An example of an amateur radio station with four transceivers, amplifiers, and a computer for logging and for digital modes. On the wall are examples of various amateur radio awards, certificates, and reception report cards (QSL cards) from foreign amateur stations.
Amateur radio, also known asham radio, is the use of theradio frequencyspectrum for purposes ofnon-commercial exchange of messages,wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation,radiosport,contesting, andemergency communications.[1] The term "amateur" is used to specify "a duly authorized person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and withoutpecuniary interest"[2] (either direct monetary or other similar reward); and to differentiate it fromcommercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professionaltwo-way radio services (such as maritime, aviation, taxis, etc.).
Polish amateur radio station SP1QE, featuring 1930svacuum tube transmitter and receiver.
The amateur radio service (amateur service andamateur-satellite service) is established by theInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) through theRadio Regulations. National governments regulate technical and operational characteristics of transmissions and issue individual station licenses with a unique identifyingcall sign, which must be used in all transmissions.Amateur operators must hold anamateur radio license which is obtained by passing a government test demonstrating adequate technical radio knowledge and legal knowledge of the host government's radio regulations.
Radio amateurs are limited to a specific set of frequency bands, the amateur radio bands, allocated throughout theradio spectrum, but within these bands are allowed to transmit on anyfrequency using a variety of voice, text, image, anddata communications modes. This enables communication across a city, region, country, continent, the world, or even into space. In many countries, amateur radio operators may also send, receive, or relay radio communications betweencomputers ortransceivers connected to securevirtual private networks on theInternet.
Amateur radio is officially represented and coordinated by theInternational Amateur Radio Union (IARU), which is organized in three regions and has as its members the national amateur radio societies which exist in most countries. According to an estimate made in 2011 by theAmerican Radio Relay League (theAmerican national amateur radio society), two million people throughout the world are regularly involved with amateur radio.[3] About 830,000amateur radio stations are located in IARU Region 2 (the Americas) followed by IARU Region 3 (South and East Asia and the Pacific Ocean) with about 750,000 stations. A significantly smaller number, about 400,000, are located in IARU Region 1 (Europe, Middle East,CIS, Africa).
An amateur radio station in Wales. Multiple transceivers are employed for different bands and modes. Computers are used for control, data modes, SDR, RTTY and logging.
The origins of amateur radio can be traced to the late 19th century, but amateur radio as practised today began in the early 20th century. TheFirst Annual Official Wireless Blue Book of the Wireless Association of America, produced in 1909, contains a list of amateur radio stations.[4] This radiocallbook listswireless telegraph stations in Canada and the United States, including 89 amateur radio stations. As with radio in general, amateur radio was associated with various amateur experimenters and hobbyists. Amateur radio enthusiasts have significantly contributed toscience,engineering, industry, andsocial services. Research by amateur operators has founded new industries,[5] built economies,[6] empowered nations,[7] and saved lives in times of emergency.[8][9] Ham radio can also be used in the classroom to teach English, map skills, geography, math, science, and computer skills.[10]
The term "ham" was first apejorative term used in professional wired telegraphy during the 19th century, to mock operators with poorMorse code-sending skills ("ham-fisted").[11][12][13][14] This term continued to be used after the invention of radio and the proliferation of amateur experimentation with wireless telegraphy; among land- and sea-based professional radio operators, "ham" amateurs were considered a nuisance. The use of "ham" meaning "amateurish or unskilled" survives today sparsely in other disciplines (e.g. "ham actor").
The amateur radio community subsequently began to reclaim the word as a label of pride,[15] and by the mid-20th century it had lost its pejorative meaning. Although not an acronym or initialism, it is often written as "HAM" in capital letters.
Radiotelegraphy usingMorse code, also known as "CW" from "continuous wave", is the wireless extension of landline (wired)telegraphy developed bySamuel Morse and dates to the earliest days of radio. Although computer-based (digital) modes and methods have largely replaced CW for commercial and military applications, many amateur radio operators still enjoy using the CW mode—particularly on theshortwave bands and for experimental work, such asEarth–Moon–Earth communication, because of its inherentsignal-to-noise ratio advantages. Morse, using internationally agreed message encodings such as theQ code, enables communication between amateurs who speak different languages. It is also popular withhomebrewers and in particular with "QRP" or very-low-power enthusiasts, as CW-only transmitters are simpler to construct, and the human ear-brain signal processing system can pull weak CW signals out of the noise where voice signals would be totally inaudible. A similar "legacy" mode popular with home constructors isamplitude modulation (AM), pursued by manyvintage amateur radio enthusiasts and aficionados ofvacuum tube technology.
Demonstrating a proficiency in Morse code was for many years a requirement to obtain an amateur license to transmit on frequencies below 30 MHz. Following changes in international regulations in 2003, countries are no longer required to demand proficiency.[17] The United StatesFederal Communications Commission, for example, phased out this requirement for all license classes on 23 February 2007.[18][19]
Modern personal computers have encouraged the use ofdigital modes such asradioteletype (RTTY) which previously required cumbersome mechanical equipment.[20] Hams led the development ofpacket radio in the 1970s, which has employed protocols such asAX.25 andTCP/IP. Specialized digital modes such asPSK31 allow real-time, low-power communications on the shortwave bands but have been losing favor in place of newer digital modes such asFT8.
Radio over IP, or RoIP, is similar toVoice over IP (VoIP), but augments two-way radio communications rather than telephone calls.EchoLink using VoIP technology has enabled amateurs to communicate through local Internet-connected repeaters and radio nodes,[21] whileIRLP has allowed the linking of repeaters to provide greater coverage area.
Automatic link establishment (ALE) has enabled continuous amateur radio networks to operate on thehigh frequency bands with global coverage. Other modes, such as FSK441 using software such asWSJT, are used for weak signal modes includingmeteor scatter andmoonbounce communications.[22]
Fast scanamateur television has gained popularity as hobbyists adapt inexpensive consumer video electronics like camcorders and video cards inPCs. Because of the widebandwidth and stable signals required, amateur television is typically found in the70 cm (420–450 MHz) wavelength range, though there is also limited use on33 cm (902–928 MHz),23 cm (1240–1300 MHz) and shorter. These requirements also effectively limit the signal range to between 20 and 60 miles (30–100 km).
Linkedrepeater systems, however, can allow transmissions ofVHF and higher frequencies across hundreds of miles.[23] Repeaters are usually located on heights of land or on tall structures, and allow operators to communicate over hundreds of miles using hand-held or mobiletransceivers. Repeaters can also be linked together by using otheramateur radio bands,landline, or theInternet.
Amateur radio operators use theiramateur radio station to make contacts with individual hams as well as participate in round-table discussion groups or "rag chew sessions" on the air. Some join in regularly scheduled on-air meetings with other amateur radio operators, called "nets" (as in "networks"), which are moderated by a station referred to as "Net Control".[28] Nets can allow operators to learn procedures for emergencies, be an informal round table, or cover specific interests shared by a group.[29]
Amateur radio operators, using battery- or generator-powered equipment, often provide essential communications services when regular channels are unavailable due to natural disaster or other disruptive events .[30]
Many amateur radio operators participate in radio contests, during which an individual or team of operators typically seek to contact and exchange information with as many other amateur radio stations as possible in a given period of time. In addition to contests, a number ofamateur radio operating award schemes exist, sometimes suffixed with "on the Air", such asSummits on the Air, Islands on the Air,Worked All States andJamboree on the Air.
The top of a tower supporting aYagi–Uda antenna and several wire antennas, along with a Canadian flagA handheld VHF/UHF transceiver
Radio transmission permits are closely controlled by nations' governments because radio waves propagate beyond national boundaries, and therefore radio is of international concern.[32]
All countries that license citizens to use amateur radio require operators to display knowledge and understanding of key concepts, usually by passing an exam.[34] The licenses grant hams the privilege to operate in larger segments of theradio frequency spectrum, with a wider variety of communication techniques, and with higher power levels relative to unlicensed personal radio services (such asCB radio,FRS, andPMR446), which require type-approved equipment restricted in mode, range, and power.[35]
Amateur licensing is a routine civil administrative matter in many countries. Amateurs therein must pass an examination to demonstrate technical knowledge, operating competence, and awareness of legal and regulatory requirements, in order to avoid interfering with other amateurs and other radio services.[36] A series of exams are often available, each progressively more challenging and granting more privileges: greater frequency availability, higher power output, permitted experimentation, and, in some countries, distinctive call signs.[37][38] Some countries, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, have begun requiring a practical assessment in addition to the written exams in order to obtain a beginner's license, which they call a Foundation License.[39]
In most countries, an operator will be assigned acall sign with their license.[40] In some countries, a separate "station license" is required for any station used by an amateur radio operator. Amateur radio licenses may also be granted to organizations or clubs. In some countries, hams were allowed to operate only club stations.[41]
An amateur radio license is valid only in the country where it is issued or in another country that has a reciprocal licensing agreement with the issuing country.[42][43]
In some countries, an amateur radio license is necessary in order to purchase or possess amateur radio equipment.[44]
Amateur radio licensing in the United States exemplifies the way in which some countries[which?] award different levels of amateur radio licenses based on technical knowledge: three sequential levels of licensing exams (Technician Class, General Class, and Amateur Extra Class) are currently offered, which allow operators who pass them access to larger portions of the Amateur Radio spectrum and more desirable (shorter) call signs. An exam, authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is required for all levels of the Amateur Radio license. These exams are administered by Volunteer Examiners, accredited by the FCC-recognized Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) system. The Technician Class and General Class exams consist of 35 multiple-choice questions, drawn randomly from a pool of at least 350. To pass, 26 of the 35 questions must be answered correctly.[45] The Extra Class exam has 50 multiple choice questions (drawn randomly from a pool of at least 500), 37 of which must be answered correctly.[45] The tests cover regulations, customs, and technical knowledge, such as FCC provisions, operating practices, advanced electronics theory, radio equipment design, and safety. Morse Code is no longer tested in the U.S. Once the exam is passed, the FCC issues an Amateur Radio license which is valid for ten years. Studying for the exam is made easier because the entire question pools for all license classes are posted in advance. The question pools are updated every four years by the National Conference of VECs.[45]
Prospective amateur radio operators are examined on understanding of the key concepts of electronics, radio equipment, antennas,radio propagation,RF safety, and the radio regulations of the government granting the license.[1] These examinations are sets of questions typically posed in either a short answer or multiple-choice format. Examinations can be administered bybureaucrats, non-paid certified examiners, or previously licensed amateur radio operators.[1]
The ease with which an individual can acquire an amateur radio license varies from country to country. In some countries, examinations may be offered only once or twice a year in the national capital and can be inordinately bureaucratic (for example in India) or challenging because some amateurs must undergo difficult security approval (as inIran). Currently, onlyYemen andNorth Korea do not issue amateur radio licenses to their citizens.[46][47] Some developing countries, especially those in Africa, Asia, andLatin America, require the payment of annual license fees that can be prohibitively expensive for most of their citizens. A few small countries may not have a national licensing process and may instead require prospective amateur radio operators to take the licensing examinations of a foreign country. In countries with the largest numbers of amateur radio licensees, such as Japan, the United States, Thailand, Canada, and most of the countries in Europe, there are frequent license examinations opportunities in major cities.
Granting a separate license to a club or organization generally requires that an individual with a current and valid amateur radio license who is in good standing with the telecommunications authority assumes responsibility for any operations conducted under the club license or club call sign.[38] A few countries may issue special licenses to novices or beginners that do not assign the individual a call sign but instead require the newly licensed individual to operate from stations licensed to a club or organization for a period of time before a higher class of license can be acquired.[1]
A reciprocal licensing agreement between two countries allows bearers of an amateur radio license in one country under certain conditions to legally operate an amateur radio station in the other country without having to obtain an amateur radio license from the country being visited, or the bearer of a valid license in one country can receive a separate license and a call sign in another country, both of which have a mutually-agreed reciprocal licensing approvals. Reciprocal licensing requirements vary from country to country. Some countries have bilateral or multilateral reciprocal operating agreements allowing hams to operate within their borders with a single set of requirements. Some countries lack reciprocal licensing systems. Others use international bodies such as the Organization of American States to facilitate licensing reciprocity.[48]
When traveling abroad, visiting amateur operators must follow the rules of the country in which they wish to operate. Some countries have reciprocalinternational operating agreements allowing hams from other countries to operate within their borders with just their home country license. Other host countries require that the visiting ham apply for a formal permit, or even a new host country-issued license, in advance.
The reciprocal recognition of licenses frequently not only depends on the involved licensing authorities, but also on the nationality of the bearer. As an example, in the US, foreign licenses are recognized only if the bearer does not have US citizenship and holds no US license (which may differ in terms of operating privileges and restrictions). Conversely, a US citizen may operate under reciprocal agreements in Canada, but not a non-US citizen holding a US license.
An amateur radio operator uses acall sign on the air to legally identify the operator or station.[52] In some countries, the call sign assigned to the station must always be used, whereas in other countries, the call sign of either the operator or the station may be used.[53] In certain jurisdictions, an operator may also select a "vanity" call sign although these must also conform to the issuing government's allocation and structure used for Amateur Radio call signs.[54] Some jurisdictions require a fee to obtain such a vanity call sign; in others, such as the UK, a fee is not required and the vanity call sign may be selected when the license is applied for. The FCC in the U.S. discontinued its fee for vanity call sign applications in September 2015, but replaced it as $35 in 2022.[55]
Call sign structure as prescribed by the ITU consists of three parts which break down as follows, using the call signZS1NAT as an example:
ZS – Shows the country from which the call sign originates and may also indicate the license class. (This call sign is licensed in South Africa.)
1 – Gives the subdivision of the country or territory indicated in the first part (this one refers to the Western Cape).
NAT – The final part is unique to the holder of the license, identifying that station specifically.
Many countries do not follow the ITU convention for the numeral. In the United Kingdom the original calls G0xxx, G2xxx, G3xxx, G4xxx, were Full (A) License holders along with the last M0xxx full call signs issued by theCity & Guilds examination authority in December 2003. Additional Full Licenses were originally granted to (B) Licenses with G1xxx, G6xxx, G7xxx, G8xxx and 1991 onward with M1xxx call signs. The newer three-level Intermediate License holders are assigned 2E0xxx and 2E1xxx, and the basic Foundation License holders are granted call signs M3xxx, M6xxx or M7xxx.[56]
Instead of using numbers, in the UK the second letter after the initial 'G' or 'M' identifies the station's location; for example, a call sign G7OOE becomes GM7OOE and M0RDM becomes MM0RDM when that license holder is operating a station in Scotland. Prefix "GM" & "MM" are Scotland, "GW" & "MW" are Wales, "GI" & "MI" are Northern Ireland, "GD" & "MD" are the Isle of Man, "GJ" & "MJ" are Jersey and "GU" & "MU" are Guernsey. Intermediate licence call signs are slightly different. They begin 2#0 and 2#1 where the # is replaced with the country letters as above. For example "2M0" and "2M1" are Scotland, "2W0" and "2W1" are Wales and so on. The exception however is for England. The letter "E"is used, butonly in intermediate-level call signs. For example "2E0" & "2E1" are used whereas the call signs beginning G or M for foundation and full licenses never use the "E".[57]
In the United States, for non-vanity licenses, the numeral indicates the geographical district the holder resided in when the license was first issued. Prior to 1978, US hams were required to obtain a new call sign if they moved out of their geographic district.
In Canada, call signs start with VA, VE, VY, VO, and CY. Call signs starting with 'V' end with a number after to indicate the political region; prefix CY indicates geographic islands. Prefix VA1 or VE1 isNova Scotia, VA2 / VE2 isQuebec, VA3 / VE3 isOntario, VA4 / VE4 isManitoba, VA5 / VE5 isSaskatchewan, VA6 / VE6 isAlberta, VA7 / VE7 isBritish Columbia, VE8 is theNorthwest Territories, VE9 isNew Brunswick, VY0 isNunavut, VY1 isYukon, VY2 isPrince Edward Island, VO1 isNewfoundland, and VO2 isLabrador. CY is for amateurs operating fromSable Island (CY0) orSt. Paul Island (CY9). Special permission is required to access either of these: fromParks Canada for Sable andCoast Guard for St. Paul. The last two or three letters of the call signs are typically the operator's choice (upon completing the licensing test, the ham writes three most-preferred options). Two-letter call sign suffixes require a ham to have already been licensed for 5 years. Call signs in Canada can be requested with a fee.
Also, for smaller geopolitical entities, the numeral may be part of the country identification. For example, VP2xxx is in the British West Indies, which is subdivided into VP2Exx Anguilla, VP2Mxx Montserrat, and VP2Vxx British Virgin Islands. VP5xxx is in the Turks and Caicos Islands, VP6xxx is on Pitcairn Island, VP8xxx is in the Falklands, and VP9xxx is in Bermuda.
Onlinecallbooks or call sign databases can be browsed or searched to find out who holds a specific call sign.[58] An example of an online callbook Non-exhaustive lists of famous people who hold or have held amateur radio call signs have also been compiled and published.[59]
Many jurisdictions (but not in the UK & Europe) may issue specialtyvehicle registration plates to licensed amateur radio operators.[60][61] The fees for application and renewal are usually less than the standard rate for specialty plates.[60][62]
In most administrations, unlike other RF spectrum users, radio amateurs may build or modify transmitting equipment for their own use within the amateur spectrum without the need to obtain government certification of the equipment.[63][64] Licensed amateurs can also use any frequency in their bands (rather than being allocated fixed frequencies or channels) and can operate medium-to-high-powered equipment on a wide range of frequencies[65] so long as they meet certain technical parameters including occupied bandwidth, power, and prevention ofspurious emission.
Radio amateurs have access to frequency allocations throughout the RF spectrum, usually allowing choice of an effective frequency for communications across a local, regional, or worldwide path. The shortwave bands, orHF, are suitable for worldwide communication, and theVHF andUHF bands normally provide local or regional communication, while themicrowave bands have enough space, orbandwidth, for amateur television transmissions and high-speedcomputer networks.
The international symbol for amateur radio, is included in the logos of manyIARU member societies. The diamond holds acircuit diagram featuring components common to every radio: an antenna,inductor andground.
In most countries, an amateur radio license grants permission to the license holder to own, modify, and operate equipment that is not certified by a governmental regulatory agency. This encourages amateur radio operators to experiment with home-constructed or modified equipment. The use of such equipment must still satisfy national and international standards onspurious emissions.
Amateur radio operators are encouraged both by regulations and tradition of respectful use of the spectrum to use as little power as possible to accomplish the communication.[66] This is to minimise interference orEMC to any other device. Although allowablepower levels are moderate by commercial standards, they are sufficient to enable global communication. Lower license classes usually have lower power limits; for example, the lowest license class in the UK (Foundation licence) has a limit of 25 W.[67]
Power limits vary from country to country and between license classes within a country. For example, thepeak envelope power limits for the highest available license classes in a few selected countries are: 2.25 kW in Canada;[68] 1.5 kW in the United States; 1.0 kW in Belgium,Luxembourg, Switzerland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and New Zealand; 750 W in Germany; 500 W in Italy; 400 W in Australia and India; and 150 W inOman.
Output power limits may also depend on the mode of transmission. In Australia, for example, 400 W may be used forSSB transmissions, but FM and other modes are limited to 120 W.
The point at which power output is measured may also affect transmissions. The United Kingdom measures at the point the antenna is connected to the signal feed cable, which means the radio system may transmit more than 400 W to overcome signal loss in the cable; conversely, Germany measures power at the output of the final amplification stage, which results in a loss in radiated power with longer cable feeds.[citation needed]
Certain countries permit amateur radio licence holders to hold a Notice of Variation that allows higher power to be used than normally allowed for certain specific purposes. E.g. in the UK some amateur radio licence holders are allowed to transmit using (33 dBw) 2.0 kW for experiments entailing using the moon as a passive radio reflector (known asEarth–Moon–Earth communication) (EME).
TheInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) governs the allocation of communications frequencies worldwide, with participation by each nation's communications regulation authority. National communications regulators have some liberty to restrict access to thesebandplan frequencies or to award additional allocations as long as radio services in other countries do not suffer interference. In some countries, specificemission types are restricted to certain parts of the radio spectrum, and in most other countries,International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member societies adopt voluntary plans to ensure the most effective use of spectrum.
In a few cases, a national telecommunication agency may also allow hams to use frequencies outside of the internationally allocated amateur radio bands. InTrinidad and Tobago, hams are allowed to use a repeater which is located on 148.800 MHz. This repeater is used and maintained by theNational Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), but may be used by radio amateurs in times of emergency or during normal times to test their capability and conduct emergency drills. This repeater can also be used by non-ham NEMA staff andREACT members. In Australia and New Zealand, ham operators are authorized to use one of the UHF TV channels. In the U.S., amateur radio operators providing essential communication needs in connection with the immediate safety of human life and immediate protection of property when normal communication systems are not available may use any frequency including those of other radio services such as police and fire and in cases of disaster in Alaska may use the statewide emergency frequency of 5.1675 MHz with restrictions upon emissions.[69]
Similarly, amateurs in the United States may apply to be registered with theMilitary Auxiliary Radio System (MARS). Once approved and trained, these amateurs also operate on US government military frequencies to provide contingency communications and morale message traffic support to the military services.
Some administrations have authorized spectrum for amateur use in this region; others have declined to regulate frequencies above 300 GHz.
[v] All allocations are subject to variation by country. For simplicity, only common allocations found internationally are listed. See a band's article for specifics. [w] HF allocation created at the 1979World Administrative Radio Conference. These are commonly called the "WARC bands". [x] This is not mentioned in theITU'sTable of Frequency Allocations, but many individual administrations have commonly adopted this allocation under"Article 4.4". [y] This includes a currently activefootnote allocation mentioned in the ITU'sTable of Frequency Allocations. These allocations may only apply to a group of countries.
Amateurs use a variety of voice, text, image, and data communication modes the over radio. Generally new modes can be tested in the amateur radio service, although national regulations may require disclosure of a new mode to permit radio licensing authorities to monitor the transmissions.Encryption, for example, is not generally permitted in the Amateur Radio service except for the special purpose of satellite vehicle control uplinks. The following is a partial list of the modes of communication used, where the mode includes bothmodulation types and operating protocols.
In former times, most amateur digital modes were transmitted by inserting audio into the microphone input of a radio and using an analog scheme, such asamplitude modulation (AM),frequency modulation (FM), orsingle-sideband modulation (SSB). Beginning in 2017, increased use of several digital modes, particularlyFT8, became popular within the amateur radio community.[70]
^Federal Communications Commission (24 January 2007)."47 CFR Part 97"(PDF).Federal Register.72 (15).Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office:3081–3082.Archived(PDF) from the original on 16 February 2008. Retrieved18 December 2007.
^Holmstead, Stephen (30 December 1994)."Amateur Satellite FAQ". The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation.Archived from the original on 6 January 2010. Retrieved14 March 2010.
^Lynn Ellen Edwards,The Utilization of Amateur Radio in Disaster Communications, Volume 86 of Working paper (University of Colorado, Boulder. Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center), DIANE Publishing, 1994ISBN0788110977
^Wilson, Mark J; Reed, Dana G (2006).The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2007 (84th ed.).Newington, CT: American Radio Relay League.ISBN0-87259-976-0.
^"Annex F: Equipment for Amateur Station"(PDF). Hong Kong: Office of the Telecommunications Authority. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 27 September 2011. Retrieved23 May 2010.Radio amateurs are free to choose any radio equipment designed for the amateur service. Radio amateurs may also design and build their own equipment provided that the requirements and limitations specified in the Amateur Station Licence and Schedules thereto are complied with.
^"Amateur Radio Service". Federal Communications Commission. Wireless Telecommunications. 6 July 2017.Archived from the original on 13 October 2019. Retrieved20 November 2019.They design, construct, modify, and repair their stations. The FCC equipment authorization program does not generally apply to amateur station transmitters.
Cleveland-Iliffe, John; Smith, Geoffrey Read (1995).The Canadian Amateur Study Guide for the Basic Qualification (5th ed.).Radio Amateurs of Canada.ISBN1-895400-08-2.
Buck, K4IA, Craig E. (May 2018).Pass Your Technician Class Amateur Radio Test - The Easy Way (2nd ed.). USA: EasyWayHamBooks.ISBN978-1985125643.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
Rohde, Ulrich L.; Whitaker, Jerry C. (2001).Communications Receivers: DSP, Software Radios, and Design (3rd ed.). New York City: McGraw-Hill.ISBN0-07-136121-9.