Aeolosoma is a genus of minuteannelid worms, variously attributed either tooligochaetes orpolychaetes.[2] Unlike most polychaetes, they reside infreshwater environments in various parts of the world.
Aeolosoma are transparent worms, very thin and of the length of 1.5–2 mm.[3] They usually reproduce asexually.[4] This is done by paratomy (fragmentation), when the posterior segments are separated from the parent worm. It starts when the worm reaches a certain number of millimeters (depending on the species).[5] Only one species,Aeolosoma singulare, is known to reproduce sexually.[6]
Aeolosoma feed on microalgae, microorganisms and detritus.[7] Their mouth acts like a small vacuum cleaner, which helps them suck up their food into their system.[8]