The 101 Frenchdepartments are divided into 342arrondissements,[6] which may be roughly translated into English asdistricts. The capital of an arrondissement is called asubprefecture. When an arrondissement contains theprefecture (capital) of the department, that prefecture is the capital of the arrondissement, acting both as a prefecture and as a subprefecture. Arrondissements are further divided intocantons andcommunes.
Amunicipal arrondissement (French:arrondissement municipal, pronounced[aʁɔ̃dismɑ̃mynisipal]), is a subdivision of thecommune, used in the three largest cities: Paris,Lyon, andMarseille. It functions as an even lower administrative division, with its own mayor. Although usually referred to simply as an "arrondissement", they should not be confused with departmentalarrondissements, which are groupings of communes within onedépartement. The official translation into English is "district".
Belgium is afederalized country which geographically consists of three regions, of which onlyFlanders (Flemish Region) andWallonia (Walloon Region) are subdivided into five provinces each; theBrussels-Capital Region is neither a province nor is it part of one.
In Belgium, there are administrative, judicial and electoral arrondissements. These may or may not relate to identical geographical areas.
The 43administrative arrondissements[4] are an administrative level between themunicipalities and theprovinces.
Most nations in Africa that have been colonized by France have retained the arrondissement administrative structure. These are normally subunits of a department and may either contain or be coequal with communes (towns). InMali the arrondissement is a subunit of acercle, while in some places arrondissements are essentially subdistricts of large cities.
Between 1962 and 2002, each ofNiger's departments was subdivided into arrondissements; seeArrondissements of Niger: Since 2002, they have been renamed Departments (with the former Departments renamed Regions).
Each of Mali's cercles is subdivided into arrondissements; seeCercles of Mali for maps of arrondissements by cercle.
Each ofBenin's departments is subdivided into communes, which are in turn subdivided into arrondissements: they sit above villages in Benin's structure; seeCommunes of Benin for maps of communes by Department.
Each ofCameroon's departments is subdivided into arrondissements: they sit abovesubdistricts and communes in Cameroon's structure; seeDepartments of Cameroon for maps of arrondissements by Department.
Since 2002,Chad retains arrondissements only in the city ofN'Djamena, which is divided into 10 municipal arrondissements.
Djibouti retains arrondissements only in the city ofDjibouti City, which is divided into six arrondissements.
Morocco's cercles are subdivided into communes rurales, municipalities, communes urbaines, and arrondissements, depending on the classification of the community.
In theCanadian province ofQuebec, eight cities are divided into arrondissements, known asboroughs in English. In Quebec, boroughs are provincially organized and recognized sub-municipal entities that have mayors and councilors.