TheAmbidravi (Gaulish: *Ambidrauoi, 'those around the Dravus') were aGallic tribe dwelling around the upperDrava river, nearTeurnia (Austria), during theRoman period.
They are mentioned asAmbídranoi (Ἀμβίδρανοι) byPtolemy (2nd c. AD),[1] and asAmbidr(avi) and[A]mbidr(avi) on inscriptions.[2][3]
The ethnic nameAmbidravi is a latinized form of theGaulish *Ambridauoi, which means 'around the Dravus', that is 'those living around the Dravus river'.[3]
The Ambidravi lived around the upper Dravas river (modernDrava), near the city ofTeurnia. Their territory was located north of theAmbilici, east of theLaianci.[4]