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Ethnic group native to the Balkans
Not to be confused withArameans,Armenians, orRomanians.

Ethnic group
Theflag most commonly associated with the Aromanians,[1] unofficial but with traditional roots[2]
Total population
c. 250,000 (Aromanian-speakers)[3]
Regions with significant populations
 Greece39,855(1951 census);[4] estimated up to 300,000 (2002)[5]
 Romania26,500(2006 estimate)[6]
 North Macedonia8,714(2021 census)[7]
 Albania2,459(2023 census)[8]
 Bulgaria2,000–3,000(2014 estimate)[9]
 Serbia327(2022 census)[10]
also languages of their home countries
PredominantlyEastern Orthodox Christianity
Related ethnic groups
OtherRomance-speaking peoples;
(most notablyIstro-Romanians,Megleno-Romanians andRomanians)
Part of a series on

TheAromanians (Aromanian:Armãnji, Rrãmãnji)[11] are anethnic group native to the southernBalkans who speakAromanian, anEastern Romance language.[12] They traditionally live in central and southernAlbania, south-westernBulgaria, northern and centralGreece, andNorth Macedonia, and can currently be found in central and southern Albania, south-western Bulgaria, south-western and eastern North Macedonia, northern and central Greece, southern Serbia, and south-easternRomania (Northern Dobruja). AnAromanian diaspora living outside these places also exists. The Aromanians are known by several other names, such as "Vlachs" or "Macedo-Romanians"[13][14][15] (sometimes used to also refer to theMegleno-Romanians).[16]

The term "Vlachs" is used in Greece and in other countries to refer to the Aromanians, with this term having been more widespread in the past to refer to all Romance-speaking peoples of theBalkan Peninsula andCarpathian Mountains region (Southeast Europe).[17]

Their vernacular,Aromanian, is an Eastern Romance language very similar toRomanian, which hasmany slightly varying dialects of its own.[18] Aromanian is considered to have developed fromCommon Romanian, a common stage of all theEastern Romance varieties[19] that evolved from theVulgar Latin spoken byPaleo-Balkan peoples after theRomanization of the Balkan area that fell under the Latin sphere of influence.[20] The Aromanian language shares many common features withAlbanian,Bulgarian andGreek; however, although it has many loanwords from Greek,Slavic, andTurkish, its lexicon remains majorityRomance in origin.[21]

Names and classification

Main article:Names of the Aromanians


The termAromanian derives directly from the LatinRomanus, meaning Roman citizen. The initiala- is a regular epenthetic vowel, occurring when certain consonant clusters are formed, and it is not, as folk etymology sometimes has it, related to the negative or privativea- of Greek (also occurring in Latin words of Greek origin). The term was coined byGustav Weigand in his 1894 workDie Aromunen. The first book to which many scholars have referred to as the most valuable to translate their ethnic name is a grammar printed in 1813 inVienna byMihail G. Boiagi. It was titled Γραμματική Ρωμαϊκή ήτοι Μακεδονοβλαχική/Romanische oder Macedonowlachische Sprachlehre ("Romance or Macedono-Vlach Grammar").

The termVlach is anexonym used since medieval times. Aromanians call themselvesRrãmãn orArmãn, depending on which of the twodialectal groups they belong, and identify as part of theFara Armãneascã ("Aromanian tribe") or thePopulu Armãnescu ("Aromanian people").[11] The endonym is rendered in English asAromanian, in Romanian asAromâni, in Greek asArmanoi (Αρμάνοι), in Albanian asArumunët, in Bulgarian asArumani (Арумъни), in Macedonian asAromanci (Ароманци), in Serbo-Croatian asArmani andAromuni.

The term "Vlach" was used in medieval Balkans as an exonym for all the Romance-speaking (Romanized) people of the region, as well as a general name forshepherds, but nowadays is commonly used for the Aromanians andMeglenites,Daco-Romanians[22] being named Vlachs only inSerbia,Bulgaria andNorth Macedonia. The term is noted in the following languages: Greek "Vlachoi" (Βλάχοι), Albanian "Vllehët", Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian "Vlasi" (Bласи),Turkish "Ulahlar",Hungarian[23] "Oláh". It is noteworthy that the term Vlach also meant "bandit" or "rebel" in Ottomanhistoriography, and that the term was also used as an exonym for mainly Orthodox Christians in Ottoman-ruledwestern Balkans (mainly denotingSerbs), as well as by theVenetians for the immigrant Slavophone population of theDalmatian hinterland (also mainly denoting Serbs).


German academicThede Kahl, expert onAromanian studies, divides the Aromanians into two main groups, the "Rrãmãnji" and "Armãnji", which are further divided into sub-groups.[11]


  • Muzãchiars, fromMuzachia situated in southwestern-central Albania.
  • Fãrshãrots (orFãrsherots), mostly concentrated inEpirus, from theFrashër (AromanianFarshar) area in south-eastern Albania.
  • Moscopolitans orMoscopoleans, from the city ofMoscopole, once an important urban center of the Balkans, now a village in southeastern Albania.



The Aromanian communities have several nicknames depending on the country where they are living.

  • Gramustians and Pindians are nicknamedKoutsovlachs (Greek: Κουτσόβλαχοι). This term is sometimes taken as derogatory, as the first element of this term is from the Greekkoutso- (κουτσό-) meaning "lame". Following a Turkish etymology whereküçük means "little" they are the smaller group of Vlachs as opposed to the more numerous Vlachs (Daco-Romanians).
  • Fãrsherots, from Frashër (Albania), Moscopole and Muzachia are nicknamed "Frasariotes" (Greek: Φρασαριώτες Βλάχοι) orArvanitovlachs (Greek: Αρβανιτόβλαχοι), meaning "Albanian Vlachs" referring to their place of origin.[24]

In the South Slavic countries, such as Serbia,North Macedonia and Bulgaria, the nicknames used to refer to the Aromanians are usuallyVlasi (South Slavic for Vlachs and Wallachians) andTsintsari (also spelledTzintzari, Cincari or similar), which is derived from the way the Aromanians pronounce the word meaningfive,tsintsi. In Romania, the demonymMacedoni,Machedoni orMacedoromâni is also used. In Albania, the termsVllah orVlleh ("Vlach") andÇoban orÇobenj (from Turkishçoban, "shepherd") are used.[25]



Main article:List of Aromanian settlements
Moscopole, once the cultural and commercial centre of the Aromanians, in 1742

TheAromanian community in Albania is estimated up to 200,000 people, including those who no longer speak the language.[26] Tanner estimates that the community constitutes 2% of the population.[26] InAlbania, Aromanian communities inhabit Moscopole, their most famous settlement, theKolonjë District (where they are concentrated), a quarter ofFier (AromanianFerãcã), while Aromanian was taught, as recorded by Tom Winnifrith, at primary schools inAndon Poçi nearGjirokastër,Shkallë (AromanianScarã) nearSarandë, andBorovë nearKorçë (AromanianCurceau) (1987).[24]

A Romanian research team concluded in the 1960s that Albanian Aromanians migrated toTirana, Stan Karbunarë,Skrapar,Pojan,Bilisht andKorçë, and that they inhabited Karaja,Lushnjë,Moscopole,Drenovë (AromanianDãrnova) andBoboshticë (AromanianBubushtitsa).[24]There was an important community of Aromanians inMontenegro andBosnia and Herzegovina that was probably assimilated by local dwellers. Initially they wereChristians but around year 1000 they adhered toBogomil/Patarene Christian sect and wereSerbianized. After the Turkish occupation, the Aromanians of Bosnia and Herzegovina converted toIslam faith due to economic and religious motives.[27] There are many artifacts of Aromanians in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mainly in theirnecropolises. These necropolises cover all Bosnia and consist of funerary monuments, generally without crosses.


It has been suggested that this section besplit out into another article titledOrigin of the Aromanians. (Discuss)(September 2023)
Map of theRoman Empire during its height, underTrajan (r. 98–117)
TheJireček Line is an imaginary line that shows where Latin and Greek influences meet in the Balkans, according toepigraphicarchaeological data.


The Aromanian language is related to theVulgar Latin spoken in the Balkans during the Roman period.[28] It is hard to establish the history of the Vlachs in the Balkans, with a gap between the barbarian invasions and the first mentions of the Vlachs in the 11th and 12th centuries.[29] Byzantine chronicles are unhelpful, and only in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries does the termVlach become more frequent, although it proves problematic to distinguish sorts of Vlachs as it was used for various subjects, such as the empire of the Asen dynasty, Thessaly, and Romania across the Danube.[29] It has been assumed that Vlachs are descendants of Roman soldiers or Latinized original populations (Greeks, Illyrians, Thracians or Dacians), due to the historical Roman military presence in the territory inhabited by the community.[28][30] Many Romanian scholars maintain that the Aromanians were part of a Daco-Romanian migration from the north of the Danube between the 6th[31] and 10th centuries, supporting the theory that the 'Great Romanian' population descend from the ancient Dacians and Romans.[32] Greek scholars view the Aromanians as descendants of Roman legionaries that married Greek women.[31] There is no evidence for either theory, and Winnifrith deems them improbable.[31] The little evidence that exists points that the Vlach (Aromanian) homeland was within the Latin sphere of influence in the Northern Balkans, north of theJireček Line, which roughly demarcated the areas of influence of Latin and Greek.[20] With the Slavic breakthrough of the Danube frontier in the 7th century, Latin-speakers were pushed further southwards.[20] Based on linguistic considerations, Olga Tomic concludes that Aromanians moved from Thrace to their present locations after the Slavic invasion of Thrace, though before theMegleno-Romanians.[33]

Genetic studies

It has been suggested that this section besplit out into another article titledGenetic studies on Aromanians. (Discuss)(September 2023)
Main article:Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of Europe

In 2006Bosch et al. attempted to determine if the Aromanians are descendants of LatinisedDacians,Greeks,Illyrians,Thracians or a combination of these, but it was shown that they are genetically indistinguishable from the other Balkan populations. Linguistic and cultural differences between Balkan groups were deemed too weak to preventgene flow among the groups.[34]

Sample populationSample sizeR1bR1aIE1b1bE1b1aJGNTLOther (Y-DNA)
Aromanians fromDukas, Albania[34]392.56% (1/39)2.56% (1/39)17.95% (7/39)17.95% (7/39)0.048.72% (19/39)10.26% (4/39)
Aromanians from Andon Poçi, Albania[34]1936.84% (7/19)0.042.11% (8/19)15.79% (3/19)0.05.26% (1/19)
Aromanians from Kruševo, North Macedonia[34]4327.91% (12/43)11.63% (5/43)20.93% (9/43)20.93% (9/43)0.011.63% (5/43)6.98% (3/43)
Aromanians from Štip, North Macedonia[34]6523.08% (15/65)21.54% (14/65)16.92% (11/65)18.46% (12/65)0.020.0% (13/65)
Aromanians in Romania[34]4223.81% (10/42)2.38% (1/42)19.05% (8/42)7.14% (3/42)0.033.33% (14/42)0.0– 14.29% (6/42)
Aromanians in Balkan Peninsula39+
21.63% (45/208)10.1% (21/208)20.67% (43/208)16.35% (34/208)0.025% (52/208)3.37% (7/208)2.88% (6/208)

Haplogroup R1b is the most common haplogroup among two or three of the five tested Aromanian populations, which is not shown as a leading mark of the Y-DNA locus in other regions or ethnic groups on theBalkan Peninsula. On the 16 Y-STR markers from the five Aromanian populations, Jim Cullen's predictor speculates that over half of the mean frequency of 22% R1b of the Aromanian populations is more likely to belong to the L11 branch.[34] L11 subclades form the majority of Haplogroup R1b in Italy and western Europe, while the eastern subclades of R1b are prevailing in populations of the eastern Balkans.[35]

History and self-identification

Main article:History of the Aromanians
Aromanian shepherd in traditional clothes, photo from 1899, Archive:Manaki Brothers.

The Aromanians or Vlachs first appear in medievalByzantine sources in the 11th century, in theStrategikon of Kekaumenos andAnna Komnene'sAlexiad, in the area ofThessaly.[36] In the 12th century, the Jewish travellerBenjamin of Tudela records the existence of the district of "Vlachia" nearHalmyros in easternThessaly, while the Byzantine historianNiketas Choniates places "Great Vlachia" nearMeteora. Thessalian Vlachia was apparently also known as "Vlachia inHellas".[37] Later medieval sources also speak of an "Upper Vlachia" inEpirus, and a "Little Vlachia" inAetolia-Acarnania, but "Great Vlachia" is no longer mentioned after the late 13th century.[36]

The medieval Vlachs (Aromanians) ofHerzegovina are considered authors of the famous funerary monuments with petroglyphs (stecci in Serbian) from Herzegovina and surrounding countries. The theory of the Vlach origin was proposed byBogumil Hrabak (1956) andMarian Wenzel[38] and more recently was supported by the archeological and anthropological researches of skeleton remains from the graves under stećci. The theory is much older and was first proposed byArthur Evans in his workAntiquarian Researches in Illyricum (1883). While doing research withFelix von Luschan on stećak graves aroundKonavle, he found that a large number of skulls were not of Slavic origin but similar to older Illyrian andAlbanian tribes, as well as noting thatDubrovnik memorials recorded those parts inhabited by the Vlachs until the 15th century.[39]

Aromanians within the Balkan nationalisms of the 19th and 20th centuries

Main article:Aromanian question
Transhumance ways of the Vlach shepherds in the past
Map showing areas with Romanian schools for Aromanians andMegleno-Romanians in the Ottoman Empire (1886)

A distinct Aromanian consciousness was not developed until the 19th century, and was influenced by the rise of othernational movements in the Balkans.[40]

Until then, the Aromanians, asEastern Orthodox Christians, were subsumed with other ethnic groups into the wider ethnoreligious group of the "Romans" (in GreekRhomaioi, after the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire), which inOttoman times formed the distinctRum millet.[41] TheRum millet was headed by the Greek-dominatedPatriarchate of Constantinople, and the Greek language was used as alingua franca among Balkan Orthodox Christians throughout the 17th–19th centuries. As a result, wealthy, urbanized Aromanians were culturallyHellenized and played a major role in the dissemination of Greek language and culture; indeed, the first book written in Aromanian was written in theGreek alphabet and aimed at spreading Greek among Aromanian-speakers.[42]

By the early 19th century, however, the distinct Latin-derived nature of the Aromanian language began to be studied in a series of grammars and language booklets.[43] In 1815, the Aromanians ofBudapest requested permission to use their language inliturgy, but it was turned down by the local metropolitan.[43]

The establishment of a distinct Aromanian national consciousness, however, was hampered by the tendency of the Aromanian upper classes to be absorbed in the dominant surrounding ethnicities, and espouse their respective national causes as their own.[44] So much did they become identified with the host nations that Balkan national historiographies portray the Aromanians as the "best Albanians", "best Greeks" and "best Bulgarians", leading to researchers calling them the "chameleons of the Balkans".[45] Consequently, manyAromanians played a prominent role in the modern history of the Balkan nations: the revolutionaryPitu Guli, Greek Prime MinisterIoannis Kolettis, Greek magnateGeorgios Averoff, Greek Defence MinisterEvangelos Averoff, Serbian Prime MinisterVladan Đorđević,Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople, Romanian metropolitanAndrei Şaguna etc.

Following the establishment of independentRomania and theautocephaly of theRomanian Orthodox Church in the 1860s, the Aromanians increasingly began to come under the influence of theRomanian national movement. Although vehemently opposed by the Greek church, the Romanians established an extensive state-sponsored cultural and educative network in the southern Balkans: the first Romanian school was established in 1864 by the AromanianDimitri Atanasescu, and by the early 20th century there were 100 Romanian churches and 106 schools with 4,000 pupils and 300 teachers.[46] As a result, Aromanians divided into two main factions, one pro-Greek, the other pro-Romanian, plus a smaller focusing exclusively on its Aromanian identity.[41]

With the support of theGreat Powers, and especiallyAustria-Hungary, the "Aromanian-Romanian movement" culminated in the recognition of the Aromanians as a distinctmillet (theUllah millet) by theOttoman Empire on 22 May 1905, with corresponding freedoms of worship and education in their own language.[47] Nevertheless, due to the advanced assimilation of the Aromanians, this came too late to lead to the creation of a distinct Aromanian national identity; indeed, asGustav Weigand noted in 1897, most Aromanians were not only indifferent, but actively hostile to their own national movement.[48]

At the same time, the Greek–Romanian antagonism over Aromanian loyalties intensified with the armedMacedonian Struggle, leading to the rupture of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1906. During the Macedonian Struggle, most Aromanians participated on the "patriarchist" (pro-Greek) side, but some sided with the "exarchists" (pro-Bulgarians).[47] However, following theBalkan Wars of 1912–13, Romanian interest waned, and when it revived in the 1920s it was designed more towards encouraging the Romanians' "Macedonian brothers" to emigrate toSouthern Dobruja, where there were strong non-Romanian minorities.[48]

While Romanian activity declined, fromWorld War I on and with itsinvolvement in Albania, Italy made some efforts—not very successful—in converting pro-Romanian sympathies into pro-Italian ones.[48] InWorld War II, during theAxis occupation of Greece, Italy encouraged Aromanian nationalists to form an "Aromanian homeland", the so-calledPrincipality of the Pindus. The project never gained much traction among the local population, however. On the contrary, many leading figures of theGreek Resistance against the Axis, likeAndreas Tzimas,Stefanos Sarafis, andAlexandros Svolos, were Aromanians. The "principality" project collapsed with theItalian armistice in 1943.

Modern Aromanian identities

The date of the announcement of the Ottomanirade of 23 May 1905 has been adopted in recent times by Aromanians in Albania,Australia, Bulgaria and North Macedonia as the "Aromanian National Day" (Dzua Natsionalã a Armãnjilor), but notably not in Greece or among the Aromanians in theGreek diaspora.[49] In Romania, every 10 May, the Balkan Romanianness Day is celebrated instead for the same event. This observance is meant for the Aromanians but also for the Megleno-Romanians and theIstro-Romanians.[50]

In modern times, Aromanians generally have adopted the dominant national culture, often with a dual identity as both Aromanian and Greek/Albanian/Bulgarian/Macedonian/Serbian/etc.[51] Aromanians are also found outside the borders of Greece. There are many Aromanians in southern Albania and in towns all over the Balkans,[49] while Aromanians identifying as Romanians are still to be found in areas where Romanian schools were active.[51] There are also many Aromanians who identify themselves as solely Aromanian (even, as in the case of the "Cincars", when they no longer speak the language). Such groups are to be found in southwestern Albania, the eastern parts of North Macedonia, the Aromanians who immigrated to Romania in 1940, and in Greece in theVeria (AromanianVeryia) andGrevena (AromanianGrebini) areas and inAthens.[49]



See also:Eastern Orthodox Church
Church ofSaint Nicholas inMoscopole

The Aromanians are predominantlyOrthodox Christians, and follow theEastern Orthodox liturgical calendar.[52]


Main article:Aromanian cuisine
Metsovone, Aromanian cheese from Metsovo

Aromanian cuisine is strongly influenced byMediterranean andMiddle Eastern cuisine.[53]


Main article:Aromanian music

Polyphonic music is common among the Aromanians, and follows a common set of rules.[54]


Main article:Aromanian literature

A literature in the Aromanian language exists.


Aromanians in traditional clothes inMacedonia at the beginning of the 20th century

In Aromanian rural areas, clothes differed from the dress of the city dwellers. The shape and the colour of a garment, the volume of the headgear, the shape of a jewel could indicate cultural affiliation and also could show the village people came from.Fustanella usage among Aromanians can be traced to at least the 15th century, with notable examples being seen in the Aromanian stećak of theRadimlja necropolis.Additionally Aromanians claim the fustanella as their ethnic costume.


There are some famous Aromanian sport personalities like tennis playerSimona Halep and football playerGheorghe Hagi.[55] In Romania, they also have their own football team called Armãnamea, who have been representing them since 2008 in the European football tournament for minorities,Europeada.[56] There also exists the Cupa Armânamea, afutsal competition organized by Aromanians in Romania.[57]

Aromanians today

In Greece

Main article:Aromanians in Greece
Map of Balkans with regions inhabited by Aromanians in yellow
Samarina, one of the highest villages in Greece

In Greece, Aromanians are not recognised as an ethnic but as a linguistic minority and, like theArvanites, have been indistinguishable in many respects from otherGreeks since the 19th century.[58][59] Although Greek Aromanians would differentiate themselves from nativeGreeks (Grets) when speaking in Aromanian, most still consider themselves part of the broader Greek nation (Elini,Hellenes), which also encompasses other linguistic minorities such as theArvanites or theSlavic speakers of Greek Macedonia.[5] Greek Aromanians have long been associated with the Greek national state, actively participated in the Greek Struggle for Independence, and have obtained very important positions in government,[60] although there was an attempt to create an autonomous Aromanian canton under the protection of Italy at the end of World War I, calledPrincipality of the Pindus. Aromanians have been very influential in Greek politics, business and the army. RevolutionariesRigas Feraios andGiorgakis Olympios,[61] Prime MinisterIoannis Kolettis,[62] billionaires and benefactorsEvangelos Zappas andKonstantinos Zappas, businessman and philanthropistGeorge Averoff, Field Marshal and later Prime MinisterAlexandros Papagos, and conservative politicianEvangelos Averoff[63] were all either Aromanians or of partial Aromanian heritage. It is difficult to estimate the exact number of Aromanians in Greece today. TheTreaty of Lausanne of 1923 estimated their number between 150,000 and 200,000, but the last two censuses to differentiate between Christian minority groups, in 1940 and 1951, showed 26,750 and 22,736 Vlachs respectively.[5] Estimates on the number of Aromanians in Greece range between 40,000[4] and 300,000. Kahl estimates the total number of people with Aromanian origin who still understand the language as no more than 300,000, with the number of fluent speakers under 100,000.[5]

The majority of the Aromanian population lives in northern and central Greece;Epirus,Macedonia andThessaly. The main areas inhabited by these populations are thePindus Mountains, around the mountains ofOlympus andVermion, and around thePrespa Lakes near the border with Albania and the Republic of North Macedonia. Some Aromanians can still be found in isolated rural settlements such asSamarina (Aromanian Samarina,Xamarina orSan Marina),Perivoli (AromanianPirivoli) andSmixi (AromanianZmixi). There are also Aromanians (Vlachs) in towns and cities such asIoannina (AromanianIanina,Enina orEnãna),Metsovo (AromanianAminciu),Veria(AromanianVeryia)Katerini,Trikala (AromanianTrikolj),Grevena (Aromanian Grebini) andThessaloniki (AromanianSãruna)

Generally, the use of the minority languages has been discouraged in Greece,[64] although recently there have been efforts to preserve the endangered languages (including Aromanian) of Greece.

Since 1994, theAristotle University of Thessaloniki offers beginner and advanced courses in "Koutsovlach", and cultural festivals with over 40,000 participants—the largest Aromanian cultural gatherings in the world—regularly take place in Metsovo.[65] Nevertheless, there are no exclusively Aromanian newspapers, and the Aromanian language is almost totally absent from television.[65] Indeed, although as of 2002 there were over 200 Vlach cultural associations in Greece, many did not even feature the term "Vlach" in their titles, and only a few are active in preserving the Aromanian language.[65]

In 1997, theParliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passedRecommendation 1333 (1997) encouraging the Balkan states to take steps to rectify the "critical situation" of Aromanian culture and language.[66] This was after pressure from theUnion for Aromanian Language and Culture inGermany.[67] In response, the thenPresident of Greece,Konstantinos Stefanopoulos, publicly urged Greek Aromanians to teach the language to their children.

In 2001, 31 Aromanian mayors and heads of villages signed a protest resolution against theU.S. State Department report on the human rights situation inGreece. They complained "against the direct or indirect characterisation of the Vlach-speaking Greeks as an ethnic, linguistic or other minority, stating that the Vlach-speaking Greeks never requested to be recognised by the Greek state as a minority, stressing that historically and culturally they were and still are an integral part of Hellenism, they would be bilingual and Aromanian would be secondary".[68]

Furthermore, the largest Aromanian group in Greece (and across the world), thePanhellenic Federation of Cultural Associations of Vlachs in Greece,[65] has repeatedly rejected the classification of Aromanian as a minority language or the Vlachs as a distinct ethnic group separate from the Greeks, considering the Aromanians as an "integral part of Hellenism".[69][70][71] The Aromanian (Vlach) Cultural Society, which is associated withSotiris Bletsas, is represented on the Member State Committee of the European Bureau for Lesser Spoken Languages in Greece.[72]

In Albania

Main article:Aromanians in Albania
Aromanians in Albania:
  Aromanian exclusive settlements
  Aromanian majority or substantial minority settlements

The exact presence of the Aromanian community in Albania is unknown. They are mostly concentrated in parts of southern and western Albania. 8,266 people declared themselves to be Aromanians in the 2011 census.[73] On the quality of the specific data the Advisory Committee on theFramework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities stated that "the results of the census should be viewed with the utmost caution and calls on the authorities not to rely exclusively on the data on nationality collected during the census in determining its policy on the protection of national minorities.".[74] According to Tom Winnifrith in 1995, that there were about 200,000 individuals who were of Aromanian descent in Albania, regardless of proficiency in Aromanian, or spoke Aromanian without necessarily considering themselves to have a separate identity.[26][75] According to Frank Kressing and Karl Kaser in 2002, there were between 30,000 and 50,000 Aromanians in Albania.[76] Tanner (2004) pointed out Albania as the only country where Aromanians make a relatively significant percentage of population, around 2%.[26]

For the last years there seems to be a renewal of the former policies of supporting and sponsoring of Romanian schools for Aromanians of Albania. As a recentarticle in the Romanian media points out, the kindergarten, primary and secondary schools in the Albanian town of Divjakë where the local Albanian Aromanians pupils are taught classes both in Aromanian and Romanian were granted substantial help directly from the Romanian government. One of the only churches serving the Aromanian minority in Albania is theSt. Sotir Church (Ayiu Sutir) of Korçë, which was given 2 billionlei help from the Romanian government. They also have a political party namedParty of the Vlachs of Albania (PVSH), which is the only in the world along with two in North Macedonia, and two social organisations namedShoqata Arumunët/Vllehtë e Shqiperisë (The Society of the Aromanians/Vlachs of Albania) andUnioni Kombëtar Arumun Shqiptar (The Aromanian Albanian National Union). Many of the Albanian Aromanians (Arvanito Vlachs) have immigrated to Greece, since they are considered in Greece part of theGreek minority in Albania.[77] There are attempts to establish education in their native language in the town ofDivjakë.[78]

Notable Aromanians whose family background hailed from today's Albania include Bishop Andrei Şaguna, and FatherHaralambie Balamaci, whereas notable Albanians with an Aromanian family background are actorsAleksandër (Sandër) Prosi,Margarita Xhepa,Albert Vërria, andProkop Mima, as well as composerNikolla Zoraqi[79] and singersEli Fara andParashqevi Simaku.

On 13 October 2017, Aromanians received the official status ofethnic minority, through voting of a bill byAlbanian Parliament.

In North Macedonia

Main article:Aromanians in North Macedonia
Ioryi Mucitano, the first leader of the first Aromanian band in theIMRO
Spread of Aromanians in North Macedonia:
  Localities where Aromanians are an officially recognised minority group
  Other localities with an Aromanian population
  Areas where Megleno-Romanians are concentrated

According to official government figures (census 2002), there are 9,695 Aromanians or Vlachs, as they are officially called in North Macedonia. According to the census of 1953 there were 8,669 Vlachs, 6,392 in 1981 and 8,467 in 1994.[80] Aromanians are recognized as an ethnic minority, and are hence represented in Parliament and enjoy ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious rights and the right to education in their language.

There are Aromanian cultural societies and associations such as the Union for Aromanian Culture from North Macedonia, The Aromanian League of North Macedonia, The International League of Aromanians andComuna Armãneascã "Frats Manachi", (The Aromanian Community Manaki Brothers) inBitola (AromanianBituli orBitule). There also are two political parties representing the Aromanian minority of the country. These are theDemocratic Union of the Vlachs of Macedonia (DSVM;Unia Democratã a Armãnjlor dit Machidunii,UDAM) and theParty of the Vlachs of Macedonia (PVM;Partia Armãnjilor ditu Machidunie,PAM). They are the only Aromanian parties in the world along with the PVSH in Albania.

Many forms of Aromanian-language media have been established since the 1990s. North Macedonia's Government provides financial assistance to Aromanian-language newspapers and radio stations. Aromanian-language newspapers such asPhoenix (Aromanian:Fenix) service the Aromanian community. The Aromanian television program Spark (Aromanian:Scanteao; MacedonianИскра (Iskra)) broadcasts onthe second channel of theMacedonian Radio-Television.

There are Aromanian classes provided in primary schools and the state funds some Aromanian published works (magazines and books) as well as works that cover Aromanian culture, language and history. The latter is mostly done by the first Aromanian Scientific Society, "Constantin Belemace" inSkopje (AromanianScopia), which has organized symposiums on Aromanian history and has published papers from them. According to the last census, there were 9,596 Aromanians (0.48% of the total population). There are concentrations inKruševo (AromanianCrushuva) 1,020 (20%),Štip (AromanianShtip) 2,074 (4.3%), Bitola 1,270 (1.3%),Struga 656 (1%),Sveti Nikole (AromanianSan Nicole) 238 (1.4%),Kisela Voda 647 (1.1%) and Skopje 2,557 (0.5%).[7]

In Romania

Main article:Aromanians in Romania

Since the Middle Ages, due to the Turkish occupation and the destruction of their cities, such asMoscopole,Gramos,Linotopi [bg;el;mk;sq] (which never recovered) and later onKruševo, many Aromanians fled their native homelands in the Balkans to settle the Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, which had a similar language and a certain degree of autonomy from theTurks. These immigrant Aromanians were assimilated into the Romanian population.

In 1925, 47 years afterDobruja was incorporated into Romania,King Ferdinand gave the Aromanians land and privileges to settle in this region, which resulted in a significant migration of Aromanians into Romania. Today, 25% of the population of the region are descendants of Aromanian immigrants.[citation needed]

There are currently between 50,000 and 100,000 Aromanians in Romania, most of which are concentrated in Dobruja.[citation needed] According to some Aromanian cultural organizations in Romania, there are some 100,000 Aromanians in Romania, and they are often calledmacedoni ("Macedonians").[citation needed] Some Aromanian associations even place the total number of people of Aromanian descent in Romania as high as 250,000.[citation needed]

Recently,[when?] there has been a growing movement in Romania, both by Aromanians and by Romanian lawmakers, to recognize the Aromanians either as a separate cultural group or as a separate ethnic group, and extend to them the rights of other minorities in Romania, such as mother-tongue education and representatives in parliament.[citation needed]

In Romania exists theMacedo-Romanian Cultural Society.

In Bulgaria

Main article:Aromanians in Bulgaria

Most of the Aromanians in theSofia region are descendants of emigrants from the region of Macedonia and northern Greece who arrived between 1850 and 1914.[81]

In Bulgaria, most Aromanians were concentrated in the region south-west of Sofia, in the region calledPirin, formerly part of the Ottoman Empire until 1913. Due to this reason, a large number of these Aromanians moved toSouthern Dobruja, part of theKingdom of Romania after theTreaty of Bucharest of 1913. After the reinclusion of Southern Dobruja in Bulgaria with theTreaty of Craiova of 1940, most were moved toNorthern Dobruja in apopulation exchange. Another group moved to northern Greece. Nowadays, the largest group of Aromanians in Bulgaria is found in the southern mountainous area, aroundPeshtera. Most Aromanians in Bulgaria originate from theGramos Mountains, with some fromNorth Macedonia, thePindus Mountains in Greece andMoscopole in Albania.[82]

After the fall of communism in 1989, Aromanians and Romanians (known as "Vlachs" in Bulgaria) have started initiatives to organize themselves under one common association.[83][84][85]

According to the 1926 official census, there were 69,080 Romanians, 5,324 Aromanians, 3,777Cutzovlachs, and 1,551Tsintsars.[citation needed]

In Serbia

Main article:Aromanians in Serbia

In medieval times, the Aromanians populated Herzegovina, a region today in Bosnia and Herzegovina close to modern Serbia, and elevated famous necropolises with petroglyphs (Radimlja, Blidinje, etc.).[86] The Aromanians, known asCincari (Цинцари), migrated to Serbia in the 18th and early 19th centuries. They most often were bilingual in Greek, and were often called "Greeks" (Grci). They were influential in the forming of Serbian statehood, having contributed with rebel fighters, merchants and intellectuals. Many Greek Aromanians (Грко Цинцари) came to Serbia withAlija Gušanac askrdžalije (mercenaries) and later joined theSerbian Revolution (1804–1817). Some of the notable rebels includeKonda Bimbaša and Papazogli.[87] Among the notable people of Aromanian descent are playwrightJovan Sterija Popović (1806–1856), novelistBranislav Nušić (1864–1938), and politicianVladan Đorđević (1844–1930).

The majority of Serbian people of Aromanian descent do not speak Aromanian and espouse aSerb identity. They live inNiš,Belgrade and some smaller communities in Southern Serbia, such asKnjaževac. TheLunjina Serbian–Aromanian Association was founded in Belgrade in 1991. According to the2022 census, there were 327 Serbian citizens that identified as ethnicCincari.[10] However, unofficial estimates number the Aromanian population of Serbia at 5,000[88]–15,000.[89]


Main article:Aromanian diaspora

Aside from the Balkan countries, there are also communities of Aromanian emigrants living inCanada, theUnited States,France andGermany. Although the largest diaspora community is in select major Canadian cities,Freiburg, Germany has one of the most important Aromanian organisations, theUnion for Aromanian Language and Culture. In the United States, theSociety Farsharotu is the oldest and most well-known association of Aromanians, founded in 1903 by Nicolae Cican, an Aromanian native of Albania. In France, the Aromanians are grouped in theTrâ Armânami Association of French Aromanians.[90]

Notable Aromanians

Main article:List of Aromanians
This sectiondoes notcite anysources. Please helpimprove this section byadding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged andremoved.(December 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this message)
Simona Halep
Gheorghe Hagi
George Averoff, businessman
Simon Sinas, banker
Ioannis Kolettis, former Prime Minister of Greece

The following is a list of notable people of full or partial Aromanian descent. Note that these claims are in many cases disputed or shared with ancestry from other ethnicties.

Art and literature

Law, philanthropy and commerce




Sciences, academia and engineering



  • Aromanian herdsmen in Greece (Amand Schweiger from Lerchenfeld, 1887)
    Aromanian herdsmen inGreece (Amand Schweiger from Lerchenfeld, 1887)
  • Aromanian armatoles in 1907 in Veria
    Aromanian armatoles in 1907 inVeria
  • Aromanian men of Macedonia, circa 1914
    Aromanian men ofMacedonia, circa 1914
  • Aromanians in 1915
    Aromanians in 1915

See also


  1. ^Minahan, James B. (2016).Encyclopedia of stateless nations: ethnic and national groups around the world (2nd ed.).ABC-CLIO. p. 38.ISBN 9781610699549.
  2. ^Ene, Maria Camelia (2016)."Paftaua, tipuri de decorații și simboluri. Accesorii din patrimoniul Muzeului Municipiului București"(PDF).Materiale de Istorie și Muzeografie (in Romanian).30.Bucharest: Bucharest Municipality Museum: 136.
  3. ^Puig, Lluis Maria de (17 January 1997)."Report: Aromanians". Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. Doc. 7728.
  4. ^abAccording toINTEREG – quoted byEurominorityArchived 3 July 2006 at theWayback Machine:Aromanians in GreeceArchived 19 May 2005 at theWayback Machine
  5. ^abcdKahl 2002, p. 153.
  6. ^Gatej, Iuliana (8 December 2006)."Aromânii vor statut minoritar".Cotidianul (in Romanian). Archived fromthe original on 9 March 2012.
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  8. ^"Population and Housing Census 2023"(PDF).Instituti i Statistikës (INSTAT).
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  10. ^ab"Становништво према националној припадности" (in Serbian).Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Retrieved9 May 2023.
  11. ^abcKahl 2002, p. 145.
  12. ^Across the Danube: Southeastern Europeans and Their Travelling Identities (17th–19th C.). Brill. 2016. p. 30.ISBN 978-90-04-33544-8.The Aromanians (Vlachs) are a Latin-speaking ethnic group native to the southern Balkans.
  13. ^Benevedes, Eli; Lally, Owen; Li, Hung-En; Perlee, Abigail; Piombino, Eileen (2021).Investigating the Impacts of Earthquakes on Ethnic and Religious Groups: Bucharest, Romania(PDF) (Thesis).Worcester Polytechnic Institute. pp. 1–63.
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  19. ^Isac, Daniela (2024).Definiteness in Balkan Romance. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. Oxford University Press. p. 1.ISBN 9780198865704.The term 'Balkan Romance' is used to designate a group of languages including Romanian, Aromanian, Istro-Romanian and Megleno-Romanian.1 Even though the exact historical links between these languages are still unclear (...), it is commonly accepted that they have a common ancestor and hence form a coherent family.1 Alternative names for Balkan Romance are Daco-Romance and Eastern Romance.
  20. ^abcWinnifrith 2002, p. 115.
  21. ^James Minahan (2002).Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: A–C. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 175.ISBN 978-0-313-32109-2. Retrieved18 April 2012.Aromanian shares many common features with Bulgarian, Greek, and Albanian, but the lexical composition, though rich in Greek, Slavic, and Turkish borrowings, remains basically of the Romance type.
  22. ^"What does Daco-Romanian mean?"
  23. ^"Magyar Néprajzi Lexikon /" Retrieved9 January 2018.
  24. ^abcWinnifrith 1987, p. 35.
  25. ^Tanner 2004, pp. 203–.
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  27. ^Isidor Ieşan, Secta patarenă în Balcani şi în Dacia Traiană. Institutul de arte grafice C. Sfetea, București, 1912
  28. ^abTanner 2004, p. 210.
  29. ^abWinnifrith 1987, p. 39.
  30. ^Binder, David (2004)."Vlachs, A Peaceful Balkan People".Mediterranean Quarterly.15 (4):115–116.doi:10.1215/10474552-15-4-115.ISSN 1527-1935.S2CID 154461762.The Roman Empire gradually expanded in what is now called the Balkan Peninsula from 146 BC, with the first colonies around Preveza in the Epirus region of Greece, to about 550 AD. Vlachs are sometimes assumed to be the Romanized descendants of autochthonous ethnic groups, the Illyrians, Thracians, Dacians and Greeks, though the Greek connection is undoubtedly the strongest.
  31. ^abcWinnifrith 2002, p. 114.
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  33. ^Tomic, O.M. (2006).Balkan Sprachbund Morpho-Syntactic Features. Springer. p. 39.
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  64. ^Greek Monitor of Human and Minority Rights vol I. No 3 December 1995
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  75. ^Schwandner-Sievers, Stephanie (March 1999)."The Albanian Aromanians' Awakening: Identity Politics and Conflicts in Post-Communist Albania" Centre for Minority Issues. pp. 1–2.Archived from the original on 26 January 2020. Retrieved17 August 2021.Winnifrith increased these figures after repeated travels through Southern Albania. In his most recent estimate of 200,000 he includes all those who think of themselves as Vlachs / Aromanians in terms of descent with or without knowledge of the language as well as those who speak the language but do not refer to a distinct identity.
  76. ^Kressing, Frank; Kaser, Karl (2002).Albania—a Country in Transition: Aspects of Changing Identities in a South-East European Country. Nomos. p. 12.between 5,000 and 15,000 Macedonians and Montenegrins in the north and east; between 30,000 and 50,000 Vlahs or Aromanians
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  82. ^Армъните в България ("The Aromanians in Bulgaria") (in Bulgarian). Архитектурно-етнографски комплекс "Етър" – Габрово.Archived from the original on 30 January 2009. Retrieved15 January 2009.
  83. ^"Ministerul Afacerilor Externe". 23 July 2014. Retrieved9 August 2014.
  84. ^"Lumea Magazin". 5 September 2005. Archived fromthe original on 5 September 2005.
  85. ^"Romanian Global News – singura agentie de presa a romanilor de pretutindeni". 7 October 2007. Archived fromthe original on 7 October 2007. Retrieved9 January 2018.
  86. ^Marian Wenzel, Bosnian and Herzegovinian Tombstobes-Who Made Them and Why?" Sudost-Forschungen 21(1962): 102–143.
  87. ^Mitološki zbornik. Vol. 7–8. Centar za mitološki studije Srbije. 2002. p. 35.Многи Грко-Цинцари су дошли у Србију са Гушанцем као крхалије, па су касније пришли устаницима. У ову групу спадају Конда и Папазоглија. У Гушанчевој војсци Конда је био буљубаша, све до 1806. године, када су устаници ...
  88. ^Jokić Stamenković, Dragana (30 January 2017)."Цинцари – крвоток Балкана".Politika (in Serbian).
  89. ^Ružica, Miroslav (2006). "The Balkan Vlachs/Aromanians awakening, national policies, assimilation".Proceedings of the Globalization, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts in the Balkans and Its Regional Context:28–30.S2CID 52448884.
  90. ^Kahl 2002, p. 163.
  91. ^Aleksov, Bojan (23 January 2013).Jovan Jovanović Zmaj and the Serbian identity between poetry and history. CEUP collection. Central European University Press. pp. 273–305.ISBN 9786155211669.
  92. ^Jovanovski, Dalibor; Minov, Nikola (2017)."Ioannis Kolettis. The Vlach from the ruling elite of Greece".Balcanica Posnaniensia.24 (1).Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań:222–223.ISSN 2450-3177. Archived fromthe original on 18 March 2020. Retrieved8 May 2017.


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