Thebushtits orlong-tailed tits are smallpasserine birds from thefamilyAegithalidae, containing 13species in threegenera, all but one of which (Psaltriparus) are found inEurasia. Bushtits are active birds with long tails compared to their size, moving almost constantly while they forage for insects in shrubs and trees. During non-breeding season, birds live in flocks of up to 50 individuals. Several bushtit species display cooperative breeding behavior, also calledhelpers at the nest.
All the Aegithalidae are forest birds, particularly forest edge andunderstory habitats. The species in the genusAegithalos preferdeciduous ormixed deciduous forests, while the Indonesianpygmy bushtit is found mostly inmontane coniferous forest. Bushtits are found in a wide range of habitats, including on occasionsagebrush steppe and other arid shrublands, but are most common in mixed woodland. Most species in this family live in mountainous habitats in and around theHimalayas, and all are found in Eurasia except theAmerican bushtit, which is native towestern North America. Thelong-tailed tit has the most widespread distribution of any species of Aegithalidae, occurring across Eurasia from Britain to Japan. Two species, in contrast, have tiny distributions, theBurmese bushtit, which is entirely restricted to two mountains in Burma, and the pygmy bushtit, which is restricted to the mountains of westernJava. The species in this family are generally notmigratory, although the long-tailed tit is prone to dispersing in the northern edges of its range (particularly in Siberia). Many mountainous species move to lower ground during the winter.[1]
In the non-breeding seasonAmerican bushtit pairs join into large flocks
They are small birds, measuring 9 to 14 cm (3.5–5.5 in) in length, including the relatively long tail, and weighing just 4.5 to 9 g (0.16–0.32 oz). Theirplumage is typically dull grey or brown, although some species have white markings and the long-tailed tit has some pinkish colour.[2] In contrast to the rest of the family the twoLeptopoecile tit-warblers are quite brightly coloured, having violet and blue plumage. The crested tit-warbler is the only member of the family to have a crest. Thebills in this family are tiny, short and conical in shape. The wings are short and rounded and the legs are relatively long.
Birds in this family live in flocks ranging from 4 to over 50 individuals.[3][4] Flocks form as soon as one breeding season finishes and last until the next one begins. They maintain contact by contact calls that vary among species; their songs are quiet or nonexistent.[2][4] Other species of birds, such as tits or warblers, will occasionally join the flock to forage.[3]
Bushtits are insectivorous, primarily eating insects and other invertebrates[5] such as leafhoppers, treehoppers, aphids, scale insects, and caterpillars.[6] Plant material, such as berries or seeds, is taken occasionally during the winter.[6] The family generally forages arboreally, usually in theshrub layer or canopy, and seldom visits the ground. Prey is generally gleaned from branches, leaves and buds. Less frequently, prey is taken in the air. While foraging, this agile family may hang upside down on branches (although this behaviour is not thought to occur in the tit-warblers) and even manipulate branches and leaves in order to locate hidden food.[1]
The family generally has a monogamous breeding system; however, there is some evidence that the American bushtit may be frequently polyandrous and occasionally polygynandrous or polygynous.[7][4] Pairs may be aided byhelpers, where a related or unrelated individual (or more than one) helps the established pair raise the young. This has been recorded in at least four of the species; further research is required to see if the behavior carries over to other members of the family.[1][3][7][4] Aegithalids make domed or hanging, bag-like nests of wovencobwebs andlichen, which they line with feathers. Many nests are constructed in trees with thick foliage, making them difficult for predators to find.[5] However, the American bushtit often places nests such that it is entirely exposed.[4] The clutch comprises 5 to 10 white eggs, which in many of the species have red speckles. Adults incubate the eggs for 13 to 14 days; young stay in the nest for 16 to 18 days. In at least four of the species (the long-tailed tit, theblack-throated bushtit, andsilver-throated bushtit), only the female incubates.[2][3] Young chicks are fed exclusively on insects and spiders.[1]
Cladogram showing the family relationships based on a study by Carl Oliveros and colleagues published in 2019.[8] The number of species is taken from the bird list maintained byFrank Gill,Pamela Rasmussen and David Donsker on behalf of theInternational Ornithological Committee (IOC).[9]
Thepygmy bushtit is placed in this family because it moves around in flocks and its nests resemble the long-tailed tits', but information about it is so scanty that the placement is only provisional.[2] The Burmese bushtit is sometimes treated as conspecific with theblack-browed bushtit.[1] TheAmerican bushtit was once thought to belong to thechickadee family, but it has distinctive behavioral habits, especially when it comes to nesting.[6]
^Jobling, J.A. (2018). del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; Sargatal, J.; Christie, D.A.; de Juana, E. (eds.)."Key to Scientific Names in Ornithology".Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive. Lynx Edicions. Retrieved21 March 2018.