baptist associations support same-sex marriage. This is the case of theAlliance of Baptists (USA),[126] the Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms,[127] the Aliança de Batistas do Brasil,[128] the Fraternidad de Iglesias Bautistas de Cuba,[129] and theAssociation of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (international).[130]



Baptists have faced many controversies in their 400-year history, controversies of the level of crises. Baptist historian Walter Shurden says the wordcrisis comes from the Greek word meaning 'to decide.' Shurden writes that contrary to the presumed negative view of crises, some controversies that reach a crisis level may actually be "positive and highly productive." He claims that evenschism, though never ideal, has often produced positive results. In his opinion, crises among Baptists each have become decision moments that shaped their future.[131]

Missions crisis


Early in the 19th century, the rise of the modernmissions movement, and the backlash against it, led to widespread and bitter controversy among the American Baptists.[132] During this era, the American Baptists were split between missionary and anti-missionary. A substantial secession of Baptists went into the movement led byAlexander Campbell to return to a more fundamental church.[133]

Slavery crisis

See also:Christian views on slavery

United States

Service atEbenezer Baptist Church inAtlanta (Georgia), affiliated with theProgressive National Baptist Convention

Leading up to theAmerican Civil War, Baptists became embroiled in the controversy overslavery in the United States. Whereas in theFirst Great Awakening,Methodist and Baptist preachers had opposed slavery and urgedmanumission, over the decades they made more of an accommodation with the institution. They worked with slaveholders in theSouth to urge apaternalistic institution. Both denominations made direct appeals to slaves and free Blacks for conversion. The Baptists particularly allowed them active roles in congregations. By the mid-19th century, northern Baptists tended to oppose slavery. As tensions increased, in 1844 the Home Mission Society refused to appoint a slaveholder as a missionary who had been proposed by Georgia. It noted that missionaries could not take servants with them, and also that the board did not want to appear to condone slavery.[134]

In 1845, a group of churches in favor of slavery and in disagreement with theabolitionism of the Triennial Convention (now American Baptist Churches USA) left to form the Southern Baptist Convention.[135] They believed that the Bible sanctions slavery, and that it was acceptable for Christians to own slaves. They believed slavery was a human institution which Baptist teaching could make less harsh. By this time, manyplanters were part of Baptist congregations, and some of the denomination's prominent preachers, such asBasil Manly Sr., president of theUniversity of Alabama, were also planters who owned slaves.

As early as the late 18th century, Black Baptists began to organize separate churches, associations and mission agencies. Blacks set up some independent Baptist congregations in the South before the Civil War. White Baptist associations maintained some oversight of these churches.

In the postwar years,freedmen quickly left the white congregations and associations, setting up their own churches.[136] In 1866, the Consolidated American Baptist Convention, formed from Black Baptists of the South and West, helped southern associations set up Black state conventions, which they did inAlabama,Arkansas,Virginia,North Carolina, andKentucky. In 1880, Black state conventions united in the national Foreign Mission Convention to support Black Baptist missionary work. Two other national Black conventions were formed, and in 1895 they united as theNational Baptist Convention. This organization later went through its own changes, spinning off other conventions. It is the largest Black religious organization and the second-largest Baptist organization in the world.[137] Baptists are numerically most dominant in the Southeast.[138] In 2007, thePew Research Center's Religious Landscape Survey found that 45% of all African Americans identify with Baptist denominations, with the vast majority of those being within the historically Black tradition.[139]

Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister and civil rights leader, at the 1963 civil rights march on Washington, D.C. TheCivil Rights movement divided various Baptists in the U.S., as slavery had more than a century earlier.

In the American South, the interpretation of the Civil War, abolition of slavery and postwar period has differed sharply by race since those years. Americans have often interpreted great events in religious terms. HistorianWilson Fallin contrasts the interpretation of Civil War andReconstruction in White versus Black memory by analyzing Baptist sermons documented in Alabama. They quickly organized their own congregations and developed their own regional and state associations and, by the end of the 19th century, a national convention.[140]

White preachers in Alabama after Reconstruction expressed the view that:

God had chastised them and given them a special mission – to maintain orthodoxy, strict biblicism, personal piety, and "traditional" race relations. Slavery, they insisted, had not been sinful. Rather, emancipation was a historical tragedy and the end of Reconstruction was a clear sign of God's favor.

Black preachers interpreted the Civil War,Emancipation and Reconstruction as "God's gift of freedom." They had a gospel of liberation, having long identified with theBook of Exodus from slavery in the Old Testament. They took opportunities to exercise their independence, to worship in their own way, to affirm their worth and dignity, and to proclaim the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Most of all, they quickly formed their own churches, associations, and conventions to operate freely without white supervision. These institutions offered self-help and racial uplift, a place to develop and use leadership, and places for proclamation of the gospel of liberation. As a result, Black preachers said that God would protect and help him and God's people; God would be their rock in a stormy land.[141]

The Southern Baptist Convention supportedwhite supremacy and its results:disenfranchising most Blacks and many poor whites at the turn of the 20th century by raising barriers to voter registration, and passage ofracial segregation laws that enforced the system ofJim Crow.[142] Its members largely resisted thecivil rights movement in the South, which sought to enforce their constitutional rights for public access and voting; and enforcement of midcentury federal civil rights laws.[143]

In 1995, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution that recognized the failure of their ancestors to protect the civil rights of African Americans.[144] More than 20,000 Southern Baptists registered for the meeting in Atlanta. The resolution declared that messengers, as SBC delegates are called, "unwaveringly denounce racism, in all its forms, as deplorable sin" and "lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest." It offered an apology to all African Americans for "condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime" and repentance for "racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously or unconsciously." Although Southern Baptists have condemned racism in the past, this was the first time the convention, predominantly White since the Reconstruction era, had specifically addressed the issue of slavery.

The statement sought forgiveness "from our African-American brothers and sisters" and pledged to "eradicate racism in all its forms from Southern Baptist life and ministry." In 1995, about 500,000 members of the 15.6-million-member denomination were African Americans and another 300,000 were ethnic minorities. The resolution marked the denomination's first formal acknowledgment that racism played a role in its founding.[145]

Caribbean islands


A healthy Church kills error, and tears evil in pieces! Not so very long ago our nation tolerated slavery in our colonies. Philanthropists endeavored to destroy slavery, but when was it utterly abolished? It was whenWilberforce roused the Church of God, and when the Church of God addressed herself to the conflict—then she tore the evil thing to pieces! –C.H. Spurgeon an outspoken British Baptist opponent of slavery in 'The Best War Cry' (1883)[146]

Elsewhere in the Americas, in the Caribbean in particular, Baptist missionaries and members took an active role in the anti-slavery movement. In Jamaica, for example,William Knibb, a prominent British Baptist missionary, worked toward the emancipation of slaves in theBritish West Indies (which took place in full in 1838). Knibb supported the creation of "Free Villages" and sought funding from English Baptists to buy land for freedmen to cultivate; the Free Villages were envisioned as rural communities to be centered around a Baptist church where emancipated slaves could farm their own land.Thomas Burchell, missionary minister inMontego Bay, was active in this movement, gaining funds from Baptists in England to buy land for what became known as Burchell Free Village.

Prior to emancipation, Baptist deaconSamuel Sharpe, who served with Burchell, organized a general strike of slaves seeking better conditions. It developed into a major rebellion of as many as 60,000 slaves, which became known as the Christmas Rebellion or theBaptist War. It was put down by government troops within two weeks. During and after the rebellion, an estimated 200 slaves were killed outright, with more than 300 judicially executed later by prosecution in the courts, sometimes for minor offenses.

Baptists were active after emancipation in promoting the education of former slaves; for example, Jamaica'sCalabar High School, named after the port ofCalabar in Nigeria, was founded by Baptist missionaries. At the same time, during and after slavery, slaves and free Blacks formed their ownSpiritual Baptist movements—breakaway spiritual movements which theology often expressed resistance to oppression.[147]

Landmark crisis


Southern BaptistLandmarkism sought to reset theecclesiastical separation which had characterized the old Baptist churches, in an era when inter-denominational union meetings were the order of the day.[148]James Robinson Graves was an influential Baptist of the 19th century and the primary leader of this movement.[149] While some Landmarkers eventually separated from the Southern Baptist Convention, the movement continued to influence the Convention into the 20th and 21st centuries.[150]

Modernist crisis

Further information:Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy
Charles Spurgeon later in life

The rise of theological modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries also greatly affected Baptists.[151] The Landmark movement has been described as a reaction among Southern Baptists in the United States against incipient modernism.[152] In England,Charles Spurgeon fought against modernistic views of the Scripture in theDowngrade Controversy and severed his church from the Baptist Union as a result.[153][154][155]

TheNorthern Baptist Convention in the United States had internal conflict over modernism in the early 20th century, ultimately embracing it.[156] Two new conservative associations of congregations that separated from the convention were founded as a result: theGeneral Association of Regular Baptist Churches in 1933 and theConservative Baptist Association of America in 1947.[156]

Following similar conflicts over modernism,the Southern Baptist Convention adhered to conservative theology as its official position.[157][158] In the late 20th century, Southern Baptists who disagreed with this direction founded two new groups: the liberalAlliance of Baptists in 1987 and the more moderateCooperative Baptist Fellowship in 1991.[159][160][161][162] Originally both schisms continued to identify as Southern Baptist, but over time they "became permanent new families of Baptists."[159]



In his 1963 book,Strength to Love, Baptist pastorMartin Luther King Jr. criticized some Baptist churches for theiranti-intellectualism, especially because of the lack of theological training among pastors.[163]

In 2018, Baptist theologianRussell D. Moore criticized some Baptists in the United States for theirmoralism emphasizing strongly the condemnation of certain personal sins, but silent on the social injustices that afflict entire populations, such as racism.[164] In 2020, theNorth American Baptist Fellowship, a region of the Baptist World Alliance, officially made a commitment to social justice and spoke out againstinstitutionalized discrimination in the American justice system.[165] In 2022, the Baptist World Alliance adopted a resolution encouraging Baptist churches and associations that have historically contributed to the sin of slavery to engage inrestorative justice.[166]

See also



  1. ^abShurden, Walter (2001)."Turning Points in Baptist History". Macon, GA: The Center for Baptist Studies, Mercer University. Retrieved16 January 2010.
  2. ^abcFiddes, Paul (2022)."Baptists". In Andrew Louth (ed.).The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.ISBN 9780191744396.
  3. ^abcdefGourley, Bruce. "A Very Brief Introduction to Baptist History, Then and Now."The Baptist Observer.
  4. ^abcBenedict, David (1848).A General History of the Baptist Denomination in America and Other Parts of the World. Lewis Colby. p. 325.It is, however, well known by the community at home and abroad, that from a very early period they have been divided into two parties, which have been denominatedGeneral andParticular, which differ from each other mainly in their doctrinal sentiments; the Generals being Arminians, and the other, Calvinists.
  5. ^The First Church, J. T. Mann
  6. ^abcBrackney, William H (2006).Baptists in North America: an historical perspective. Blackwell Publishing. p. 22.ISBN 978-1-4051-1865-1.
  7. ^abcRobinson, Jeff (14 December 2009)."Anabaptist kinship or English dissent? Papers at ETS examine Baptist origins".Baptist Press. Archived fromthe original on 19 June 2013.
  8. ^abLeonard 2003, pp. 24
  9. ^abBriggs, John."Baptist Origins". Baptist History and Heritage Society. Archived fromthe original on 5 January 2010. Retrieved10 January 2010.
  10. ^Brown, Harold O.J. (1988).Heresies: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the History of the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Hendrickson Publishers. p. 337.ISBN 1-56563-365-2.
  11. ^J. Gordon Melton and Martin Baumann,Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, ABC-CLIO, US, 2010, p. 298
  12. ^William H. Brackney,Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, Scarecrow Press, US, 2009, p. 530
  13. ^Olivier Favre,Les églises évangéliques de Suisse: origines et identités, Labor et Fides, Genève, 2006, p. 328
  14. ^W. Glenn Jonas Jr.,The Baptist River, Mercer University Press, US, 2008, p. 6
  15. ^Robert Andrew Baker, John M. Landers,A Summary of Christian History, B&H Publishing Group, US, 2005, p. 258
  16. ^Robert E. Johnson,A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2010, p. 33
  17. ^Michael Edward Williams, Walter B. Shurden,Turning Points in Baptist History, Mercer University Press, US, 2008, p. 36
  18. ^Nettles, Tom J. (Spring 2009)."Once Upon a Time, Four Hundred Years Ago..."Founders Journal.76:2–8. Archived fromthe original on 29 March 2020. Retrieved4 January 2010.
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  21. ^McBeth, H Leon."Baptist Beginnings". Baptist History and Heritage Society.Archived from the original on 21 October 2007. Retrieved19 October 2007.
  22. ^John H. Y. Briggs,A Dictionary of European Baptist Life and Thought, Wipf and Stock Publishers, US, 2009, p. 467
  23. ^Sébastien Fath,Une autre manière d'être chrétien en France: socio-histoire de l'implantation baptiste, 1810–1950, Editions Labor et Fides, Genève, 2001, p. 81
  24. ^Priest, Gerald L (14 October 2010),Are Baptists Protestants?(PDF), Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, archived from the original on 20 June 2017{{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link).
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  29. ^Torbet 1975, pp. 18–9.
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  49. ^"Family Trees".Association of Religion Data Archives. Retrieved28 November 2023.Modern Baptists are a group of Christian denominations and churches who subscribe to a theology of believer's baptism (as opposed to infant baptism), salvation through faith alone, Scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local church.
  50. ^Williams, Michael Edward; Shurden, Walter B. (2008).Turning Points in Baptist History. Mercer University Press. pp. 63, 72.63: "Baptists' practice of congregational church government means that all authority and power in Baptist life is focused in the local congregation of believers, not in any extra-local ecclesiastical body. From their beginnings, especially in America, the Baptist people consistently and repeatedly affirmed the local church as the center of their life together. For that reason there is no "The Baptist Church" in the same sense that there is "The Methodist Church," "The Episcopal Church," or "The Presbyterian Church." There are only "Baptist churches." Baptists have formed "conventions" of churches, "unions" of churches, and "associations" of churches, but final authority in Baptist life resides in the local congregation of believers. That authority does not rest in a denomination or any extra-local church body of any kind, civil or ecclesiastical." 72: " If you examine Baptist associations among different national Baptist bodies in contemporary America or if you compare Baptist associations in various countries today, you will find a wide divergence in the nature and practice of associations. This leads to the conclusion that Baptists really have no consistent or obvious theology of church order beyond the local church. Baptists do not have an ecclesiology beyond the local church that tells them how they must organize or structure their local churches into a Baptist denomination. For the most part, each group of Baptists has been guided primarily by practical issues, though they usually conscript both the Bible and Baptist theology in making the case for church connectionalism."
  51. ^Blankman, Drew; Augustine, Todd (17 April 2010).Pocket Dictionary of North American Denominations: Over 100 Christian Groups Clearly & Concisely Defined. InterVarsity Press. p. 88.ISBN 978-0-8308-6706-6.
  52. ^ Stephen R. Holmes,Baptist Theology, T&T Clark, Edinburgh, 2012, p. 104-105
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  54. ^Robert E. Johnson,A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2010, p. 238
  55. ^Brackney, William H. (2009).Historical Dictionary of the Baptists. Scarecrow Press. pp. 38–40.ASSOCIATIONS, BAPTIST. Groups of Baptist churches formed for the purpose of mutual support, aid to destitute congregations, and advice on matters of order, discipline, expansion, and identity. Based upon a principle common to most Christian organizations, Baptists have almost from their beginnings associated in this way with other churches of like faith and order. The Baptist association is not considered a superior body to the local congregation but rather an advisory body voluntarily covenanting with local churches for specific tasks.
  56. ^Weaver, C. Douglas (2008).In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story. Mercer University Press. p. 26.Interdependence of Churches: Associations. Baptist life has accented the independence of the local church more than the interdependence of churches. At the same time, Baptists from their earliest decades of existence sought to practice cooperative work with other Baptist churches in associations. Churches met for fellowship and mutual encouragement and sought doctrinal unity with like-minded churches.
  57. ^Robert E. Johnson,A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2010, p. 99
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  91. ^Garrett, James Leo (2009).Baptist Theology: A Four-century Study. Mercer University Press. p. 119.ISBN 9780881461299.
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  124. ^ William H. Brackney,Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, Scarecrow Press, USA, 2009, p. 503
  125. ^ Bill J. Leonard,Baptists in America, Columbia University Press, USA, 2005, p. 243
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  127. ^ William H. Brackney,Historical Dictionary of the Baptists, Rowman & Littlefield, USA, 2021, p. 628
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  133. ^Christian 1926, pp. 421–36.
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  135. ^Samuel S. Hill, Charles H. Lippy, Charles Reagan Wilson,Encyclopedia of Religion in the South, Mercer University Press, US, 2005, p. 796
  136. ^Fitts, Leroy (1985),A History of Black Baptists, Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, pp. 43–106
  137. ^Fitts (1985)
  138. ^Baptists as a Percentage of all Residents, 2000, Department of Geography and Meteorology,Valparaiso University, archived fromthe original(GIFF) on 22 May 2010.
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  141. ^Wilson Fallin Jr.,Uplifting the People: Three Centuries of Black Baptists in Alabama (2007) pp. 52–53
  142. ^Hassan, Adeel (12 December 2018)."Oldest Institution of Southern Baptist Convention Reveals Past Ties to Slavery".The New York Times.ISSN 0362-4331. Archived fromthe original on 1 January 2022. Retrieved18 June 2020.
  143. ^Hankins, Barry (2002).Uneasy in Babylon: Southern Baptist Conservatives and American Culture. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press. p. 74.ISBN 978-0-8173-1142-1.One scholar has called the proslavery racism that gave birth to the SBC the denomination's original sin. He argued that the controversy of the 1980s was part of God's judgment on a denomination that for most of its history engaged in racism, sexism, and a sense of denominational superiority. Whatever the merits of this particular argument, the Southern Baptist Convention, like most southern institutions, reflected, manifested, and in many instances led the racism of the region as a whole. Nowhere was this more prevalent than during the Civil Rights era of the 1960s, when most of the leaders of the opposition to desegregation were Southern Baptists. For just one example of a fairly typical Southern Baptist attitude, one can turn to Douglas Hudgins, pastor of one of the South's most prominent churches in the 1950s and 1960s, First Baptist, Jackson, Mississippi. Hudgins used the moderate theology of E. Y. Mullins, with its emphasis on individualism and soul competency, to argue that the Christian faith had nothing to do with a corporate, societal problem like segregation. He, therefore, refused to speak up for African Americans and, in more ways than he could have known, helped inspire a whole generation of Southern Baptists to rest comfortably in their belief that segregation was natural and that the Civil Rights movement was a perversion of the gospel.
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  152. ^Ashcraft, Robert, ed. (2000),History of the American Baptist Association, Texarkana, History and Archives Committee of the American Baptist Association, pp. 63–6
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  158. ^James, Rob B.The Fundamentalist Takeover in the Southern Baptist Convention, 4th ed., Wilkes Publishing,Washington, Georgia.
  159. ^abBrackney, William H. (2006).Baptists in North America: An Historical Perspective. Wiley. p. 138.ISBN 978-1-4051-1865-1. Retrieved16 May 2012.
  160. ^Mead, Frank Spencer; Hill, Samuel S; Atwood, Craig D (2001).Handbook of Denominations in the United States. Abingdon Press. p. 46.ISBN 978-0-687-06983-5.
  161. ^Leonard, Bill J. (2007).Baptists in America. Columbia University Press. p. 228.ISBN 978-0-231-12703-5.
  162. ^"CBF History". Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Archived fromthe original on 30 November 2010. Retrieved16 January 2010.
  163. ^Lewis Baldwin,The Voice of Conscience: The Church in the Mind of Martin Luther King, Jr., Oxford University Press, US, 2010, p. 16
  164. ^Smith, Samuel (13 September 2018)."Moore on MacArthur's Social Justice Statement: 'Bible Doesn't Make These Artificial Distinctions'".The Christian Post. Retrieved9 May 2023.
  165. ^Camp, Ken (4 June 2020)."Baptist groups lament and decry racial injustice".Baptist Standard. Retrieved9 May 2023.
  166. ^Ken Camp,BWA resolutions condemn racism, commend reparations,, USA, July 16, 2022



Further reading

  • Bebbington, David.Baptists through the Centuries: A History of a Global People (Baylor University Press, 2010) emphasis on the United States and Europe; the last two chapters are on the global context.
  • Brackney, William H.A Genetic History of Baptist Thought: With Special Reference to Baptists in Britain and North America (Mercer University Press, 2004), focus on confessions of faith, hymns, theologians, and academics.
  • Brackney, William H. ed.,Historical Dictionary of the Baptists (2nd ed. Scarecrow, 2009).
  • Cathcart, William, ed.The Baptist Encyclopedia (2 vols. 1883).online
  • Gavins, Raymond.The Perils and Prospects of Southern Black Leadership: Gordon Blaine Hancock, 1884–1970. Duke University Press, 1977.
  • Harrison, Paul M.Authority and Power in the Free Church Tradition: A Social Case Study of the American Baptist Convention Princeton University Press, 1959.
  • Harvey, Paul.Redeeming the South: Religious Cultures and Racial Identities among Southern Baptists, 1865–1925 University of North Carolina Press, 1997.
  • Heyrman, Christine Leigh.Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt (1997).
  • Isaac, Rhy. "Evangelical Revolt: The Nature of the Baptists' Challenge to the Traditional Order in Virginia, 1765 to 1775",William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., XXXI (July 1974), 345–368.
  • Life & Practice in the Early Church: A Documentary Reader, New York University press, 2001, pp. 5–7,ISBN 978-0-8147-5648-5.
  • Kidd, Thomas S., Barry Hankins, Oxford University Press, 2015
  • Leonard, Bill J.Baptists in America (Columbia University Press, 2005).
  • Menikoff, Aaron (2014).Politics and Piety: Baptist Social Reform in America, 1770–1860. Wipf and Stock Publishers.ISBN 9781630872823.
  • Pitts, Walter F.Old Ship of Zion: The Afro-Baptist Ritual in the African Diaspora Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • Rawlyk, George.Champions of the Truth: Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Maritime Baptists (1990), Canada.
  • Spangler, Jewel L. "Becoming Baptists: Conversion in Colonial and Early National Virginia"Journal of Southern History. Volume: 67. Issue: 2. 2001. pp. 243+
  • Stringer, Phil.The Faithful Baptist Witness, Landmark Baptist Press, 1998.
  • Underwood, A. C.A History of the English Baptists. London: Kingsgate Press, 1947.
  • Whitley, William ThomasA Baptist Bibliography: being a register of the chief materials for Baptist history, whether in manuscript or in print, preserved in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies. 2 vols. London: Kingsgate Press, 1916–1922 (reissued) Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1984ISBN 3487074567
  • Wilhite, David E. (2009)."The Baptists "And the Son": The Filioque Clause in Noncreedal Theology".Journal of Ecumenical Studies.44 (2):285–302.
  • Wills, Gregory A.Democratic Religion: Freedom, Authority, and Church Discipline in the Baptist South, 1785–1900, Oxford.

Primary sources

  • McBeth, H. Leon, ed.A Sourcebook for Baptist Heritage (1990), primary sources for Baptist history.
  • McKinion, Steven A., ed.Life and Practice in the Early Church: A Documentary Reader (2001)
  • McGlothlin, W. J., ed.Baptist Confessions of Faith. Philadelphia: The American Baptist Publication Society, 1911.

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