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Connection or opening between two things
Vein skeleton of aHydrangea leaf showing anastomoses of veins

Ananastomosis (/əˌnæstəˈmsɪs/,pl.:anastomoses) is a connection or opening between two things (especially cavities or passages) that are normally diverging or branching, such as betweenblood vessels,leaf veins, orstreams. Such a connection may be normal (such as theforamen ovale in a fetus' heart) or abnormal (such as thepatent foramen ovale in an adult's heart); it may be acquired (such as anarteriovenous fistula) or innate (such as the arteriovenous shunt of ametarteriole); and it may be natural (such as the aforementioned examples) or artificial (such as asurgical anastomosis). The reestablishment of an anastomosis that had become blocked is called a reanastomosis. Anastomoses that are abnormal, whethercongenital or acquired, are often calledfistulas.

The term is used inmedicine,[1]biology,mycology,geology, andgeography.



Anastomosis: medical or Modern Latin, from Greek ἀναστόμωσις, anastomosis, "outlet, opening", Greek ana- "up, on, upon", stoma "mouth", "to furnish with a mouth".[2] Thus the-stom- syllable is cognate with that ofstoma in botany orstoma in medicine.

Medical anatomy

A network of blood vessels

An anastomosis is the connection of two normally divergent structures.[3] It refers to connections betweenblood vessels or between other tubular structures such as loops ofintestine.



Incirculatory anastomoses, many arteries naturally anastomose with each other; for example, theinferior epigastric artery andsuperior epigastric artery, or the anterior and/or posterior communicating arteries in theCircle of Willis in the brain. The circulatory anastomosis is further divided into arterial and venous anastomosis. Arterial anastomosis includes actual arterial anastomosis (e.g.,palmar arch,plantar arch) and potential arterial anastomosis (e.g.coronary arteries and cortical branch ofcerebral arteries). Anastomoses also form alternative routes aroundcapillary beds in areas that do not need a large blood supply, thus helping regulatesystemic blood flow.[citation needed]



Surgical anastomosis occurs when segments ofintestine, blood vessel, or any other structure are connected together surgically (anastomosed). Examples include arterial anastomosis inbypass surgery, intestinal anastomosis after a piece of intestine has been resected,Roux-en-Y anastomosis andureteroureterostomy. Surgical anastomosis techniques include linear stapled anastomosis,[4] hand sewn anastomosis,[4] end-to-end anastomosis (EEA).[5] Anastomosis can be performed by hand or with an anastomosis assist device.[6] Studies have been performed comparing various anastomosis approaches taking into account surgical "time and cost, postoperative anastomotic bleeding, leakage, and stricture".[7]

Anastomotic leakage in colorectal cancer surgery

Failure of an intestinal anastomosis with leakage of intestinal content in to the abdominal cavity is one of the most severe complications after bowel surgery. The severity of anastomotic leakage varies ranging from mild with minimal impact on the patient to severe and potentially fatal, with negative impact on both short- and long-term outcomes. The incidence has not changed in recent decades, despite improvement in surgical techniques, prehabilitation and perioperative care. Anastomotic leakage after rectal cancer surgery is higher and documented to occur in 9-11%, after colon resection the incidence of leakage is lower and about 6%.[8][9] Systemic factors contributing to anastomotic failure include sepsis, anemia, diabetes mellitus, previous irradiation, malnutrition, steroid use, smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity and certain disease conditions like Chron’s disease.[10][11]

Signs of an anastomotic leak include fever, abdominal pain or peritonitis, leukocytosis and tachycardia or new-onset arrythmias. Anastomotic leakage is usually diagnosed 5-8 days post-surgery.[11] A CT scan with pneumoperitoneum and significant free fluid or inflammatory changes around the anastomosis are suggestive of an anastomotic failure. Depending on the magnitude of the defect and leak different treatments are indicated. A localized anastomotic leak without systemic sepsis or peritonitis can be managed with antibiotics and if possible, drainage of the abscess. Anastomotic leaks associated with peritonitis or systemic sepsis requires an operation with either revision of the anastomosis if feasible or fecal diversion proximally or at the site of the anastomosis with a stoma.[10]



Pathological anastomosis results fromtrauma ordisease and may involveveins,arteries, orintestines. These are usually referred to asfistulas. In the cases of veins or arteries, traumatic fistulas usually occur between artery and vein. Traumatic intestinal fistulas usually occur between two loops of intestine (entero-enteric fistula) or intestine andskin (enterocutaneous fistula).Portacaval anastomosis, by contrast, is an anastomosis between a vein of theportal circulation and a vein of thesystemic circulation, which allows blood to bypass theliver in patients withportal hypertension, often resulting inhemorrhoids,esophageal varices, orcaput medusae.[citation needed]





Inevolution, anastomosis is a recombination of evolutionary lineage. Conventional accounts of evolutionary lineage present themselves as the branching out of species into novel forms. Under anastomosis, species might recombine after initial branching out, such as in the case of recent research that shows that ancestral populations along human and chimpanzee lineages may have interbred after an initial branching event.[12] The concept of anastomosis also applies to the theory ofsymbiogenesis, in which newspecies emerge from the formation of novel symbiotic relationships.[citation needed]


Anastomosing gills of Marasmius cf. cladophyllus

Inmycology, anastomosis is the fusion between branches of the same or differenthyphae.[13] Hence the bifurcating fungal hyphae can form true reticulating networks. By sharing materials in the form of dissolvedions,hormones, andnucleotides, the fungus maintains bidirectional communication with itself. The fungal network might begin from several origins; several spores (i.e. by means ofconidial anastomosis tubes), several points of penetration, each a spreading circumference of absorption and assimilation. Once encountering the tip of another expanding, exploring self, the tips press against each other inpheromonal recognition or by an unknown recognition system, fusing to form a genetic singular clonal colony that can cover hectares called agenet or just microscopical areas.[14]

For fungi, anastomosis is also a component of reproduction. In some fungi, two differenthaploid mating types – if compatible – merge.Somatically, they form a morphologically similar mycelial wave front that continues to grow and explore. The significant difference is that eachseptated unit is binucleate, containing two unfusednuclei, i.e. one from each parent that eventually undergoeskaryogamy and meiosis to complete the sexual cycle.[citation needed]

Also the term "anastomosing" is used for mushroom gills which interlink and separate to form a network.[15]


Main article:Inosculation

The growth of astrangler fig around a host tree, with tendrils fusing together to form a mesh, is called anastomosing.[16]





Ingeology,veins ofquartz (or other) minerals can display anastomosis.[17]

Ductileshear zones frequently show anastomosing geometries of highly-strained rocks around lozenges of less-deformed material.[18]

Moltenlava flows sometimes flow in anastomosedlava channels[19] orlava tubes.[20]

In cave systems, anastomosis is the splitting of cave passages that later reconnect.[21]

Geography and hydrology


Anastomosing rivers,anastomosing streams consist of multiple channels that divide and reconnect and are separated by semi-permanent banks formed of cohesive material, such that they are unlikely to migrate from one channel position to another. They can be confused withbraided rivers based on their planforms alone, but braided rivers are much shallower and more dynamic than anastomosing rivers. Some definitions require that an anastomosing river be made up of interconnected channels that enclose floodbasins,[22] again in contrast with braided rivers.

Rivers with anastomosedreaches include theMagdalena River inColombia,[23] the upperColumbia River inBritish Columbia, Canada,[24] theDrumheller Channels of theChanneled Scablands of the state of Washington, US, and the upperNarew River inPoland.[25] The termanabranch has been used for segments of anastomosing rivers.

Braided streams show anastomosing channels aroundchannel bars ofalluvium.[26]


  1. ^"Online ICD9/ICD9CM codes" Retrieved2022-01-24.
  2. ^Online Etymology Dictionary Douglas Harper
  3. ^Gylys, Barbara A.; Mary Ellen Wedding (2005),Medical Terminology Systems, F.A. Davis Company
  4. ^ab"Laparoscopic Anastomotic Techniques - A SAGES Wiki Article".SAGES. Retrieved2018-06-28.
  5. ^Akelina, Yelena (2014-03-31). "Microsurgical Technique for 1mm Vessel End to End Anastomosis".Journal of Medical Insight.2014 (3).doi:10.24296/jomi/2.ISSN 2373-6003.
  6. ^Kikuchi, Keita; Tambara, Keiichi; Yamamoto, Taira; Yamasaki, Motoshige; Hirose, Hitoshi; Amano, Atsushi (2010)."The Use of Enclose®II Anastomosis Assist Device for the Proximal Coronary Branch Anastomosis to Vascular Graft".Annals of Vascular Diseases.3 (1):84–86.doi:10.3400/avd.hdi08023.ISSN 1881-641X.PMC 3595814.PMID 23555395.
  7. ^Yao, Libin; Li, Chao; Zhu, Xiaocheng; Shao, Yong; Meng, Song; Shi, Linsen; Wang, Hui (2016-11-26)."An Effective New Intestinal Anastomosis Method".Medical Science Monitor.22:4570–4576.doi:10.12659/MSM.902000.ISSN 1234-1010.PMC 5138069.PMID 27888280.
  8. ^Snijders HS, Wouters MWJM, Van Leersum NJ, Kolfschoten NE, Henneman D, De Vries AC, et al. Meta-analysis of the risk for anastomotic leakage, the postoperative mortality caused by leakage in relation to the overall postoperative mortality. Eur J Surg Oncol EJSO. 2012 Nov;38(11):1013–9
  9. ^Meyer J, Naiken S, Christou N, Liot E, Toso C, Buchs NC, et al. Reducing anastomotic leak in colorectal surgery: The old dogmas and the new challenges. World J Gastroenterol. 2019 Sep 14;25(34):5017–25
  10. ^abChen C. The Art of Bowel Anastomosis. Scand J Surg. 2012 Dec;101(4):238–40
  11. ^abChiarello MM, Fransvea P, Cariati M, Adams NJ, Bianchi V, Brisinda G. Anastomotic leakage in colorectal cancer surgery. Surg Oncol. 2022 Mar;40:101708
  12. ^Patterson, Nick; et al. (May 2006). "Genetic evidence for complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees".Nature.441 (7097):1103–1108.Bibcode:2006Natur.441.1103P.doi:10.1038/nature04789.PMID 16710306.S2CID 2325560.
  13. ^Kendrick, Bryce (2001),The Fifth Kingdom, Mycologue Publications
  14. ^Glass L.; Rasmussen C.; Roca M.G.; Read N. (2004). "Hyphal homing, fusion and mycelial interconnectedness".Trends in Microbiology.12 (3):135–141.doi:10.1016/j.tim.2004.01.007.PMID 15001190.
  15. ^Marcel Bon (1987).The Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-Western Europe. Hodder & Stoughton. p. 14.ISBN 978-0-340-39935-4.
  16. ^Kricher, John C. (2017).The New Neotropical Companion (Revised ed.). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. p. 52.ISBN 978-1400885589.OCLC 964359395.
  17. ^C.E. Dorado J.C. Molano (2018). "Microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions from El Vapor gold mineralizations, Colombia".Earth Sciences Research Journal.22 (3):151–158.doi:10.15446/esrj.v22n3.63442.
  18. ^Burg, J.-P.; Arbaret, L.; Chaudhry, N. M.; Dawood, H.; Hussain, S.; Zeilinger, G. (January 2005)."Shear strain localization from the upper mantle to the middle crust of the Kohistan Arc (Pakistan)".Geological Society, London, Special Publications.245 (1):25–38.Bibcode:2005GSLSP.245...25B.doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.2005.245.01.02.ISSN 0305-8719.S2CID 129641276.
  19. ^Dietterich, H.R.; Cashman, K.V.The creation and influence of bifurcations and confluences in Hawaiian lava flows on conditions of flow emplacement. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011.Bibcode:2011AGUFM.V41A2484D. V41A-2484. Retrieved17 October 2023.
  20. ^Peterson, D.W.; Holcomb, R.T.; Tilling, R.I.; Christiansen, R.L. (1994). "Development of lava tubes in the light of observations at Mauna Ulu, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii".Bulletin of Volcanology.56 (5):343–360.Bibcode:1994BVol...56..343P.doi:10.1007/BF00326461.S2CID 129741130.
  21. ^"Glossary of Karst and Cave Terms: anastomosis" Archived fromthe original on 5 October 2022. Retrieved8 July 2022.
  22. ^Makaske, Bart (2001)."Anastomosing rivers: a review of their classification, origin and sedimentary products"(PDF).Earth-Science Reviews.53 (3–4):149–196.Bibcode:2001ESRv...53..149M.doi:10.1016/s0012-8252(00)00038-6. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 2016-10-11. Retrieved2016-08-21.
  23. ^Smith, D (1986). "Anastomosing river deposits, sedimentation rates and basin subsidence, Magdalena River, northwestern Colombia, South America".Sedimentary Geology.46 (3–4):177–196.Bibcode:1986SedG...46..177S.doi:10.1016/0037-0738(86)90058-8.
  24. ^Abbado, D., Slingerland, R.L., and Smith, N.D., 2005, The origin of anastomosis in the upper Columbia River, British Columbia, Canada: In Blum, M.D., Marriott, S., and Leclair. S. (eds.), Fluvial Sedimentology VII, Internat. Assoc. Sedim. Special Publ. 35.
  25. ^Gradzinski, R (2003). "Vegetation-controlled modern anastomosing system of the upper Narew River (NE Poland) and its sediments".Sedimentary Geology.157 (3–4):253–276.Bibcode:2003SedG..157..253G.doi:10.1016/S0037-0738(02)00236-1.
  26. ^Whitcomb, Lawrence (1947)."Anastomosing Vs. Braided Streams".Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.21:64–68.ISSN 0096-9222.JSTOR 44112178.
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