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Ahmose I

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Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt

Ahmose I
Amosis, according toManetho,[1] also Amasis,[2] Aahmes
A fragmentary statue of Ahmose I, Metropolitan Museum of Art[3]
A fragmentary statue of Ahmose I,Metropolitan Museum of Art[3]
Reign25 regnal years
1570-1546 BC (HC)
1560–1537 BC
1551–1527 BC
1539–1514 BC[note 1]
25 years and 4 months (Manetho)
PredecessorKamose (Upper Egypt)
Khamudi (Lower Egypt)
SuccessorAmenhotep I
Horus name
Aa kheperu
Great of manifestations[22]
Great of Developments[23]
Nebty name
Tut mesut
Twt mswt
Perfect of Birth[23]
The (very) image of (re-)birth[22]
Golden Horus
Tjez tawy
Ṯs tꜢwy
He whoknots together the Two Lands[23]
Neb pehty re
Nb pḥty rꜤ
The Lord of Strength isRe[4]
Iah mes(u)
IꜤḥ ms(w)
Iah (the moon god) is born (Ahmose)[4][22]
ConsortAhmose-Nefertari,God's Wife of Amun,Ahmose-Sitkamose,Ahmose-Henuttamehu, Kasmut, Thenthapi
Amenhotep I
FatherSeqenenre Tao
MotherAhhotep I
Died1546 BC (HC)
1527 BC (LC)
BurialMummy found in theDeir el-Bahriroyal cache, but was likely originally buried inAbydos orDra' Abu el-Naga'
MonumentsPalace atAvaris, Temple ofAmun atKarnak, Temple ofMontu atHermonthis
Dynasty18th Dynasty

Ahmose I (Amosis,Aahmes; meaning "Iah (the Moon) is born"[24]) was apharaoh and founder of theEighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in theNew Kingdom of Egypt, the era in whichancient Egypt achieved the peak of its power. His reign is usually dated to the mid-16th century BC at the beginning of theLate Bronze Age.

During his reign, Ahmose completed the conquest and expulsion of theHyksos from theNile Delta, restored Theban rule over Lower- and Upper Egypt, and successfully reasserted Egyptian power in its formerly subject territories ofNubia andCanaan.[25] He then reorganized the administration of the country, reopenedquarries,mines andtrade routes and began massive construction projects of a type that had not been undertaken since the time of theMiddle Kingdom. This building program culminated in the construction of the lastpyramid built by native Egyptian rulers. Ahmose's reign laid the foundations for theNew Kingdom, under which Egyptian power reached its peak.


Further information:Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt family tree

He was a member of theTheban royal house, the son of pharaohSeqenenre Tao and brother of the last pharaoh of theSeventeenth Dynasty,Kamose. During the reign of his father or grandfather, Thebes rebelled against theHyksos, the rulers ofLower Egypt. When he was seven years old, his father was killed,[26] and he was about ten when his brother died of unknown causes after reigning only three years. Ahmose I assumed the throne after the death of his brother,[25] and upon coronation became known as Nebpehtyre,nb-pḥtj-rꜥ "The Lord of Strength isRa".

Ahmose descended from the ThebanSeventeenth Dynasty. His grandfather and grandmother,Senakhtenre Ahmose andTetisheri, had at least twelve children, includingSeqenenre Tao andAhhotep I. The brother and sister, according to the tradition of Egyptian queens, married, and had sonsKamose and Ahmose I, as well as several daughters.[27] Ahmose I followed in the tradition of his father and married several of his sisters, makingAhmose-Nefertari his chief wife.[28] They had several children including daughtersMeritamun B,Sitamun A and sonsSiamun A,Ahmose-ankh,[29]Amenhotep I andRamose A[30] (the "A" and "B" designations after the names are a convention used by Egyptologists to distinguish between royal children and wives that otherwise have the same name). They may also have been the parents ofMutnofret, who would become the wife of later successorThutmose I. Ahmose-ankh was Ahmose's heir apparent, but he preceded his father in death sometime between Ahmose's 17th and 22ndregnal year.[31] Ahmose was succeeded instead by his eldest surviving son,Amenhotep I, with whom he might have shared a shortcoregency.[32]



There was no distinct break in the line of the royal family between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth dynasties. The priest and historianManetho author of a history of Egypt written in the3rd century BC during the reign ofPtolemy II (283 – 246 BC), the now lostAegyptiaca (Αἰγυπτιακά), considered the final expulsion of theHyksos after nearly a century and the restoration of native Egyptian rule over the whole country a significant enough event to warrant the start of a new dynasty.[33]



Ahmose I ascended the throne as a "boy king" at the age of 10. He went on to rule about 25 regnal years before he died around the age of 35. The beginning of his reign would have been under a regency until his coming of age. During his reign he successfully defeated the Hyksos in Lower Egypt, reuniting the Two Lands, becoming the "patriarch" of the New Kingdom. He also started military raids into theLevant pursuing the Hyksos.



Ahmose ascended the throne when he was still a child, so his mother,Ahhotep, reigned asregent until he was of age. Judging by some of the descriptions of her regal roles while in power, including the general honorific "carer for Egypt", she effectively consolidated the Theban power base in the years before Ahmose assumed full control. If in fact Apepi II was a successor to Apepi I, then he is thought to have remained bottled up in the delta during Ahhotep's regency, because his name does not appear on any monuments or objects south ofBubastis.[27]


Bracelet of Ahmose I in 2018
Dagger bearing the name Ahmose I on display at theRoyal Ontario Museum, Toronto
Cartouche of Ahmose I on the dagger pommel, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

The conflict between the local kings of Thebes and the Hyksos kingApepi had started during the reign of Ahmose's father, Seqenenre Tao, and would be concluded, after almost 30 years of intermittent conflict and war, during his own reign. Seqenenre Tao was possibly killed in a battle against the Hyksos, as his much-wounded mummy gruesomely suggests, and his successor Kamose (likely Ahmose's elder brother) is known to have attacked and raided the lands around the Hyksos capital,Avaris (modernTell el-Dab'a).[26] Kamose evidently had a short reign, as his highest attested regnal year is year 3, and was succeeded by Ahmose I.[34] Apepi died around a decade later.[35]

Conquest of the Hyksos


Ahmose began the conquest of Lower Egypt held by theHyksos starting around the 11th year ofKhamudi's reign, but the sequence of events is not universally agreed upon.[36]

Analyzing the events of the conquest prior to the siege of the Hyksos capital of Avaris is extremely difficult. Almost everything known comes from a brief but invaluable military commentary on the back of theRhind Mathematical Papyrus, consisting of brief diary entries,[37] one of which reads:

Regnal year 11, second month ofshomu,Heliopolis was entered. First month ofakhet, day 23, this southern prince broke intoTjaru.[38]

Copper axe blade inscribed with the titulary of pharaoh Ahmose I,Ashmolean Museum.

While in the past this regnal year date was assumed to refer to Ahmose, it is today believed instead to refer to Ahmose's Hyksos opponent Khamudi since the Rhind papyrus document refers to Ahmose by the inferior title of 'Prince of the South' rather than king or pharaoh, as a Theban supporter of Ahmose surely would have called him.[39] Anthony Spalinger, in a JNES 60 (2001) book review ofKim Ryholt's 1997 book,The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period,c.1800–1550 BC, notes that Ryholt's translation of the middle portion of the Rhind text chronicling Ahmose's invasion of the Delta reads instead as the "1st month of Akhet, 23rd day.He-of-the-South (i.e. Ahmose) strikes againstSile."[40] Spalinger stresses in his review that he does not question Ryholt's translation of the Rhind text but instead asks whether:

it is reasonable to expect a Theban-oriented text to describe its Pharaoh in this manner? For if the date refers to Ahmose, then the scribe must have been an adherent of that ruler. To me, the very indirect reference to Ahmose—it must be Ahmose—ought to indicate a supporter of the Hyksos dynasty; hence, the regnal years should refer to this monarch and not the Theban.[40]

Cartouche 66, Abydos King List. Temple of Seti I, Abydos, Egypt

The Rhind Papyrus illustrates some of Ahmose's military strategy when attacking the Delta. Entering Heliopolis in July, he moved down the eastern delta to takeTjaru, the major border fortification on the Horus Road, the road from Egypt to Canaan, in October, totally avoidingAvaris. In taking Tjaru[38] he cut off all traffic betweenCanaan and Avaris. This indicates he was planning a blockade of Avaris, isolating the Hyksos capital from help or supplies coming from Canaan.[41]

Records of the latter part of the campaign were discovered on the tomb walls of a participating soldier,Ahmose, son of Ebana. These records indicate that Ahmose I led three attacks against Avaris, the Hyksos capital, but also had to quell a small rebellion further south in Egypt. After this, in the fourth attack, he conquered the city.[42] He completed his victory over the Hyksos by conquering their strongholdSharuhen nearGaza after a three-year siege.[43][44] Ahmose would have conquered Avaris by the 18th or 19th year of his reign at the very latest. This is suggested by "a graffito in the quarry at Tura whereby 'oxen from Canaan' were used at the opening of the quarry in Ahmose's regnal year 22."[45] Since the cattle would probably have been imported after Ahmose's siege of the town ofSharuhen which followed the fall of Avaris, this means that the reign of Khamudi must have terminated by Year 18 or 19 of Ahmose's 25-year reign at the very latest.[45]

Levantine campaigns


After defeating the Hyksos, Ahmose began campaigning in Syria andNubia. A campaign during his 22nd year reachedDjahy in theLevant and perhaps as far as theEuphrates, although the later PharaohThutmose I is usually credited with being the first to campaign that far. Ahmose did, however, reach at least as far as Kedem (thought to be nearByblos), according to anostracon in the tomb of his wife,Ahmose-Nefertari.[46] Details on this particular campaign are scarce, as the source of most of the information,Ahmose, son of Ebana, served in the Egyptian navy and did not take part in this land expedition. However, it can be inferred from archaeological surveys of southern Canaan that during the late 16th century BC Ahmose and his immediate successors intended only to break the power of the Hyksos by destroying their cities and not to conquer Canaan. Many sites there were completely laid waste and not rebuilt during this period—something a Pharaoh bent on conquest and tribute would not be likely to do.[47]

Nubian campaigns


Ahmose I's campaigns in Nubia are better documented. Soon after the first Nubian campaign, a Nubian named Aata rebelled against Ahmose, but was crushed. After this attempt, an anti-Theban Egyptian named Tetian gathered many rebels in Nubia, but he too was defeated. Ahmose restored Egyptian rule over Nubia, which was controlled from a new administrative center established atBuhen.[28] When re-establishing the national government, Ahmose appears to have rewarded various local princes who supported his cause and that of his dynastic predecessors.[48]

Art and monuments

Fragments of an armband of Ahmose I,Musée du Louvre.

With the re-unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Ahmose, a renewal of royal support for the arts and monumental construction occurred. Ahmose reportedly devoted a tenth of all the productive output towards the service of thetraditional gods,[49] reviving massive monumental constructions as well as the arts. However, as the defeat of the Hyksos occurred relatively late in Ahmose's reign, his subsequent building program likely lasted no more than seven years,[50] and much of what was started was probably finished by his son and successor Amenhotep I.[51]

Work from Ahmose's reign is made of much finer material than anything from the Second Intermediate Period, though the craftsmanship from his reign does not always match the best work from either the Old or Middle Kingdoms.[13] With the Delta and Nubia under Egyptian control once more, access was gained to resources not available in Upper Egypt.Gold andsilver were received from Nubia,lapis lazuli from distant parts of central Asia,cedar fromByblos, and in theSinai theSerabit el-Khadimturquoise mines were reopened. Although the exact nature of the relationship between Egypt and Crete is uncertain, at least someMinoan designs have been found on objects from this period, and Egypt considered theAegean to be part of its empire.[52] Ahmose reopened theTuralimestone quarries to provide stone for monuments and used Asiaticcattle fromPhoenicia to haul the stone, according to his quarry inscription.[53]

Ahmose I-Fragmentary Stela-Statue Marble Torso Metropolitan Museum Of Art
Pharaoh Ahmose I slaying a probableHyksos. Detail of a ceremonial axe in the name of Ahmose I, treasure of QueenAhhotep II.Luxor Museum[54][55][note 2]

The art during Ahmose I's reign was similar to theMiddle Kingdom royal Theban style,[57] andstelae from this period were once more of the same quality.[52] This reflects a possibly natural conservative tendency to revive fashions from the pre-Hyksos era. Despite this, only three positively identified statuary images of Ahmose I survive: a singleshabti kept at theBritish Museum, presumably from his tomb (which has never been positively located), and two life-size statues; one of which resides in theNew YorkMetropolitan Museum, the other in theKhartoum Museum.[57] All display slightly bulging eyes, a feature also present on selected stelae depicting the pharaoh. Based on style, a small limestone sphinx that resides at theNational Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, has also been tentatively identified as representing Ahmose I.[58]

The art ofglass making is thought to have developed during Ahmose's reign. The oldest samples of glass appear to have been defective pieces offaience, but intentional crafting of glass did not occur until the beginning of the Eighteenth Dynasty.[59] One of the earliest glass beads found contains the names of both Ahmose and Amenhotep I, written in a style dated to about the time of their reigns.[60] If glassmaking was developed no earlier than Ahmose's reign and the first objects are dated to no later than his successor's reign, it is quite likely that it was one of his subjects who developed the craft.[60]

Ahmose I And Queen-Relief Brooklyn Museum
The jewels and ceremonial weaponry found in the burial of QueenAhhotep, including an axe whose blade depicts Ahmose I striking down a Hyksos soldier, and the golden flies awarded to the Queen for her supportive role against the Hyksos

Ahmose resumed large construction projects like those before theSecond Intermediate Period. In the south of the country he began constructing temples mostly built of brick, one of them in the Nubian town ofBuhen. In Upper Egypt he made additions to the existing temple ofAmun atKarnak and to the temple of Montu at Armant.[52] According to an inscription atTura,[53] he used white limestone to build a temple toPtah and the southern harem ofAmun, but did not finish either project.[52] He built a cenotaph for his grandmother,Queen Tetisheri, atAbydos.[52]

Excavations at the site of Avaris byManfred Bietak have shown that Ahmose had a palace constructed on the site of the former Hyksos capital city's fortifications. Bietak found fragmentary Minoan-style remains of thefrescoes that once covered the walls of the palace; there has subsequently been much speculation as to what role this Aegean civilization may have played in terms of trade and in the arts.[61]

Under Ahmose's reign, the city ofThebes became the capital for the whole of Egypt, as it had been under the11th Dynasty in the early Middle Kingdom. It also became the center for a newly established professionalcivil service, where there was a greater demand for scribes and the literate as the royal archives began to fill with accounts and reports.[62] Having Thebes as the capital was probably a strategic choice as it was located at the center of the country, the logical conclusion from having had to fight the Hyksos in the north as well as the Nubians to the south. Any future opposition at either border could be met easily.[63]

Perhaps the most important shift was a religious one: Thebes effectively became the religious as well as the political center of the country, its local god Amun credited with inspiring Ahmose in his victories over the Hyksos. The importance of the temple complex at Karnak (on the east bank of the Nile north of Thebes) grew and the importance of the previous cult ofRa based inHeliopolis diminished.[64]

Several stelae detailing the work done by Ahmose were found at Karnak, two of which depict him as a benefactor to the temple. In one of these stelae, known as the "Tempest Stele", he claims to have rebuilt the pyramids of his predecessors at Thebes that had been destroyed by a major storm.[65] TheThera eruption in the Aegean has been implicated by some scholars as the source of the damages described in the Tempest Stele.[66]

Length and date of reign

Two gold and silver barques or boats[67] donated by Ahmose I andKamose to QueenAhhotep II.

According toJosephus inContra Apionem andTheophilus of Antioch in hisApologia ad Autolycum, Manetho'sAegyptiaca stated that the pharaoh who expelled the Hyksos from Egypt was named "Tethmôsis" and reigned for 25 years and 4 months.[68][43] At the opposite, according to the Byzantine scholarGeorge Syncellus,Sextus Julius Africanus wrote that theAegyptiaca reported the king to be named "Amôs". Syncellus also notes thatEusebius in hisChronicon told that an "Amôsis" or "Amoses"—depending on the version of Eusebius—is mentioned in theAegyptiaca as reigning 25 years and founding the eighteenth dynasty from Thebes.[69] The 25 years figure is seemingly supported by a 'Year 22' inscription from his reign at the stone quarries ofTura.[70] A medical examination of hismummy indicates that he died when he was about thirty-five, supporting a 25-year reign if he came to the throne at the age of 10.[43]

Ahmose I-Cartouche From A Monument Rosicrucian Museum

Ahmose's reign can be fairly accurately dated using theHeliacal rise of Sirius in hissuccessor's reign, but because of disputes over from where the observation was made, he has been assigned a reign from 1570 to 1546 BC, 1560–1537 BC, 1551–1527 BC and 1539–1514 BC by various sources.[43][71][72] The radiocarbon date range for the start of his reign is 1570–1544 BC, the mean point of which is 1557 BC.[20][note 3]

Winged Griffin Plaque Inscibed with the Name Nebpehtyre (Ahmose I) MET DP112344
Winged Griffin Plaque Inscibed with the Name Nebpehtyre (Ahmose I)




Main article:Pyramid of Ahmose
The ruins of thePyramid of Ahmose.

The remains of Ahmose'spyramid inAbydos were discovered in 1899 and identified as his in 1902.[75] Most of its outer casing stones had been robbed for use in other building projects over the years, and the mound of rubble upon which it was built has collapsed. However, two rows of intact casing stones were found byArthur Mace, who estimated its steep slope as about 60 degrees, based on the evidence of the limestone casing (compare to the less acute 51 degrees of theGreat Pyramid of Giza).[76] Adjacent to the main pyramid temple and to its east, Harvey has identified two temples constructed by Ahmose's queen, Ahmose-Nefertari. One of these structures also bears bricks stamped with the name of Chief Treasurer Neferperet, the official responsible for re-opening the stone quarries at el-Ma'asara (Tura) in Ahmose's year 22. A third, larger temple (Temple C) is similar to the pyramid temple in form and scale, but its stamped bricks and details of decoration reinforce that it was a cult place for Ahmose-Nefertari.[77]

Relief Depicting King Ahmose Embracing Osiris

The axis of the pyramid complex may be associated with a series of monuments strung out along a kilometer of desert. Along this axis are several key structures: 1) a large pyramid dedicated to his grandmotherTetisheri which contained astele depicting Ahmose providing offerings to her; 2) a rock-cut underground complex which may either have served as a token representation of anOsirian underworld or as an actual royal tomb;[78] and 3) a terraced temple built against the high cliffs, featuring massive stone and brick terraces. These elements reflect in general a similar plan undertaken for the cenotaph ofSenwosret III and in general its construction contains elements which reflect the style of bothOld andMiddle Kingdom pyramid complexes.[78]

Dagger of Ahmose I,Luxor Museum.

There is some dispute as to if this pyramid was Ahmose's burial place, or if it was acenotaph. Although earlier explorers Mace and Currelly were unable to locate any internal chambers, it is unlikely that a burial chamber would have been located in the midst of the pyramid's rubble core. In the absence of any mention of a tomb of King Ahmose in the tomb robbery accounts of the Abbott Papyrus, and in the absence of any likely candidate for the king's tomb at Thebes, it is possible that the king was interred at Abydos, as suggested by Harvey. Certainly the great number of cult structures located at the base of the pyramid located in recent years, as well as the presence at the base of the pyramid of a cemetery used by priests of Ahmose's cult, argue for the importance of the king's Abydos cult. However, otherEgyptologists believe that the pyramid was constructed (like Tetisheri's pyramid at Abydos) as a cenotaph and that Ahmose may have originally been buried in the southern part ofDra' Abu el-Naga' with the rest of the late Seventeenth and early Eighteenth Dynasties.[52]

This pyramid was the last pyramid ever built as part of a mortuary complex in Egypt. The pyramid would be abandoned by subsequent pharaohs of the New Kingdom, for both practical and religious reasons. TheGiza plateau offered plenty of room for building pyramids; but this was not the case with the confined, cliff-bound geography of Thebes and any burials in the surrounding desert were vulnerable to flooding. The pyramid form was associated with the sun godRe, who had been overshadowed byAmun in importance. One of the meanings of Amun's name wasthe hidden one, which meant that it was now theologically permissible to hide the Pharaoh's tomb by fully separating the mortuary template from the actual burial place. This provided the added advantage that the resting place of the pharaoh could be kept hidden from necropolis robbers. All subsequent pharaohs of the New Kingdom would be buried in rock-cut shaft tombs in theValley of the Kings.[79]

Heset Ewer of Ahmose I


The mummified head of Ahmose I at theLuxor Museum.

Ahmose I'smummy was discovered in 1881 within theDeir el-BahriCache, located in the hills directly above theMortuary Temple of Hatshepsut. He was interred along with the mummies of other Eighteenth and Nineteenth Dynasty leadersAmenhotep I,Thutmose I,Thutmose II,Thutmose III,Ramesses I,Seti I,Ramesses II andRamesses IX, as well as the Twenty-first Dynasty pharaohsPinedjem I,Pinedjem II andSiamun.[80]

Ahmose I's mummy was unwrapped byGaston Maspero on June 9, 1886. It was found within a coffin that bore his name inhieroglyphs, and on his bandages his name was again written in hieratic script. While the cedarwood coffin's style dates it squarely to the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty, it was neither of royal style nor craftsmanship, and anygilding orinlays may have been stripped in antiquity.[81] He had evidently been moved from his original burial place, re-wrapped and placed within the cache at Deir el-Bahri during the reign of the Twenty-first Dynasty priest-king Pinedjem II, whose name also appeared on the mummy's wrappings. Around his neck a garland ofDelphinium flowers had been placed. The body bore signs of having been plundered by ancient grave-robbers, his head having been broken off from his body and his nose smashed.[82]

The body was 1.63 m (64 in) in height. The mummy had a small face with no defining features, though he had slightly prominent front teeth; this may have been an inherited family trait, as this feature can be seen in some female mummies of the same family, as well as the mummy of his descendant, Thutmose II.[82]

Ceremonial Axe in the name of Ahmose I, found in the tomb of queenAhhotep II. This axe celebrates the victories of Ahmose. It bears the king's titulary, along with images of the king smiting an Asiatic enemy, and prayers for many years of rule. Eighteenth Dynasty, from Dra Abu el-Naga. CG 52645 / JE4673Luxor Museum.

A short description of the mummy by Gaston Maspero sheds further light on familial resemblances:

...he was of medium height, as his body when mummified measured only 5 feet 6 inches (1.68 m) in length, but the development of the neck and chest indicates extraordinary strength. The head is small in proportion to the bust, the forehead low and narrow, the cheek-bones project and the hair is thick and wavy. The face exactly resembles that ofTiûâcrai [Seqenenre Tao] and the likeness alone would proclaim the affinity, even if we were ignorant of the close relationship which united these two Pharaohs.[83]

Initial studies of the mummy were first thought to reveal a man in his 50s,[83] but subsequent examinations have shown that he was instead likely to have been in his mid-30s when he died.[48] The identity of this mummy (Cairo Museum catalog n° 61057) was called into question in 1980 by the published results of Dr. James Harris, a professor oforthodontics, and Egyptologist Edward Wente. Harris had been allowed to takex-rays of all of the supposed royal mummies at theCairo Museum. While history records Ahmose I as being the son or possibly the grandson of Seqenenre Tao, the craniofacial morphology of the two mummies are quite different. It is also different from that of the female mummy identified as Ahmes-Nefertari, thought to be his sister. These inconsistencies, and the fact that this mummy was not posed with arms crossed over chest, as was the fashion of the period for male royal mummies, led them to conclude that this was likely not a royal mummy, leaving the identity of Ahmose I unknown.[84]

The mummy is now in theLuxor Museum alongside the purported one ofRamesses I, as part of a permanent exhibition called "The Golden Age of the Egyptian Military".[85]


Osiride statue ofAmenhotep I, currently housed in the British Museum

Ahmose I was succeeded by his son,Amenhotep I. A minority of scholars have argued that Ahmose had a shortco-regency with Amenhotep, potentially lasting up to six years. If there was a co-regency, Amenhotep could not have been made king before Ahmose's 18th regnal year, the earliest year in which Ahmose-ankh, the heir apparent, could have died.[31] There is circumstantial evidence indicating a co-regency may have occurred, although definitive evidence is lacking.[86]

The first piece of evidence consists of three small objects which contain both of theirpraenomen next to one another: the aforementioned small glass bead, a small feldspar amulet and a broken stele, all of which are written in the proper style for the early Eighteenth Dynasty.[60] The last stele said that Amenhotep was "given life eternally", which is an Egyptian idiom meaning that a king is alive, but the name of Ahmose does not have the usual epithet "true of voice" which is given to dead kings. Since praenomen are only assumed upon taking the throne, and assuming that both were in fact alive at the same time, it is indicated that both were reigning at the same time. There is, however, the possibility that Amenhotep I merely wished to associate himself with his beloved father, who reunited Egypt.[60]

Second,Amenhotep I appears to have nearly finished preparations for aSed festival, or even begun celebrating it; but Amenhotep I's reign is usually given only 21 years and a Sed festival traditionally cannot be celebrated any earlier than a ruler's 30th year. If Amenhotep I had a significant co-regency with his father, some have argued that he planned to celebrate his Sed festival on the date he was first crowned instead of the date that he began ruling alone. This would better explain the degree of completion of his Sed festival preparations at Karnak.[87] There are two contemporary New Kingdom examples of the breaking of this tradition;Hatshepsut celebrated her Heb Sed festival in her 16th year and Akhenaten celebrated a Sed festival near the beginning of his 17-year reign.[88]

Third, Ahmose's wife, Ahmose Nefertari, was called both "King's Great Wife" and "King's Mother" in two stelae which were set up at the limestone quarries of Ma'sara in Ahmose's 22nd year. For her to literally be a "King's Mother," Amenhotep would already have to be a king. It is possible that the title was only honorific, asAhhotep II assumed the title without being the mother of any known king;[86] though there is a possibility that her son Amenemhat was made Amenhotep I's co-regent, but preceded him in death.[31]

Because of this uncertainty, a co-regency is currently impossible to prove or disprove. Both Redford's and Murnane's works on the subject are undecided on the grounds that there is too little conclusive evidence either for or against a coregency. Even if there was one, it would have made no difference to the chronology of the period because in this kind of institution Amenhotep would have begun counting his regnal dates from his first year as sole ruler.[89][90] However, co-regency supporters note that since at least one rebellion had been led against Ahmose during his reign, it would certainly have been logical to crown a successor before one's death to prevent a struggle for the crown.[86]



Dated objects


Objects with the royal name of Ahmose with a regnal date.

  • Hannover 1935.200.209 | A limestone stela dated toYear 18 of Ahmose I mentioning his daughter, King's Daughter and God's WifeSatamun.[91][92]
  • el-Masara 6 | rock inscription dated toYear 22 of Ahmose I.[93]
  • el-Masara 8 | rock inscription dated toYear 22 of Ahmose I.[94]

Undated objects


Objects with the royal name of Ahmose without a regnal date.

  • Harari, ASAE 56 | a stela with the royal name of Ahmose along with Ahmose-Nefertari and Senior King's Son of his body, Ahmose.[95]
  • Simpson, Heka-Nefer, 34 fig. 27, pl. XVIIb | a rock inscription from Armenna East with the royal name of Ahmose along with King's Son Djehuty and King's Son Teti.[96]
  • Weigall, Report, 127, pl. LXV (4) | a rock inscription from Toshka with the royal name of Ahmose along with King's Son [Djehuty] and [King's Son] Teti.[97]

See also



  1. ^Proposed dates for Ahmose I's reign: 1570–1546 BC,[4][5] starting 1569 BC,[6] 1569–1545 BC,[7][8] 1552–1526 BC,[9] 1550–1525 BC,[10][11][12][13][14][15][16] starting 1549 BC,[17] 1549–1524 BC,[18] 1539–1515 BC.[19]Radiocarbon studies have yielded the following intervals for Ahmose's date of accession to the throne: 1566–1552 BC with 68% probability, 1570–1544 BC with 95% probability.[20][21] These studies are based on archaeological samples to measure fluctuations in radiocarbon activity, specific information on radiocarbon activity in the region of the Nile Valley (anchored by dendrochronology to absolute dates), directlinkages between the dated samples and historical chronology and relative dating information. Samples dated to specific reigns were collected from museum collections and excavation material while certain types of material (notably charcoal and mummified remains) were avoided owing to their susceptibility to contamination.[20]
  2. ^Pierre Montet, discoverer of the treasure relates that: "Others [objects] were later added to them, things which came from the pharaoh Ahmose, like the axe decorated with a griffin and a likeness of the king slaying a Hyksos, with other axes and daggers".[56]
  3. ^Significantly reduced dates for his reign (1194 to 1170 BC) were suggested byDavid Rohl,[73] but these were rejected by the majority of Egyptologists.[74] A radiocarbon study published in 2010 suggested minor revisions in the traditional chronology but did not support Rohl's theory.[20]




  1. ^Gardiner 1964, p. 168.
  2. ^Columbia Encyclopedia 2008.
  3. ^Metropolitan Museum of Art 2023.
  4. ^abcClayton 2006, p. 100.
  5. ^Woodward 1996, p. 46.
  6. ^Murnane 2001, p. 519.
  7. ^Romanosky 2001, p. 46.
  8. ^Troy 2001, p. 525.
  9. ^Grimal 1992, p. 392.
  10. ^von Beckerath 1997, p. 189.
  11. ^von Beckerath 1999, p. 286.
  12. ^Bryan 2000, p. 207.
  13. ^abRice 1999, p. 3.
  14. ^Hayes 1978, p. 499.
  15. ^Lehner 1997, p. 9.
  16. ^Shaw & Nicholson 1995, p. 17.
  17. ^Ryholt 1997, p. 410.
  18. ^Dodson & Hilton 2004, p. 290.
  19. ^Hornung 2012, p. 492.
  20. ^abcdRamsey et al. 2010, p. 1556.
  21. ^Ritner & Moeller 2014, p. 17.
  22. ^abcLeprohon 2013, p. 95.
  23. ^abcWiener & Allen 1998, p. 3.
  24. ^Leprohon 2013, p. 96.
  25. ^abGrimal 1992, p. 192.
  26. ^abShaw 2000, p. 199.
  27. ^abGrimal 1992, p. 194.
  28. ^abGrimal 1992, p. 190.
  29. ^Dodson 1990, p. 91.
  30. ^Dodson & Hilton 2004, p. 126.
  31. ^abcWente 1975, p. 271.
  32. ^Gordon 1982, pp. 296–297.
  33. ^Redford 1967, p. 28.
  34. ^Dodson 2012.
  35. ^Grimal 1992, p. 189.
  36. ^Shaw 2000, p. 203.
  37. ^Spalinger 2005, p. 23.
  38. ^abRedford 1992, p. 71.
  39. ^Schneider 2006, p. 195.
  40. ^abSpalinger 2001, p. 299.
  41. ^El-Aref 2005.
  42. ^Breasted 1906, pp. 7–8.
  43. ^abcdGrimal 1992, p. 193.
  44. ^Redford 1967, pp. 46–49.
  45. ^abRedford 1992, p. 195.
  46. ^Weinstein 1981, p. 6.
  47. ^Weinstein 1981, p. 7.
  48. ^abShaw & Nicholson 1995, p. 18.
  49. ^Maspero 1903, p. 129.
  50. ^Shaw 2000, p. 209.
  51. ^Shaw 2000, p. 213.
  52. ^abcdefGrimal 1992, p. 200.
  53. ^abQuarry Inauguration 2006.
  54. ^Daressy 1906, p. 117.
  55. ^Morgan 2010, p. 308.
  56. ^Montet 1968, p. 80.
  57. ^abRussmann & James 2001, pp. 210–211.
  58. ^Russmann 2005, pp. 24–25.
  59. ^Cooney 1960, p. 11.
  60. ^abcdGordon 1982, p. 296.
  61. ^Shaw 2000, p. 208.
  62. ^Tyldesley 2001, pp. 18–19.
  63. ^Maspero 1903, pp. 130–131.
  64. ^Tyldesley 2000, p. 100.
  65. ^Shaw 2000, p. 210.
  66. ^Ritner & Moeller 2014, pp. 1–19.
  67. ^Egyptian Museum Catalogue No. JE4682
  68. ^Waddell 1971, pp. 101 & 109.
  69. ^Waddell 1971, p. 115.
  70. ^Breasted 1906, p. 12.
  71. ^Helck 1983, pp. 47–49.
  72. ^Ahmose I 2015.
  73. ^Rohl 1997.
  74. ^Bennett 1996.
  75. ^Egyptian Pharaohs: Ahmose I 2006.
  76. ^Lehner 1997, p. 190.
  77. ^Harvey 2001, pp. 54–55.
  78. ^abLehner 1997, p. 191.
  79. ^Tyldesley 2000, p. 101.
  80. ^Aston 2015, p. 24.
  81. ^Forbes 1998, p. 614.
  82. ^abSmith 2000, pp. 15–16.
  83. ^abMaspero 1903, pp. 112.
  84. ^Forbes 1998, p. 699.
  85. ^Bickerstaffe 2006, p. 31.
  86. ^abcGordon 1982, p. 297.
  87. ^Wente 1975, p. 272.
  88. ^Kinnaer 2019.
  89. ^Redford 1967, p. 51.
  90. ^Murnane 1977, p. 114.
  91. ^
  92. ^
  93. ^
  94. ^
  95. ^
  96. ^
  97. ^



External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related toAhmose I.
  • Ahmose accessed July 19, 2006.

  • Pharaohs
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    • female
  • uncertain
(pre-3150 BC)
Early Dynastic
(3150–2686 BC)
Old Kingdom
(2686–2181 BC)
1st Intermediate
(2181–2040 BC)
  • Pharaohs
    • male
    • female
  • uncertain
Middle Kingdom
(2040–1802 BC)
2nd Intermediate
(1802–1550 BC)
  • Pharaohs  (male
  • female)
  • uncertain
New Kingdom
(1550–1070 BC)
3rd Intermediate
(1069–664 BC)
High Priests of Amun
Late toRoman Period(664 BC–313 AD)
  • Pharaohs
    • male
    • female
  • uncertain
(664–332 BC)
(332–30 BC)
(30 BC–313 AD)
Dynastic genealogies
Rulers of theancient Near East
4000–3200 BCENaqada I
Naqada II
Gebel el-Arak Knife
Egypt–Mesopotamia relationsPre-Dynastic period (4000–2900 BCE)Susa I

Uruk period
(4000–3100 BCE)

(Anu Ziggurat, 4000 BCE)

(Anonymous "King-priests")
Susa II
Susa II Priest-King with bow and arrows
(Uruk influence or control)
3200–3100 BCEProto-Dynastic period
(Naqada III)
Early or legendary kings:
Upper Egypt
Finger SnailFishPen-AbuAnimalStorkCanideBullScorpion IShendjwIry-HorKaScorpion IINarmer /Menes
Lower Egypt
Hedju HorNy-HorHsekiuKhayuTiuTheshNehebWaznerNat-HorMekhDouble FalconWash
3100–2900 BCEEarly Dynastic Period
First Dynasty of Egypt
Narmer Palette
Narmer Palette

NarmerMenesNeithhotep (regent)Hor-AhaDjerDjetMerneith (regent)DenAnedjibSemerkhetQa'aSneferkaHorus Bird
CanaanitesJemdet Nasr period
(3100–2900 BCE)

(Susa III)
(3100–2700 BCE)
2900 BCESecond Dynasty of Egypt

HotepsekhemwyNebra/RanebNynetjerBaNubneferHorus SaWeneg-NebtyWadjenesSenedjSeth-PeribsenSekhemib-PerenmaatNeferkara INeferkasokarHudjefa IKhasekhemwy
Early Dynastic Period I (2900–2700 BCE)
First Eblaite

First kingdom of Mari
Kish I dynasty
2800 BCE

Uruk I dynasty
Enmerkar ("conqueror ofAratta")
2700 BCEEarly Dynastic Period II (2700–2600 BCE)
Dumuzid, the Fisherman
Enmebaragesi ("made the land of Elam submit")[6]
Aga of KishAga of KishGilgameshOld Elamite period
(2700–1500 BCE)

Indo-Mesopotamia relations
2600 BCEThird Dynasty of Egypt

Saqqarah Djeser pyramid
(FirstEgyptian pyramids)
Early Dynastic Period III (2600–2340 BCE)
Kish II dynasty
(5 kings)
2575 BCEOld Kingdom of Egypt
Fourth Dynasty of Egypt

Ur I dynasty
"King of Ur and Kish", victorious over Uruk
2500 BCEPhoenicia (2500–539 BCE)Second kingdom of Mari


Kish III dynasty
Akshak dynasty
Uruk II dynasty
Mug-siUmma I dynasty

Lagash I dynasty


Awan dynasty
2450 BCEFifth Dynasty of Egypt

UserkafSahureNeferirkare KakaiNeferefreShepseskareNyuserre IniMenkauhor KaiuDjedkare IsesiUnas
Elamite invasions
(3 kings)[6]
2425 BCEKun-DamuEannatum
(King of Lagash, Sumer, Akkad, conqueror of Elam)
2400 BCEAdub-Damu
Kish IV dynasty
Enannatum II
Ur II dynasty
Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna II
2380 BCESixth Dynasty of Egypt
TetiUserkarePepi IMerenre Nemtyemsaf IPepi IIMerenre Nemtyemsaf IINetjerkare Siptah
Kneeling statuette of Pepy I
Adab dynasty
"King of the four quarters of the world"
2370 BCEIsar-DamuEnna-Dagan
Invasion byMari
Anbu, Anba, Bazi, Zizi of Mari, Limer, Sharrum-iter[6]
2350 BCEPuzur-Nirah
Uruk III dynasty
(Governor of Umma, King of all Sumer)
2340 BCEAkkadian Period (2340–2150 BCE)
Akkadian Empire

Sargon of AkkadRimushManishtushu
Akkadian Governors:
2250 BCENaram-SinLugal-ushumgal
(vassal of the Akkadians)
2200 BCEFirst Intermediate Period
Seventh Dynasty of Egypt
Eighth Dynasty of Egypt
MenkareNeferkare IINeferkare NebyDjedkare ShemaiNeferkare KhenduMerenhorNeferkaminNikareNeferkare TereruNeferkahorNeferkare PepisenebNeferkamin AnuQakare IbiNeferkaureNeferkauhorNeferirkare
Third kingdom of Mari

(vassals of the Akkadians)

Igigi,Imi,Nanum,Ilulu (3 years)
Uruk IV dynasty
Lagash II dynasty
Ur-Ningirsu I
2150 BCENinth Dynasty of Egypt
Meryibre KhetyNeferkare VIINebkaure KhetySetut
Ur III period (2150–2000 BCE)

Gutian dynasty
(21 kings)

Kuda (Uruk)
Umma II dynasty
(vassal of the Gutians)


2125 BCETenth Dynasty of Egypt
MeryhathorNeferkare VIIIWahkare KhetyMerikare

Uruk V dynasty
2100 BCE(Vassals of UR III)Iddi-ilum
(vassals of Ur III)[7]
Ur III dynasty
"Kings of Ur, Sumer and Akkad"
2025–1763 BCEAmorite invasionsIbbi-SinElamite invasions
Kindattu (Shimashki Dynasty)
Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt
Mentuhotep IIntef IIntef IIIntef IIIMentuhotep IIMentuhotep IIIMentuhotep IV
Third Eblaite



Lim Dynasty
Yaggid-LimYahdun-LimYasmah-AdadZimri-Lim (QueenShibtu)
Old Assyria
Puzur-Ashur I
Erishum I
Sargon I
Puzur-Ashur II
Erishum II
Isin-Larsa period
Dynasty of Isin:Ishbi-ErraShu-IlishuIddin-DaganIshme-DaganLipit-IshtarUr-NinurtaBur-SuenLipit-EnlilErra-imittiEnlil-baniZambiyaIter-pishaUr-du-kugaSuen-magirDamiq-ilishu
Dynasty of Larsa:NaplanumEmisumSamiumZabaiaGungunumAbisareSumuelNur-AdadSin-IddinamSin-EribamSin-IqishamSilli-AdadWarad-SinRim-Sin I (...)Rim-Sin II
Uruk VI dynasty: Alila-hadum Sumu-binasa Naram-Sin of UrukSîn-kāšid Sîn-iribamSîn-gāmil Ilum-gamilAn-amIrdaneneRîm-Anum Nabi-ilišu
Sukkalmah dynasty

Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt
Amenemhat ISenusret IAmenemhat IISenusret IISenusret IIIAmenemhat IIIAmenemhat IVSobekneferu
1800–1595 BCEThirteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon
(Yamhad dynasty)
Old Assyria

(Shamshi-Adad dynasty
1808–1736 BCE)
Shamshi-Adad IIshme-Dagan IMut-AshkurRimushAsinumAshur-dugulAshur-apla-idiNasir-SinSin-namirIpqi-IshtarAdad-saluluAdasi

(Non-dynastic usurpers
1735–1701 BCE)

(Adaside dynasty
1700–722 BCE)
Bel-baniLibayaSharma-Adad IIptar-SinBazayaLullayaShu-NinuaSharma-Adad IIErishum IIIShamshi-Adad IIIshme-Dagan IIShamshi-Adad IIIAshur-nirari IPuzur-Ashur IIIEnlil-nasir INur-iliAshur-shaduniAshur-rabi IAshur-nadin-ahhe IEnlil-Nasir IIAshur-nirari IIAshur-bel-nisheshuAshur-rim-nisheshuAshur-nadin-ahhe II

First Babylonian dynasty
("Old Babylonian Period")


Early Kassite rulers

Second Babylonian dynasty
("Sealand Dynasty")


Second Intermediate Period
Dynasty of Egypt


Dynasty of Egypt

Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Pharaoh Ahmose I slaying a Hyksos
Pharaoh Ahmose I slaying a Hyksos

(1600–1260 BCE)
KirtaShuttarna IBaratarna
1531–1155 BCE
New Kingdom of Egypt
Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Ahmose IAmenhotep I
Third Babylonian dynasty (Kassites)
Agum-KakrimeBurnaburiash IKashtiliash IIIUlamburiashAgum IIIKaraindashKadashman-Harbe IKurigalzu IKadashman-Enlil IBurna-Buriash IIKara-hardashNazi-BugashKurigalzu IINazi-MaruttashKadashman-TurguKadashman-Enlil IIKudur-EnlilShagarakti-ShuriashKashtiliash IVEnlil-nadin-shumiKadashman-Harbe IIAdad-shuma-iddinaAdad-shuma-usurMeli-Shipak IIMarduk-apla-iddina IZababa-shuma-iddinEnlil-nadin-ahi
Middle Elamite period

(1500–1100 BCE)
Kidinuid dynasty
Igehalkid dynasty

Thutmose IThutmose IIHatshepsutThutmose III
Amenhotep IIThutmose IVAmenhotep IIIAkhenatenSmenkhkareNeferneferuatenTutankhamunAyHoremhebHittite Empire (1450–1180 BCE)
Suppiluliuma IMursili IIMuwatalli IIMursili IIIHattusili IIITudhaliya IVSuppiluliuma II

Ugarit (vassal of Hittites)
Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Ramesses ISeti IRamesses IIMerneptahAmenmessesSeti IISiptahTausret
Elamite Empire
Shutrukid dynasty
1155–1025 BCETwentieth Dynasty of Egypt

SetnakhteRamesses IIIRamesses IVRamesses VRamesses VIRamesses VIIRamesses VIIIRamesses IXRamesses XRamesses XI

Third Intermediate Period

Twenty-first Dynasty of Egypt
SmendesAmenemnisuPsusennes IAmenemopeOsorkon the ElderSiamunPsusennes II

Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon

Kingdom of Israel
Syro-Hittite states
Middle Assyria
Eriba-Adad IAshur-uballit IEnlil-nirariArik-den-iliAdad-nirari IShalmaneser ITukulti-Ninurta IAshur-nadin-apliAshur-nirari IIIEnlil-kudurri-usurNinurta-apal-EkurAshur-dan INinurta-tukulti-AshurMutakkil-NuskuAshur-resh-ishi ITiglath-Pileser IAsharid-apal-EkurAshur-bel-kalaEriba-Adad IIShamshi-Adad IVAshurnasirpal IShalmaneser IIAshur-nirari IVAshur-rabi IIAshur-resh-ishi IITiglath-Pileser IIAshur-dan II
Fourth Babylonian dynasty ("Second Dynasty of Isin")
Marduk-kabit-ahheshuItti-Marduk-balatuNinurta-nadin-shumiNebuchadnezzar IEnlil-nadin-apliMarduk-nadin-ahheMarduk-shapik-zeriAdad-apla-iddinaMarduk-ahhe-eribaMarduk-zer-XNabu-shum-libur
Neo-Elamite period (1100–540 BCE)
1025–934 BCEFifth, Sixth, Seventh, Babylonian dynasties ("Period of Chaos")
Simbar-shipakEa-mukin-zeriKashshu-nadin-ahiEulmash-shakin-shumiNinurta-kudurri-usur IShirikti-shuqamunaMar-biti-apla-usurNabû-mukin-apli
911–745 BCETwenty-second Dynasty of Egypt
Shoshenq IOsorkon IShoshenq IITakelot IOsorkon IIShoshenq IIIShoshenq IVPamiShoshenq VPedubast IIOsorkon IV

Twenty-third Dynasty of Egypt
Harsiese ATakelot IIPedubast IShoshenq VIOsorkon IIITakelot IIIRudamunMenkheperre Ini

Twenty-fourth Dynasty of Egypt

Kingdom of Samaria

Kingdom of Judah
Neo-Assyrian Empire
Adad-nirari IITukulti-Ninurta IIAshurnasirpal IIShalmaneser IIIShamshi-Adad VShammuramat (regent)Adad-nirari IIIShalmaneser IVAshur-Dan IIIAshur-nirari V
Eight Babylonian Dynasty
Ninurta-kudurri-usur IIMar-biti-ahhe-iddinaShamash-mudammiqNabu-shuma-ukin INabu-apla-iddinaMarduk-zakir-shumi IMarduk-balassu-iqbiBaba-aha-iddina (five kings)Ninurta-apla-XMarduk-bel-zeriMarduk-apla-usurEriba-MardukNabu-shuma-ishkunNabonassarNabu-nadin-zeriNabu-shuma-ukin IINabu-mukin-zeri
Humban-Tahrid dynasty

Tammaritu I
Humban-haltash III
745–609 BCETwenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt
("Black Pharaohs")
Neo-Assyrian Empire

(Sargonid dynasty)
Tiglath-PileserShalmaneserMarduk-apla-iddina IISargonSennacheribMarduk-zakir-shumi IIMarduk-apla-iddina IIBel-ibniAshur-nadin-shumiNergal-ushezibMushezib-MardukEsarhaddonAshurbanipalAshur-etil-ilaniSinsharishkunSin-shumu-lishirAshur-uballit II

Assyrian conquest of EgyptAssyrian conquest of Elam
626–539 BCELate Period
Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt
Necho IPsamtik INecho IIPsamtik IIWahibreAhmose IIPsamtik III
Neo-Babylonian Empire
NabopolassarNebuchadnezzar IIAmel-MardukNeriglissarLabashi-MardukNabonidus
Median Empire
539–331 BCETwenty-seventh Dynasty of Egypt
(First Achaemenid conquest of Egypt)
Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon
Achaemenid Empire
CyrusCambysesDarius IXerxesArtaxerxes IDarius IIArtaxerxes IIArtaxerxes IIIArtaxerxes IVDarius III
Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt
Twenty-ninth Dynasty of Egypt
Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt
Thirty-first Dynasty of Egypt
331–141 BCEArgead dynasty andPtolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy I SoterPtolemy CeraunusPtolemy II PhiladelphusArsinoe IIPtolemy III EuergetesBerenice II EuergetisPtolemy IV PhilopatorArsinoe III PhilopatorPtolemy V EpiphanesCleopatra I SyraPtolemy VI PhilometorPtolemy VII Neos PhilopatorCleopatra II Philometor SoteiraPtolemy VIII PhysconCleopatra IIIPtolemy IX LathyrosCleopatra IVPtolemy X AlexanderBerenice IIIPtolemy XI AlexanderPtolemy XII AuletesCleopatra VCleopatra VI TryphaenaBerenice IV EpiphaneaPtolemy XIIIPtolemy XIVCleopatra VII PhilopatorPtolemy XV CaesarionArsinoe IV
Hellenistic Period
Seleukos I Nikator Tetradrachm from Babylon
Seleukos I Nikator Tetradrachm from Babylon
Argead dynasty:Alexander IIIPhilip IIIAlexander IV
Antigonid dynasty:Antigonus I
Seleucid Empire:Seleucus IAntiochus IAntiochus IISeleucus IISeleucus IIIAntiochus IIISeleucus IVAntiochus IVAntiochus VDemetrius IAlexander IIIDemetrius IIAntiochus VI DionysusDiodotus TryphonAntiochus VII Sidetes
141–30 BCEKingdom of Judea
Simon ThassiJohn HyrcanusAristobulus IAlexander JannaeusSalome AlexandraHyrcanus IIAristobulus IIAntigonus II Mattathias
Alexander II ZabinasSeleucus V PhilometorAntiochus VIII GrypusAntiochus IX CyzicenusSeleucus VI EpiphanesAntiochus X EusebesAntiochus XI EpiphanesDemetrius III EucaerusPhilip I PhiladelphusAntiochus XII DionysusAntiochus XIII AsiaticusPhilip II PhiloromaeusParthian Empire
Mithridates IPhraatesHyspaosinesArtabanusMithridates IIGotarzesMithridates IIIOrodes ISinatrucesPhraates IIIMithridates IVOrodes IIPhraates IVTiridates IIMusaPhraates VOrodes IIIVonones IArtabanus IITiridates IIIArtabanus IIVardanes IGotarzes IIMeherdatesVonones IIVologases IVardanes IIPacorus IIVologases IIArtabanus IIIOsroes I
30 BCE–116 CERoman Empire
(Roman conquest of Egypt)
Province of Egypt
116–117 CEProvince of Mesopotamia underTrajanParthamaspates of Parthia
117–224 CESyria PalaestinaProvince of MesopotamiaSinatruces IIMithridates VVologases IVOsroes IIVologases VVologases VIArtabanus IV
224–270 CESasanian Empire
Province of Asoristan
Coin of Ardashir I, Hamadan mint.
Coin of Ardashir I, Hamadan mint.
Ardashir IShapur IHormizd IBahram IBahram IIBahram IIINarsehHormizd IIAdur NarsehShapur IIArdashir IIShapur IIIBahram IVYazdegerd IShapur IVKhosrowBahram VYazdegerd IIHormizd IIIPeroz IBalashKavad IJamaspKavad IKhosrow IHormizd IVKhosrow IIBahram VI ChobinVistahm
270–273 CEPalmyrene Empire
273–395 CERoman Empire
Province of EgyptSyria PalaestinaSyriaProvince of Mesopotamia
395–618 CEByzantine Empire
Byzantine EgyptPalaestina Prima,Palaestina SecundaByzantine SyriaByzantine Mesopotamia
618–628 CE(Sasanian conquest of Egypt)
Province of Egypt
Sasanian Empire
Province of Asoristan
Khosrow IIKavad II
628–641 CEByzantine EmpireArdashir IIIShahrbarazKhosrow IIIBoranShapur-i ShahrvarazAzarmidokhtFarrukh HormizdHormizd VIKhosrow IVBoranYazdegerd IIIPeroz IIINarsieh
Byzantine EgyptPalaestina Prima,Palaestina SecundaByzantine SyriaByzantine Mesopotamia
639–651 CEMuslim conquest of EgyptMuslim conquest of the LevantMuslim conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia
Chronology of the Neolithic periodRulers of ancient Central Asia
  1. ^Rulers with names in italics are considered fictional.
  2. ^Hallo, William W.;Simpson, William Kelly (1971).The Ancient Near East: A History. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. pp. 48–49.ISBN 978-0-15-502755-8.
  3. ^"Rulers of Mesopotamia".CDLI:wiki. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
  4. ^Thomas, Ariane;Potts, Timothy, eds. (2020).Mesopotamia: Civilization Begins. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum. p. 14.ISBN 978-1-60606-649-2.
  5. ^Roux, Georges (1992).Ancient Iraq. London: Penguin Books Limited. pp. 532–534 (Chronological Tables).ISBN 978-0-14-193825-7.
  6. ^abcPer theSumerian King List.
  7. ^Unger, Merrill F. (2014).Israel and the Aramaeans of Damascus: A Study in Archaeological Illumination of Bible History. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock. p. 5.ISBN 978-1-62564-606-4.
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