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Aq Qoyunlu

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Persianate, Sunni-Muslim Turkoman confederation (1378–1508)

Aq Qoyunlu
آق قویونلو
A flag (sanjak) belonging to Uzun Hasan
Tamga of Bayandur used by the Aq Qoyunlu[2] of Aq Qoyunlu
Tamga ofBayandur
used by the Aq Qoyunlu[2]
The Aq Qoyunlu confederation at its greatest extent under Uzun Hasan in 1478
The Aq Qoyunlu confederation at its greatest extent under Uzun Hasan in 1478
Common languages
Sunni Islam[8]
• 1378–1435
Qara Yuluk Uthman Beg
• 1497–1503
Sultan Murad
  • Kengač (legislative)[3]
  • Boy ḵānları (military)[3]
Historical eraMedieval
• First raid on theTrapezuntine Empire by Tur Ali Beg[9]
• Siege ofTrebizond[9]
• Established
• Coup byUzun Hasan[3]
Autumn 1452
• Reunification[3]
• Death ofAhmad Beg, division of the Aq Qoyunlu[3]
December, 1497
• Collapse of the Aq Qoyunlu rule in Iran[3]
Summer 1503
• End of the Aq Qoyunlu rule inMesopotamia[3]
Tanka[10]Hasanbegî[11] (equal to 2 akçe)
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Qara Qoyunlu
Safavid Empire
Ottoman Empire

TheAq Qoyunlu or theWhite Sheep Turkomans[c] (Azerbaijani:Ağqoyunlular,آغ‌قویونلولار;Persian:آق‌ قویونلو) was a culturallyPersianate,[15][16]Sunni[8]Turkoman[17][18] tribalconfederation. Founded in theDiyarbakir region byQara Yuluk Uthman Beg,[19][20] they ruled parts of present-day easternTurkey from 1378 to 1503, and in their last decades also ruledArmenia,Azerbaijan, much ofIran,Iraq, andOman where the ruler ofHormuz recognised Aq Qoyunlu suzerainty.[21][22] The Aq Qoyunlu empire reached its zenith underUzun Hasan.[3]



The name Aq Qoyunlu, literally meaning "those with white sheep",[23] is first mentioned in late 14th century sources. It has been suggested that this name refers to old totemic symbols, but according toRashid al-Din Hamadani, the Turks were forbidden to eat the flesh of their totem-animals, and so this is unlikely given the importance of mutton in the diet of pastoral nomads. Another hypothesis is that the name refers to the predominant color of their flocks.[3]


Main article:Bayandur (tribe)

According to chronicles from theByzantine Empire, the Aq Qoyunlu are first attested in the district ofBayburt south of thePontic Mountains from at least the 1340s.[24] In these chronicles, Tur Ali Beg was mentioned as lord of the "Turks of Amid [Diyarbakir]", who had already attained the rank ofamir under theIlkhanGhazan. Under his leadership, they besiegedTrebizond, but failed to take the town.[25] A number of their leaders, including thedynasty's founder,Qara Yuluk Uthman Beg,[26] married Byzantineprincesses.[27]

By the end of theIlkhanid period in the mid-14th century, theOghuz tribes that comprised the Aq Qoyunlu confederation roamed the summer pastures inArmenia, in particular, the upper reaches of theTigris river and winter pastures between the towns ofDiyarbakır andSivas. Since the end of the 14th century, Aq Qoyunlu waged constant wars with another tribal confederation of the Oghuz tribes, theQara Qoyunlu. The leading Aq Qoyunlu tribe was theBayandur tribe.[23]

Uzun Hasan used to assert the claim that he was an "honorable descendant ofOghuz Khan and his grandson, Bayandur Khan". In a letter dating to the year 1470, which was sent toŞehzade Bayezid, the then-governor ofAmasya, Uzun Hasan wrote that those from the Bayandur andBayat tribes, as well as other tribes that belonged to the "Oghuz il", and formerly inhabitedMangyshlak,Khwarazm andTurkestan, came and served in his court. He also made thetamga (seal) of the Bayandur tribe the symbol of his state. For this reason, the Bayandur tamga is found in Aq Qoyunlu coins, their official documents, inscriptions and flags.[11]


The Aq Qoyunlu Sultans claimed descent from Bayindir Khan, who was a grandson of Oghuz Khan, the legendary ancestor ofOghuz Turks.[28]

According to ProfessorG. L. Lewis:[29]

The Ak-koyunlu Sultans claimed descent from Bayindir Khan and it is likely, on the face of it, that theBook of Dede Korkut was composed under their patronage. The snag about this is that in the Ak-koyunlu genealogy Bayindir's father is named as Gok ('Sky') Khan, son of the eponymous Oghuz Khan, whereas in our book he is named as Kam Ghan, a name otherwise unknown. In default of any better explanation, I therefore incline to the belief that the book was composed before Ak-koyunlu rulers had decided who their ancestors were. It was in 1403 that they ceased to be tribal chiefs and became Sultans, so we may assume that their official genealogy was formulated round about that date.

According to theKitab-i Diyarbakriyya, the ancestors ofUzun Hasan back to the prophetAdam in the 68th generation are listed by name and information is given about them. Among them is Tur Ali Bey, the grandfather of Uzun Hasan's grandfather, who is also mentioned in other sources. But it is difficult to say whether Pehlivan Bey, Ezdi Bey and Idris Bey, who are listed in earlier periods, really existed. Most of the people who are listed as the ancestors of Uzun Hasan are names related to the Oghuz legend and to Oghuz rulers.[30]

Uzun Hasan

Main article:Uzun Hasan

The Aq Qoyunlu Turkomans first acquired land in 1402, whenTimur granted them all ofDiyar Bakr in present-day Turkey. For a long time, the Aq Qoyunlu were unable to expand their territory, as the rival Qara Qoyunlu or "Black Sheep Turkomans" kept them at bay. However, this changed with the rule of Uzun Hasan, who defeated the Black Sheep Turkoman leaderJahān Shāh in 1467. After the death ofJahan Shah, his sonHasan Ali, with the help of TimuridAbu Sa'id Mirza, marched onAzerbaijan to meet Uzun Hasan. Deciding to spend the winter inKarabakh, Abu Sa'id was captured and repulsed by Uzun Hasan as the former advanced towards theAras River.[31][page needed][32]

After the defeat of the Timurid leader,Abu Sa'id Mirza, Uzun Hasan was able to takeBaghdad along with territories around thePersian Gulf. He expanded intoIran as far east asKhorasan. However, around this time, theOttoman Empire sought to expand eastwards, a serious threat that forced the Aq Qoyunlu into analliance with theKaramanids of central Anatolia.

As early as 1464, Uzun Hasan had requested military aid from one of the Ottoman Empire's strongest enemies,Venice. Despite Venetian promises, this aid never arrived and, as a result, Uzun Hasan was defeated by the Ottomans at theBattle of Otlukbeli in 1473,[33] though this did not destroy the Aq Qoyunlu.

In 1470, Uzun selectedAbu Bakr Tihrani to compile a history of the Aq Qoyunlu confederation.[34] TheKitab-i Diyarbakriyya, written in Persian, referred to Uzun Hasan assahib-qiran and was the first historical work to assign this title to a non-Timurid ruler.[34]

Uzun Hasan preserved relationships with the members of the popular dervish order whose main inclinations were towardsShi'ism, while promoting the urban religious establishment with donations and confirmations of tax concessions or endowments, and ordering the pursuit of extremist Shiite andantinomist sects. He married his daughterAlamshah Halime Begum to his nephewHaydar, the new head of theSafavid sect inArdabil.[35]

Sultan Ya'qub

Main article:Yaqub (Aq Qoyunlu)
Miniature of Sultan Ya'qub and his courtiers, Mehmed the Conqueror's album

When Uzun Hasan died early in 1478, he was succeeded by his sonKhalil Mirza, but the latter was defeated by a confederation under his younger brotherYa'qub at the battle ofKhoy in July.[14]: 128 

Ya'qub, who reigned from 1478 to 1490, sustained the dynasty for a while longer. However, during the first four years of his reign there were seven pretenders to the throne who had to be put down.[14]: 125  Unlike his father, Ya'qub Beg was not interested in popular religious rites and alienated a large part of the people, especially the Turks. Therefore, the vast majority of Turks became involved in the Safawiya order, which became a militant organization with an extreme Shiite ideology led bySheikh Haydar. Ya'qub initially sent Sheikh Haydar and his followers to a holy war against theCircassians, but soon decided to break the alliance because he feared the military power of Sheikh Haydar and his order. During his march toGeorgia, Sheikh Haydar attacked one of Ya'qub's vassals, theShirvanshahs, in revenge for his father,Sheikh Junayd (assassinated in 1460), and Ya'qub sent troops to theShirvanshahs, who defeated and killed Haydar and captured his three sons. This event further strengthened the pro-Safavid feeling among Azerbaijani and Anatolian Turkmen.[3][36]

Following Ya'qub's death, civil war again erupted, the Aq Qoyunlus destroyed themselves from within, and they ceased to be a threat to their neighbors.Theearly Safavids, who were followers of theSafaviyya religious order, began to undermine the allegiance of the Aq Qoyunlu. The Safavids and the Aq Qoyunlu met in battle in the city ofNakhchivan in 1501 and the Safavid leaderIsmail I forced the Aq Qoyunlu to withdraw.[37]

In his retreat from the Safavids, the Aq Qoyunlu leaderAlwand destroyed an autonomous state of the Aq Qoyunlu inMardin. The last Aq Qoyunlu leader,Sultan Murad, brother of Alwand, was also defeated by the same Safavid leader. Though Murād briefly established himself in Baghdad in 1501, he soon withdrew back to Diyar Bakr, signaling the end of the Aq Qoyunlu rule.

Ahmad Beg

Main article:Ahmad Beg
Sultan Khalil of the Aq Qoyunlu, 1478.

Amidst the struggle for power between Uzun Hasan's grandsons Baysungur (son of Yaqub) and Rustam (son of Maqsud), their cousin Ahmed Bey appeared on the stage. Ahmed Bey was the son of Uzun Hasan's eldest sonUghurlu Muhammad, who, in 1475, escaped to the Ottoman Empire, where the sultan,Mehmed the Conqueror, received Uğurlu Muhammad with kindness and gave him his daughter in marriage, of whom Ahmed Bey was born.[38]

Baysungur was dethroned in 1491 and expelled fromTabriz. He made several unsuccessful attempts to return before he was killed in 1493. Desiring to reconcile both his religious establishment and the famous Sufi order, Rustam (1478–1490) immediately allowed Sheikh Haydar Safavi's sons to return to Ardabil in 1492. Two years later, Ayba Sultan ordered their re-arrest, as their rise threatened the Ak Koyunlu again, but their youngest son,Ismail, then seven years old, fled and was hidden by supporters inLahijan.[3][39]

According to Hasan Rumlu'sAhsan al-tavarikh, in 1496–97, Hasan Ali Tarkhani went to the Ottoman Empire to tell SultanBayezid II that Azerbaijan and Persian Iraq were defenceless and suggested that Ahmed Bey, heir to that kingdom, should be sent there with Ottoman troops. Bayezid agreed to this idea, and by May 1497 Ahmad Bey faced Rustam nearAraxes and defeated him.[38]

After Ahmad's death, the Aq Qoyunlu became even more fragmented. The state was ruled by three sultans:Alvand Mirza in the west, Uzun Hasan's nephew Qasim in an enclave inDiyarbakir, and Alvand's brother Mohammad in Fars andIraq-Ajam (killed by violence in the summer of 1500 and replaced by Morad Mirza). The collapse of the Aq Qoyunlu state in Iran began in the autumn of 1501 with the defeat at the hands of Ismail Safavi, who had left Lahijan two years earlier and gathered a large audience of Turkmen warriors. He conquered Iraq-Ajami,Fars andKerman in the summer of 1503, Diyarbakir in 1507–1508 andMesopotamia in the autumn of 1508. The last Aq Qoyunlu sultan, Morad, who hoped to regain the throne with the help of Ottoman troops, was defeated and killed by Ismail'sQizilbash warriors in the last fortress of Rohada, ending the political rule of the Aq Qoyunlu dynasty.[32][3]


The leaders of Aq Qoyunlu were from the Begundur or Bayandur clan of theOghuz Turks[40] and were considered descendants of the semi-mythical founding father of the Oghuz,Oghuz Khagan.[41] The Bayandurs behaved like statesmen rather than warlords and gained the support of the merchant and feudal classes ofTranscaucasia (present-dayArmenia,Azerbaijan, andGeorgia).[41] The Aq Qoyunlu, along with the Qara Qoyunlu, were the last Iranian regimes that used their Chinggisid background to establish their legitimacy. Under Ya'qub Beg, the Chinggisidyasa (traditional nomadic laws of the medievalTurco-Mongols of the Eurasian steppe lands) was dissolved.[42]

Kasımiye Medrese, completed in 1445 by Kasım, a son ofAkkoyunlu sultan Mu'izz-al-Din.

Uzun Hasan's conquest of most of mainland Iran shifted the seat of power to the east, where the Aq Qoyunlu adopted Iranian customs for administration and culture. In the Iranian areas, Uzun Hasan preserved the previous bureaucratic structure along with its secretaries, who belonged to families that had in a number of instances served under different dynasties for several generations.[3] The four top civil posts of the Aq Qoyunlu were all occupied by Iranians, which under Uzun Hasan included; the vizier, who led the great council (divan); themostawfi al-mamalek, high-ranking financial accountants; themohrdar, who affixed the state seal; and themarakur "stable master", who supervised the royal court.[3]

Culture flourished under the Aq Qoyunlu, who, although of coming from a Turkic background, sponsored Iranian culture. Uzun Hasan himself adopted it and ruled in the style of an Iranian king. Despite his Turkoman background, he was proud of being an Iranian.[43] At his new capital, Tabriz, he managed a refined Persian court. There he utilized the trappings of pre-Islamic Persian royalty and bureaucrats taken from several earlier Iranian regimes. Through the use of his increasing revenue, Uzun Hasan was able to buy the approval of theulama (clergy) and the mainly Iranian urban elite, while also taking care of the impoverished rural inhabitants.[42]

In letters from the Ottoman Sultans, when addressing the kings of Aq Qoyunlu, such titles asArabic:ملك الملوك الأيرانية "King of Iranian Kings",Arabic:سلطان السلاطين الإيرانية "Sultan of Iranian Sultans",Persian:شاهنشاه ایران خدیو عجمShāhanshāh-e Irān Khadiv-e Ajam "Shahanshah of Iran and Ruler of Persia",Jamshid shawkat va Fereydun rāyat va Dārā derāyat "Powerful likeJamshid, flag ofFereydun and wise likeDarius" have been used.[44] Uzun Hassan also held the titlePadishah-i Irān "Padishah of Iran", which was re-adopted by hisdistaff grandson Ismail I, founder of the Safavid Empire.[45]

The Aq Qoyunlu realm was notable for being inhabited by many prominent figures, such as the poetsAli Qushji (died 1474),Baba Fighani Shirazi (died 1519),Ahli Shirazi (died 1535), the poet, scholar andSufiJami (died 1492) and the philosopher and theologian,Jalal al-Din Davani (died 1503).[43]


The Aq Qoyunlu patronized Persianbelles-lettres which included poets likeAhli Shirazi, Kamāl al-Dīn Banāʾī Haravī, Bābā Fighānī, Shahīdī Qumī.[46] By the reign of Yaʿqūb, the Aq Qoyunlu court held a fondness for Persian poetry.[47] 16th-centuryAzerbaijani poetFuzuli was also born and raised under Aq Qoyunlu rule, writing his first known poem forShah Alvand Mirza.[48]

Nur al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman Jami dedicated his poem,Salāmān va Absāl, which was written in Persian, to Yaʿqūb.[49][50] Yaʿqūb rewarded Jami with a generous gift.[49] Jami also wrote a eulogy,Silsilat al-zahab, which indirectly criticised Yaʿqūb immoral behavior.[46] Yaʿqūb had Persian poems dedicated to him, including Ahli Shirazi's allegorical masnavi on love,Sham' va parvana and Bana'i's 5,000 verse narrative poem,Bahram va Bihruz.[46]

Yaʿqūb's maternal nephew, 'Abd Allah Hatifi, wrote poetry for the five years he spent at the Aq Qoyunlu court.[51]

Uzun Hasan and his son, Khalil,[52] patronized, along with other prominent Sufis, members of the Kobrāvi and Neʿmatallāhi tariqats.[53] According to theTarikh-e lam-r-ye amini by Fazlallh b. Ruzbehn Khonji Esfahni, the court-commissioned history of Yaqub's reign, Uzun Hasan built close to 400 structures in the Aq Qoyunlu region for the purpose of Sufi communal retreat.[53]

In 1469, Uzun Hasan sent the head of the Timurid Sultan, Shāhrukh II bin Abu Sa'id, with an embassy to the court of the newly ascendedal-Ashraf Qaytbay in Cairo.[54] With these presents came afathnama, in Persian, explaining to the Mamluk sultan the events leading up to the Aq Quyunlu—Timurid conflict approximately five months earlier, emphasizing in particular Sultan-Abu Sa'id's plans of aggression toward the Mamluk and Aq Quyunlu dominions—plans that were thwarted by Qaitbay's loyal peer Uzun Hasan.[55] Despite the negative response from Qaitbay,[54] Uzun Hasan's continued correspondence to the Mamluk Sultanate were in Persian.[54]


The Aq Qoyunlu administration encompassed of two sections; the military caste, which mostly consisted ofTurkomans, but also had Iranian tribesmen in it. The other section was the civil staff, which consisted of officials from established Persian families.[56]

Military structure

The organization of the Aq Qoyunlu army was based on the fusion of military traditions from both nomadic and settled cultures. The ethnic background of Aq-Qoyunlu troops were quite heterogeneous as it consisted of 'sarvars' of Azerbaijan, people of Persia and Iraq, Iranzamin askers, dilavers of Kurdistan, Turkmen mekhtars and others.[57][58]

Padishah (Sovereign)Head of Defence Ministry
Tavachi dari
Head of Guards
Qorchu bashi
Chief commander over army units
(Amir al-Umara – Askeri qoshun)
Flag bearer
(Emir alem)
TavachiKadi nazirAmir bitikchi
Royal bodyguard
Boy nuker
Engineer corpsChief Horseman
(Emir Ahur)
GarrisonsThe superintendent of the hunt
Amir-i Shikar
ArtilleryMilitary inspector
Ariz-i Lashkar
Road guardsQuartermaster
Bukaul-i Lashkar
Regular army
Search units
Nomad units
Mir-i el
Army Inspector
Amiri Jandar
Jandar units
Head of Food Supply
Head of Auxiliary troops
Yasaul bashi
Yasaul units
Head of Camping
Yurtchu bashi
Yurtchu units
Secret agents / spies
Sahib Habar
Head of Internal Affairs
Eshik Agasi Bashi




  • Jahangir's coin, after 1444 AD.
    Jahangir's coin, after 1444 AD.
  • Uzun Hasan's coin minted in Amid (Diyarbakir), c. 1453–1478 AD.
    Uzun Hasan's coin minted in Amid (Diyarbakir),c. 1453–1478 AD.
  • Sultan Yaqub's coin, c. 1479–1490 AD.
    Sultan Yaqub's coin,c. 1479–1490 AD.
  • Baysunghur's coin minted in Tabriz, c. 1490–1493 AD.
    Baysunghur's coin minted in Tabriz,c. 1490–1493 AD.
  • Sultan Rustam's coin, 1495 AD.
    Sultan Rustam's coin, 1495 AD.
  • Sultan Ahmad's coin minted in Tabriz, 1497 AD.
    Sultan Ahmad's coin minted in Tabriz, 1497 AD.
  • Coin of Sultan Muhammad.
    Coin of Sultan Muhammad.
  • Sultan Alwand's coin.
    Sultan Alwand's coin.
  • Sultan Murad's coin.
    Sultan Murad's coin.

See also

Part ofa series on the
History ofAzerbaijan
Sasanian Empire 224–651
      • Satrapy of Albaniac.252–636
Khazar Khaganatec.650–969
Rashidun Caliphate632–661
      • Islamic conquest633–654
      • Arranc.650–705
Umayyad Caliphate661–750
      • Arranc.650–705
      • Emirate of Arminiya 705–884
Abbasid Caliphate750–1258
      • Emirate of Arminiya705–884
Sallarid dynasty919–1062
Seljuk Empire 1037–1194
Khwarazmian Empire 1077–1231
Eldiguzids 1135–1225
Mongol Empire1206–1368
Ilkhanate 1256–1335
Chobanids 1335–1357
Timurid Empire 1370–1507
Qara Qoyunlu 1374–1468
Aq Qoyunlu 1378–1503
Safavid Iran 1501–1736
      • Safavid Shirvan 1501–1736
      • Safavid Karabakh 1501–1747
      • Chokhur-e Sa'd 1502–1736
Ottoman Empire 1299–1922
      • Shirvan Eyalet [az] 1578–1607
      • Ganja-Qarabagh Eyalet (I) [az] 1588–1606
      • Revan Eyalet (I) [az] 1583–1604
          • Nakhchivan Sanjak (I) [az] 1583–1604
      • Ganja-Qarabagh Eyalet (II) [az] 1725–1735
      • Revan Eyalet (II) [az] 1724–1736
          • Nakhchivan Sanjak (II) [az] 1724–1736
      • Tiflis Eyalet (II) [az] 1723–1735
          • Kazak Sanjak (II) [az] 1723–1735
Afsharid Iran 1736–1796
      • Division of Afsharid Empire 1747
Khanates of the Caucasus 1604–1844
      • Elisu Sultanate 1604–1844
      • Kazakh sultanate 1605–1801
      • Djaro-Belokanic.1600s–c.1800s
      • Shaki Khanate 1743–1819
      • Ganja Khanate 1747–1805
      • Talysh Khanate 1747–1828
      • Nakhichevan Khanate 1747–1828
      • Qutqashen Sultanate 1747–1841
      • Baku Khanate 1747–1806
      • Shamshadil sultanate 1747–1801
      • Quba Khanate 1747–1806
      • Karabakh Khanate 1748–1822
          • Treaty of Kurakchay 1805
      • Shirvan Khanate 1748–1820
Zand dynasty1751–1794
Qajar Iran1789–1925
      • Fourth Russo-Persian War 1804–1813
          • Treaty of Gulistan 1813
      • Fifth Russo-Persian War 1826–1828
          • Treaty of Turkmenchay 1828
Russian Empire 1721–1917
      • Second Russo-Persian War 1722–1723
      • Caucasus Viceroyalty 1801–1917
          • Baku Governorate 1846–1920
          • Erivan Governorate 1849–1917
          • Zakatal okrug 1859–1918
          • Elizavetpol Governorate 1867–1920
      • Special Transcaucasian Committee 1917
Transcaucasian Commissariat 1917–1918
      • March Days 1918
Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic 1918
Baku Commune 1918
Centrocaspian Dictatorship 1918
Republic of Aras 1918–1919
Mughan Soviet Republic 1919
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic 1918 - 1920
      • Armenian–Azerbaijani War 1918–1920
          • Battle of Baku 1918
      • Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan 1920
Azerbaijan Socialist Soviet Republic 1920–1922
      • Treaty of Kars 1921
Soviet Union 1922–1991
      • Transcaucasian SFSR 1922–1936
          • Azerbaijan SSR 1922–1936
      • Azerbaijan SSR 1936–1991
          • World War II 1941–1945
          • Black January 1990
      • Republic of Azerbaijan 1991
Republic of Azerbaijan 1991–present
      • I Nagorno-Karabakh War 1988–1994
          • Bishkek Protocol 1994
      • II Nagorno-Karabakh War 2020
          • Ceasefire Agreement 2020
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History ofTurkey
Turkey in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia, 1921
Troy 3000–700 BC
Hattians 2500–2000 BC
Akkadian Empire 2400–2150 BC
Luwians 2300–1400 BC
Assyria 1950–1750 BC
Kussara 1780–1680 BC
Achaeans (Homer) 1700–1300 BC
Kizzuwatna 1650–1450 BC
Hittites 1680–1220 BC
Arzawa 1500–1320 BC
Mitanni 1500–1300 BC
Hayasa-Azzi 1500–1290 BC
Lycia 1450–350 BC
Assuwa 1300–1250 BC
Diauehi 1200–800 BC
Neo-Hittites 1200–800 BC
Phrygia 1200–700 BC
Caria 1150–547 BC
Tuwanuwa 1000–700 BC
Ionia 1000–545 BC
Urartu 859–595/585 BC
Diauehi 1200–800 BC
Neo-Hittites 1200–800 BC
Phrygia 1200–700 BC
Caria 1150–547 BC
Doris 1100–560 BC
Aeolis 1000–560 BC
Tuwanuwa 1000–700 BC
Ionia 1000–545 BC
Urartu 859–595/585 BC
Median Empire 678–549 BC
Lydia 685–547 BC
Achaemenid Empire 559–331 BC
Kingdom of Alexander the Great 334–301 BC
Kingdom of Cappadocia 322–130 BC
Antigonids 306–168 BC
Seleucid Empire 305–64 BC
Ptolemaic Kingdom 305–30 BC
Kingdom of Pontus 302–64 BC
Bithynia 297–74 BC
Attalid kingdom 282–129 BC
Galatia 281–64 BC
Parthian Empire 247 BC–224 AD
Armenian Empire 190 BC–428 AD
Roman Republic 133–27 BC
Commagene 163 BC–72 AD
Ancient Rome 133 BC-27 BC–330 AD
Sasanian Empire 224–651 AD (briefly in Anatolia)
Eastern Roman Empire (330–1453; 1204-1261 in exile asEmpire of Nicaea)
Rashidun Caliphate (637–656)
Great Seljuk State (1037–1194)
Danishmends (1071–1178)
Sultanate of Rum (1077–1307)
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (1078–1375)
Anatolian beyliks (1081–1423)
County of Edessa (1098–1150)
Artuqids (1101–1409)
Empire of Trebizond (1204–1461)
Latin Empire (1204–1261)
Karamanids (1250–1487)
Ilkhanate (1256–1335)
Kara Koyunlu (1375–1468)
Ak Koyunlu (1378–1501)
Rise (1299–1453)
Classical Age (1453–1566)
Transformation (1566–1703)
Old Regime (1703–1789)
Decline and modernization (1789–1908)
Defeat and dissolution (1908–1922)
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History ofIran

TheGate of All Nations in Fars
Median Empire 678–550 BC
Scythian Kingdom 652–625 BC
Anshanite Kingdom 635 BC–550 BC
Neo-Babylonian Empire 626 BC–539 BC
Sogdiac. 6th century BC–11th century AD
Achaemenid Empire 550 BC–330 BC
Kingdom of Armenia 331 BC–428 AD
Atropatenec. 323 BC–226 AD
Kingdom of Cappadocia 320s BC–17 AD
Seleucid Empire 312 BC–63 BC
Kingdom of Pontus 281 BC–62 BC
Fratarakas 3rd-century BC–132 BC
Parthian Empire 247 BC–224 AD
Elymais 147 BC–224 AD
Characene 141 BC–222 AD
Kings of Persis 132 BC–224 AD
Indo-Parthian Kingdom 19 AD–224/5
Paratarajas 125–300
Sasanian Empire 224–651
Zarmihrids 6th century–785
Qarinvandids 550s–11th century
Rashidun Caliphate 632-661
Umayyad Caliphate 661–750
Abbasid Caliphate 750–1258
Dabuyids 642–760
Bavandids 651–1349
Masmughans of Damavand 651–760
Baduspanids 665–1598
Justanids 791 – 11th century
Alid dynasties 864 – 14th century
Tahirid dynasty 821–873
Samanid Empire 819–999
Saffarid dynasty 861–1003
Ghurid dynasty pre-879 – 1215
Sajid dynasty 889–929
Sallarid dynasty 919–1062
Ziyarid dynasty 930–1090
Ilyasids 932–968
Buyid dynasty 934–1062
Rawadid dynasty 955–1070
Hasanwayhids 959–1095
Ghaznavid dynasty 977–1186
Annazids 990/1–1117
Kakuyids 1008–1141
Nasrid dynasty 1029–1236
Shabankara 1030–1355
Seljuk Empire 1037–1194
Khwarazmian dynasty 1077–1231
Eldiguzids 1135–1225
Atabegs of Yazd 1141–1319
Salghurids 1148–1282
Hazaraspids 1155–1424
Pishkinid dynasty 1155–1231
Khorshidi dynasty 1184-1597
Qutlugh-Khanids 1223-1306
Mihrabanids 1236–1537
Kurt dynasty 1244–1396
Ilkhanate Empire 1256–1335
Chobanid dynasty 1335–1357
Muzaffarid dynasty 1335–1393
Jalayirid Sultanate 1337–1376
Sarbadars 1337–1376
Injuids 1335–1357
Afrasiyab dynasty 1349–1504
Mar'ashis 1359–1596
Timurid Empire 1370–1507
Kar-Kiya dynasty 1370s–1592
Qara Qoyunlu 1406–1468
Aq Qoyunlu 1468–1508
Safavid Iran 1501–1736
(Hotak dynasty) 1722–1729
Afsharid Iran 1736–1796
Zand dynasty 1751–1794
Qajar Iran 1789–1925
Pahlavi Iran 1925–1979
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  1. ^However some Aq Qoyunlu rump states continued to rule until 1508, before they were absorbed into the Safavid Empire byIsmail I.[1]
  2. ^...Persian was primarily the language of poetry in the Aq Qoyunlu court.[5]
  3. ^ • Also referred to as theAq Qoyunlu confederacy, theAq Qoyunlu sultanate, theAq Qoyunlu empire,[3] theWhite Sheep confederacy.
     • Other spellings includesAg Qoyunlu,Agh Qoyunlu orAk Koyunlu.
     • Also mentioned asBayanduriyye (Bayandurids) in Iranian[12][11] and Ottoman sources.[13]
     • Also known asTur-'Alids in Mamluk sources.[14]: 34 


  1. ^Charles Melville (2021).Safavid Persia in the Age of Empires: The Idea of Iran. Vol. 10. p. 33.Only after five more years did Esma'il and the Qezelbash finally defeat the rump Aq Qoyunlu regimes. In Diyarbakr, the Mowsillu overthrew Zeynal b. Ahmad and then later gave their allegiance to the Safavids when the Safavids invaded in 913/1507. The following year the Safavids conquered Iraq and drove out Soltan-Morad, who fled to Anatolia and was never again able to assert his claim to Aq Qoyunlu rule. It was therefore only in 1508 that the last regions of Aq Qoyunlu power finally fell to Esma'il.
  2. ^Daniel T. Potts (2014).Nomadism in Iran: From Antiquity to the Modern Era. p. 7.Indeed, the Bayundur clan to which the Aq-qoyunlu rulers belonged, bore the same name and tamgha (symbol) as that of an Oghuz clan.
  3. ^abcdefghijklmnopq"AQ QOYUNLŪ". Encyclopaedia Iranica. 5 August 2011. pp. 163–168.
  4. ^Arjomand, Saïd Amir (2016). "Unity of the Persianate World under Turko-Mongolian Domination and Divergent Development of Imperial Autocracies in the Sixteenth Century".Journal of Persianate Studies.9 (1): 11.doi:10.1163/18747167-12341292.The disintegration of Timur's empire into a growing number of Timurid principalities ruled by his sons and grandsons allowed the remarkable rebound of the Ottomans and their westward conquest of Byzantium as well as the rise of rival Turko-Mongolian nomadic empires of the Aq Qoyunlu and Qara Qoyunlu in western Iran, Iraq, and eastern Anatolia. In all of these nomadic empires, however, Persian remained the official court language and the Persianate ideal of kingship prevailed.
  5. ^abErkinov 2015, p. 62.
  6. ^Lazzarini, Isabella (2015).Communication and Conflict: Italian Diplomacy in the Early Renaissance, 1350–1520. Oxford University Press. p. 244.ISBN 978-0-19-872741-5.
  7. ^Javadi & Burrill 2012.
  8. ^abMichael M. Gunter,Historical dictionary of the Kurds (2010), p. 29
  9. ^abFaruk Sümer (1988–2016)."AKKOYUNLULAR XV. yüzyılda Doğu Anadolu, Azerbaycan ve Irak'ta hüküm süren Türkmen hânedanı (1340–1514)".TDV Encyclopedia of Islam (44+2 vols.) (in Turkish). Istanbul:Turkiye Diyanet Foundation, Centre for Islamic Studies.
  10. ^abcd"Coins from the tribal federation of Aq Qoyunlu".
  11. ^abcFaruk Sümer (1988–2016)."UZUN HASAN (ö. 882/1478) Akkoyunlu hükümdarı (1452–1478).".TDV Encyclopedia of Islam (44+2 vols.) (in Turkish). Istanbul:Turkiye Diyanet Foundation, Centre for Islamic Studies.
  12. ^Seyfettin Erşahin (2002).Akkoyunlular: siyasal, kültürel, ekonomik ve sosyal tarih (in Turkish). p. 317.
  13. ^International Journal of Turkish Studies. Vol. 4–5. University of Wisconsin. 1987. p. 272.
  14. ^abcWoods, John E. (1999).The Aqquyunlu: Clan, Confederation, Empire. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.ISBN 0-87480-565-1.
  15. ^"Aq Qoyunlu" atEncyclopædia Iranica; "Christian sedentary inhabitants were not totally excluded from the economic, political, and social activities of the Āq Qoyunlū state and that Qara ʿOṯmān had at his command at least a rudimentary bureaucratic apparatus of the Iranian-Islamic type. [...] With the conquest of Iran, not only did the Āq Qoyunlū center of power shift eastward, but Iranian influences were soon brought to bear on their method of government and their culture."
  16. ^Kaushik Roy,Military Transition in Early Modern Asia, 1400–1750, (Bloomsbury, 2014), 38; "Post-Mongol Persia and Iraq were ruled by two tribal confederations: Akkoyunlu (White Sheep) (1378–1507) and Qaraoyunlu (Black Sheep). They were Persianate Turkoman Confederations of Anatolia (Asia Minor) and Azerbaijan."
  17. ^Mikaberidze, Alexander (2011).Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World: A Historical Encyclopedia, vol. 1. Santa-Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio. p. 431.ISBN 978-159884-336-1. "His Qizilbash army overcame the massed forces of the dominant Ak Koyunlu (White Sheep)Turkomans at Sharur in 1501...".
  18. ^The Book of Dede Korkut (F.Sumer, A.Uysal, W.Walker ed.). University of Texas Press. 1972. p. Introduction.ISBN 0-292-70787-8. "Better known asTurkomans... the interim Ak-Koyunlu and Karakoyunlu dynasties..."
  19. ^Erdem, Ilham."The Aq-qoyunlu State from the Death of Osman Bey to Uzun Hasan Bey (1435–1456)." (2008).“The creator of the Aq-Qoyunlu principality founded in the region of Diyarbakır was Kara Yülük Osman Bey, a member of the Bayındır tribe of the Oghuz.”
  20. ^Pines, Yuri, Michal Biran, and Jörg Rüpke, eds.the limits of universal rule: Eurasian empires compared. Cambridge University Press, 2021."the Aq Qoyunlu, like the Ottomans, began life as a collection of loosely organized band of pastoral nomadic Oghuz raiders in the Diyarbakir region of eastern Anatolia"
    "the dynasty controlled territory in their eastern Anatolian homelands"
  21. ^Potts, Daniel T.Nomadism in Iran: from antiquity to the modern era. Oxford University Press, 2014.
  22. ^Wink, André.Indo-Islamic society: 14th–15th centuries. Vol. 3. Brill, 2003.
  23. ^abBosworth, C. E. (1 June 2019).New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 275–276.ISBN 978-1-4744-6462-8.
  24. ^Sinclair, T.A. (1989).Eastern Turkey: An Architectural & Archaeological Survey, Volume I. Pindar Press. p. 111.ISBN 978-0907132325.
  25. ^Jackson, Peter; Lockhart, Lawrence, eds. (1986).The Cambridge History of Iran. Volume 6, The Timurid and Safavid Periods. Cambridge University Press. p. 154.
  26. ^Minorsky, Vladimir (1955). "The Aq-qoyunlu and Land Reforms (Turkmenica, 11)".Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.17 (3): 449.doi:10.1017/S0041977X00112376.S2CID 154166838.
  27. ^Robert MacHenry.The New Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, 1993,ISBN 0-85229-571-5, p. 184.
  28. ^Cornell H. Fleischer (1986).Bureaucrat and intellectual in the Ottoman Empire. p. 287.
  29. ^H. B. Paksoy (1989).Alpamysh: Central Asian Identity Under Russian Rule. p. 84.
  30. ^İsmail Aka (2005).Makaleler (in Turkish). Vol. 2. Berikan Kitabevi. p. 291.
  31. ^Eagles 2014.
  32. ^abTihranî, Ebu Bekr-i (2014).Kitab-ı Diyarbekriyye(PDF). Türk Tarih Kurumu.ISBN 978-9751627520.
  33. ^Eagles 2014, p. 46.
  34. ^abMarkiewicz 2019, p. 184.
  35. ^"AKKOYUNLULAR – TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi".TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi (in Turkish). Retrieved2022-04-11.
  36. ^Woods, John E (1999).The Aqquyunlu: Clan, Confederation, Empire(PDF). University of Utah Press.ISBN 0-87480-565-1.
  37. ^Thomas & Chesworth 2015, p. 585.
  38. ^abVladimir Minorsky. "The Aq-qoyunlu and Land Reforms (Turkmenica, 11)",Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 17/3 (1955): 458.
  39. ^Sarı, Arif (2019). "İran Türk Devletleri Karakoyunlular Akkoyunlular Safeviler".İnsanlığın Serüveni. İstek Yayınları.
  40. ^C.E. Bosworth and R. Bulliet,The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual, Columbia University Press, 1996,ISBN 0-231-10714-5, p. 275.
  41. ^abCharles van der Leeuw.Azerbaijan: A Quest of Identity, a Short History, Palgrave Macmillan,ISBN 0-312-21903-2, p. 81
  42. ^abLane 2016.
  43. ^abLangaroodi & Negahban 2015.
  44. ^Muʾayyid S̲ābitī, ʻAlī (1967).Asnad va Namahha-yi Tarikhi (Historical documents and letters from early Islamic period towards the end of Shah Ismaʻil Safavi's reign.). Iranian culture & literature. Kitābkhānah-ʾi Ṭahūrī., pp. 193, 274, 315, 330, 332, 422 and 430. See also: Abdul Hussein Navai,Asnaad o Mokatebaat Tarikhi Iran (Historical sources and letters of Iran), Tehran, Bongaah Tarjomeh and Nashr-e-Ketab, 2536, pp. 578, 657, 701–702 and 707
  45. ^H.R. Roemer, "The Safavid Period", inCambridge History of Iran, Vol. VI, Cambridge University Press 1986, p. 339: "Further evidence of a desire to follow in the line of Turkmen rulers is Ismail's assumption of the title 'Padishah-i-Iran', previously held by Uzun Hasan."
  46. ^abcLingwood 2014, p. 26.
  47. ^Lingwood 2014, p. 111.
  48. ^Mazıoğlu, Hasibe (1992).Fuzûlî ve Türkçe Divanı'ndan Seçmeler [Fuzûlî and Selections from His Turkish Divan] (in Turkish). Kültür Bakanlığı Yayımlar Dairesi Başkanlığı. p. 4.ISBN 978-975-17-1108-3.
  49. ^abDaʿadli 2019, p. 6.
  50. ^Lingwood 2014, p. 16.
  51. ^Lingwood 2014, p. 112.
  52. ^Lingwood 2014, p. 87.
  53. ^abLingwood 2011, p. 235.
  54. ^abcMelvin-Koushki 2011, p. 193.
  55. ^Melvin-Koushki 2011, p. 193–194, 198.
  56. ^V. Minorsky, "A Civil and Military Review in Fars" 881/1476, p. 172
  57. ^abАгаев, Юсиф; Ахмедов, Сабухи (2006).Ак-Коюнлу-Османская война (in Russian).
  58. ^abErdem, I. (March 1991)."[Akkoyunlu Ordusunu Oluşturan İnsan Unsuru]".Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (in Turkish).15 (26):85–92.ISSN 1015-1826.


  • Bosworth, Clifford (1996)The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual (2nd ed.) Columbia University Press, New York,ISBN 0-231-10714-5
  • Javadi, H.; Burrill, K. (May 24, 2012)."Azerbaijan x. Azeri Turkish Literature".Encyclopaedia Iranica.Among the Azeri poets of the 15th century mention should be made of Ḵaṭāʾi Tabrizi. He wrote a maṯnawi entitled Yusof wa Zoleyḵā, and dedicated it to the Aqqoyunlu Sultan Yaʿqub (r. 1478–90), who himself wrote poetry in Azeri Turkish.
  • Daʿadli, Tawfiq (2019).Esoteric Images: Decoding the Late Herat School of Painting. Brill.
  • Eagles, Jonathan (2014).Stephen the Great and Balkan Nationalism: Moldova and Eastern European History. I.B. Tauris.ISBN 978-1780763538.
  • Erkinov, Aftandil (2015). "From Herat to Shiraz: the Unique Manuscript (876/1471) of 'Alī Shīr Nawā'ī's Poetry from Aq Qoyunlu Circle".Cahiers d'Asie centrale.24. Translated by Bean, Scott:47–79.
  • Lane, George (2016). "Turkoman confederations, the (Aqqoyunlu and Qaraqoyunlu)". In Dalziel, N.; MacKenzie, J.M. (eds.).The Encyclopedia of Empire. pp. 1–5.doi:10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe193.ISBN 978-1118455074.
  • Langaroodi, Reza Rezazadeh; Negahban, Farzin (2015)."Āq-qūyūnlū". InMadelung, Wilferd;Daftary, Farhad (eds.).Encyclopaedia Islamica Online. Brill Online.ISSN 1875-9831.
  • Lingwood, C. G. (2011). "The qebla of Jāmi is None Other than Tabriz": ʿAbd al-Rahmān Jāmi and Naqshbandi Sufism at the Aq Qoyunlu Royal Court".Journal of Persianate Studies.4 (2):233–245.doi:10.1163/187471611X600404.
  • Lingwood, Chad G. (2014).Politics, Poetry, and Sufism in Medieval Iran. Brill.
  • Markiewicz, Christopher (2019).The Crisis of Kingship in Late Medieval Islam: Persian Emigres and the Making of Ottoman Sovereignty. Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-1108492140.
  • Melvin-Koushki, Matthew (2011)."The Delicate Art of Aggression: Uzun Hasan's "Fathnama" to Qaytbay of 1469".Iranian Studies.44 (2 (MARCH)):193–214.doi:10.1080/00210862.2011.541688.JSTOR 23033324.
  • Morby, John (2002)Dynasties of the World: A Chronological and Genealogical Handbook (2nd ed.) Oxford University Press, Oxford, England,ISBN 0-19-860473-4
  • Thomas, David; Chesworth, John A., eds. (2015).Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History:Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. Vol. 7. Brill.ISBN 978-9004298484.
  • Woods, John E. (1999)The Aqquyunlu: Clan, Confederation, Empire (2nd ed.) University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City,ISBN 0-87480-565-1
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