Anyer, also known asAnjer[1] orAngier, is a coastal town inBanten, formerlyWest Java,Indonesia, 82 miles (100 km) west ofJakarta[1] and 15 kilometers (9 mi) south ofMerak. A significant coastal town late 18th century, Anyer faces theSunda Strait.
The town was a considerable port in the 19th century but was destroyed by a 100-foot-hightsunami which was caused by the1883 eruption ofKrakatoa. The present settlement still houses theCikoneng Lighthouse built bythe Dutch government two years later as a memorial for the townspeople killed by the eruption.[2] It was also the starting point of theGreat Post Road, built by the Dutch in the nineteenth century, which ran around 1,000 kilometers (620 mi) to the eastern tip of Java. Off the coast of Anyer is the island Pulau Sangiang, an uninhabited island with vast areas of untouched jungle. The area is also known for coral formations swarming with tropical fish.
Anyer Beach is a tourist attraction with hot swimming water, a hotel, and rental of resting sheds, boats, four-wheeled motorcycles, water scooters, and a banana boat.[3]
Plans around 2011 proposed that theSunda Strait Bridge, an ambitious megaproject scheduled to start in 2014, would stretch from Anyer across theSunda Strait toLampung in South Sumatra.