Anvil Studio consists of a free core program with optional add-ons.The free version is a fully functional MIDI editor/sequencer which loads and saves standardMIDI-formatted files, andallows individual tracks to be edited with a:
By default, Anvil Studio uses a General MIDI software synthesizer for playback, but also allows tracks to be assigned toVST instrument[2] or external MIDI devices.It processes audio usingCore Audio,ASIO,DirectX orWDM or enabled drivers.[2]
Anvil Studio is used in University research,[3][4] is included in the curriculum for college classes in music creation[5][6][7][8][9][10] and video game design.,[11][12][13] and is recommended by the book 'The Game Makers Apprentice' for use in the creation of video games.[14]
Anvil Studio is recommended by librarians for displaying sheet music for widely available free classical music files.[15]It is used in library-hosted computer clubs for promoting 21st century literacy skills.[16][17][18]
Anvil Studio is recommended by 'Recorder Classroom Magazine' for use in elementary education.[19] and by the U.K Choral Society as an aid for learning timing and pitch.[20]
^Myers, B. (2009). "Imagine, invent, program, share: A library-hosted computer club promotes 21st-century literacy skills".Computers in Libraries.29 (3): 6.