The name of the city echoes the Arabic nameLaqant (لَقَنْت),al-Laqant (اللَّقَنْت) orAl-qant (القنت),[6] which in turn reflects the LatinLucentum[7] and Greek rootLeuké (orLeuka), meaning "white".
The area around Alicante has been inhabited for over 7,000 years. The first tribes ofhunter-gatherers moved gradually from Central Europe between 5000 and 3000 BC. Some of the earlier settlements were made on the slopes ofMount Benacantil. By 1000 BC,Greek andPhoenician traders had begun to visit the eastern coast of Spain, establishing small trading ports and introducing the native Iberian tribes to the alphabet, iron, and the pottery wheel. The Carthaginian generalHamilcar Barca established the fortified settlement ofAkra Leuké (Greek:Ἄκρα Λευκή, meaning "White Mountain" or "White Point"), in the mid-230s BC, which is generally presumed to have been on the site of modern Alicante.
Although the Carthaginians conquered much of the land around Alicante, the Romans eventually ruledHispania Tarraconensis for over 700 years. By the 5th century AD, Rome was in decline, and the Roman predecessor town of Alicante, known asLucentum (Latin), was more or less under the control of theVisigothic warlordTheudimer and thereafter under Visigothic rule from 400 to 700 A.D. The Goths did not put up much resistance to theArab conquest ofMedina Laqant at the beginning of the 8th century. The Moors ruled southern and eastern Spain until the 13th centuryReconquista (Reconquest). Alicante was conquered again in 1247 by theCastilian kingAlfonso X, but later passed to theCrown of Aragon in 1296 with KingJames II of Aragon. It gained the status of Royal Village (Vila Reial) with representation in the medievalValencian Parliament (Corts Valencianes).
After several decades of being the battlefield where theCrown of Castile and theCrown of Aragon clashed, Alicante became a major Mediterranean trading station exporting rice, wine, olive oil, oranges, and wool. But between 1609 and 1614King Felipe III expelled thousands ofMoriscos who had remained in Valencia after the Reconquista, due to their cooperation withBarbary pirates who continually attacked coastal cities and caused much harm to trade. This act cost the region dearly; with so many skilled artisans and agricultural labourers gone, the feudal nobility found itself sliding into bankruptcy.
Conditions worsened in the early 18th century; after theWar of Spanish Succession, Alicante went into a long, slow decline, surviving through the 18th and 19th centuries by making shoes and growing agricultural produce such as oranges and almonds, and thanks to its fisheries. The end of the 19th century witnessed a sharp recovery of the local economy with increasing international trade and the growth of the city harbour leading to increased exports of several products (particularly during World War I when Spain was a neutral country).
During the early 20th century, Alicante was a minor capital that took profit from the benefit of Spain's neutrality during World War I, and it provided new opportunities for local industry and agriculture. TheRif War in the 1920s saw numerousalicantinos drafted to fight in the long and bloody campaigns in the former Spanish protectorate (northern Morocco) against the Rif rebels. The political unrest of the late 1920s led to the victory of Republican candidates in local council elections throughout the country, and the abdication ofKing Alfonso XIII. The proclamation of theSecond Spanish Republic was much celebrated in the city on 14 April 1931. TheSpanish Civil War broke out on 17 July 1936. Alicante was the last city loyal to the Republican government to be occupied by General Franco's troops on 1 April 1939, and its harbour saw the last Republican government officials fleeing the country. Vicious air bombings were targeted on Alicante during the three years of civil conflict, most notably thebombing by the ItalianAviazione Legionaria of theMercado on 25 May 1938 in which more than 300 civilians perished.
The port of Alicante was the site of the heroic episode of the British shipSS Stanbrook in 1939 at the end of theSpanish Civil War. Her captainArchibald Dickson decided to rescue thousands ofSpanish Republicans families during the night of 28 March 1939 under the bombing of the Nazis.[8]
From 1954 onward, manypied-noirs settled in the city (as many as 30,000, although other sources decrease the amount tenfold).[9] Alicante had fostered strong links withOran in the past, and a notable share of the population of the latter city during the French colonial period had ancestry in the province of Alicante.[9] The immigration process accelerated after theindependence of Algeria in 1962.[9]
The late 1950s and early 1960s saw the onset of a lasting transformation of the city by the tourist industry. Large buildings and complexes rose in nearbyAlbufereta, e.g.El Barco, andPlaya de San Juan de Alicante, with the benign climate being the biggest draw to attract prospective buyers and tourists who kept the hotels reasonably busy. New construction benefited the whole economy, as the development of the tourism sector also spawned new businesses such as restaurants, bars, and other tourist-oriented enterprises. Also, the old airfield at Rabasa was closed and air traffic moved to the newEl Altet Airport, which made a more convenient and modern facility for charter flights bringing tourists from northern European countries.
When Franco died in 1975, his successorJuan Carlos I played his part as the living symbol of the transition of Spain to a democratic constitutional monarchy. The governments of regional communities were given constitutional status asnationalities, and their governments were given more autonomy, including that of the Valencian region, theGeneralitat Valenciana.
ThePort of Alicante has been reinventing itself since theindustrial decline the city suffered in the 1980s (with most mercantile traffic lost to Valencia's harbour). In recent years, the Port Authority has established it as one of the most important ports in Spain for cruises, with 72 calls to port made by cruise ships in 2007 bringing some 80,000 passengers and 30,000 crew to the city each year.[10] The moves to develop the port for more tourism have been welcomed by the city and its residents, but the latest plans to develop anindustrial estate in the port have caused great controversy.
Located in an arid territory, Alicante lacks any meaningful permanent water stream.[11] There are however several stream beds correspondent to intermittentramblas.[11] There was a swamp area in the northeast of the municipality,l'Albufereta, yet it was dried up in 1928.[11]
The municipality has two exclaves in the mainland: Monnegre (between the municipalities ofSan Vicente del Raspeig,Mutxamel,Busot andJijona),[12] andCabeçó d'Or; the latter comprises part of the namesake Cabeçó d'Or mountain (including the summit, 1209 metres above sea level).[13] The small island ofTabarca, 8nautical miles to the south of the city, also belongs to the municipality.[14]
The foot of the main staircase of the City Hall Building (Ayuntamiento) is the zero point (cota cero), used as the point of reference for measuring the height above or below sea level of any point in Spain, due to the marginal tidal variations of the Mediterranean sea at Alicante.[15]
Until theGreat Recession, Alicante was one of the fastest-growing cities in Spain. The boom depended partly on tourism directed to the beaches of theCosta Blanca and particularly on the second residence-construction boom which started in the 1960s and revived again by the late 1990s.Services and public administration also play a major role in the city's economy. The construction boom has raised many environmental concerns and both the local autonomous government and city council are under scrutiny by the European Union. The construction surge was the subject of hot debates among politicians and citizens alike. The latest of many public battles concerns the plans of the Port Authority of Alicante to construct an industrial estate on reclaimed land in front of the city's coastal strip, in breach of local, national, and European regulations. (SeePort of Alicante for details).
Between 2005 and 2012Ciudad de la Luz (Ciutat de la Llum), one of the largest film studios in Europe, had its base in Alicante. The studio shot Spanish and international movies such asAsterix at the Olympic Games by Frédéric Forestier and Thomas Langmann, andManolete byMenno Meyjes. It was shut down in 2012 for violating European competition law.[17]
Luis Barcala of thePeople's Party has been the mayor of Alicante since 19 April 2018. He became mayor after the resignation of Gabriel Echávarri, when the councillor Nerea Belmonte defected from Guanyar Alacant and refused to support the Socialist Party replacement candidate Eva Montesinos.[18]
Plenary hall where the municipal council meets.
Gabriel Echávarri of theSocialist Party (PSOE) was the mayor of the city from 13 June 2015 until April 2018, following themunicipal elections on 24 May 2015. He was supported by the votes from his group (6), plus those from leftist partiesGuanyar Alacant (6) andCompromís (3), as well as from the centre-right partyCiudadanos (6). ThePeople's Party (Partido Popular, PP), with only 8 elected seats, lost the majority. On April he resigned due to various judicial issues and was temporarily substituted by the councillor Eva Montesinos.[19]
In the previousmunicipal elections of May 2011,Sonia Castedo of People's Party won the elections with anabsolute majority, but resigned in December 2014 due to her involvement in several corruption scandals, at present being under investigation. Her fellow party memberMiguel Valor went on to become mayor up until Echávarri's election.
Alicante has mild winter temperatures, hot and sultry summers, and little rain, concentrated in equinoctial periods. Like the rest of theProvince of Alicante itself, which has a range of dry climate types, the city has ahot semi-arid climate (BSh) according to theKöppen climate classification.[20] It is one of the driest cities in Europe.[21] Daily variations in temperature are generally small because of the stabilising influence of the sea, although occasional periods of westerly wind can produce temperature changes of 15 °C (27 °F) or more. Seasonal temperature variations are also relatively small, meaning that winters are mild and summers are hot. During the summer, due to the evaporation of warm Mediterranean waters, airhumidity levels are high, making the day and night stuffy for much of the season. These high humidity levels increase theheat index.
The average rainfall is 284.5 mm (11.2 in) per year. Thecold drop means that September and October are the wettest months. Rarely, the rainfall can be torrential, reaching over 100 mm (4 in) in a 24-hour period, leading to severe flooding. Because of this irregularity, only 35 rainy days are observed on average per year, and the annual number of sunshine hours is more than 3,000.
The record maximum temperature of 42.0 °C (107.6 °F) was observed on 13 August 2022.[22] The record minimum temperature of −4.6 °C (23.7 °F) was recorded on 12 February 1956.[23] The worst flooding in the city's modern history occurred on 30 September 1997 when 270.2 mm (10.6 in) of rain fell within six hours.[24] Temperatures below 2 °C (36 °F) are very rare; the last recorded snowfall occurred in 1926.[25] Alicante enjoys one of the sunniest and warmest winter daytime temperatures inmainland Europe.[26] Alicante also recorded the highest temperature ever recorded inpeninsular Spain and one of the highest inEurope for a month of January, which was 29.8 °C (85.6 °F).[27][28]
Climate data for Alicante 81m (1991–2020), extremes (1960-present)
Source: Historical population data sources: 1250–1609: estimates by historians; 1646:Vecindario del archivo del Reino de Valencia; 1717–1803: various censuses prepared by the governments of Spain; from 1857:national census.
The official population of Alicante in 2022 was 338,577 inhabitants and 768,194 in the metropolitan area "Alicante-Elche".[5] As of 2022, about 17.7% of the population is foreign, 62195 people, most of them immigrants who have arrived in the previous 20 years.[36] Besides which, there is an estimation of additional thousands coming from countries outside theEU (mostly from theAfrican continent) that are under illegal alien status and therefore are not accounted for in official population figures.[37]
Nationalities with more than 1000 inhabitants (2022)[36]
Amongst the most notable features of the city are theCastle of Santa Bárbara and theport of Alicante. The latter was the subject of bitter controversy in 2006–2007 as residents battled, successfully, to keep it from being changed into an industrial estate.
The Santa Bárbara castle is situated onMount Benacantil, overlooking the city. The tower (La Torreta) at the top, is the oldest part of the castle, while part of the lowest zone and the walls were constructed later in the 18th century.
The promenadeExplanada de España, lined by palm trees, is paved with 6.5 million marble floor tiles creating a wavy form. The Promenade extends from the Port of Alicante to the Gran Vía and ends at the famous statue of Mark Hersch. For the people of Alicante, the promenade is the meeting place for the traditional Spanishpaseo, or stroll along the waterfront in the evenings, and a venue for outdoor musical concerts. At the end of the promenade is a monument by the artist Bañuls of the 19th century.
Barrio de la Santa Cruz is a colourful quarter of the old city, situated southwest of Santa Bárbara castle. Its small houses climb up the hill leading to the walls and the castle, through narrow streets decorated with flags and tubs of flowers.
L'Ereta Park is situated on the foothills of Mount Benacantil. It runs from the Santa Bárbara castle down to the old part of Alicante and consists of several levels, routes, decks, and rest stops which offer a panoramic view overlooking the city.
El Palmeral Park is one of the favourite parks of Alicante's citizens. It includes walking trails, children's playgrounds, ponds and brooks, picnic tables, and an auditorium for concerts.
Just a few kilometers from Alicante on the Mediterranean Sea liesTabarca island. What was once a haven for Barbary pirates is now a tourist attraction.
Other sights include:
Basilica of Santa María (14th–16th centuries), built-inGothic style over the former main mosque. Other features include the high altar, in Rococo style, and the portal, inBaroque style, both from the 18th century.
Monastery ofSanta Faz (15th century), located 5 kilometres (3 miles) outside the city, in Baroque style.
Defence towers of theHuerta de Alicante (15th–18th centuries), built to defend against the Barbary pirates. Today some 20 towers are still extant.
BaroqueCasa de La Asegurada (1685), the most ancient civil building in the city. (c. XVII). Today it is home to theMuseum of Contemporary Art of Alicante.
Casa consistorial de Alicante (18th century), also in Baroque style.
Convent of theCanónigas de San Agustín (18th century).
There are a dozen museums in Alicante. On exhibition at theArchaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ) are local artifacts dating from 100,000 years ago until the early 20th century. The collection is divided into different rooms representing three divisions of archaeological methodology: ground, urban and underwater archaeology, withdioramas, audiovisual and interactive zones. The archaeological museum won theEuropean Museum of the Year Award in 2004.Gravina Museum of Fine Arts presents several paintings and sculptures from the 16th century to the 19th century.Asegurada Museum of Contemporary Art houses a major collection of twentieth-century art, composed mainly of works donated byEusebio Sempere.
The most important festival, theBonfires of Saint John (Hogueras de San Juan /Fogueres de Sant Joan), takes place during the summersolstice. This is followed a week later by five nights of firework and pyrotechnic contests between companies on the urban beachPlaya del Postiguet. Another well-known festival isMoors and Christians (Moros y Cristianos) in Altozano orSan Blas district. Overall, the city boasts a year-round nightlife for the enjoyment of tourists, residents, and a large student population of theUniversity of Alicante. The nightlife social scene tends to shift to nearby Playa de San Juan during the summer months.
Every summer in Alicante, a two-month-long programme of music, theatre and dance is staged in the Paseo del Puerto.[42]
For the 2023/24 season Alicante has two football clubs in the top 4 levels of Spanish football;Hércules CF andCF Intercity. For the 2023/24 season Hércules compete inSegunda Federación, the 4th level and are well known as they played inLa Liga (the Spanish Premier Division) during the 1996/1997 season and again in 2010/2011. They have had many famous players such asDavid Trezeguet,Royston Drenthe andNelson Valdez. Hércules are also known for their victory over Barcelona in 1997 which led to Real Madrid winning the league. Home games are played at the 30,000-capacityJosé Rico Pérez Stadium.
The city's other club,Alicante CF, who played in theThird Division, was dissolved in 2014 due to economic problems. They werereplaced the same year by newly formed clubCFI Alicante.