Kosman is the author of eight books of poetry. His poems often deal with the tension between his religious faith and artistic sensibilities. Kosman has also written three volumes ofpost-modern scholarship ongender in traditional Jewish texts. In 2000, he was invited byNobel Prize–winning Polish poetsCzeslaw Milosz andWislawa Szymborska to participate in an interfaith festival inKraków, Poetry – between Prayer and Song.[1]
"Two Women Who Were Sporting with Each Other": A Reexamination of the Halakhic Approaches to Lesbianism as a Touchstone for Homosexuality in General, (with Anat Sharbat),HUCA 75, (2004), pp. 37–73
Men’s Tractate: Rav and the Butcher and other Stories – On Manhood, Love and Authentic Life in Aggadic and Hassidic Stories, Keter, Jerusalem 2002[3]
Treading toward sanctity. Musings and meditations on close to a century's worth of discussions occasioned by Van Gogh's series of paintings of worn shoes. Was the artist's statement primarily aesthetic, or political, or was it religious? In: Ha-Aretz (19.11.2009)