11-13 February – Outside thePrime Minister's Office, thousands protest against corruption and government economic policy and call for the resignation of Prime MinisterEdi Rama.[2][3]
20 June – Authorities raid and seize computer equipment from a camp outsideTirana which houses thousands of members ofMujahedin-e Khalq after cyberattacks against foreign governments were reportedly orchestrated from there.[5]
21 October – Former presidentSali Berisha and his son-in-law Jamarbër Malltezi are accused of corruption and money laundering taking place during Berisha's presidency, with Malltezi being arrested by police. Berisha maintains his innocence and accuses Prime Minister Edi Rama of orchestrating the charges as a political attack.[6]
2 November – In the parliament building, members of theDemocratic Party light firecrackers and stack chairs in the hallway in an attempt to prevent members of theSocialist Party from taking their seats.[7]
20 November – Members of Parliament belonging to the Democratic Party, led by Sali Berisha, protestthe government's 2023 budget by setting off smoke bombs and igniting a fire during the vote for its passage.[8]