Revolt of Alaric I: After Stilicho returned to Italy, the Eastern Roman Empire concludes a peace treaty with Alaric. The Visigoths are given a settlement area in Illyricum and their king is appointedmagister militum per Illyricum.
Gildonic Revolt:Gildo, a Berber serving as a high-ranking official (comes) inMauretania, rebels against theWestern Roman Empire. The Gildonic Revolt is instigated by a powerful official in the Eastern Roman Empire namedEutropius, who wishes to undermine his enemies in the Western Roman Empire by cutting off the grain supply to Rome.[1] After Gildo takes much ofNorth Africa and cuts off the grain supply toRome,Flavius Stilicho returns toItaly to raise troops against the rebels. After a short campaign in thedesert, he defeats Gildo. Gildo flees and commitssuicide by hanging himself.
^Charles, Michael (2005). "Transporting the Troops in Late Antiquity: Naves Onerariae, Claudian and the Gildonic War".The Classical Journal.100 (3):275–299.ISSN0009-8353.JSTOR4133022.