Al Liamm[1] (Breton for "The Link") is a bimonthly magazine of culture and literature in theBreton language.
The first issue ofAl Liamm was published in 1946. The initial magazine was created in Paris by Pêr ar Bihan and Andrev Latimier, and then merged with two other cultural magazines,Kened, and thenTír na nÓg, in 1948.Ronan Huon, who was, along withPol Le Gourrierec, the editor ofTír na nÓg, took charge of the fusion. He directed the resulting magazine,Al Liamm-Tir na nÓg, for about half a century.[2] One of his sons, Tudual Huon, has taken his place at the head of the magazine.[3][4] In 2013, the magazine had 600 subscribers and a circulation of 700.[5]
Every issue offers a selection of short stories, poetry and literary essays entirely in Breton. Numerous authors of modernBreton literature, such asAbeozen,Per Denez,[6]Youenn Drezen,Xavier de Langlais (Langleiz), Anjela Duval,[7]Reun Ar C'halan, Maodez Glanndour,Youenn Gwernig,Roparz Hemon,Ronan Huon,Paol Keineg, Kerverzioù,Meavenn, Youenn Olier, and Yann-Ber Piriou have made contributions to the magazine with poems, short stories, essays, and studies. Breton poets and singers who were directly involved in the revival of themusic of Brittany, such asMilig ar Skañv (Glenmor),Youenn Gwernig, or Bernez Tangi, have also published poems and songs inAl Liamm.
As emphasised by Welsh author and editorMeic Stephens,Al Liamm is "the principal platform for just about every Breton writer of note to emerge during the post-war period".[2] Poems fromAl Liamm authors have often been put to music and songs by Breton singers, such as Véronique Autret,Nolwenn Leroy,Yann-Fañch Kemener,Gilles Servat andAlan Stivell.[8] The close relationships between modernceltic nations and the various branches ofceltic literature have also led to contributions from Welsh and Irish authors, and to Breton translations fromWelsh literature andGaelic literature (Thomas Gwynn Jones,Sorley MacLean,Seán Ó Ríordáin, andKate Roberts).
TheAl Liamm publishing company, associated with the magazine, has published numerous novels and memoirs:[9]
as well as plays, byTanguy Malmanche and byRoparz Hemon, and collections of poetry, by Anjela Duval[10] and byYouenn Gwernig.[11]